高考英语复习课件:必修5Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教广东版)

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高考英语复习课件:必修5Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教广东版)_第1页
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高考英语复习课件:必修5Unit3《Life in the future》(新人教广东版)_第3页
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Unit 3 Life in the future 漫 画 欣 赏,画 面 描 述 A lot of fish are going to eat the bait on the fishing hook, which is made into a symbol “” 寓 意 理 解 stands for the “virtual world” on the Internet.Someone makes use of the Internet to cheat online people,so we must be aware of this and avoid being cheated. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,短文填空 根据课文First Impressions完成下列短文。 Li Qiang couldnt believe that he had traveled to the year AD 3005 _ a time capsule. Because this was his _ time trip,he was worried and _ (settle) so that he suffered _ “time lag”. Besides,he was hit by the lack of fresh air. His guide,Wang Ping,who was very _ (understand),gave him some green tablets and a mask,which helped him _ the problems.,in,first,unsetled,from,understanding,overcome/solve,However,Li Qiang experienced something new. He flew _ the ground in a hovering carriage. _ (arrive) home,he was shown into a large bright,clean room with a wall of trees. After eating something,he fell _ asleep in the bed that _ (produce) from the floor.,above,Arriving,fast/sound,was produced,.单词拼写 1When I first met him,I got the _ (印象) that he was a shy sort of a bloke. 2What he _ (缺乏) is experience. 3Training is provided,so no _(先前的) experience is required for the job. 4I rang Jill and _ (提醒) her the conference had been put off.,impression,lacks,previous,reminded,5She was an _ (非凡的) woman,and no one will ever forget her. 6An ankle injury(脚踝受伤) meant she missed the o to take part in the Olympic Games. 7You are r by law to stop your car after an accident. 8She is o about her chances of winning a gold medal for she has made good preparations for it. 9She lived in Italy for several years but never quite m the language. 10A lot of children at the school do not live in the town,but come from the s countryside.,extraordinary,pportunity,equired,ptimistic,astered,urrounding,.短语填空 1Their house _ ours,but ours has a bigger garden. 2She was tall and dark,and _ me _ my cousin Sarah. 3As she stood up she _ her reflection in the mirror. 4Jane and I were left after school to _ the bits of paper and dirt. 5_ sleep will severely influence the work in the daytime.,is similar to,reminded,of,caught sight of,sweep up,Lack of,6The taxi driver suddenly _ before the traffic light turned red. 7I have a few dictionaries at hand.I can get the meaning of the phrase for you _. 8I used to be very weak and often _ headaches. 9One of our greatest athletes is going to _ a new challenge. 10Ill have to _ my glasses;I cant read the sign from here.,sped up,in no time,suffered from,take up,put on,.完成句子 1The capsule began swinging gently sideways as _ _(我们放松地躺着) and dreaming.(lie) 2_ (把食物摆在桌子上后), she produced a bed from the floor.(spread) 3They are purple or blue and the colour changes _ _(根据他们的心情)(depend),we lay,relaxed,Spreading some food on the table,depending,on their mood,.模仿造句 1At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. 翻译山顶上的空气令人呼吸很困难。 _ 2Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached. 翻译我们被困在了暴风雨中,感到很害怕。 _ 3I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market. 翻译半小时后我们到达了仿佛是座教堂的地方。 _,The air on the top of the mountain is difficult to breathe.,Trapped in the storm,we felt very frightened.,Half an hour later we reached what looked like a church.,4Arriving at a strangelooking house,he showed me into a large,bright clean room. 翻译通过一座大桥时,我的汽车抛锚了。 _ 5Exhausted,I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 翻译由于兴奋,孩子们都睡不着。 _,Passing through a bridge,my car broke down.,Excited,the children couldnt go to sleep.,核心词汇梳理 1.tolerate vt. 忍受;容忍 搭配tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容忍(某人)做某事 (1)我不会容许你考试作弊。 I wont _ in the exam. (2)政府允许吸烟喝酒但不允许吸毒。 The government _but not taking drugs. (3)我再也不能容忍你的不礼貌了。 I cant tolerate _ any more.,tolerate you/your cheating,tolerates smoking and drinking,your bad manners,2fasten vt. 拴;系;扎;绑;捆 搭配fasten.to.把拴到上 (1)有人将一张通知贴在我的门上。 Someone _ a notice _my door. 识记fasten ones eyes on眼睛盯着 (2)他站起来,眼睛仍紧盯着那张纸。 He rose,his eyes still _. 联想tie.to.把系在上 attach.to.把缚在上 link.to.把连在上 join.to.把接在上,fastened,to,fastened on that piece of paper,3.require v. 需要;需求,命令 His health requires that he(should) go to bed early. 他的健康情况宜早睡。 The floor requires washing.地板该洗了。 搭配require sth.需要,依赖某事物 require sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事 require后接宾语从句需用 should型虚拟语气 sth. require doing/to be done某物需要被 require(sth.) of sb.对某人有需求 派生requirement n必需的(或所要的)东西,必要条件,必 备条件,提示require作“需要”讲后可跟ing形式表示被动含义,也 可以跟不定式的被动形式,如:It requires mending (to be mended)这东西需要修补了。类似的动词还有:want, need。 完成句子 (1)在这里工作需要幽默感。 Working here _. (2)他们要求我保持沉默。 They require me _. (3)情况需要我在那里。 The situation requires that _. (4)他总是在做要求他做的事情。 He was doing _.,requires you to have a sense of humour,to keep silent,I should be there,what was required of him,4constant adj. 不变的;固定的;时常发生的;连续不断 的;忠心的;忠贞的;忠实的 The birth rate in this city is almost constant. 这个城市的出生率几乎是不变的。 派生constantly adv.经常地;不断地 识记constant rain绵绵不断的雨 constant trouble 时常发生的麻烦 at a constant speed 以稳定的速度 辨析constant/continual/continuous (1)constant不断的,经常的(强调始终如一)。 (2)continuous指中间不间断的。 (3)continual指还没有完,有后续情况的。,选词填空(constant,continual,continuous) (1)Our homes and offices need a _ supply of electricity. (2)Everything in the universe is in _ motion. (3)That dogs barking is _ annoyance.,continuous,constant,continual,5lack n. 缺乏;没有;缺少的东西 搭配lack of缺少;缺乏 (1)缺少维生素B会引发多种症状。 _ vitamin B can produce a variety of symptoms. (2)因为缺乏兴趣这次旅行被取消了。 The trip was cancelled through _. 提示lack前有时可加不定冠词。 Rosie was showing a marked lack of interest in her school work.罗西明显表露出对学业缺乏兴趣。 vt. 缺乏;短少;没有,Lack of,lack of interest,(3)亚历克斯的真正问题是缺乏信心。 Alexs real problem is that he _. (4)我们没力气了,不能再往前走了。 We _ to walk any further. 拓展be lacking in缺乏(品质、特点等) He seemed to be lacking in courage.他似乎缺乏勇气。 链接shortage of缺乏,缺少 be short of缺乏,缺少,lacks confidence,lacked the strength,6.assist v. 帮助 I will do my best to assist you.我愿意尽力帮助你。 He assists me with money.他用金钱援助我。 搭配assist sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb. to do sth.帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 提示同义词help常用的搭配原则是:help (sb.) (to) do, help sb. with sth.,help with sth.,完成句子 (1)护士在手术室帮助医生。 The nurse _. (2)他要求我们在实施这一计划中提供帮助。 He asked us to _. (3)她雇了一位妇女帮她干家务。 She employed a woman to _.,assisted the doctor in the operating room,assist him in carrying through their plan,assist her with the housework,7switch n&v. 开关;改变;变化 There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights. 墙上有一开电灯的开关。 a switch in method方法的改变 搭配switch off关掉(电器等设备) switch on打开(电器等设备) switch to转向,转换(话题) 联想关于“改变”“变化”的一类词有:transfer(转移, 转学) transform(使改观,改革),完成句子 (1)我们改变一个谈话的话题吧。 Lets _. (2)Could you _? 请你换一下电视频道好吗?,switch the conversation to a different topic,switch the TV over,8impression n. 印象;感想 He made a strong impression on me. 他给我留下了深刻印象。 搭配impression of sb./sth.对某人/某事物的印象 make a/an.impression on sb.给某人留下的印象; 相当于 have/leave a/an.impression on sb.(be) under the impression that.(通常指)误以为 派生impress v.be impressed by/with sth.被所感动; 对留有印象 impress sb. with sth.impress sth. on/upon sb.使某人意 识到某物的重要性(或严重性等),完成句子 (1)His trip to India _ a strong _on him. (2)I was _ the _ that the work had already been completed. (3)The teachers were most _ your performance in the exam. (4)My father _ me _ the value of hard work. (5)My father _ the value of hard work _ me.,made,impression,under,impression,impressed by,impressed,with,impressed,on,9optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的 搭配be optimistic about对持乐观态度 be optimistic that.是乐观的 联想optimist n乐观主义者optimism n乐观主义 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1)乐观主义者对他们的未来持乐观态度。 Optimists _ their future. (2)我们对今年能挣5000元抱有乐观态度。 _ that we can earn 5,000 yuan this year.,are optimistic about,We are optimistic,重点短词例释 1take up 拿起;开始做(某项工作) John took up art while at school. 约翰在学校时开始对艺术感兴趣。 联想take up接下去;占用(时间、空间);开始(做某项工作) (1)take _移开;脱下;起飞;成名 (2)take _吸入;改小,改瘦(衣服);理解;欺骗,蒙骗 (3)take _解除,消除(感情、痛苦等) (4)take _与重归于好,使回想起,重新收回,撤 回(所说过的话) (5)take _拆除,拆掉,写下,记录 (6)take _呈现,具有(特征,外观等);接纳(乘客) (7)take _占上风;接管;接收;接替,(政党,国家等),off,in,away,back,down,on,over,翻译句子中take up的含义 (8)Take_up your pen,please._ (9)His time is fully taken_up with writing. _ (10)Ive taken_up advanced math as my extensive class. _ (11)He has taken_up a job as a teacher. _,拿起,占用,从事,从事,2sweep up 扫除;清扫;横扫;掠过 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (1)史密斯先生每天都清扫园中小径上的枯叶。 Mr. Smith _ from the garden paths every day. (2)晚会结束后她被留下来打扫。 She _ after the party.,sweeps up the dead leaves,was left to sweep up,3slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进;慢慢进入 某种状态(指不好的方向) 理解下列句子的意思和用法。 (1)They let the woods slid into the river. (2)Hearing my wifes angry voice,my son slid into the room. (3)Because of borrowing money from time to time,Mr. Zhang has slide into heavy debt. 答案:(1)滑进 (2)溜进 (3)渐渐背上,4speed up 加速;(使)增速(vt.) 反义 slow down放慢速度,减速 You should learn to take a break to speed up your work. 你应该学会休息来加快你工作的速度。 翻译句子 这种小车的生产必须加快速度。 Production of this kind of cars must _.,be sped up,5in no time 立刻;马上 都准备好了,我马上给你们弄点吃的。 Its all ready.And Ill get you something to eat _.,in no time,疑难语句细解 1.Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天我心里总是不踏实。 点拨此处Worried about the journey是形容词短语作原因状语, 相当于从句 Because I was worried about the journey。形容词短语作原因 状语时,通常放在句首。 (1)由于担心即将来临的考试,她觉都睡不好。 _,she couldnt sleep well. (2)由于怕被切断,他们立即往回撤。 _,they lost no time in turning back. (3)他厌倦了旅行,所以在乡下买了幢房子定居下来。 _,he bought a house in the country and settled down.,Worried about the coming examination,Afraid of being cut off,Tired of travelling,2suppose that. 假设 句型suppose/supposing.假设,后跟从句。 仿写 (1)假设你病了,谁会照顾你呢? _,who will take care of you? _,who will take care of you? (2)假设你有很多钱,你会干什么呢? _,what will you do?,Suppose you are ill,Supposing you are ill,Suppose you have plenty of money,表示坏处/缺点 (1)It has more disadvantages than advantages. (2)It may bring about severe unpredicted consequence. (3)It does us much harm./It is harmful to us. (4)It is bad for. (5)It brings more harm than good to us. (6)It has a bad effect/influence on the health and bodies of young people.,以下词汇也常用来表示坏处,你能用它们分别造一个句子吗? (7)inconvenient_ (8)dangerous_ (9)a waste of time_ (10)no good/use_ 参考句式 (7)It is inconvenient for people there to have access to the outside world. (8)Setting off fireworks can be very dangerous. (9)It is a waste of time playing computer games. (10)It is no good for us students to read such books and see such films.,你最喜欢的句子 _ _ _ 你记住了吗 练练吧 众所周知,电视在我们生活中起到很重要的作用,但它 也有很多负面影响。请简单说明一下它的害处。 _ _ _,参考答案 .However,every coin has two sides. And television is no exception. It can also be harmful to us. It can do harm to our health and make us lazy if we spend too much time watching television.,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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