2012年高考英语复习课件:第22讲 Unit 2 The United Kingdom (新课标人教版必修

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2012年高考英语复习课件:第22讲 Unit 2 The United Kingdom (新课标人教版必修_第1页
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2012年高考英语复习课件:第22讲 Unit 2 The United Kingdom (新课标人教版必修_第3页
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2012年高考英语复习课件:第22讲 Unit 2 The United Kingdom (新课标人教版必修5),第22讲 Unit 2 The United Kingdom,第22讲 美文佳句,诵美文 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Sarah 打算暑期来北京旅游,来信询问改建后前门大街的情况。请你写封回信,简单介绍以下内容: 1 简况:长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺; 2 位置:天安门广场南面; 3 交通:公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线; 4 特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。,第22讲 美文佳句,参考词汇:步行街 pedestrian street 当当车 trolley car 地铁 subway 注意: 1 词数:100左右; 2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Sarah, Thank you for you letter,第22讲 美文佳句,Dear Sarah, Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street. Here is something about it. Qianmen Street is a famous street of over 600 years old. Along this 800meter street, there are more than 300 shops. As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tiananmen Square, its very convenient to get there by bus. You may take Buses No. 17, 69, or 59. Subway Line 2 has a stop there, too.,第22讲 美文佳句,Qianmen Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. Im sure youll like it. Yours, Li Hua,第22讲 美文佳句,背佳句 1 As the street is in the center of Beijing, just to the south of Tian an men Square, its very convenient to get there by bus. 由于街道在北京市中心,正好在天安门广场南部,所以乘公交车去非常方便。 赏析 该句含有一个as 引导的原因状语从句,主句使用了“Its convenient to do sth.”结构。,第22讲 美文佳句,2 Qian men Street is a pedestrian street, but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops, but also to theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life. 前门大街是一条步行街,但也有电车,不仅可以带您去商店,而且把你带到剧院和茶馆,在那里你可以体验到真正的中式生活方式。 赏析 这是一个but连接的两个表转折关系的分句,第二个分句中使用了“not onlybut also”结构,同时还含有一个where引导的定语从句,修饰先行词theaters和teahouses。,第22讲 课前热身,. 单词拼写 1 A university c_of teachers, administrators and students. 2 What first a_ me was her sense of humor. 3 Before she went abroad, she a_all her business affairs. 4 She _(折叠) the letter in half and put it into her pocket. 5 To the d_ of the children, they found many toys at the party.,onisist,ttracted,rranged,folded,elight,6 Work out the full weekly rent, p_ your rates. 7 Most people like the _(方便) of using gas. So we can say that gas is one of the modern _(便利的事物) 8 The teachers explanation _(澄清) the puzzling problem. 9 The cheats said that the emperors new clothes are _(极好的) 10We bought the dishwasher on_.,第22讲 课前热身,replace,convenience,conveniences,clarified,splendid,credit,第22讲 课前热身,break away (from) take the place of consist of leave out break down to ones credit divide into,.完成短语 1挣脱;脱离 2代替 3由组成 4省去;遗漏 5(机器)损坏 6为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下 7把分成,. 完成句子 1 现在许多农民都想脱离农业劳动,想到城里谋生。 Nowadays many farmers wants_ _. 2 汤姆拾金不昧是值得表扬的。 Its greatly _the money he found. 3 你这个电话号码里漏了一个零。 You have _in this phone number.,第22讲 课前热身,to break away from farming and make a living in cities,to his credit that Tom gave back,left out a zero,4没有必要再争论为什么用不同的单词来描述这四个国家。 _any more why different words are used to describe the four countries. 5 下面所有的这些词都能代替动词“said”。 All of the words _the verb “said”,第22讲 课前热身,There is no need to debate,can take the place of,第22讲 单词点睛,1,convenience n. (the quality of being suitable to ones comfort, purposes, or needs)便利;适宜;方便(不可数);便利的事物或设施(可数) for convenience 为了方便 for ones convenience/for the convenience of sb 为了某人的方便 at ones convenience 在某人方便时 convenience food/store 便利食品/便利店,第22讲 单词点睛,inconvenience n. 不方便 convenient adj. 便利的;方便的 It is convenient to sb. 对某人来说方便 【温馨提示】 convenient 可用作定语或表语。作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物或形式主语it作主语,其后常接介词for,to或动词不定式。常用结构: It is /was convenient for sb to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是方便的。 Sth be convenient to/for sb/sth. 对于某人/某物来说是方便的。,第22讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) Please come _(在你方便的时候) (2) Please come at six _(如果你方便的话) (3) The hotel has a restaurant _(为方便旅客),at your convenience,if it is convenient to you,for the guests convenience,第22讲 单词点睛,2,attract vt.吸引;引起的注意 attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 attract sb to do sth 吸引某人做某事 Like attracts like. 物以类聚。 attraction n U 魅力,吸引力 C 诱人之处;吸引人的地方(东 西)have an/no/a little/much attraction for sb对某人具有/不具 有/有一点/很有吸引力 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,第22讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) 音乐会吸引了很多人。 The concert_ _. (2) 你认为是什么吸引人们到大城市来的? _people to big cities? (3) 电视对我没有什么吸引力。 The television _me.,attracted a great number of/a lot of/lots of/ many people,What do you think attracts,has little attraction for,第22讲 单词点睛,【易混辨析】 attract, fascinate 这两个词都含有“吸引,给人以喜悦之感”的意思。 (1) attract 指“以悦人的姿态使人喜欢、羡慕或注目”。 (2) fascinate 指“使人非常感兴趣, 以至于要继续看下去或做下去等”。 用attract或fascinate的适当形式完成句子 (1) The children were fascinated by all the toys in the shop windows.,arrange vt.&vi.(to put into a specific order)安 排;整理;排列;布置 arrange for sth 安排某事 arrange that 安排/商定 arrange sth for sb 为某人安排某事 arrange for sb to do 安排某人做 arrange with sb about sth 与某人商定某事 arrangement n. 安排;排列;布置 make arrangements for 做安排,第22讲 单词点睛,3,第22讲 单词点睛,【易混辨析】 organize, arrange (1) organize 指把分散的有关人员或事物编成一个整体,使每一个个体在这个整体中都能各尽其职或各行其是。如: Lets organize a debating club.让我们来创办一个辩论俱乐部。 (2) arrange 指按照恰当的秩序、关系、计划、需要或可能进行“安排”或“调整”。如: We have to arrange where to meet.我们必须安排相见地点。,第22讲 单词点睛,【温馨提示】 (1) “安排某人做某事”用arrange for sb to do sth而不用arrange sb to do sth。 (2) make arrangements (for sth/for sb to do sth)中的arrangement 常用复数形式。 (3) arrange后接that从句时,从句用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。,第22讲 单词点睛,【活学活用】 (1) 比尔安排这人随叫随到。 Bill _whenever needed. (2) 已安排他们于第二年春天离开。 It was arranged that_. (3) 我和他约好在饭馆见面。 I _at the restaurant,arranged for this man to come,they (should) leave the following spring,have arranged with him to meet,delight vt.(to take great pleasure or joy)使高兴;使欣 喜n.(great pleasure; joy)高兴,喜悦; (something that gives great pleasure)乐事 delighted adj. 高兴的;快乐的 to ones delight 使某人高兴的是 with/in delight 高兴地 be delighted at 对很高兴 be delighted to do sth 很高兴做某事 take/find/have (a) delight in 喜爱;以为乐 It is a delight to do sth. 做某事是一件令人愉快的事。,第22讲 单词点睛,4,第22讲 单词点睛,【温馨提示】 delight 用作名词时,表示“乐事”是可数名词,表示“高兴,喜悦”是不可数名词。 【活学活用】 (1) 他喜欢乡村生活的乐趣。 He _of the country life. (2) 听到这个消息他很高兴。 He _the news. (3) 他的成功将会使他的父母非常高兴。 His success _greatly.,enjoyed the delight,was delighted at,will delight his parents,fold vt.折叠;对折 fold away 折叠起来 fold ones arms 交臂 fold up 折叠,对折(强调结果) unfold (反义)vt. 打开 【活学活用】 (1) 两臂交叉,坐直! _and sit up straight! (2) 这张纸应该对折。 This paper_. (3) 请把衣服叠整齐。 Please _neatly.,第22讲 单词点睛,5,Fold your arms,should be folded in half,fold your clothes,consist of 由组成 be made up of 由组成 make up 组成 consist in (lie in) 在于,存在于 consist with 符合,与一致 consistent adj. 一致的;始终如一的 be consistent with 与一致的;相符的 【温馨提示】 consist of一般不用于进行时态和被动语态。,第22讲 短语存储,1,第22讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 (1) 作为我的秘书,你的职责包括整理文件和接听电话。 As my secretary,your duty _filing the papers and answering the calls. (2) 这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。 The beauty of the plan _its simplicity. (3) 我们应这样做:言行一致。 We should do this:what we say _what we do.,consists of (is made up of),consists in,is consistent with,break away (from ) 脱离;挣脱(束缚);改掉(旧习惯);破除(旧做法) break down (机器、车辆等)坏掉;(计划、谈判等)失败;(谈话、通讯等)中断;(健康、精神等)变坏,垮掉 break out (突然)发生;爆发 break into 强行进入;闯入 break up 破裂;驱散;(被)分解 break through 冲破;突破 break off 中止;中断;打断;折断 break in 打断(说话);插嘴说;闯入 【温馨提示】 break out无被动语态。,第22讲 短语存储,2,第22讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 1翻译下列句子,注意break away的意思 (1) The thief broke away from the policeman. _。 (2) You must break away from those habits. _。 2 用break相关短语的适当形式完成句子 (1) On his way to the bus station his car_. (2) When he was chatting with his best friend, his little sister_. (3) The teacher came and _the children.,小偷从警察那里逃脱了,你必须改掉那些习惯,broke down,broke in,broke up,leave out 省去,遗漏;不考虑 be/feel left out 被忽视(冷落)/感到被忽视(冷落) leave alone 不管;不顾;撇下一个人 leave behind 留下;遗忘 leave for 动身前往(某处) leave off 停止 leaveto/with 把托付给;把留/交给 leave aside 搁置,不予考虑 leave word 留下话(口信) leave宾语宾补 让处于某种状态 take ones leave 告辞 on leave 休假 ask for leave 请假,第22讲 短语存储,3,第22讲 短语存储,【活学活用】 用leave相关短语的适当形式完成句子 (1) He soon _the other classmates_. (2) You can _out the details, and just give us the main facts. (3) My husband and _I his hometown the day after tomorrow.,left,behind,leave,will leave for,take the place of 代替 in place of 代替 in place 在适当的位置,适当 out of place 不在适当的位置,不适当 in the first place 最初;首先;第一 give place to 让位于;被替代 take place 发生 take the place of sb/take sbs place 代替,顶替某人,第22讲 短语存储,4,1It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. 句型公式 It seems that 看起来 It seems/is strange that有点奇怪。 【句式分析】 (1) It seems that强调根据一定的事实所得出的一种接近于实际情况的判断,可以说表示事实。它可以转换成“主语 seem 动词不定式”句型;如果动词不定式为“to be 形容词”,to be往往省略。,第22讲 句型透视,(2) should 用在that从句中表达感情、意志,意为“竟然,居然”。如: I am surprised that you should speak in that way. 我很惊讶你竟然用那种方式说话。 【活学活用】 在我看来他似乎什么事都知道了。 _he has known everything. He seems _everything.,第22讲 句型透视,It seems to me that,to have known,1 2010江苏卷 Thousands of foreigners were to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached 【解析】 C 本题考查动词辨析。be attracted to表示“被吸引到”。句意为:在上海世博会开放的当天,成千上万的外国人被吸引到此。attend(参加);attain(获得,到达); attach(粘贴,附属),均不符合语境,故排除。,第22讲 跟踪训练,2 A subway is an effective way to solve traffic problems in _big city.It has evident advantages, such as _speed and convenience. Athe; the Ba; the Ca;/ Dthe; a 【解析】 C 考查冠词的用法。在大城市里是泛指,所以要用不定冠词a;后面的speed和convenience都为不可数名词,又不是特指,所以不使用冠词。,第22讲 跟踪训练,3 Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest . Ainterruption Binstruction Cconsideration Dconvenience 【解析】 D 考查名词词义辨析。interruption中断,打断;instruction指导,说明;consideration考虑;convenience便利,方便。第二句的意思是:请方便时尽早回复我。故选D。,第22讲 跟踪训练,4 News reports say peace talks between the two countries with no agreement reached. Ahave broken out Bhave broken down Chave broken in Dhave broken up 【解析】 B 考查动词短语辨析。break down在此句意思是:谈判/协约失败。句意为:新闻报道说谈判双方没有达成共识使和谈失败。break out突发,爆发;break in 闯入,打断;break up 打碎,破碎,分裂,衰落,分解,变坏,驱散。,第22讲 跟踪训练,5When I was twenty, I had to before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family. Acome out Bstay out Cleave out Ddrop out 【解析】 D 考查动词短语辨析。因为要挣钱养活一家人,因此20岁时,“我”不得不辍学。drop out辍学,中途退学;come out出来,出现;stay out不在家中,避开;leave out未顾及,遗漏。D项符合句意。,第22讲 跟踪训练,6It took me a whole night to the money that I needed to complete the project. Apick out Bleave out Cfigure out Dtake out 【解析】 C 考查动词短语辨析。题干句子的意思是:我花了整整一个晚上才算出完成这项工程我所需要的钱。pick out 挑选出;leave out 遗漏;figure out 算出;take out拿出。C项与题干句子语境相吻合。,第22讲 跟踪训练,7Many children are in the countryside when their parents flood into the cities for jobs. Aleft behind Bleft off Cleft aside Dleft out 【解析】 A 考查动词短语辨析。许多父母涌入城市找工作而把孩子留在家里。leave behind把留下,符合句意。leave off中断,停止(做某事);leave aside搁置一边;leave out不包括,遗漏。,第22讲 跟踪训练,8Having lived in the town for many years,Mr Smith no longer felt among the local people. Aout of control Bout of touch Cout of place Dout of use 【解析】 C 考查介词短语。Mr Smith在这座城镇住了好多年,因此在当地人中他不再觉得被排斥在外了。四个介词短语的主要含义为:out of control失去控制;out of touch失去联系;out of place不在适当的位置;不恰当,格格不入;out of use 不再被使用。从语意判断选C。,第22讲 跟踪训练,9Would it be for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport? Afree Bvacant Chandy Dconvenient 【解析】 D 考查形容词辨析。free免费的;空闲的;自由的; vacant 空的; handy方便的,手边的; convenient方便的。不难看出,convenient出现的句子中,其主语为形式主语it, 故答案为D。,第22讲 跟踪训练,102009江苏卷 Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have . So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them. Abroken up Bfinished up Cdivided up Dclosed up 【解析】 A 考查动词短语辨析。由语境可知,这里指的是两个人关系的破裂,所以应该用break up,意思是“断绝关系”。 finish up 结果成为,最后得到;divide up 分担,分配,分享;close up (伤口)愈合。,第22讲 跟踪训练,11How about your journey to Mount Emei? Everything was wonderful except that our car _twice on the way. Aslowed down Bbroke down Cgot down Dput down 【解析】 B 考查动词短语辨析。答语的意思是:除了我们的汽车在途中抛锚了两次外,一切都进展顺利。break down抛锚;slow down 慢下来;get down记下,写下;put down 记下,镇压。所以答案为B。,第22讲 跟踪训练,12Its said that the team twelve top European players. Aconsists of Bis consisted of Care made up of Dmake up of 【解析】 A 考查短语的用法和辨析。consist ofbe made up of。由于主语为the team,作为整体,所以不能用系动词are,故C项错误。,第22讲 跟踪训练,132010天津卷 He telephoned the travel agency to _three air tickets to London. Aorder Barrange Ctake Dbook 【解析】 D 考查动词辨析。 book,order表示“预定”的意思。“订票”为book tickets。,第22讲 跟踪训练,14The teacher stressed again that the students should not _any important details while retelling the story. Abring out Blet out Cleave out Dmake out 【解析】 C 根据题意,老师再三强调学生们在复述故事的时候不要遗漏任何重要的细节,leave out(遗漏,丢失)符合题意。bring out 带来; let out泄露,放大; make out辨认出。,第22讲 跟踪训练,15The mayor has to pick you up at the airport. Aarranged a car Barranged a car for you Cmade a car arrange Darranged for a car 【解析】 D arranged for sth意思是“安排”。句意为:市长已经安排了一辆车在机场接你。,第22讲 跟踪训练,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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