高二英语人教版必修5精选课件《Unit 4 Making the news》Reading & Comprehending

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高二英语人教版必修5精选课件《Unit 4 Making the news》Reading & Comprehending_第1页
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高二英语人教版必修5精选课件《Unit 4 Making the news》Reading & Comprehending_第3页
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第 二 课 时,Reading & Comprehending MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable,” says new journalist,活学活用 _to have a picnic here! AWhat great delight BHow great delight CWhat a great delight DHow a great delight 答案:C,活学活用 What was she doing when you visited her? She was_herself in the mirror. Aenjoying Badmiring Cdevoting Dseeing 答案:B,活学活用 He asked us to_them in carrying through their plan. Aprovide Barouse Cassist Dpersist 答案:C,活学活用 他不在压力下屈服。 He didnt intend to_ _the pressure. 答案:submit to,答案:looks very professional,答案:(1)B (2)A,答案:(1)B (2)D,活学活用 Some bad habits are not inborn but_from your childhood. Aacquired Blearned Cgained Dgrown 答案:A,活学活用 The group leader is_the work done today. Aassessing Bassuring Cassigning Dassembling 答案:A,活学活用 I hope you will keep us_of how you are getting on with the work. Ainform Binforming Cto inform Dinformed 答案:D,活学活用 If you can come this afternoon, you can help me with my gardening job, and I can tell you some news_. Awhile Bmeanwhile Chowever Dnevertheless 答案:B,(2)I shall stay in the hotel all day_there is news of the missing child. Ain case Bno matter Cin any case Dever since 答案:A,(3)I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some_. Aat last Bin case Conce again Din time 答案:B,活学活用 Tom_his boss of having broken the labor law. Ablamed Baccused Ccharged Dscolded 答案:B,活学活用 A 23yearold woman was found guilty_ murder at the Central Court today. Aof Bfor Cabout Din 答案:A,活学活用 She was in a_as to whether to stay at school or get a job. Achoice Bterror Cdilemma Delection 答案:C,活学活用 I demand that John_there at once. Agoes Bgo Cgoing Dto go 答案:B,活学活用 As a_pianist, he is almost popular among all the people. Agift Bgifted Ctalent Dgifting 答案:B,活学活用 Will you go swimming with me next week? It_. Aall depend Ball depends Cis all depended Dis all depending 答案:B,活学活用 (1)Ive never been so poor_able to afford a meal. Aas to be not Bnot as to be Cas not to be Das to not be (2)_catch the early bus, he got up early. AIn order that BIn order to CSo that DSo as to 答案:(1)C (2)B,活学活用 The novels written by the author sell best, but five years ago no one could have imagined how great a role he_in the literary world. Awas playing Bwas to play Chad played Dplayed 答案:B,活学活用 _,but it is also a great way to lower the number of greenhouse gases in the air. ANot only a fun thing is it to do BNot only a fun thing to do it is CNot only it is a fun thing to do DNot only is it a fun thing to do 答案:D,活学活用 As a reporter, he always has a nose_a good story. Afor Bof Cto Din 答案:A,(2)The story_that shes been married five times. Atalks Bgoes Ctells Drecords 答案:B,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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