七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let’s celebrate易错题(新版)牛津版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Let’s celebrate易错题(新版)牛津版_第1页
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Unit 5 易错题一.选择填空:( ) 1.You should speak politely to _. A.the elder B.the eldly C.elderly D.the elderly( ) 2.The classroom is dirty.Lets _ . A.clean up it B.clean up C.clean it up D.cleaning it up ( ) 3.Be .You must listen to the teacher . A.careful/carefully B.carefully/careful C.careful/careful D.carefully/carefully( ) 4.The boy couldnt read write last year,but now he can read write. A.or/or B.and / and C.or / and D.and /or( ) 5.I usually go to school bike,but sometimes I go to school foot. A.with/on B.on /by C.on/with D.by/on( ) 6.What about our party at my home later?A.began B.beginning C.begin D.to begin( ) 7.The story happened a cold winter night. A.in B.at C.on D.by( ) 8.Mrs Li teaches English.We like class very much. A.me/his B.my/her C.us/our D.us/us( ) 9.She always spends a lot of money clothes. A.in B.on C.at D.with( )10.It me five hours to finish the job. A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost( )11.It is difficult for us climb up the mountain. A.very/cant B.to/not C.too/to D.very/to( )12.I cant find my book .It in your desk . A.may B.maybe C.may be D.perhaps ( ) 1.There is a river in my home town.The river is about . A.3000-metre B.3000 metres C.3000 metres long D.3000- metres- long( ) 2.They built _bridge over the river. A.a 800-meter-long B.an 800-meters-long C.an 800-meter-long D.a 800-meters-long( ) 3.The swimming pool is about _ and there is also a _ playground.A.fifty metres long/eighty-metre-long B.fifty metres long/eighty metres longC.fifty-metre-long/eighty-metre-long D.fifty metres long/eighty metres long( ) 4.My uncle is ill in hospital.Ill go to hospital and see him. A./ B./the C. the/ D. the/ the( ) 5.My father is badly ill,he is in hospital now. A.a B.an C.the D.( ) 6.Listen!I heard Tom _ in the next room.A.sing B.singing C.to sing D.sings( ) 7.We often heard him in the next room. A.to sing B.sang C.sing D.sings( ) 8.She poured water _ her jacket. A.on B.in C.at D.over ( ) 9.There was a fire last night,but the firemen soon.A.put down it B.put it down C.put out it D.put it out( )10.The boy is very brave.He _ the fire with a blanket. A.put on B.put away C.put out D.put up( )11.The doctor saved the two old mens _ last week. A.life B.live C.lives D.lifes( )12.Wood catches fire easily.So fire. A.keep it away from B.dont keep it away from C.keep it away D.dont keep it away ( )13.When you cross the road,you should be _ and walk _. A.carefully /careful B.careful /carefullyC.careful /careful D.carefully/carefully( )14.Do you know what happened _ him? A.with B.at C.to D.for( )15.You mustnt put _ into the rubbish bin.A.hot something B.something hot C.hot anything D.anything hot( )16.I my bag yesterday.I it at home . A.forgot / forgot B.forgot / left C.left / forgot D.left / left ( ) 17. interesting the story is! A.What B.How C.How an D.What an( ) 18._ interesting story it is! A.What B.How C.What a D.What an( )19. exciting news it is !A.What an B.How an C.What D.How( )20. beautiful flowers you have in your garden!A.What an B.How an C.What D.How( )21.He is looking forward to _ with you soon.A.chat B.chatted C.chats D.chatting( ) 22.Mr.King has a _ son.A.five year B.five old C.five year old D.five-year-old( ) 23.Jim plays basketball and plays piano very well. A. / the B.the / C. the / D./( ) 24.Everyone should _his best to do things well. A.does B.to do C.doing D.do( ) 25.English will help us _ in our work and study.A.lot B.a lot C.a lot of D.lots of( ) 26.Tim has bad grades in geography.He is so_. A.care B.careful C.carefully D.careless( ) 27He likes singing , _ he doesnt sing well.A.and B.but C.so D.or( ) 28-“The light in the office is still on.”-“Oh, I forgot when I left there yesterday.”A.turning it off B.turning off it C.to turn it off D.to turn off it ( )29.This problem is very difficult.I cant .A.work it on B.work on it C.work it out D.work out it( )30.His English is not .He needs more practice.A.good enough B.enough good C.well enough D.enough well( )31.The teacher told us to cross the street .A.careful enough B.enough carefulC.carefully enough D.enough carefully二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空:1.He is good at (write).2.Kitty is afraid of (swim) in the sea.3.They saw a _ (wonder) film last night.4.Different people have different (ability).5.The girl is fond of _ (collect)stamps.6.Thank you for (invite) us to your party.7.The woman drives (careful).8.She gave a _(sit) to the elderly on a bus yesterday.9.Look !The children (plant) trees on the hill. 10.Lily is helpful.She often visits the home for the _(old). 11.He _ (hurt) himself yesterday.12.There are many (match)in that box. 13.The fire _ (burn ) the whole house last year.14.The book is very easy, he can learn it by _ (he)15.Many _ (visit) will come to our school tomorrow.16.The girl lost her wallet yesterday.How _ (care)she was! 17.I heard the boy (sing) in the next room when I came back.18.Its very _ (danger)to cross the road when the lights are red.19.I was (grate) for your help.20.It snows a lot this week.Lets go _(ski).21.He failed the exam because he was (care).22.He hurt his leg yesterday,so he was (happy).23.The girl drives a car (careful).24.The girl died with some (match) in her hands.25.He forgot (bring) his homework. last Friday.26.Madee _ ride a bike when she was five years old. (can)27.She is good at (write).28.There are many (piano) in the shop.29.He is an (kind) man and we all hate him.30.The air in the country is fresh and (cheer).31.He lost his wallet this morning,so he was (happy).32.Can you tell me the _(different) between the two words ?33.There will be a _ (parent) meeting in our school next week.34.The problem is very .They can work it out (easy).35.Zhang Hua put out the fire _ (quick).36.They found the _ (lose) child yesterday .37.He told me _ (not follow) him.38.My grandfather is always _ (thought).39.Its very (danger) to play with fire.40.His father is ill in hospital.so he is (happy).41.We are looking forward to (meet) you soon.42.Tom was _ (care) and he _ (hurt) himself yesterday. 三.根据要求变换句型: 1. Mr Black left the house last night.(改为否定句) Mr Black the house last night. 2.We planted some trees last week. (改为一般疑问句) you trees last week ? 3.He helps me and I help her, too.(同义句) He I help .4.I gave him some apples.(同义句) I gave some apples .5.My father bought me a bike last week. (同义句) My father bought a bike last week.6.My mother cooked us nice food yesterday. (同义句) My mother cooked nice food yesterday.7.Her uncle made her a kite last Sunday. (同义句) Her uncle made a kite last Sunday.8.Anna is 11 years old.(同义句) Anna is girl.9.He gave me some nice cards.(一般疑问句) he you nice cards?10.I watched TV last night.(对画线部分提问) you last night ?11.He stayed in hospital for two months.(对画线部分提问) did he in hospital ?12.He is a brave young man.(改为感叹句) a he is !13.Zhang Hua was glad that she helped Mrs Sun.(同义句) Zhang Hua was glad Mrs. Sun. 14.My uncle stopped a fire with water last night. (同义句) My uncle a fire with water last night.15.He ran into the room quickly and saved the little girl. (同义句)He _ _ the room and saved the little girl.16.She used a blanket to put out the fire.(同义句) She the fire a blanket.17.We could dance in the past.(改为否定句) We in the past.18.I could drive a car last year.(改为一般疑问句) you a car last year? 19.We live a happy life today. (改为感叹句) a happy life we today ! 20.Its interesting work.(改为感叹句) work it is!21.They are beautiful flowers. (改为感叹句) they are !22.We all hope to visit the museum. (同义句) We all look to the museum23.My parents got a letter from me last week. (同义句) My parents me last week.24.Toms father thanked him because he helped Tom.(同义句)Toms father was very _ _ his help. 25She could sing and dance last year.(改为否定句) She sing dance last year. 26.He remembers things well.(同义句) He a .27.I can finish the work alone.(同义句)I can finish the work .28.He is good at Maths and English.(同义句) He well Maths and English.29.Its beautiful music.(改为感叹句) beautiful music !30.What a clever boy! (同义句)_ _ the boy _!31.To be careful with fire is important. (同义句) important with fire. 32.She spent half an hour working out the problem.(同义句)It _ _ half an hour _ _ _ out the problem.四.翻译下列句子,每空一词:1.老师叫Tom不要再迟到了。The teacher asked Tom _ _ _ late for class again. 2.Suzy记忆力好并且擅长写作。 Suzy _ _ good _and is _ at _ .3.Jim对中国历史知道很多。Jim _ _ _ about Chinese _ _.4.我们应该更多地使用英语。We should _ English _ _.5.你能教我怎样游泳吗?Can you teach me_ _ _ ?6.我不知道我们将什么时候开家长会。I dont know when _ _ the _meeting.7.如果你尽力的话,你在地理学科上能取得更好的成绩。If you _ your _ , you can _ _ _ in geography8.这位79岁的老人不能出去,因为他的腿受伤了The 79-year-old grandmother go out , because his leg 9.小心火灾很重要。 Its very to be with 10.在那一刻,任何事情都有可能发生在她身上。 Anything happen her at that .11.Simon弄伤了他的腿,在医院呆了两个月。 Simon his and for two months.12.当家里没人的时候,不要让炉火烧着。Dont leave the _ _ when there _ _ _ in your family.13.老师叫Tom不要再迟到了。The teacher asked Tom _ _ _ late for class again. 14.Suzy记忆力好并且擅长写作。 Suzy _ _ good _and is _ at _ .15.Jim对中国历史知道很多。Jim _ _ _ about Chinese _ _.16.我们应该更多地使用英语。We should _ English _ _.17.你能教我怎样游泳吗?Can you teach me_ _ _ ?


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