高二英语人教版选修6精选课件《Unit 5 The power of nature》第3课时 Learning about language

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.词汇 1I am very _ (不舒服的) lying on this hard, cold floor. 2Let me see all the official _ (证件) concerning the sale of this land. 3He _ (射击) at the bird, but missed it. 4He was _ (未察觉的) of his mistakes. 5A _(小说家) creates characters and a plot. 答案:1.uncomfortable 2.documents 3.shot 4unconscious 5.novelist,.短语 1be unconscious of _ 2shoot at _ 3find out _ 4find oneself. _ 5take.by surprise _ 答案:1.未意识到 2.朝射击 3.查明,弄明白,搞清楚 4.发现自己是/在 5.使吃惊;突袭,1precious (adj.) 1)珍奇的;珍稀的 Pandas are precious creatures. 熊猫是珍贵的动物。 2)宝贵的;珍贵的 You should make good use of every precious minute to study. 你应很好利用宝贵的每一分钟去学习。,3)受珍爱的;受珍惜的 Grandmas letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I am leaving you one of my most precious treasuresmy memories.” 外祖母写给我的信是这样开始的,“亲爱的杰弗里,我留给你我最为珍爱的财富我的回忆。” 4)(表示气愤)宝贝似的 She talks about nothing except her precious car! 她说话离不开她那宝贝汽车!,【词语辨析】 precious, valuable 这两个形容词均含“贵重的,有价值的”之意。 1)precious指具有极大价值,无法以金钱衡量,或因本身的品质而具有极大的价值。 I will think them as precious words. 我会把它们当成珍贵的话。 The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. 城墙的根基是用各样宝石修饰的。,2)valuable物品指有相当价值,可高价出售的;非物品指重要的或有用、有益。 This dictionary will be very valuable to you/for studying English. 这本字典对你/学习英语将很有帮助 The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable. 这个花瓶因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。,【知识运用】 (1)Treasured memories live and grow more_with time. May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease todays sorrow. Aprecious Bvaluable Cexpensive Dpriceless 答案:A 本题题意:珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。precious表示“受珍爱的;受珍惜的”。,(2)They carried out criticism and selfcriticism and made many_proposals. Aprecious Bvaluable Cexpensive Dpriceless 答案:A 本题题意:他们进行了批评和自我批评,提出了许多有价值的建议。valuable表示“很有用的; 很有价值的; 很重要的”。,2unconscious (adj.) 1)无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的 She remained unconscious for several hours. 她不省人事有好几个小时。 2)(感情、思想等) 无意识的;自然流露的 It is difficult to live with such mixed feelings, so they fade away into the unconscious mind and only return in troubled dreams. 这些混杂的情感很难让人接受,所以它们被淡忘于潜意识里,只有在扰人的梦境中才会重现。,3)of sb/sth 未察觉的;未意识到的;未注意的 They were so quiet that he was completely unconscious of their presence. 他们非常安静,他完全不知道他们在场。,【知识运用】 (1)After she hit her head she was_for several minutes. Aabsentminded Bunconscious Cunaware Dsenseless 答案:B 本题题意:她把头碰了一下后昏迷了几分钟。unconscious表示“无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的”。,(2)The new worlds Freud explored were inside man himself. For the_mind is like a deep well, full of memories and feelings. Aabsentminded Bunconscious Cunaware Dsenseless 答案:B 本题题意:弗洛伊德探索的新世界是人自身的内心世界,因为潜意识就像一口深井,装满了各种记忆和情绪。unconscious 表示“(感情、思想等) 无意识的;自然流露的”。,3shoot (v.) 1)(sth)(at sb/sth)|sth(from sth)开(枪或其他武器);射击;发射 He enjoys riding, fishing and shooting. 他喜欢骑马钓鱼和射击。 2)射杀;射伤 He shot the bird with his gun. 他用枪打鸟。 3)发射(子弹等) The searchlight shot a long ray across the sky. 探照灯射出一道长长的光柱划过天空。,4)sth at sb|sb sth 突然把投向 They shot angry glances at her. 他们对她投以愤怒的目光。 5)拍摄;摄影 The new movie was shot in Africa. 这部新的影片是在非洲拍摄的。 6)(at sth) 射门;投篮 He shot two goals in the game. 在比赛中,他进了两个球。,【知识拓展】 shot 1)C(at sb/sth) 射击;开枪(或开炮) Two of her shots hit the centre of the target. 她有两枪打中靶心。 2)C (针对对手,多为一系列之一的)一席话,一击 His remark was meant as a shot at me. 他的话是冲着我来的。 3)C击球;射门;投篮 The striker had/took a shot at goal. 前锋射门。,【知识运用】 (1)The wonderful_of goals are usually shown again in slow motion. Agains Bshots Cscores Dobtains 答案:B 本题题意:精彩的射门镜头常常用慢镜头重映。shot表示“击球;射门;投篮”。,(2)Hearing the sad news, he felt the tears_from his eyes. Ashooting Brushing Cfloating Dflowing 答案:A 本题题意:一听到令人伤心的消息,他就感到泪水从眼中涌了出来。shoot表示“射出;放出;抛出”。,Revise the ing form(复习ing形式) (1)动名词 .动名词的句法功能: 1主语 Reading French is easier than speaking it. 法语读比说容易。 Checking information is very important. 核实情况的工作很重要。,【知识拓展】 1)不定式与动名词作主语的差异: 动名词作主语往往表示普通的、一般的行为,不定式作主语常表示某次具体的行为。 Collecting information about childrens health is his job. 收集有关儿童健康的信息是他的工作。 Its necessary to discuss the problem with an experienced teacher. 与一位有经验的老师讨论这个问题是有必要的。,2)常用动名词做主语的句型有: Its no good/use/fun doing. Its no use pretending you didnt know. 你装糊涂是无济于事的。 Its(a)waste of time doing. Its a waste of time doing that. 做那种事是浪费时间。,Its worthwhile doing. Its worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees. 给新雇员详细解释一下工作要求, 费点事也是值得的。 There is no point/denying/telling in doing. There is no point in complaining. They cant do anything to help you. 抱怨于事无补,他们没办法帮助你。,3)常用不定式作主语的句型有: Its difficult (important, necessary) for sb. to do. It is important for students to attend all the lectures. 所有的课学生都应该去听, 这是很重要的。 Its kind(good, friendly, polite, careless, rude, cruel, clever, foolish, brave)of sb. to do. It wasnt very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不问一声就自己吃起来是不太礼貌的。,2表语 He works in a bank, but his hobby is building model boats. 他在银行工作,但他的业余爱好是做船舶模型。 His job is selling newspapers. 他的工作是卖报。,【知识拓展】 1)动名词作表语是对主语内容的解释,主语与表语位置可以互换,动名词常用于口语中。 Her job is teaching English to Chinese students. 她的工作是教中国学生英语。 2)不定式作表语,通常表示具体的,特别是将来的某次行为。 The next step is to search the titles for more information. 下一步是查标题,以获得更多的信息。,3宾语 I have no objection to hearing your story again. 再听一遍你的故事,我没有异议。 He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。,【知识拓展】 1)在英语中,下列动词或动词短语只接动名词作宾语:avoid, advise, allow, admit, appreciate, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, excuse, escape, forbid, miss, mind, practise, permit, suggest, finish, risk, imagine, keep, understand, be busy, be worth, feel like, give up, cant stand, cant help, care for, think of, dream of, be fond of, prevent.from, keep.from, stop.from, protect.from, set about, be engaged in, spend.(in), succeed in, be used to, look forward to, object to, pay attention to, insist on等。,Why have they delayed opening the school? 他们为什么延期开学? We shall appreciate hearing from you again. 我们恭候佳音。 I dont care for standing in queues. 我不喜欢排队。 He put off making a decision till he had more information. 他推迟到获得详情之后再决定。,2)在love, like, prefer, hate后,如果表示一般倾向性,多用动名词担任宾语;如果指特定的具体动作,多用不定式担任宾语。 He hates leaving the office and going on holiday. 他不愿离开办公室去度假。 I hate to disturb you. 我很遗憾来打扰你。 He likes walking in the snow with his wife. 他喜欢和妻子在雪中散步。 I like to play football this afternoon. 今天下午我想踢足球。,3)动词begin, start, continue既可与不定式也可与动名词连用,二者并无含义上的差别,但表示“知道或理解”的动词以及动词matter后面用不定式更普遍些。 I began working/to work. 我开始工作了。 He continued living/to live above the shop. 他仍然住在商店的楼上。 I am beginning to understand/see/realize why he acted as he did. 我现在刚刚开始懂得/看出/明白他为什么那样做。,4)在remember, forget, stop, try, regret, mean等动词后,既可以后接不定式,又可以动名词担任宾语,但含义并不相同。 a. remember doing sth/to do sth 记得做过某事/记住去做某事 I remember reading/having read about the earthquake in the papers. 我记得在报纸上看到过关于这次地震的消息。 Remember to lock the door. 别忘了锁门。,b. forget doing sth/to do sth 忘记了做过某事/忘记要去做某事 Ill never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time. 我永远忘不了和我小学校长初次见面的情景。 Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave the room. 你离开房间时别忘了关灯。,c. stop doing sth/to do sth 停止做某事/停止,中断做某事后去做另一件事。 Will you stop making that horrible noise! 你别再弄出那种讨厌的响声来行不行! He stopped to look at the view. 他停下来看看那里的风景。,d. try doing sth/to do sth 尝试做某事(看一看会发生什么情况)/努力(试图)做某事 They tried putting wire netting all round the garden. 他们试着用铁丝网把花园全围了起来。 They tried to put wire netting all round the garden. 他们想用铁丝网把花园全围起来。,e. regret doing sth/to do sth 对做过的事表示后悔/对要做的事表示抱歉或遗憾 I regret spending/having spent/to have spent so much money. 我很后悔花了这么多钱。 I regret to tell you that I cant go to your birthday party. 我很遗憾地告诉你我不能去参加你的生日晚会了。,f. mean doing sth/to do sth 意味着(意思是)/打算做某事 Culture means trying to perfect oneself and ones own mind. 修养意指努力使自己和自己的心灵趋于完善。 I mean to stay here, if I can. 若是能留下, 我想留在这儿。,g. go on doing sth/to do sth继续做原来做的事/做了一件事后,接着做另一件事。 Go on doing the other exercise after you have finished this one. 作完这个练习后,接着做其他的练习。 After he had finished his maths, he went on to do his physics. 做完数学后,他接着去做物理。,h. be afraid doing sth/to do sth担心出现的状况、结果/胆怯而不敢去做某事 She was afraid to step further in grass because she was afraid of being bitten by a snake. 她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢在草丛中再走一步。 She was afraid to wake her husband. 她不敢去叫醒她丈夫。,4定语 The patient on the operating table is his grandfather. 躺在手术台上的病人是他的祖父。 The passengers are waiting in the waiting room. 乘客们正在候车室等候。,【知识拓展】 动名词作定语,说明被修饰的名词的用途,含有“供作之用”的意思。例如:There is a swimming pool in our school. 我们学校有一个游泳池。a swimming pool 相当于a pool which is used for swimming. .动名词的基本形式: 1一般式:表示现在的行为。 Learning a foreign language is very useful to me. 学一门外语对我来说很有用。 The twin brothers always enjoy going to the concert. 这一对双胞胎弟兄俩对听音乐会总是兴致勃勃。,2完成式:表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。 He denied having been there. 他否认曾经到过那儿。 The safe showed no signs of having been touched. 保险箱没有被人动过的痕迹。,3被动式:动名词的逻辑主语是这个动作的承受者。 They narrowly escaped being killed in the fire. 他们险些在大火中丧生。 I remember being taken to Paris as a small child. 我记得我在儿时被带到巴黎过。 He was punished by being sent to bed without any supper. 他被罚不让吃晚饭就去睡觉。,4否定式:由notVing构成。 I regret not being able to help you. 我很后悔没有能够帮助你。 The child made her mother angry by not taking her medicine. 这个女孩不吃药使她妈妈很生气。,(2)现在分词 .现在分词的句法功能: 1定语 We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日。 The children practicing playing the violin over there will give a performance next week. 在那边练习拉小提琴的孩子将在下周演出。,【知识拓展】 1)现在分词作定语通常放在所修饰的名词前面,所修饰的代词后面;分词短语则放在所修饰的名词后面。 The moving parts of this machine should be oiled regularly. 这部机器的运转部件应该上油。 There is nothing interesting. 没有有趣的东西。 Will those teaching the children from abroad come to the headmasters office? 那些教国外孩子的老师请到校长办公室来好吗?,2)现在分词与动名词作定语存在差异:动名词作定语,说明被修饰的名词的用途;现在分词与所修饰的词之间具有逻辑上的主谓关系或动宾关系。 He goes to the reading room every day. 他每天都去阅览室读书。 There are three types of tigers living in China. 目前中国有三种虎。 The issue being discussed at the meeting is of importance. 会议上正在讨论的问题非常重要。,2表语 He remained standing beside the table. 他依然站在桌旁。 The news that he brought us was very interesting. 她给我们带来的消息非常激动人心。,【知识拓展】 现在分词作表语,表示主语的性质或特征。 The story sounds very moving. 这个故事听起来很感人。 It is astonishing to me that he should be absent. 他竟然缺席会议,使我感到惊愕。,3补足语 I find his attitude absolutely astonishing. 我觉得他的态度令人震惊。 Ill soon have your car moving again. 我很快就会使你的车重新发动起来。 We were kept waiting for quite a long time. 让我们等了好长时间。 The boy was caught stealing apples from the garden. 有人撞见这个男孩偷园里的苹果。,【知识拓展】 1)现在分词作补语,表示动作正在进行;不定式作补语表示动作已经发生了,是整个事件的全过程。 I saw him crossing the road. 我看见他正在过马路。(在路上走着) I saw him cross the road. 我看见他过了马路。(从这边到了那边),2)分词作补语可分为以下两种情况。表示感觉的动词see, watch, notice, find, listen to, feel, observe, look at 等以及使役动词have, keep, make等。 I heard her singing when I passed by her room. 当我路过她的房间时,我听到她正在唱歌。 I found the topic being discussed everywhere then. 我发现人们那时到处讨论这个话题。 I cant have you insulting Tom like that. 我不能容忍你这样侮辱汤姆。,4状语 现在分词和分词短语可以在句子中作状语来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、让步或伴随状况。 1)原因状语 现在分词作原因状语,相当于一个原因状语从句。现在分词作原因状语时,要特别注意现在分词所表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作的时间关系。,当现在分词所表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或近于同时发生时,要使用现在分词的一般式。 Fearing that the police would recognize him he never went out in daylight. As he feared that the police would recognize him he never went out in daylight. 因为害怕警察认出他来,他从不白天出门。 当现在分词所表示的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生时,采用现在分词的完成式。 Having talked with John, I realized my mistake. 和约翰谈话之后,我意识到了自己的错误。,2)时间状语 现在分词短语作时间状语,相当于when, while引导的时间状语从句。现在分词短语作时间状语时,可以转变为一个时间状语从句。现在分词的完成式作状语的情况经常出现,应注意现在分词所表示的动作和谓语动词所表示的动作的时间关系。 主语所做的一个动作紧接着所做的另一个动作,第一个动作常常用现在分词来表示,而且分词必须放在前面。能够用于这种用法的动词都是瞬间动词。 Hearing the news, they couldnt help jumping. 听到这个消息时,他们禁不住跳了起来。,主语同时做出两个动作时,通常其中的一个动作可以由现在分词来表示,这时分词既可以放在动词不定式之前,也可以放在之后。此外,现在分词(短语)前面一般加when或while. When leaving the station, he waved again and again to me. 离开车站的时候,他向我频频挥手。,当分词的动作完成以后,主句的动作才发生时,采用现在分词的完成形式作状语,放在句子前面,译作“在之后”,此时它可以置换为“after动名词”这一结构。 Having turned off the TV set, he began to go over his lessons. After turning off the TV set,he began to go over his lessons. 关掉电视机以后,他便开始复习功课。,3)方式状语和伴随状语 现在分词作方式状语和伴随状语,说明动作发生的背景或情况。它表示分词的动作和主句的动作同时发生。 He sat in the armchair, reading the newspaper. 他坐在扶手椅上读报纸。 He sent me an email, hoping to get further information. 他给我发了封电子邮件,希望得到进一步的信息。,4)结果状语 现在分词短语用作结果状语,通常放在句末,中间用逗号隔开,表示一种自然的结果。 The snow lasted a week, resulting in serious traffic confusion in the whole city. 雪下了一个星期,造成整个城市交通瘫痪。 The plate dropped from her hands, breaking it into pieces. 盘子从她手中掉了下来,成了碎片。,5)条件状语 (If)Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. 如果玩一整天,你就会浪费了宝贵的时间。 Staying here for some time, youll find the people here are friendly. 如果在此呆上一段时间,你会发现这儿的人们很友好。,6)让步状语 Though raining heavily, it cleared up very soon. 尽管雨下得很大,很快就会天晴。 Whether waking or sleeping, he was devoted to the subject. 无论他是醒着还是睡着了,他都沉溺于这个主题。,.现在分词的形式: 1一般式:表示与谓语动作同时发生。 She sat by the window, enjoying the beautiful sights outside. 她坐在窗边,欣赏着窗外的风景。 Walking around the city, we were impressed by the citys new look. 在城里走时,城市的新容给我们留下了深刻的印象。,2完成式:表示动作发生在谓语动作之前;此外,如果第一个动作持续一段时间时,也必须用分词的完成式。 Having finished his homework, he went out. 做完作业后,他出去了。 Having been his own boss for such a long time,he found it hard to accept orders from another. 自己当老板已经这么久了,他觉得难以听从别人的差遣。,3被动式:一般式表示与谓语动作同时发生的被动的动作,完成式表示发生在谓语动词之前的被动的动作。 Being asked to give a performance, Mary couldnt very well refused. 有人请玛丽表演节目,她不好拒绝。 Having been given such a good chance, how could she let it slip? 人家给了她这样一个好机会,她怎么能轻易放过?,4否定式: Not knowing her address, we couldnt get in touch with her. 由于不知道她的地址,我们没法和她联系。 Not having received her reply, they telephoned her. 由于没有收到她回音,他们给她打了电话。,语法专练 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. (2010北京21)_ at my classmates faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked 答案:A 本题题意:看着同学们那一张张面孔,我察觉到了他们眼神中所流露出来的同样的兴奋神情。本题考查现在分词短语担任时间状语,表示与谓语动作同时发生的一个主动动作。,2(2010上海秋35)_ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached 答案:A 本题题意:走近市中心,我们看到一个石头雕像,约10米高。本题考查现在分词短语担任时间状语,表示一个与谓语动作同时发生的主动动作。,3. (2010四川17) The lawyer listened with full attention,_ to miss any point. A. not trying B. trying not C. to try not D. not to try 答案:B 本题题意:律师全神贯注,试图抓住问题的要害。本题考查现在分词短语担任方式和伴随状语以及动词不定式否定式的用法。,4. (2010浙江20) The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing 答案:D 本题题意:交通规则指出,四岁以下以及体重不超过四十磅的儿童必须坐在儿童安全座椅上。现在分词短语weighing less than 40 pounds担任后置定语,修饰名词young children,相当于定语从句who/that weigh less than 40 pounds.,5. (2010福建25) Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, _ supplies to Yushu, Qinghai province after the earthquake. A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent 答案:A 本题题意:地震发生后,大量的救援人员昼夜不停地为青海省玉树县提供补给。现在分词短语sending supplies to Yushu担任方式或伴随状语,表示句子的主语所发出的一个与谓语动作work同时发生的主动动作。,6(2009上海35) Bill suggested_a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. Ahaving held Bto hold Cholding Dhold 答案:C 本题题意:在假期期间能为上海世博会做些什么,比尔建议召开一次会议。suggest doing sth 表示“建议做某事”。,7(2009全国234) _twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog. ABeing bitten BBitten CHaving bitten DTo be bitten 答案:B 本题题意:被我们的狗咬了两次,那位邮递员拒绝给我们送信,除非我们把狗换掉。本题考查过去分词担任原因状语。相当于原因状语从句As he was bitten twice,.注意:由过去分词转化而来的形容词在句中担任状语或后置定语时,不能和being连用。例如:Einstein walked along the street, lost in thought. 爱因斯坦漫步街头,沉浸在思索之中。,8(2009天津9)_by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. ABeing encouraged BEncouraging CEncouraged DHaving encouraged 答案:C 本题题意:受技术进步的鼓舞,很多农场主已经在自己的土地上建立了风能农场。本题考查分词担任原因状语,由于动作encourage与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的“动宾”关系,且动作已经完成,所以采用过去分词形式。,9(2009湖南21)Every evening after dinner, if not_from work, I will spend some time walking my dog. Abeing tired Btiring Ctired Dto be tired 答案:C 本题题意:每天晚饭过后,若非工作劳累,我都花费一些时间去遛狗。本题考查过去分词短语担任状语,相当于状语从句if I am not tired from work,.,10(2009湖南25)At the age of 29, Dave was a worker,_in a small apartment near Boston and_what to do about his future. Aliving; wondering Blived; wondering Clived; wondered Dliving; wondered 答案:A 本题题意:29岁时,戴夫是一名工人,住在波士顿附近的一套小公寓里,不知道将来能够做什么。第一空考查现在分词担任定语,起补充说明作用,相当于非限制性定语从句, who lived in a small apartment near Boston.第二空考查现在分词担任伴随状语,表示一个与动作live同时发生的主动动作。,11(2009福建32)_not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. AReminding BReminded CTo remind DHaving reminded 答案:B 本题题意:有人提醒经理不要错过了15:20的航班,他匆忙赶往机场。本题考查分词短语担任时间状语。动作remind与句子的主语the manager 之间存在逻辑上的“动宾”关系,且发生在谓语动词set out for之前,所以用过去分词形式。,12(2009福建34) In April, 2009, President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao, _ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy. Amarking Bmarked Chaving marked Dbeing marked 答案:A 本题题意:2009年4月,胡主席在青岛检阅了海军舰队,以纪念中国人民解放军海军成立60周年。本题考查分词短语担任后置定语,起补充说明作用,相当于非限制性定语从句, which marked the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.,13(2009辽宁22)When we visited my old family home, memory came_back. Aflooding Bto flood Cflood Dflooded 答案:A 本题题意:当我们参观老家住宅时,往事涌上心头。本题考查分词短语担任方式或伴随状语。动作flood与句子的主语memory之间存在逻辑上的“主谓”关系,且与谓语动作came同时发生,所以采用现在分词形式。再如:He came running here with one hand holding a knife.他手上握着刀向这里跑来。,14(2009浙江3)_and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai. ATo be tried BTired CTiring DBeing tired 答案:B 本题题意:安迪和鲁比最先到达泰山山顶,筋疲力尽,气喘吁吁。本题考查形容词tired以及short of breath在句中担任伴随状语。注意:由过去分词转化而来的形容词在句中担任状语,后置定语或者补足语,表示人所处的状态,其前不加being.,15(2009四川10)_many times, he finally understood it. ATold BTelling CHaving told DHaving been told 答案:D 本题题意:被告知多次之后,他终于明白了。本题考查分词担任时间状语。动作tell与句子的主语he之间存在逻辑上的“动宾”关系,且动作发生在谓语动词understood之前,原则上既可以采用现在分词的完成式的被动形式,也可以采用过去分词形式,但由于状语many times的存在,只能采用现在分词的完成式的被动形式。,16(2009江苏32) Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school._the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. AAttend BTo attend CAttending DHaving attended 答案:C 本题题意:贵宾朋友们,欢迎到我们学校来。出席今天上午50周年庆典的是来自国内外的校友们。第二句话为倒装句,正常语序为:Our alumni from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning.,17(2008江西24) I hear theyve promoted Tom, but he didnt mention_when we talked on the phone. Ato promote Bhaving been promoted Chaving promoted Dto be promoted 答案:B 本题题意:我听说他们已经晋升了汤姆的职位,但是我们在电话中交谈时,他并没有提及晋职这件事。本题考查非谓语动词的用法。mention 表示“提到;写到;说到”,后接动名词担任宾语。此外,考虑逻辑关系,采用被动式。例如:Whenever I mention playing football, he says hes too busy. 我一跟他提踢足球的事, 他就说太忙。,18(2008上海春32) As a new driver, I have to practise_the car in my small garage again and again. Aparking Bto park Cparked Dpark 答案:A 本题题意:作为一名新司机,我不得不在我的小车库里反复练习停车。practise后接动名词担任宾语。,19(2008福建22)_in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car. AWaiting BTo wait CHaving waited DTo have waited 答案:C 本题题意:排队等了半小时之后,这位老人突然意识到他把支票忘在汽车里了。本题考查现在分词(短语)在句中担任时间状语。现在分词所表示的动作wait发生在谓语动词realize之前,所以采用完成式;此外,时间状语for half an hour也起到了暗示作用。注意:不定式(短语)在句中只担任目的、原因或结果状语。,20(2008山东35) Lucys new job paid twice as much as she had made_in the restaurant. Aworking Bwork Cto work Dworked 答案:A 本题题意:露丝的新工作的薪金是过去她在餐馆工作时薪金的两倍。本题考查现在分词短语working in the restaurant担任时间状语,相当于时间状语从句when she worked in the restaurant.注意:不定式(短语)在句中担任目的状语、结果状语或原因状语。,21(2008天津4)_their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. ATo throw BThrown CThrowing DBeing thrown 答案:C 本题题意:把帽子抛入空中,获胜球队的球迷发出了胜利的呐喊。本题考查现在分词短语在句中担任方式或伴随状语。动作throw与句子的主语the fans之间存在逻辑上的“主谓”关系,且与谓语动词let out同时发生。,22(2008安徽30)_in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. ATo walk BWalking CWalked DHaving walked 答案:B 本题题意:3月的一天下午,他漫步在田野中,感受着春天的温暖。本题考查现在分词在句中担任时间状语,相当于时间状语从句When he was walking in the fields on a March afternoon,.; 注意:动作walk与谓语动作feel同时发生,所以采用现在分词的一般式。,23(2008陕西14)_around the Water Cube, we were then taken to s

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