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I visited my grandparents.Unit 1 核心能力知识结构图How tall are you ?partApartB欣赏设计能力:能运用简单的比较级句型描述自己和他人在身高、体重等方面的区别,能听懂他人对自己的评价。知识:单词及短语:taller stronger older younger shorter heaiver thinner longer bigger smaller知识:句型:How tall are you ?Im 164cm.Youre shorter than me. Youre 4cm taller than me .How heavy are you ?Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you , and shorter . 能力:听懂会说认读本单元关于形容词比较级的单词。(2)能听、说、读、写Lets learn中黑体部分的内容能力:听、说、读Part B部分Lets learn、 Lets talk中的单词和句子和Read and write中要求的内容 Unit 1 How tall are you ?第一课时Lets start A. Lets learn Lets playA.Lets learn Lets play重点词汇重点句型taller, stronger, older, younger, shortercm的完整形式centimeter重点句型:Im cm tall. He/ She is cm tall.核心能力能用句型 Youre taller than your brother. Im taller than you. 进行年龄和身高的比较第一课时A Lets start 核心能力知识结构图主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:从听、说、认读三方面掌握A部分Lets learn 中的句子Im cm tall. He/She is cm tall. 并用此句型描述自己和他人的身高。能力目标:能够用句型 “Youre taller than your brother. Im older than you. ”进行年龄和身高的比较。情感目标:能够听懂教师的指令,按不同年龄、身高排队,并用所学语言进行表述。学习重难点:1. A部分Lets learn中的黑体单词的掌握。2. 在情景中根据某一情景使用含有形容词比较级的句型替换关键词进行问答。3. 长度单位cm 的完整形式centimeter的发音较难,教师要注意重复和纠正。自主学习1、写出下列形容词的比较级,听录音学会单词发音。tall-_ strong-_ old-_ young-_ short-_ 2、写出下列比较级的反义词。taller-_ younger-_ shorter-_ older-_3、试着翻译下列句子,并跟录音机自读。Youre taller than your brother!_Im 160 cm tall._4.本单元学习的是形容词性的比较级,在运用比较级的句型里,经常用到连词_,在和别人比较身高、体重等时,要用到_等形容词,体貌比较可以用公式表示:A+amisare+tallershorterolderyouner+than+B Be动词 形容词比较级 “与相比较”5.160 cm 的读法one hundred and sixty-four centimeters.如果超过了1厘米,要读_(单数或复数)形式的发音。 导入:在教室里随机选择两个外形上有较大差异的同学,说出他们的区别,然后引导大家用英语将其表达出来注意书写美观、字迹工整、正确课前多看左边的内容,课中认真听我能得合作探究1.正确理解下面句子:How tall are you?Im 160cm tall.How heavy are you?Im 48kg.2.会自我介绍:Im taller than you./Im heavier than you.3.听录音和老师朗读,会说两个句子,并在小组之间用比较级练习说句型并在班上进行展示。Im _ cm tall ./Youre _than _.4.学生互相问答,调查5位好朋友的身高/体重。SASBSCSDSE5.小组合作用Im taller /heavier than you.汇报调查结果并展示6.Lets play : 运用本课知识比身高、年龄,在游戏中要求用英语互相询问其他人的身高或年龄。游戏时每组可由5-8名成员组成,由一名成员发指令,其他人成员通过按指令排成一排。排得又对又快者为赢家。句型有:Line up from shorter to taller!Im taller than you .Line up from younger to older ! Im older than you .小组比赛,最后评出说得最正确、最熟练的一组。我能得展示质疑与小结能与同伴用英语谈论某个同学或老师的身高、胖瘦特征本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测这些词的比较级你还记得吗?long_tall_ thin _ funny_ short _ big_ small_ strong_ young _ heavy _学(教)后反思?收获?对同学说,你有哪些经验? PartA A Lets try Lets talk 第二课时导学案 A Lets try Lets talk重点词汇重点句型height weight heavier funnier bigger shorter thinnerHow tall are you?Im 164 cm tall. Youre shorter than me. Youre 4 cm shorter than me. 核心能力能够调查同学的年龄,身高和体重,并就调查结果进行分析比较,做出汇报第二课时核心能力知识结构图 主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:听、说、读、写:taller, stronger, older, younger 和 shorter.能力目标:能够用句型:Imcm tall. He/ Shes cm tall. 描述自己和他人的身高。用Youre taller than your brother. Im older than you. 进行年龄和身高的比较。情感目标:能够用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查结果,使句型在情景中得以运用。学习重难点:1 掌握A Lets talk 部分的四会句型。2能用本单元的语言,如:How tall are you? Im 164 cm tall. Youre shorter than me. Youre 4 cm taller than me. 等调查同学的年龄、体重和身高并就调查结果进行分析比较,做出汇报。自主学习课前了解:1、三位数的读法。百位与十位之间要增读and,如果没有十位数,百位与个位之间的零读成and ,表示百位的百即使数字超过“1”,也要用单数形式。2、表达身高、体重、年龄等具体相差多少的公式:A+ am/is/are+数词+单位/量词+tall/shorter/older+than+B3、表达完整年龄时,完整的句型为:主语+be+数字+year(s) old . 其中years old 为岁的意思。课前练习:1、复习形容词的比较级:tall-_strong-_old-_young-_ short-_ 导入:认真观察Lets try的三张图片,做好听力准备。找出疑难问题。理清知识体系我能得合作探究1、How tall are you? Im 164cm.引导学生回答,并多加练习。 2、出示图片反复问How tall are you? Who is taller than you?板书:How tall are you? Im 164cm. Youre shorter than me. Youre 4cm taller than me.。 3、把图片出示给学生,让他们加强练习。同桌或小组之间互相练习。4、两人小组完成Letsplay。5、学生两人分角色朗读课文对话。6.Lets try播放录音,学生听录音看课本圈出正确答案。学生自主选择图片和同桌一起编写对话,再以Lets try的形式展示给全班。7、教师放录音,学生跟读。8、用同样方式练习stronger younger older活动三:播放lets talk对话。学生找到:How tall is John? How tall is Wu Yifan?轮流回答教师示范操练问句男女生互问互学生先尝试回答,请学生做替换练习.展示质疑与小结试着读和翻译下列句子:How old are you ? _ How tall are you?_Im 164 cm tall._ Youre shorter than me._本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测1、连词成句并翻译。(1)are you tall how (?) (2) Im older than you one year (.)(3) than mine smaller are yours (?) (课后作业)3.阅读短文,回答问题:There is an eraser, a pen and a ruler in my beautiful pencil-box.It is sunny today. They are very happy. They are talking.The eraser says to the ruler “ I am fatter than you.”The ruler says, “Yes, but I am taller than you.”The pen comes up and says, “I am stronger than either of you.” But the other say, “You are the strongest, but we are more beautiful than you. Look at the eraser, he can erase some mistakes in notebooks. Look at the ruler, he likes sports very much. He can run and jump.”How interesting they are!根据原文填空:(1 ) The _ is fatter than . (2 ) The is taller than .(3 ) The is thinner than . (4 ) The is shorter than .(5 ) is the strongest of all.学生独立完成,组内说出解题思路,全班订正我能得PartA Lets read 第三课时导学案PartALets read重点词汇重点句型little tail funnier kg cm taller stronger older younger shorter thanthe yellow one ,the little monkeyWhich monkey is stronger ? Its younger and funnier. How long is its tail? I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.核心能力学会用所学新内容进行对话练习第三课时核心能力知识结构图 主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:能进一步掌握用英语表达高度、长度的方式,以及形容词比较级句型的用法。能力目标:复习辅音/p/ /b/ /t/ /d/,学习双元音/ei/ /ai/,学会拼读由以上音素组成的音节情感目标:能够理解Lets read 部分的对话,并能在情景中熟练运用学习重难点:1、理解对话内容,侧重掌握高度、长度的表达方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。2、形容词funny比较级的构成。3、双元音的学习以及由这些音素组成的音节。自主学习1.写出15组形容词原级和比较级,并用每个比较级造句。 _ _ _2. 预习Lets read部分的对话。找出自己不会的单词、短语和对话。 _ _3导入:老师好好准备本课时有关的动画,让学生看,然后带着问题学习课文,找出他们的答案。先复习上节课所学单词,再通过左边三题进入新课,用时5分钟合作探究1.Lets listen and circle.There are three elephants in a zoo. Father Elephant is taller and _ than Mother Elephant. Mother Elephant is _ than Father Elephant ,She is stronger _ her son . Son elephant is _ but taller than his mom and dad .Which picture is the Son elephant ?2.播放Lets read动画,回答问题: 1) Who are in the dialogue? 2) Where are they? 3) What are they talking about?3.再观看动画,完成表格: the yellow monkeythe brown monkeythe little monkey(taller, shorter)(taller, shorter)(taller, shorter)(stronger, smaller)(stronger, smaller)(older, younger)4.自读对话,完成课本上的填空。5.再读对话,回答问题: Which monkey does Ben like best? Why do you think so? _ _听录音跟读,培养正确的语音语调,熟读课文。我能得展示质疑与小结.小组练读对话,再集体展示,比一比哪一组读得更好。然后从每组中抽查几位同学。本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测一.填空1. My mother is 44. My father is 46. He is _ than her.2. Mary is 155 cm tall. Im 150 cm tall. She is _ cm taller than me.3. Mary is 155 cm tall. Im 150 cm tall. She is _ than me.4. The mouse is _ than the elephant.二.选择1.I am 150 _ tall.(am, cm)2.My friend is shorter _ me. (than, then)我能得反思收获?经验?哪些困惑B Lets talk第四课时导学案PartB Lets talk重点词汇重点句型heavier thinner longer bigger smaller taller stronger older younger shorter than funnier little tail cm kg than数字150 33 53the yellow one ,the little monkeyHow heavy are you ? Im 48kg. Im thinner than you , and shorter .核心能力能看懂带有比较级的短文并能回答相应问题第四课时核心能力知识结构图 主备人何美莲审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:掌握“四会”句子How heavy are you? Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you, and shorter.能力目标:能用前面所学习单词和句子进行表达, 告诉大家一个人或事物的大小长短等情况.情感目标:鼓励体重过大的同学加强锻炼,调理饮食。培养学生团结意识。学习重难点:“四会”句子How heavy are you? Im 48 kg. Im thinner than you, and shorter.能在情景中运用以上句型。自主学习1.Miss Li:_? Lily:I am 45kg.2.Doctor:_? Jack:I like the yellow monkey.3.Tom: _? Jim :I am 55kg.4.Liu: _? Chen:My legs are76cm. 5.Lucy: _? Lily:I wear size 16.回顾上节课内容,再成左边5题,可以查阅资料或讨论合作探究1、师生对话练习,如:T: How tall are you ?S: I am 160cm tall.T:I am 170cm tall.I am taller than you 10cm.2、学生根据实际情况模仿上面的句子汇报班内几个同学的身高。3、教师拿出一个气球,让一学生吹大,这时候说:“make it bigger,bigger,bigger,然后放气说:“smaller,smaller,samller.”4、教师拿出一段皮筋,拉长说: “longer!longer!longer!”接着慢慢放松,说: “shorter!shorter!shorter!”然后板书这几个单词。5、教室里有一个书橱,里面又好多书,可以去先搬一下教桌,很费力,就说:“heavy”,再去搬书橱,搬不动就接着说:“heavier,it is heavier than teachers desk.”并板书该单词,让学生观察这个与前几个的不同点。6、放录音跟读单词。7、学生和自己的同伴自己练习,根据他们的实际情况,并让特征明显的同学上台表演。看谁做的又快又好。8、教师先示范和一名同学,鼓励学生说出又创意的句子,如:“My ears are bigger than yours. Your hair is longer than mine.然后分组进行练习,并进行展示。组长协调并组员间的配合,有问题及时纠正我能得展示质疑与小结老师出示这几个单词卡,同学们你们能比较它们的不同吗?(词卡上最好又不颜色的笔书写比较级的变化)。本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测先填空再翻译1. Im _(更高) and _(更重) than you. 2,The yellow monkeys _(尾巴) is longer.3How big are your _(脚)?-I _(穿) size 25.4, The little monkey is_(更滑稽) than the little panda.5,My arms are _(更长的) than yours.我能得学(教)后反思收获?经验?困惑?PartB Lets read第五课时PartB Lets read重点词汇重点句型sperm whale killer whaleweight teeth skill size lengthin its length in its size out of up to in its weight核心能力How long is your hair? = What is the length of your hair?第五课时核心能力知识结构图 主备人何美莲审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:我能听懂、会说并能书写句型:“How heavy are you? Im 48kg. Im thinner than you and shorter.”并能在情景中正确运用。能力目标:能够完成Lets try 部分听录音选图片并填充句子的练习情感目标:鼓励体重过大的同学加强锻炼调理饮食。培养学生的团结意识学习重难点:对长度、重量、大小的单位区分以及表达了解sperm whale 和 killer whale的区别学习要求:课前独立思考;课中表达倾听;课后善于总结自主学习一读对话,将句子补充完整。1. Mike: How _ you ? Amy: Im 40kg. Mike: Im 35kg . Im_ _ you.2. Sarah: _ _ _ you ? Liu Yun: Im 165cm. Sarah: Im 160cm. Youre_ cm _ _ me.二英汉互译。1.更瘦的 _ 2.更小的_ 3. 更壮的_ 4. than _ 5. Killer Whale _三仿写:How heavy is your bag? _合作探究一鱿鱼_ 龙虾_ 鲨鱼_ 海豹_ 抹香鲸_ 虎鲸_ 吨_ 各自,每个_ 甚至_ 二、复习比较级:1.默写:更重的_ 更小的_ 更瘦的_ 更长的_2.快把错的单词写两遍吧:_三、1.看本课Listen and tick.运用我们学过的短语说说他们在干什么?2.听录音,一起来做Lets try.3. 自读短文 Lets talk。了解对话内容,熟读翻译对话4听录音学对话。模仿录音,注意语音语调。5小组练习对话。背诵对话,创编对话,表演双簧6. I can show. 展示自我 (准备内容组内小展全班展示) Come on!You are the best!学法提示、教法运用等我能得展示质疑与小结正确认识并区分下列词汇:length _ weight _ teeth _ skill _in its length _ in its size _ in its weight _ up to _much/ many的比较级_ out of _本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测选择填空.( ) 1._ monkey do you like? A. Who B. What C. Which( ) 2. Im_ than you. A. strong B. thin C. thinner( ) 3. My hands are bigger than_ . A. you B. your C. yours( ) 4. How _ is your pencil? A. tall B. long C. longer( ) 5. Im 5 _older than you . A. years B. cm C. year我能得学(教)后反思?有哪些收获?有哪些经验?有哪些困惑?.1Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。Unit 2 核心能力知识结构图UNIT2PartAPartB知识:词汇sick、 medicine、 have a cold、 have a fever、 have a sore throat 、have a headache、 have a toothache、 hurt have a cold, 能够掌握A、B部分Lets learn, Lets talk中的四会单词、短语和句子句型:Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换操练B部分Lets learn 的三会单词和Lets talk, Lets learn 中的三会句子,五个情绪单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,bored.句型:How does Amy feel? Shes tired. How does Lisa feel? Shes sad./ happy. I have a headache/cold/ fever/flu. I feel sick.I am happy/sad/angry/bored/tired/excited. He/She is excited.”核心能力能够简单表达自己或他人的健康情况以及各种情绪和心理状态 Unit2 Whats the matter,Mike? 第一课时Lets learn Lets playA.Lets learn Lets play重点词汇重点句型sick、 medicine、 have a cold、 have a fever、 have a sore throat 、have a headache、 have a toothache重点句型: Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. /I have a fever核心能力学会正确表达个人身体不适,并能适时向他人表达自己的问候第一课时A Lets start 核心能力知识结构图主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:从听、说、认读三方面掌握A部分Lets learn 中的短语have a cold, have a toothache, have a fever, hurt, have a headache. have a sore throat能力目标:能够听、说、认读句型:Whats the matter, Mike? I feel sick. I have a fever.并进行关键词的替换练习。情感目标:学会正确表达个人身体不适,并能适时向他人表达自己的问候学习重难点:重点是掌握A Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语,并会用询问他人身体善、状况的问句和答句替换关键词操练所学新词和短语。难点是正确拼写四会单词、短语和掌握三会单词throat的发音自主学习1.你怎么啦?_我的腿疼。_2.牙疼:_ 疼痛: _ 感冒:_ 受伤_情景导入:假装某某不舒服,让大家猜猜怎么了?怎样用英语询问?注意书写美观、字迹工整、正确合作探究1.师生口语练习T:What are you? S: Im a student.T:Whats your father/mother? S:Hes / Shes a T:How are you today? S:Im fine, thank you. And you?2. .单词导呈。T: Do you like apples ? Ss: Yes /No.T: But many people dont like apples , so they often feel sick .引出”feel sick ”Now lets have a look “Whats the matter with them ?”出示多张患病的图片让学生一起问,对句型Whats the matter?训练。picture1:引出 have a cold Cold , cold ,have a cold ,I have a cold .picture 2:出示一个正头上冒火的人物或图片,师生同问完后,教师拿出一个体温计说:let me help it . 引出:have a fever Fever ,fever ,have a fever ,I have a fever .picture 3:引出:have a headache Headache ,headache ,have a headache ,I have a headache picture 4:引出:have a toothacheToothache ,toothache ,have a toothache ,I have a toothache .picture 5:引出:have a sore throatSore throat ,sore throat ,have a sore throat ,I have a sore throat .picture 6:引出:hurt Hurt ,hurt ,my leg hurts .3.合作学习。(1)Read in groups. (2) Check in groups.4.齐读,自由读,组读展示,其组齐读。小组比赛,最后评出说得最正确、最熟练的一组。我能得展示质疑与小结.教师做动作,其余生猜。生做动作,其余生猜.headache ,toothache你发现规律了吗?_。本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测1.Lisa is ill(生病)。She feels _, because 2.It is English class. I feel _, because 3.The fish is swimming in the river. It feels _, because4.It is snowing now. I feel _, because.5.It is Sunday. Ben feels_, because 我能得学(教)后反思?:对自己说,你有哪些收获?对同学说,你有哪些经验?PartA A Lets try Lets talk 第二课时导学案Lets try Lets talk重点词汇重点句型medicine toothache sore headache fever hurt及第一节课常用词汇重点句型: Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts核心能力能够简单询问他人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快。培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。第二课时 PartA A Lets try Lets talk 核心能力知识结构图主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:能够听、说、读、写A部分Lets talk的重点句子 能够听懂Lets try中的句子能力目标:Whats the matter? My throat is sore. My nose hurts情感目标:能够简单询问他人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快。培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。学习重难点:1.围绕看病展开的句型2.听、说、读、写熟练掌握四会句型。自主学习1. 复习并默写上节课单词短语_ _ _ _ _2. 自己观察Lets try部分的图片,在图片下写出他们的病症。导入:拿几张患病图片或通过课件展示几张类似资料让大家一起练习对话找出疑难问题。理清知识体系合作探究任务一、复习生病的词语:1.听写小能手:我会写:感冒_头疼_牙疼_喉咙疼_2.快把错的单词写两遍吧:_任务二、1.看本课Listen and number.运用我们学习过的短语说说他们在干什么?2.听录音,一起来做Lets try.We can work together.一起来学。3. 自读短文 Lets talk。了解对话内容,熟读翻译对话4听录音学对话。模仿录音,注意语音语调。5课堂练习两人一组,用以下短语编造一个类似Lets talk的新对话。have a cold , have a fever, have a sore throat, have a toothache, have a headache , have a sore nose, have a stomachache, have a earache, leg hurts用上列短语作Lets play练习6. I can show. 展示自我 (准备内容组内小展全班展示) 相信对话你已经练习的很熟练了,怎么样?不要犹豫啦,用你们小组的 展示方式大胆的 SHOW 出来吧!Come on!You are the best! 轮流回答教师示范操练问句男女生互问互学生先尝试回答,请学生做替换练习.我能得展示质疑与小结了解表示身体某部位疼的表达方式有,如: I have a sore throat.My throat is sore .My throat hurts. I have a throatache.我能得本节课我们学习了哪些内容?能力检测判断对错:1.( )A:Whats the matter? B:Im fine, thank you. 2.( ) A :How do you feel? B:I feel sick. 3.( )A: How are you? B: I have a headache听并连线1. Mike A.My leg hurts.2. Chen jie B.My throat is sore3. Amy C.I have a stomachache4. Sarah D. I have a headache.5. John E。My nose hurts6. Zhang peng F. I have a toothache7. Liu yun G.I have a cold8. Wu yifan H.I have a fever我能得学(教)后反思收获?经验?困惑PartA Lets read 第三课时导学案Lets try Lets talk重点词汇重点句型feel sick see the doctor hurtget the flu/have the flu?stay in bed for a few dayshurt take some medicine and drink hot grinkshave a sore throatIf you are sick, see the doctor.Does your nose hurt?How do you know when you have the flu?If you have a fever, you might have the fluDo you have a sore throat?核心能力能够简单询问他人的身体是否健康、心情是否愉快。培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。第三课时 PartA A Lets try Lets talk 核心能力知识结构图主备人审核人张金元审核时间课型新授课班级姓名流程导学内容助教策略(学习随笔)目标导学知识目标:能够理解并会朗读Lets read部分的短文,并回答课后问题。能力目标:听说认读单词和短语:people,know,have the flu,take some medicine等。情感目标:培养学生团结友爱、关心他人的良好品质。增强学生的集体荣誉感。让学生理解健康的体魄和愉悦的心情是一个人成功的重要因素。学习重难点:1重点是理解并正确朗读短文。2难点是理解条件状语从句和时间状语从句,并简单回答。自主学习1.默写Lets talk2 写出下列单词的汉意 people_ have/get the flu_ know_might_ worry_ medicine_ drink_stay_ b

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