2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:M2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版广东专用)

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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:M2 Unit2《The Olympic Games》(新人教版广东专用)_第1页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版广东专用,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,热点单词,Women now compete with the men on equal terms. 现在,女人和男人在平等条件下竞争。,1. compete vi. 比赛,竞争;对抗,competition n. 比赛 competitor n. 参赛者,对手 competitive adj. 比赛的;有竞争力的 compete with (against) sb. for sth. 为得到同竞争(比赛) compete in 参加竞争/比赛,用compete的适当形式及相关短语填空 As the youngest (1)_,John had to compete (2)_ the writing contest (3)_ 30 other top students (4)_ the annual award of writing. So he must be very (5)_ so that he could win in the (6)_.,competitor,in,with/against,for,competitive,competition,I have to swallow my words and admit that shes really smart. 我不得不承认说错了话,她真的很聪明。,2. admit vt. 承认,容许,接纳,admission n. 允许加入;承认 admission price 入场费 admittedly adv. 诚然,不可否认地 admitto / into允许进入 be admitted to / into 被录取 be admitted as 被当作接纳 admit of 容许有的余地 admit that句子 承认,根据括号内的提示填空 Though the public are against the parks charging (1)_(门票) before they (2) _ (允许进入) it, the park (3)_(不承认) that they are making a profit from the public.,【答案】 (1)an admission (2) are admitted to (3) doesnt admit,Torino in Italy won the right to host the last Winter Olympic Games. 意大利都灵赢得上届冬奥会的主办权。,3. host vt. 主持,主办,做东 n. 主持人,东道主,主机,一大群,a host of 一大群 a host of a TV show 电视节目主持人 host and guest 宾主 host country / nation 东道国 computer host 电脑主机,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)一群朋友在火车站迎接他。 _ friends met him at the railroad station. (2)东道国总是表现出色。 _ always performs well.,A host of,The host nation,The company brought in an advanced machine to replace the old one. 公司引进了一台先进设备以替换那台旧的。,4. replace v. 取代;代替(take the place of);放回原处,replacewith 用替换,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)我很偶然地成了主持人。 I became a presenter not _. (2)他怀疑她在对这笔家产打主意。 He suspected her of _the family fortune.,by design,having designs on,Students will not only be improved at the aspect of intellectual education, but will get the development at the moral education and physical culture. 学生不仅要在智育方面,而且要在德育和体育方面得到发展。,5. physical adj. 物理的,客观存在的;身体的,肉体的;物质的,physics n. 物理 physically adj.身体上的(反义词:mentally) physician n. 内科医生 physicist n. 物理学家 physical fitness / strength / disabilities 健康/体力/身体残疾,physical exercise 体育活动 physical education (P.E.) 体育课 physical examination 体格检查 the physical world 物质世界,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)战争损害了他的身心健康。 The war affected both his _ and mental health. (2)我们隔天进行体育锻炼。 We have _ every other day.,physical,physical training,This girl hopes she can marry a rich man to have a happy existence. 这个女孩希望能嫁给一个有钱人,过上幸福的生活。,6. marry vt. 结婚,marry sb. 嫁给/娶某人 be / get married to sb. 与某人结婚,表示状态时用be married to, 表动作则用get married。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)她已经结婚5年了。 She _ for five years. (2)她两年前结婚了。 She _ two years ago.,has been married,got married,7. bargain v. 讨价还价,讲条件 n便宜货,bargaining n. 讨价还价;商讨 bargain hunter 淘宝者 bargain with sb. about /over sth. 就某物与某人讲价;就某事跟某人协商 bargain sb. away 做亏本生意 bargain for/on 预料到;料想到(常用于否定句) make a bargain with 和某人达成协议 Its a real bargain!真便宜!,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 通过讨价还价,店主答应将衣服减价20%。 After much hard _, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price of the clothes by 20%.,bargaining,Stick to it till you get what you really deserve. 坚持干下去,直到得到你应得的。,8. deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得,deserve a medal 值得嘉奖 deserve admiration 值得钦佩 deserve punishment 应受惩罚 deserve respect 值得尊敬 One good turn deserves another. (谚)礼尚往来。,用所给词的正确形式填空 (1) 如果你做错事,应当受罚。 If you do wrong, you _. (2)我认为他们应得到祝贺。 I think they _congratulated. (3)再试一次,你应该会成功。 Have another try. You _.,deserve punishment,deserve to be,deserve the success,热点短语,The head teacher picked five students to take part in the math competition. 班主任抽选了5名学生去参加这次数学竞赛。,join in 参加(正在进行的)某项活动 join sb. in sth. 和某人一起(参加正在进行的活动) join the Party / Army 入党/参军 attend school/the meeting 上学/出席(会议),1. take part in 参加(某项活动、比赛、辩论等),用join, join in, take part in, attend完成句子 (1) Mary started singing, and we all _. (2) Ill persuade him to _ our club. (3) Im here to _ a conference. (4) He _ us in the discussion yesterday.,joined in,join,attend,joined,I wont stand for being treated like a child. 我不会再忍受当成小孩对待。,2. stand for 代表,象征,表示,stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷 stand by sb. 支持;帮助;忠于 stand out (from/as) 显眼;突出,I wont stand for being treated like a child. 我不会再忍受当成小孩对待。,2. stand for 代表,象征,表示,stand up 站起;站立;起立 cant Stand sth.=cant bear sth./doing sth. 不能容忍,用stand相关短语填空 (1)Ill _ you whatever will happen in the future. (2)Dont _. Why not give him a hand?,【答案】 (1)stand by (2) stand by,用stand相关短语填空 (3)The new road sign is easy to read; the words_ well. (4)I _freedom of speech for everyone regardless of color, race or belief.,【答案】 (3)stand out (4) stand for,Ever since the beginning, the competition is very intense between the two. Exciting scenes come one after another. 开赛以来,双方争夺激烈,精彩不断,3. one after another 互相,陆续,一个又一个,按顺序,come one after another 接踵而来 take seats one after another 次第入座 raise one question after another 追根问底/连续提问,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)访问者接踵而来。 Visitors came _. (2)这位工人正在逐个检查机器。 The worker is checking _ _.,one machine after another/,one after another,the machines one after another,热点句型,1. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,句中whatthe place which,引导宾语从句,介词之后用从句来充当宾语,用what, which, who, whom, where, why, how 等来充当从句中缺少的某个成分,用that说明从句不缺少成分,用whether 说明从句不缺成分但缺少“是否”这个意思。 We all consider what you said to be unbelievable. 我们都认为你所说的话不可信。,为下面的宾语从句填上适当的引导词 (1) 我们在讨论所谓的“自主学习性”问题。 We are talking about _is now called “naked wedding” (2)我们正在讨论是否让学生加入我们的俱乐部。 We are talking about _ we admit students into our club.,what,whether,(3)他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 He asked _handwriting was the best in our class.,whose,为下面的宾语从句填上适当的引导词,2. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 国与国之间争取奥运会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运会奖牌一样激烈。,asas“像一样”,表示程度。第一个as 是副词,修饰形容词或副词原级;第二个as是连词,引导比较状语从句。在否定句中也可以改为not as (so)as。 注意:“as形容词名词as”结构中,名词一般应该带上不定冠词a。 We must give as much as we take. 我们付出多少就会得到多少。,根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)学数学和学物理一样的难。 Maths is _ to study as physics. (2)一般认为,教学既是一门科学,也是一门艺术。 Its generally believed that teaching is _ an art _ it is a science.,【答案】 (1)as difficult a subject (2) as much; as,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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