Unit 1《friendship》课件28(117张PPT)(人教版必修1)

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Unit 1《friendship》课件28(117张PPT)(人教版必修1)_第1页
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1,Unit 1 Friendship,人教版高中英语模块一,2,English Song English Class Language Data Video Data,3,课时分配,4,Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I,Unit 1 Friendship,Period 1&2: 幻灯片9-28页,5,6,Words about friendship:,lovely helpful quick-minded (思维活跃的) honest brave wise loyal smart handsome pretty kindhearted talkative(爱说话的) silent careful generous(大方的) unselfish (不自私的) diligent (勤奋的) active creative thoughtful humorous responsible open-minded funny kind .,Brainstorming-I-words (3m),7,Questions :,1. Do you need friends?,2. Do you think friendship is important in your life? Why do you think so?,3. Do you have any good friends? What do you think of them?,8,What qualities should a good friend have?,Brainstorming,Brainstorming-II-question (2m),9,Interview,Four students in a group, each one has to interview the other group mates.,Brainstorming-III-interview (3m),10,Pre-reading,Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?,Do you think a diary can become your friend? Why or why not?,What do you know about the World War II?,Pre-reading-I-questions (2m),11,The Second World War,Nazi crime,12,Reading,ANNES BEST FRIEND,13,Who/ what is Annes best friend? When did the story happen?,Her diary Kitty,The story happened during World War II.,Skimming:,Reading-I-skimming (1m),14,What did she do? Why did she do that way? How did she enjoy herself?,She hid away in order not to be caught by the German Nazis. At the same time she kept a diary.,She did that way in order not to be caught by the German Nazis.,She kept a diary.,Scanning:,Reading-II-scanning (2m),15,Anne kept a diary because She felt very lonely because They have to hide because Anne named her diary Kitty because They were finally caught because,She couldnt meet her friends. Jews were caught by Nazis and put away. She could tell everything to it. they were discovered. she thought it was her best friend.,John the correct parts of the sentences.,Matching (2m),16,Read the passage again and fill the following form:,Blue sky, songs of birds, moonlight, flowers,Never felt spellbound,Darkness, rain, wind, thundering clouds,Grew crazy,Reading-III-filling (4m),17,Students work in pairs to discuss the following open questions: 1.Why did the windows stay closed? 2.How did Anne feel? 3.What do you think of Anne? 4.Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文).,Intensive reading,Reading-IV-intensive reading (5m),18, Why did the windows stay closed? How did Anne feel? What do you think of Anne?,No. They shut the windows in order not to be found and caught by the Nazis.,She was afraid of being found and at the same time was eager to touch the outside world.,Intensive Reading,Give your own answers.,19, Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, What is the meaning of “spellbound”? Use another word to substitute it.,Spellbound means to concentrate with delight for some time. Interested.,20,Four students a group to discuss the situation:,Activity,What will you take? Why? How will you spend the 3 months? How will you treat each other and make friends ?,Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you.,Discussion (4m),21,Homework,Surf the Internet to find more information about Anne and to read more about Annes diary.,22,Language points for Reading I,23,Take a break!,24,Period 3 Learning about language,Unit 1 Friendship,Period 3: 幻灯片29-58页,25,1. Answer keys for Ex1 on Page4:,trust upset loose calm down crazy,6. set down,7. go through,8. on purpose,9. face to face,10. according to,26,2. Answer keys for Ex. 2 on page 4:,Annes sister, Margot, was very _ that the family had to move. She found it difficult to settle and _ in the hiding place because she was _ _ whether they would be discovered. She knew she had to _ her parents and _ them this was necessary. At first she thought she would go _ but later she realized that it was better to _ this together.,upset,calm down,concerned,about,trust,according to,crazy,go through,27,3. Answer keys for Ex.3 on page 4:,If you are concerned about somebody, you want to offer help because you are worried about him/her. Was it an accident or did David do it on purpose? From the very beginning, Paul made it clear that he would be entirely in control. He used to work outdoors even in the middle of winter.,28,5. Nature is all the animals, plants and other things in the world that are not made by people, and all the events that are not caused by people. 6. Just the thought of more food made her feel sick.,29,have to = have got to,Assignment: find out all the sentences in warming up and reading that contain have to or have got to. And then transfer it into the other form. (5 sentences),Its a duty to do something.,30,Grammar,直接引语和间接引语,Direct and Indirect Speech,31,Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech (1),转述他人的陈述陈述句, She asked me what I was doing.,1) He said , “Im going to Beijing.”, He said that he was going to Beijing.,2) He asked, “Are you a teacher?”, He asked me if /whether I was a doctor.,3) She said , “What are you doing?”,2. 转述他人的疑问一般疑问句,3. 转述他人的问题特殊疑问句,32,直接引语变成间接引语,句子结构的变化,He said, “I have been to the Great Wall. ” He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall. He said, “Ill give you an examination next Monday. ” He told us that he would give us an examination the next Monday.,陈述句 用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb. that, told sb. that,不可直接说told that,33,解题步骤:,1.陈述句:,“I dont like computers,” Sarah said to her friends.,Sarah said to her friends,that,said,didnt,she,Sarah said to her friends that she didnt like computers.,Sarah,34,一般疑问句,He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?” He asked (me) whether/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation. He said, “You are interested in English, arent you?” He asked whether I was interested in English.,间接引语用连词whether或if引导,原主句中谓语动词said要改为asked(me/him/us等),语序是陈述句的语序,35,2.一般疑问句: Is it easy to improve the condition of the soil? ( They asked him ),They asked him,if,It is easy to improve the condition of the soil.,it is easy to improve the condition of the soil.,asked,is,was,They asked him if it was easy to improve the condition of the soil.,36,特殊疑问句,He said to me,“Whats your name?” He asked me what my name was. He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?” He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.,原来的疑问词作为间接引语的连词,主句的谓语动词用ask(sb. )来表达,语序改为陈述句语序,37,3.特殊疑问句: When do you harvest the wheat ? ( They asked him ),They asked him,When,you harvest the wheat,you harvest the wheat.,he,harvested,They asked him when he harvested the wheat.,38,选择疑问句,He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” He asked me whether I spoke English or French. I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.,用whetheror表达,而不用ifor,也不用eitheror,39,5. 注意地点的变化,在直接引语变为间接引语时需要注意的变化,1. 注意时态的变化,2. 注意人称变化。,3. 注意指示代词的变化,4. 注意时间的变化,6. 注意个别趋向动词的变化,40,When you change a sentence from direct speech to indirect speech, you sometimes need to change the verb tense. You may also need to change pronouns , time in order to keep the same meaning.,Direct indirect Present past Past past and past perfect Present perfect past perfect Past perfect past perfect,41,The geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.,谓语动词时态变化需要注意几点:,1.直接引语表述的是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变,The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”,42,She says that shell never forget the days in the country.,2. 如果直接引语所表述的内容在目前和说话时同样有效,变间接引语时,时态可不变,The children said, “We love this game.”,They told us that they love that game.,3.主句谓语动词的时态是现在时态,在引述时,时态不变。,She says, “Ill never forget the days in the country.”,43,1. 当主句的谓语动词是将来时的时候 2. 当直接引语部分带有具体的过去时间状语时 3. 当直接引语中有以when, while引导的从句,表示过去的时间时 4. 当引语是谚语、格言时 5. 当直接引语中有情态动词should, would, could, had better, would rather, might, must, ought to, used to, need时,从句时态无须改变的还有以下情况:,44,直接引语,间接引语,指示代词,时 间 状 语,地点状语,方向性动词,this,that,these,those,now,then,today,that day,this week,that week,yesterday,the day before,last week,the week before,four days ago,four days before,the day before yesterday,two days before,tomorrow,the next day,next month,the next month,here,there,come,go,bring,take,45,46,Exercises:,1. He said , “I m afraid I cant finish this work.”,2.He said , “I havent heard from him since May.” 3.Tom said “I will see you next week.”,He said that he was afraid he couldnt finish that work.,He said that he hadnt heard from him since May.,Tom said that he would see me the next week.,47,4. “Why were you late again?” The teacher said to me. 5. “I dont like swimming,” said Sarah. 6. His friends asked him if he would go to Dalian. 7. “Have you been to Paris?” My classmate asked me.,The teacher asked me why I was late again.,Sarah said she didnt like swimming.,His friends asked him, “Will you go to Dalian?”,My classmate asked me if I had been to Paris.,48,Readers can _ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. A. get over B. get in C. get along D. get through,高考链接,C,解析:答案C。本题主要考查具体语境中get短语的用法。全句意为:尽管读者不知道每个单词的确切含义,但他们能够很好得读懂,即读书进展得顺利,故用get along。,49,2. Its hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I _ in love, at the age of seven, with the Melinda Cox Library in my hometown. A. wouldnt have fallen B. had not fallen C. should fall D. were to fall,高考链接,B,解析:答案B。本题考查了fall in love在虚拟语气中的应用,从标志性时间状语at the age of seven看,宾语从句内容意指过去。在虚拟语气结构中,若指过去,从句中动词形式用过去完成时,主句中谓语动词形式用would/should/might/ could/have done。,50,3. Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble. A. an advice B. advice C. advices D. the advices,高考链接,B,解析:答案B。Advice若作“忠告,劝告,建议”讲,无论什么情况下都不可数,故A、C、D各项均属错误。Advice前不能用不定冠词,但可被some,much,a lot of/lots of,a piece of,a bit of,a word of等修饰。,51,4. I wonder how he _ that to the teacher. A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say,高考链接,D,解析:答案D。本题主要考查了dare作为情态动词和实义动词的基本用法。作为实义动词,dare有人称、数和时态的变化,故dare to say与主语he相悖;dare doing结构本身错误;dare的否定形式应为dare not do(情态动词)或dont/doesnt/didnt dare (实义动词) to do。,52,Homework,Review the knowledge of direct speech and indirect speech and summarize the rules.,53,Take a break!,54,Period 4 Reading II,Unit 1 Friendship,Period 4: 幻灯片59-77页,55,Do you know any place in the world where Chinese and Westerner cultures live side by side?,Brainstorming-I-Talking (2m),56,Hong kong,Singapore,Vancouver,Macao,57,Can you imagine what the life will be in such a place?,Pre-reading-I (2m),58,Read the passage and decide what each of the following words means in the language of the Hawaiians.,to be with happiness/ goodbye/ our hearts singing together,oneness with all people,help,family,a circle of flowers worn around the neck,Reading-I-fast reading (2m),59,Read the text again and answer the following questions.,What is the first way Hawaiians show their friendship? What is the second way of showing friendship? What is their third way of showing friendship? Why do many different peoples call Hawaii their home? How do people in Hawaii get on with one another? How can people in Hawaii live in peace? Can you find similar things in your hometown? How do you show friendship to visitors?,Reading-II-Detailed reading (5m),60,What is the first way Hawaiians show their friendship?,Hawaiians say “aloha” to each other to show friendship.,61,2. What is the second way of showing friendship?,They welcome people of all races, languages and cultures with “lokahi” which means “oneness with all people” .,62,3. What is their third way of showing friendship?,They give visitors a “Lei” to make them feel at home.,63,4. Why do many different peoples call Hawaii their home?,Its because Hawaii is a place where many cultures live together peacefully and co-operate with each other.,64,5. How do people in Hawaii get on with one another?,They try to help each other so that all feel stronger.People are told that their actions should be as gentle as the wind blowing from the sea.,65,6. How can people in Hawaii live in peace?,They solve the problems with understanding and treat all people as if they are part of the same family.,66,7. Can you find similar things in your hometown? How do you show friendship to visitors?,Students give their own answers.,67,Read the following poem carefully and write down the pairs of words that rhyme and add more similar rhyming words.,A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friends is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy and grace And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.,Friends,Appreciation (2m),68,I want to find the answer to the question What is friendship? When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella. It can give me a piece of clear sky. When Im crying, I think friendship is a white handkerchief. It can wipe my tears dry.,What is friendship?,Discussion-I (3m),69,When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word. It can bring me happiness again. When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a strong hand. It can help me escape my troubles. When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a very wonderful feeling. It cant be pulled and torn, because it is in everyones heart. It is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.,70,What would you do in the following situations?,1. You promised you friend last Tuesday that you would go to a picnic with him/her on Saturday. But there are no more tickets and this is your favourite band. Will you go to the concert or the picnic? Give reasons for your decision. 2. Your best friend tells you that he/she has stolen something small from a shop. He/She thinks it is funny that he/she got away with it. What will you say to him/her? Give reasons for your answers.,Discussion-II (4m),71,Homework,Try to write a poem about friendship.,72,Take a break!,73,Period 5 Listening,Unit 1 Friendship,Period 5: 幻灯片78-88页,74,Question: what would you do if you are misunderstood by others?,Brainstorming (2m),75,Read the text and find out the answer to the following question.,What was upsetting Lisa? He was understood by others to have fallen in love with a boy.,Reading-I-fast reading (1m),76,Listen to the tape and answer the following question.,Does Miss Wang advise Lisa to end the friendship with the boy? No. She advises her to ignore the gossiping classmates. Its possible for a boy and a girl to be just good friends.,Listening-I (5m),77,Listen to the tape and find out the information to fill in the blank.,Listening-II (5m),78,Miss Wang says that there is nothing _ in Lisa making friends with a boy and that it is _ for a boy and a girl to be just good fiends. Miss Wang says that teenagers like to _ and that perhaps they cant understand Lisas friendship with the boy. Miss Wang says that Lisas ending the friendship with the boy would be a _ thing to do. Miss Wang says that there is no _ for Lisa to throw away her friendship with the boy. Miss Wang asks Lisa to _ her gossiping classmates and show them that she is more _ up.,wrong,possible,gossip,stupid,reason,ignore,grown,79,Discuss the following questions.,Do you always do what your parents tell you? If your parents misunderstand your friendship with a boy/girl, what would you do? And what would your parents do? Whats the consequences of disobeying your parents?,Brainstorming (3m),80,Listen to the tape twice and finish the chart.,careful,glad,alone,continue,agree,Listening-I (5m),81,Give some advice to help Anne with the problem. Make a list of the things she might say to her father to make him change his mind.,Everyone needs a friend. Anne needs a good friend. They can talk together happily and they are not doing anything wrong. They are always with the family, so her father can watch over her.,Giving advise (4m),82,Homework,Make up a dialogue with your partner about something you and your father have different points of views. You are expected to present it in the next class.,83,Take a break!,84,Period 6 Speaking and Writing,Unit 1 Friendship,Period 6: 幻灯片89-102页,85,Speaking (4m),Situation 1: You promised your friend last Tuesday that you would go on a picnic with him/her on Saturday. On Friday night you are offered one ticket to the “Backstreet Boys” concert on Saturday. But there are no more tickets and this is your favourite band. Will you go to the concert or the picnic?Give reasons for your decision.,86,Situation 2: Your best friend tells you that he/she has stolen something small from a shop. He /she thinks it is funny that he/she got away with it. What will you say to him/her? Give reasons for your answer.,87,Questionnaire (3m),Step 1: In your group, think of four situations among friends. Design four questions accordingly with three possible answers. Step 2: Put the four questions together and make a questionnaire. Step 3: Check your questionnaire through and try it out on your own group. Step 4: Share your questionnaires with one or two other groups and try each others questionnaires.,88,Ex. 2 on page 45,What do you and your best friends think is cool? Look at the following photos and in small groups talk about whether what they are doing is cool or not. You may begin like this: “I think thatis cool/isnt cool because”,3m,89,Proverbs about friends and friendship.,A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friends are like wine; the older, the better. When you meet your friend, your face shines-you have found gold. A friend to all is a friend to none. The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer. The best mirror is an old friend.,False friends are worse than open enemies. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. Friendship cannot stand always on one side. The friendship that can end was never real. With clothes the new are best; with friends the old are the best.,90,How to write an argumentative essay,91,How to write an argumentative essay,92,How to write an argumentative essay,93,How to write an argumentative essay,94,How to write an argumentative essay,95,How to write an argumentative essay,96,Homework,Every group makes a questionnaire. Read a piece of Annes Diary and write a passage about your feeling.,97,Take a break!,98,Language Data Bank,Language points for Reading I,99,1. go through 经历 go through two stages,经历阶级斗争的考验 go through the test in class struggle,The poor girl has gone through a lot since her parents died.,Language points for Reading I,100,2. or =,otherwise,3. hide(hid, hidden) away,4. set down=,write down,I set down everything that happened then.,101,5. series (单复同形) a series of + n (pl),There is a television series on this channel every night.,a series of good harvests/ questions/ Long March memorial stamps,There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing.,102,6. as 正如, 照的方式,1) Do as I say.,2) David, as you know, is a photographer.,3) As I said in my last letter,Im taking the exam in July.,103,7. be/ get/ grow crazy about,1) The boy is crazy about skiing.,2) The teenagers are crazy about the pop singer.,be crazy to do sth,1) You are crazy to do such a thing.,2) You are crazy to buy a car at such a high price.,= Its crazy of you to buy a car at such a high price.,104,8. to do inf. 作定语,Do you have anything to eat? Im extremely hungry.,9. stay (link v) + adj/ n,1) I stayed awake through the stormy night.,2) He stayed single all his life.,3) The weather stayed sultry.天气持续闷热。,4) Stay seated!坐在


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