2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Unit 5《Music》(新人教版福建专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版福建专用,Unit 5 Music, pretend vt. 假装,假扮,根据语境感悟用法 (1)She pretended to be friendly with me; she mended my socks. (2)You neednt pretend that you dont know the result. (3)He pretended sleep when his mother called him.,(1)pretend 接不定式 (2)pretend 接从句 (3)pretend 接名词,短语 pretend to be done 假装被 pretend to be doing 假装正在 pretend to have done 假装已经 pretend to have been done 假装已经被, pretend vt. 假装,假扮, pretend vt. 假装,假扮,单项填空 The new movie _ to be one of the biggest moneymakers of all time. A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines,解析 句意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房最高的电影之一。 promise 有希望。,A, to be honest,根据语境感悟用法 (1)To be honest, it was the worst book Ive ever read. 老实说,这是我读过的最差的书。 (2)To be honest, shes only interested in Mike because of his money. 说实在的,她对马克感兴趣是因为他的钱。,链接 honesty n. 诚实;忠实;真实 honestly adv. 真实地;诚实地 dishonest adj. 不诚实的, to be honest,短语 honestly speaking 说实话地;说真地 to be honest with you 诚实地说 be honest in doing sth. 在做某事方面坦诚;坦率, to be honest,句型 It is honest of sb. to do sth. 在(干)方面诚实,单项填空 (1) To be _ you, I wouldnt attend the concert at all. A. honest at B. the honest of C. honest with D. the honest on,解析 考查短语搭配。根据honest所形成的短语搭配是to be honest with you“诚实地说”。,C, to be honest,(2) Its so uncomfortable to stay here. _, I want to leave. A. Honest B. Honesty C. To be honest D. Truth,解析 考查短语搭配。根据honest所形成的短语搭配是to be honest“说实在的”。,C,单项填空, to be honest, form vt. & n.,根据语境猜词义 (1) First, you should fill an application form. (2) Help in the form of money will be very welcome. (3) A plan began to form in his mind.,根据语义找匹配 A. 形成 B. 表格 C. 形式,B,A,C,链接 former adj. & n. 从前的;(the former )前者 formal adj. 正式的 informal adj. 非正式的 reform vt. 改革, form vt. & n.,短语 form/set up a club 成立俱乐部 form a good habit 养成一个好习惯 form an organization 成立一个组织 form the habit of 养成的习惯 on/in form 状况良好 off/out of form 状态不佳 in the form of 以的形式 in any form 以任何形式, form vt. & n., form vt. & n.,辨析 form/build/found/put up/set up form 构成;形成,强调所构成的东西必须具有外形或具有一定的结构或包含设计工作。 build 表示“建设,建造”,既可接具体事物名词,亦可接抽象事物名词。, form vt. & n.,辨析 form/build/found/put up/set up found 意为“创立,创建”,指创立组织、机构、国家等,既接具体事物名词也接抽象事物名词。 put up 搭起;竖起;建立,多接具体事物名词。 set up 搭起,建起;创立,建立,可接具体或抽象事物名词。,用上述单词或短语的适当形式填空 Two years ago Andy filled in a (1)_ and became a member on his city basketball team where he could receive (2)_ training. He practised hard and was (3)_ good (4)_, so he did win the respect of others. But last yearhe ate too much fat (5)_ chocolate and ice cream and he became fatter and fatter and (6)_. Therefore he was fired when the team decided to (7)_, which made his (8)_ fans quite disappointed., form vt. & n.,答案 (1) form (2) formal (3) in (4) form (5) in the form of (6) out of form (7) reform (8) former, form vt. & n.,用上述单词或短语的适当形式填空, earn vt.,根据语境猜词义 (1) As a teacher, she had earned the respect and admiration of her students. (2) She is young, but she earns a good salary.,根据语义找匹配 A. 挣(钱) B. 赢得,获得,应当得到,B,A,短语 earn sth. for sb. earn sb. sth. 使某人赢得某物 earn ones living/bread 谋生,维持生计 earn ones living bymake a living by 靠谋生 earn/make money 赚钱,挣钱 earn ones own living 自食其力 earn a salary 挣工资, earn vt., earn vt.,辨析 earn/gain/win/obtain/get/achieve earn 指经过艰苦的努力而获得报酬,其宾语一般是金钱或荣誉。 His achievement earned him respect. (靠自己的劳动), earn vt.,辨析 earn/gain/win/obtain/get/achieve gain 侧重于物质方面的收益,强调经过努力、拼搏才能获得的东西。其后的宾语常常是:experience; strength; time; knowledge; attention; respect; admiration等。 He has gained a lot of experience as he grows older., earn vt.,辨析 earn/gain/win/obtain/get/achieve win表示“(通过努力、能力)赢得,获得”之意时是及物动词,其后的宾语只能是:game, war, prize, fame, battle等。 As long as we unite as one, we can win the game. obtain着重指通过巨大努力、得到所需的或盼望已久的东西。 He failed to obtain a scholarship.(巨大努力、盼望已久), earn vt.,辨析 earn/gain/win/obtain/get/achieve get一般用语,使用较广。可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。 He got the first prize in the listening contest(使用较广) achieve强调“得到这一结果,多指克服困难后取得胜利、成功、成就而实现预期的目的。 I knew it would help us to achieve our dream of attending college., earn vt.,单项填空 I discovered that the good name my parents had _brought our whole family the respect of our neighbor. A. earned B. deserved C. given D. used,解析 考查动词词义辨析。按照句意此处为“赢得”的意思。earn的宾语可以是name, fame, reputation, position。,A, rely on 依靠,依赖;指望,根据语境感悟用法 (1)They rely on themselves now, which is much better. (2)You must rely on me to help you. (3)We cant rely on him coming in time.,(1)“依靠”,后跟名词或代词。 (2)“依靠”,跟不定式的复合结构。 (3)“指望”,跟动名词或由分词构成的复合结构。, rely on 依靠,依赖;指望,辨析 rely on/depend on rely on指“在过去经验的基础上,依赖/相信某人或某事物,希望从中得到支持或帮助”。 depend on 指“出于信赖而依靠他人或他物,以取得其支持或帮助”,这种信赖可能有过去的经验或了解为根据,也可能没有。 depend on 还可译为“由 而定,取决于”的意思。, rely on 依靠,依赖;指望,单项填空 When we will hold the flower show in the park mainly _ the weather recently. A. lies on B. puts on C. relies on D. depends on,解析 这里指“取决于”天气情况,因此用depend on。,D, be familiar with,根据语境猜词义 (1)She has become familiar with the house. (2)Dont be too familiar with him; hes a dishonest man.,根据语义找匹配 A亲热,亲近 B熟悉,B,A, be familiar with,辨析 be familiar with/be familiar to be familiar with “通晓,对熟悉(having a good knowledge of)”,主语通常是表示人的名词或代词,介词with的宾语可以是人,也可以是物。 be familiar to “为所熟知(be well known to)”,主语通常是表示物的名词或代词,介词to的宾语通常是表示人的名词或代词。, be familiar with,单项填空 His voice on the phone sounded familiar _ me. A. with B. to C. for D. on,解析 句意:他在电话里的声音我很熟悉。,B,根据语境猜词义 (1) The crowd started to break up when the night fell. (2) Their marriage broke up. (3) The police tried to break up the crowd. (4) Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (5) The ship broke up on the rock., break up,根据语义找匹配 A. 破裂 B. 破碎 C. 拆开 D. 散开 E. 驱散,答案 (1) D (2) A (3) E (4) C (5) B, break up,短语 break away from 逃脱;摆脱 breakup 拆开;结束(关系);关闭(公司);(用武力)迫使放弃 break down (机器等)出故障;(计划,谈判等)失败;(身体)垮;(化学)分解;划分; 精神崩溃 breakdown 打倒/砸破(某物);破坏;消除(某种感情);把分类/分解, break up,break off 断开;折断;停顿;中断(交谈/关系); (停下来)休息 break in 闯入;强行进入;打断;插嘴 break into 强行进入,打断 break into pieces 摔成碎片 break out (疾病、灾害、战争、火灾等不好的东西)突然爆发, break up,短语,break through 冲过,取得突破/有重大发现;从云层后露出;克服;战胜 break ones promise/word 食言, break up,短语,用break 构成的词组填空 (1) After the storm the sun _ the clouds. (2) The fire _ at midnight. Luckily, no one was in the house. (3) The thief _ and was surprised to find that the house had already been _.,答案 (1) broke through (2) broke out (3) broke in; broken into, break up, break up,用break 构成的词组填空,(4)What would happen to the children if their parents _? (5)He _ in the middle of his talk at the sight of an unexpected visitor. (6)When he found that he couldnt do it as he planned, he _ and cried.,答案 (4)broke up (5)broke off (6)broke down,单项填空 (7) The couple had quarreled all the time before they _their engagement. A. broke down B. broke through C. broke off D. broke out,解析 考查break动词短语辨析。quarrel暗示中断婚约。break off the conversation/relations中断交谈/关系。,C, break up, hit (hit,hit) n. & v.,根据语境猜词义 (1) The farmers were hit hard by the drought last winter. (2) It hit me all of a sudden that he has already come back. (3) Her new series is a smash hit. (4) He was hit in the face.,答案 (1) B (2)D (3) C (4) A,根据语义找匹配 A. 打 B. 打击 C. (演出等)成功 D. 突然想到, hit (hit,hit) n. & v.,短语 hit it 猜中,说对了 hit on/upon 偶然碰上,偶然找到,偶然想起, hit (hit,hit) n. & v.,辨析 hit/strike/beat hit 用于表示命中,击败。 strike 指有意识的动作,也可以指无意识的动作,可能用力地打一下,也可能是多下。敲钟必须用strike。 beat 指有目的地在某物上连续不断地击打、轻打、重打都可以。如心脏的跳动。, hit (hit,hit) n. & v.,单项填空 The song was a _at once and its recording tape rose to No. 1 on the bestseller list. A. shock B. strike C. hit D. beat,解析 考查同义词辨析。按照句意此处有“(演出等)成功”之意。,C, hit (hit,hit) n. & v., while 的用法,(1)引导时间状语从句,表示“当时候,与同时”,强调主句的动作发生在从句所发生的动作范围内,从句的动作必须是延续性动词。 (2)引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”语气较轻,一般放在句首。 (3)引导并列句,前后表示对照、对比,有“而”之意。, while 的用法,He broke in the house while we were talking. 当我们正在谈话时,他闯了进来。 While it is very cold today, we decide to go out for a walk. 尽管今天天气很冷,我们还是决定出去走走。,(4)后面直接跟现在分词、过去分词或介词短语,形成省略句,这种省略的条件是,前后主从句主语必须一致。, while 的用法,Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, while those in the south are relatively poor. 北方学校的设施往往要好些,而南方的学校相对差些。 You had to be very cautious while (you are) driving. 你开车的时候必须很小心。, while 的用法,链接 when 的用法: 1when引导并列句不能放在句首,它所体现出的语义是:“就在这时;就在那时;此时此刻;届时”。引导时间状语从句它有两个极具有代表性的句式:, while 的用法,链接 when 的用法: (1)be doing sth. when 表示“正在做某事就在这个时候发生了另外的一件事” 。 I was walking in the street when I heard my name called from behind. 我正在街上散步,就在这时我听到有人在背后叫我的名字。, while 的用法,链接 when 的用法: (2)be about to do sth. when 表示“正要做某事就在这个时候发生了另外一件事”。 I was about to leave when the phone rang. 我正要出去就在这个时候电话响了。 (3)hardlywhen 表示“还没就”,主句常用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。, while 的用法,链接 when 的用法: 2when 它还能引导原因状语从句,表示“既然”。 How can he learn anything when he has spent all of his spare time surfing the Internet playing computer games? 既然他把所有的业余时间都用在上网玩游戏上了,他又怎能学到什么呢?, while 的用法,链接 when 的用法: 3when 还能引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”。 They kept digging when they must have known there was no hope. 他们明明知道没任何希望,但他们还是不停地挖。, while 的用法,单项填空 (1)_ the Internet bridges the distance between people, it can bring a lot of social problems. A. While B. If C. Once D. When,解析 考查连词用法。按照句意此处为“尽管”之意,是让步状语从句,只能用while引导。,A, while 的用法,完成句子 (2)I _ go swimming _our guide saw me and shouted at me. 我正要去游泳,这时我们的导游看见了并对着我喊叫。,答案 was about to; when, while 的用法,完成句子,(3)I _ to Lucy _ Lily cut in. 我正在和Lucy谈话时,突然被Lily打断。 (4)The boys _ basketball long when the bell _. 这些男生刚刚打篮球上课铃就响了。,答案 (3)was talking; when (4)had hardly played; rang, while 的用法,while和when都可以引导让步状语从句,它们的区别是什么? (1)He came to help us when he had plenty of work to do. 尽管他有很多工作要做,他还是赶过来帮我们。 (2)While Im willing to help you, I dont have much time available. 尽管我愿意帮助你,但我没有太多的时间。, while 的用法,while和when都可以引导让步状语从句,它们的区别是什么?,解析 while和when都可以引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”,它们的区别是:一般while在句首而when则在句中。,At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them. (P38) 最后,因为感觉沮丧及敏感,弗兰迪和他的乐队意识到在这一切变得太痛苦之前他们必须离开这个国家。,通过语境猜词义 (1) We lived in a house before we moved to the flat. (2) It was long before we fell to sleep. (3) It wasnt long before we finished our homework. (4) Lock your bike before it gets stolen. (5) Make the water clean before it flows into the river. (6) She ran out before we stopped her. (7) Id shoot myself before I apologized to her.,根据语义找匹配 A. 还没来得及就 B. 没过多久就 C. 在还没时候就 D. 在之前 E. 以免 F. 过多长时间才 G. 宁愿也不愿,答案 (1)D (2) F (3) B (4) E (5) C (6) A (7) G,句型 It be 时间段before 过多久才 It will be 时间段 before 多久之后才,单项填空 (1) Its three years _my brother joined the army and it will be ten days _he comes back to see our parents. A. when; after B. since; when C. before; until D. since; before,D,解析 考查连接词的用法。从语义上看:他参军已经 3 年。我们使用的是“Its 时间段 since 主语 一般 过去时”句型。而后半句则是:过10天他就能回来看望父母了,体现的是“过多久就” 的意思,使用“It will be 时间段 before”,单项填空,解析 考查连接词的用法。根据语境:过好长时间卫兵才发现所发生之事,符合“It was时间段before”句型。,(2) A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time_ the guards discovered what had happened. A. before B. until C. since D. when,A,单项填空,观察意义对等的英汉句子,找出句子的对应部分 People who take medicine to lose weight are most likely to harm their health. 服用药物减肥的(a) 人(b) 很可能损害他们的健康(c)。,答案 Ab; Ba; Cc。,A,B,C,1,英语中定语从句放修饰词后,作后置定语,以引导词作为标志;汉语中定语从句放修饰词前,以“的”为标志。,发光的不一定都是金子。 引导词that 是关系代词 维也纳是顶尖音乐家的聚集地。 引导词where是关系代词,翻译下列句子,把定语从句的引导词进行分类 1. All that glitters isnt gold. 2. Vienna is a place where top musicians gather.,3. God helps those who help themselves. 4. Gone are the days when teachers were looked down upon.,自助者天助。 引导词those是关系副词。 老师受歧视的日子一去不复返了。 引导词when是关系副词。,2,定语从句的引导词分为两类,即关系代词和关系副词。常见的关系代词有that,which, who,whom,whose,as;常见的关系副词有when, why, where。,使用规范的答题步骤,确定各个定语从句的引导词 1. This is the school_ I visited ten years ago.,That/which/省略,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为I visited ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为visited,先行词在从句中作visited的宾语,因先行词为物,故引导词用that,which或省略。,2. This is the school_ I worked ten years ago.,where/in which,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为I worked ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为worked,先行词在从句中作worked的状语,因先行词为地点,故用where或in which。,3. This is the school _ has a good reputation in and out of China.,which/that,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为has a good reputation in and out of China,从句的谓语动词为has,先行词在从句中作has的主语,因先行词为物,故用 which/that。,4. This is the school _ teaching buildings are of ancient style.,whose,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为teaching buildings are of ancient style,从句的谓语动词为are,先行词在从句中既不单独作主语,也不作宾语,也不作状语,但与主语teaching buildings有所属关系,故用whose。,5. This is the school _ I visited the headmaster ten years ago.,Where/in which,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为I visited the headmaster ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为visited,先行词在从句中作地点状语,故用where或in which。,6. This is the school_ I worked in ten years ago.,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为I worked in ten years ago,从句的谓语动词为work in,先行词在从句中作work in 的宾语,因先行词为物,故用that,which或省略。,that/which/省略,7. This is the school _ made a speech at the forum.,who/that,解析 先行词为the school,定语从句为made a speech at the forum,从句的谓语动词为made,先行词在从句中作made的主语,但能够演讲的一定是“人”,故用who/that。,3,定语从句的引导词的确定可以概括为:“三找两定一证”。 “三找”:找先行词找定语从句找定语从句的谓语动词; “两定”:判定先行词与从句谓语动词的关系确定关系代词或关系副词(兼顾人/物)。 “一证”:把定语从句还原成独立的句子,验证其句子结构的完整性。,根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词) 1. 我想买套窗户朝南的房子。 Id like to buy a flat _ windows face south. Id like to buy a flat _ _ _ windows face south. Id like to buy a flat _ windows_ _ face south.,whose,2. 单身汉就是未成家的男人。 A bachelor is a man _ cap covers his family. A bachelor is a man _ _ _ cap covers his family. A bachelor is a man _ cap _ _ covers his family.,whose,4,先行词后的名词从属于先行词,用关系代词whose。 whose n . then. ofwhich of which then.,如先行词是人,其中的which改为whom。,填写定语从句的引导词 1.Students_ have a wide range of knowledge have advantages in exams. 2. The joint venture _has brought a lot of jobs to the locals plays an important role in the development of the city. 3. Please inform me of anything _ you find unusual.,that / who,that / which,that /省略,4. All measures _can be taken should be taken to reduce environmental pollution. 5. The building in front of_ there is a drug store dates back 500 years. 6. China, _ covers an area of over 9.6 million square kilometers, is the third largest country in the globe.,which,which,that,5,当引导词确定为关系代词时,that和which用法上的区别可以分为三种情况: 1用that(四种情况):先行词为特定词 all, much,anything,nothing,everything,which,who等不定代词或疑问代词等; 先行词前有特定词如形容词最高级,序数词,any,only,few,much, no,some,very等修饰;先行词既有人又有物时;先行词是人;,5,2用which,即在介词关系代词结构中,介词提前时或先行词是物的非限制性定语从句中只用which; 3that和which 可以互换,即当先行词是物时,且不是特殊的先行词或先行词前没有特殊的词修饰时。,用“介词关系代词”结构翻译下列句子。 1.刚才我对他说话的那个人是个销售经理。,The man to whom I spoke just now is a sales manager.The man (who/that/whom/省略) I spoke to just now is a sales manager.,2.这就是我经常借书的图书馆。,This is the library from which I often borrow books. This is the library (which/that/省略) I often borrow books from.,6,在“介词关系代词”句式中,当先行词为人时,此时关系代词只能用whom;当先行词为物时,关系代词只能用which。,填写适当的介词和关系代词完成句子 1. All the vegetables are said to be from the farm _ my parents worked. 2. The student _ I often lent reference books was accepted by a key university.,on which,to whom,3. 80 km/h is the speed limit _ drivers will be fined. 4. You should carry your ID card _ youll possibly get into trouble. 5. This is the key point_ we should pay more attention.,beyond which,without which,to which,7,在关系代词前需要介词的定语从句中,介词的选用遵循“还原搭配”原则,即把定语从句还原成单独的一个句子,然后把先行词放在句末,再考虑在先行词前选用符合句意,搭配正确的介词。上述定语从句还原成单独的句子分别为:,7,1. My parents worked on the farm. 2. I often lent reference books to the student. 3. Drivers will be fined beyond the speed limit. 4. Youll possibly get into trouble without your ID card. 5. We should pay more attention to the key point.,填写适当的介词和关系代词完成句子 1. Lets just discuss such questions_ are about current education system. 2. This is so difficult a problem _ none of us here can work out.,as,as,3. This is so difficult a problem _none of us here can work it out. 4. Id like the same car _my colleague has.,that (that引导的是结果状语从句),as 句意为“我想要辆与我同事的车相同的车” (如填that,则表示“我想要我同事那辆车”)。,8,as作为关系代词,在限制性定语从句中主要用于固定搭配such/so/the same/asas中。 注意:such/sothat中that引导结果状语从句,意为“以致”。 the same that表示同一事物,而the sameas表示类似的事物。,指出下列句子中有逻辑错误的句子 1. My brother who works on China Daily is in his 30s. 2. My brother, who works on China Daily, is in his 30s. 3. China which is located in East Asia is on the way to greater success. 4. My mother who is considerate and helpful wins respect from all.,答案 句3,句4有逻辑错误。 “中国”是独一无二的国家,无所谓“地处东亚的中国”一说,换言之,不能使用限制性定语从句修饰“中国”,只能使用非限制性定语从句补充,说明“中国”的有关属性。同样,“妈妈”是独一无二的,“体贴入微和好帮助他人的妈妈”让人产生误解。用限制性定语从句修饰独一无二的人或事物会产生歧义。,9,非限制性定语从句有两大特点:形式上有逗号,从句与主句分开;意义上,从句不修饰限定先行词,而是补充说明先行词的属性,通常单独翻译成一个句子。,选用as 或which填空 1. Mother usually brings fruits to my classroom, _embarrasses me a lot. 2. The air show being held in Zhuhai is fantastic, _ can be seen.,which,as,3. Some American troops are being withdrawn from the Middle East, _ we have learnt from the newspaper. 4. Some American troops, _ we have learnt from the newspaper, are being withdrawn from the Middle East.,as / which,as,5. _ we have learnt from the newspaper, some American troops are being withdrawn from the Middle East. 6. The young lady married an old man with a lot of money,_ is disgraceful.,As,which,7. The material resists heat,_ shown in the experiment. 8. It never rains but pours in this area, _ is often the case.,as,as,关系代词代替整个句子或句子的一部分内容时,which和 as在用法上有很大区别。 1从先行词在从句中充当的句子成分角度: 在主谓宾(补)结构的定语从句中作主语,只能用which(如例1);,10,2从定语从句的位置角度: 放句首或句中引导从句,只能用as(如例4,5); 从句在句末,无其他限制条件时,既可用which,也可用as(如例3)。 句型模式为:as ;主语 谓语;主语, as, 谓语;主语 谓语,as/which,10,3从固定搭配角度: 在引导词be done 结构中省略be时,只能用as(如例7); 常见固定用法as is well known, as is often the case, as often happens, as has been said before, as has been pointed out, as can be seen等常用as(如例2,8 )。 4从定语从句的肯、否定意义角度: 从句内容为否定意义时,常用which(如例6)。 其他情况可互换(如例3)。,10,填写定语从句的引导词 1. This is the teacher_ I often ask advice on how to improve my English. 2. I have never come across such a situation _ customers have to pay in cash.,where,where,3. 0 is the freezing point _ water turns into ice. 4. A party is an occasion _ participants should dress formally. 5. This is a rare case_ lost money can be found again.,where,when / where/on which,where,当先行词表达的意义为处所,程度,状态,情况时,引导词的确定需要采用“还原搭配”原则。上述五个定语从句可还原为: 1. I often ask advice on how to improve my English from the teacher. 2. Customers have to pay in cash in such a situation. 3. Water turns into ice at the freezing point.,11,当先行词表达的意义为处所,程度,状态,情况时,引导词的确定需要采用“还原搭配”原则。上述五个定语从句可还原为: 4. Participants should dress formally on the occasion. 5. Lost money can be found again in a rare case. 定语从句使用上的错误类型大致为5类:赘余、残缺、相悖、歧义、混淆。,11,翻译下列句子,并指出省略的关系词 1. Who is the man you were talking to? 2. China is not the country it was.,答案 1刚才和你讲话的人是谁? 省略 the man后面的that / who / whom。 2中国已不是过去的中国了。省略the country后面的that。关系代词在定语从句中作表语。,3. Ill never forget the day we met. 4. This is the place they met yesterday.,答案 3我永远也忘不了我们见面的那一天。省略the day 后面的that/when。 4这就是他们昨天碰头的地方。省略the place后面的where/ that。,5. Thats the reason (why, for which, that) he came.,答案 这就是他来的原因。省略the reason后的why/for which/that。,关系词有时可以省略,但这只限于限制性定语从句中;在非限制性定语从句中,关系词则不可省略。归纳起来,关系词(关系代词和关系副词)的省略有以下5种情形: 1关系代词作宾语时的省略 当关系代词who, whom, which和that在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末的介词宾语时,可以省略。,11,2关系代词作表语时的省略 当关系代词that在定语从句中用作表语时,可以省略。 3关系副词when的省略 用作时间状语的关系副词when通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于day, year, time等少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that)。,11,4关系副词where的省略 用作地点状语的关系副词where通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于place, somew


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