外研版(三起)六下英语:M3 知识点总结 PPT课件

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,M3知识点 1.shine (现在分词) shining 2.wrong(反义词) right 3.funny(形)fun(名) 4.on Saturday 5.in this photo 6.The sun is shining. 7.The birds are singing in the trees. .,8.look at 9.look hungry 10.The ducks are eating our picnic. 11.under a tree 12.It is raining. 13.The ducks are swimming in the water. 14.make a snowman 15.on the train 16.look out of the window 17.go up the hill / go down the hill 18.The train is coming to the station.,1 The birds _ (正在唱歌)in the tree . 2 The ducks _(正在吃)our picnic . 3 It _ (正在下雨) 4 I _(正在发送照片)。 5 Tom _ (正在看电视) 6 We _ (正在进行野餐) in the park,Grammar 现在进行时: 表示正在进行的动作或状态。 构成: be+动词的现在分词形式 ( -ing 形式) be+doing,举例: I am talking with a boy. 我在同一个男孩说话。 She is listening to me. 她在听我说。 We are eating. 我们在吃。,动词的现在分词的变化规则 (动词-ing 的构成) 1). 一般在词尾加ing, 如:read-reading look-looking play-playing eat-eating 2).以不发音的-e结尾的词先把去掉e再 加-ing 如: take-taking have-having,3). 以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母结尾的重读闭音结尾的词, 应双写最后的辅音字母, 再加ing 如: sit-sitting run-running get-getting swim-swimming shop-shopping put-putting set-setting stop-stopping begin-beginning 4). 特殊 lie-lying,What is he doing?,He is writing a letter.,What is she doing?,She is playing the piano.,What are they doing?,They are reading books.,What are the girls doing?,They are dancing.,What is he doing?,He is playing football.,What are they doing now?,They are watching TV now.,“be+v-ing”现在进行时的结构,be(is, am, are)由主语来决定,What is Mary doing now?,She is talking to her friend, Mickey now.,Mary,Mickey,What is it doing?,Its having an ice cream.,What is the boy doing now?,He is taking photos now.,He is driving a car.,What is the man doing ?,New words and phrases: buy v.买 call v. 打电话 tell v. 告诉,讲 enjoy v. 享受 lie v. 躺 shop v.购物 n.商店 take photos 拍照,wait for 等候,buying,calling,lying,shopping,telling,enjoying,taking photos,waiting for,一般情况下直接加-ing,不规则变化,以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写末尾辅音字母,再加-ing,以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e,再加-ing,练习题 一.连词成句。 1.on ,day,I ,had ,funny, a ,Sunday 2.We ,going ,down, are ,hill ,the ,now 3.am, looking, I ,of ,out, window, the 4.man,the,raincoat,a,wearing,is 5.children,playing,are,football,the,二.1.Children are (run) on the playground. 2.Yesterday we (have) a picnic in the park. 3.I can (jump) high. 4.We want (visit) Zhongshan Park. 5.Lets (walk) to the library.,注: can+动词原形 Lets+动词原形 want+to+动词原形,三.1.photo(复数) 2.wrong(反义词) 3.shine(现在分词)4.have(现在分词) 5.swim(现在分词)6.fun(形容词) 7.children(单数) 8.go(过去式) 9.rain(形容词) 10.take(过去式),四.1.鸭子在吃我的野餐。 The ducks our picnic. 2.我在向窗外看。 Im out the window. 3.鸟在树上唱歌。 The bird are the tree. 4.在星期六我度过了非常快乐的一天。 I had a day on . 5.火车正在进站。 The train is to the .,1.We a picnic in the park yesterday afternoon. A. have B. has C.had 2.Now I am some photos. A.send B. sending C.sent 3.The birds are singing the trees. A. in B. on C. at 4.The moon is shining . A. sad B. sadly C. saddly 5.It is raining and we are a tree. A. on B. under C . in,on the tree 表示 “长在树上” in the tree 表示“存在于树上,不是树上长出来的”,


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