第六课时《Listening and writing》:课件十(19张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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第六课时 Listening and writing,第一步 作业点评 第二步 听力练习 第三步 听力强化 第四步 Writing,第一步 作业点评,点评上节课作业,巩固上节课内容。 设计意图:做好上节课的遗留工作,并进行知识检验与错误查找、订正。,第二步 听力练习,Earthquake is unavoidable. So what should we do when we come across a earthquake?,a. Listen to the tape (P60),get the general idea. And write down the three things that are mentioned. - - - b. Listen again, give more details about each of the “things” My earthquake plan 1st thing I must do- 2st thing I must do- 3st thing I must do- And other advice you think useful: If you are outside,you- If you are in the living room,you- If you are in the house alone,you-,设计意图:在训练听力的同时,选择材料贴近生活,是学生所应具备的生活常识,对学生来说有一定吸引力,而且有学习意义。,第三步 听力强化,Earthquakes were happened all over the world, we had learned about the earthquake in Tangshang . Now lets listen to a story about the earthquake for the city museum of San Francisco.,1. Listen to the tape. Get the main idea and do true, false questions,The writer was sleeping downstairs when the earthquake broke out. The writer threw away his clothes and rushed out. Many huge buildings were shaking rocks and bricks were falling A lot of people were buried under the ruins. Some cows were killed in the fires. The writer remembers clearly how he got into the boat. (Key: 1.f 2.f 3. t 4. t 5. f 6. f),2. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions,when did the man talk about the earthquake: while it was happening or after it had happened?. How do you know? Is the man calm as he talks about the earthquake? Why or why not? what was the biggest danger for the man: fires,cows or failing buildings? where was the man going? have you got any ideas to help this man during the earthquake?,3. Show students some pictures about the earthquake for the city museum of Sam Francisco,4. Discussion: Have you got any ideas to help this man during the earthquake? (Have a group discussion, then ask a group to express their idea.),5.Give a brief explain about liaison and explosion.,Example: I ask a man standing nex(t) to me wha(t) happened. Before he could answer, hundreds of bricks fell on him an(d) he was killed.,设计意图:是对Reading部分学习材料的补充,通过对1906年旧金山地震的了解,增加课外知识,进一步了解地震。加入的语音练习,在学习连音、爆破音的同时,培养学生有意识的通过听力练语音语调,明白语音的重要性。,第四步 Writing,1. Compare newspaper story to short story,2.How to write a good newspaper story?,The important thing is : write an outline It help: choose a topic Decide what you want to say about the topic Organize your ideas and write clearly It has: a headline a list of main ideas a list of important details Remember: The most important news first. The least important news last.,Example : Headline : Cyclists Ready to Go on the Road for Blind Kids Paragraph1 Main idea: tells the reader that cyclists plan to get money for blind kids Detail1: their trip will be made in july in Yunnan and Tibet. Detail2: an important meeting was held in Beijing in early june. Detail3: The cyclists hope to get money for blind kids to learn better.,Paragraph2 Main idea: more information about the cyclists and their project Detail1: the team of cyclists come from many places in the world. Detail2: the team has men and women, (who are) young and old. Detail3: the team got money from lots if acticities in China. Detail4: you can write to them if you are interested to know more.,设计意图:通过地震这个话题引入新闻写作,明析新闻与一般短文的不同方面,使学生学会新闻特别是新闻大纲的写作。,第五步homework:,Write an outline for a short newspaper story for China Daily. (设计意图:通过练习巩固新闻写作特别是新闻大纲的写法。),同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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