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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式21世纪大学实用英语第二册练习册答案Unit1Part I Text ExercisesI.Word Buildingfortune-misfortune judge-misjudge lead-misleadleading-misleading print-misprint pronounce-mispronounce spell-misspell use-misuse1. misprint 2. mislead 3. misleading 4. Misuse 5. had misjudged6. have mispronounced 7. misfortune 8. misspellingcourage - courageous fame - famous glory - glorioushumor-humorous mountain-mountainous space - spacious9. courageous 10. glorious 11. mountainous 12. spacious13. famous 14. humorousII.1. head straight for 2. have a meal without paying3. be passed from person to person 4. stay far away5. cause trouble for sb. 6. be south of Beijing7. hear ones flight announced 8. sound similar9. result in highways being closed10. wonder what in the world has happened11.please be on time 12.feel like cryingIII.1. G 2. I 3. A 4. H 5. D 6. E 7. F 8. B 9. C 10. JIV.1. uncommon 2. in 3. flying 4. Most 5. serious6. English 7. like 8. or 9. that 10. cant 11. especially 12. asV.Passage 11. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. APassage 21. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. DVI.1. not perfect 2. after tomorrow 3. they4.different meanings 5. small differencesPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 B D D D D 6-10 A C B C A11-15 B A D B C 16-20 C C D A BSection B21. misunderstanding 22. similar 23. helpful24. flights 25. playing 26. mystery 27. confusion28. leaving 29. doing 30. was sleepingIII.1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B6. (S) (W) 7. (L) (U) 8. (I) (C)9. (F) (H) 10. (O) (J)IV.1.事情正如教授所预见的那样。2.该跨国公司用5万美元买下了这家商号,用2000美元买下了它的信誉。3.你酒后驾车等于去闯祸。4.泰德不知道为什么警察局要他去,但他昨天还是去了。5. 寻夹克衫5月12日,我不慎在操场丢失一件绿色、领口有拉链的夹克衫。拾到者请把夹克衫还给失主克鲁奇。地址:九号宿舍楼203房间。非常感谢。V.NOTICEAll professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college conference room on Tuesday, March 18, at 2:00 p.m. to discuss issues concerning academic exchangesUnit 2Part I Text ExercisesI.Word Buildinglove-lovely blood-bloody wind-windy dirt-dirtysnow-snowy brother-brotherly shine-shiny1. shiny 2. snowy 3. dirty 4. windy5. brotherly 6. lovely 7. bloodyII.1. swarm into the long sleeper train2. shut the window in my face3. a terrible blow to my dignity4. cut sb. short sharply 5.turn ones back on sb.6. a state not to be described7. look around helplessly 8. be of service to sb.9. be entirely at sbs disposal 10. turn sth. inside outIII.1. D 2. J 3. G 4. A 5. H 6. K7. B 8. E 9. C 10. F 11. IIV.1. to 2. platform 3. swarming 4. if 5. sharply6. face 7. blow 8. official 9. short 10.bother11. on 12. treated 13. describedV.Passage 11. B 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. BPassage 21. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. DVI.1. an invitation 2. the 2nd floor 3. another famous writer 4. beaming5. the writers explanationPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 A D A D B 6-10 B A C B C11-15 D D B C C 16-20 C A D B ASection B21. had lived 22. will be turned 23. to be invited24. sleeper 25. Having been 26. foolish 27. less28. helplessly 29. luxurious 30. impatientIII.1. 1963 2. $ 1.8 billion 3. color cosmetics4. mens skin care 5. 1-800-MARY KAY/ 1-800-768-92696. weapons 7. Benjamin Franklin 8. 2,000 million9. 365 10. ones closed carIV.1.他突然插进一则粗俗不堪的笑话,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽。2.他在遗嘱中安排了自己死后的财产处理问题。3.这些旅客是和一些商人一起来的。4.他毫不费力地帮他的妹妹解出了这道数学题。5. 订婚启事荷兰德沃尔什曼先生及夫人荣幸地宣布,他们的女儿露西沃尔什曼小姐与塞穆尔拉塞尔先生于2004年8月8日(星期日)订婚,兹特敬告亲友。V.Dear Mr. John Smith,We are sorry we can not immediately send you the catalogue and price list for which you asked in your letter of March10. Supplies are expected from the printers in two weeks andas soon as we receive them, we will send you a copy.Yours faithfully,Mary WangUnit 3Part I Text ExercisesI.Word Buildingreason-reasonable manage-manageable comfort-comfortable fashion-fashionableeat-eatable change-changeablepay-payable count-countable1. reasonable 2. fashionable 3. comfortable4. countable 5. changeable 6. eatable7. payable 8. manageableII.1. approach. step by step 2. set short-term goals3. with the end in mind 4. reach ones goals5. build up ones confidence 6. concentrate on the next step7. try as hard as you can 8. get down on oneselfIII.1. I 2. E 3. J 4. F 5. B 6. H 7. A 8. D 9. G 10. CIV.1. to 2. whose 3. If 4. then 5. perfect 6. on 7. Otherwise 8. Where 9. success10. hard 11. mean 12. failureV.Passage 11. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A2.Passage 21. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. DVI.1.share certain things 2. realistic goals3. to be successful/ to succeed 4. failure and defeat5. less informed thanPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 B D C A B 6-10 D A C D C11-15 D A B C B 16-20 A D A B CSection B21. stands 22. academic 23. to phone 24. professional25. have been 26. fewer 27. reasonable 28. willing29. productive 30. ReadingIII.1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D6. a company 7. a (written) record 8. ensure9. Receiver 10.DateIV.1.你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。2.这个国家的西部正集中发展工业。3.上个星期天晚上我另有约会。4.勤奋的原则适用于一切事业。5.亲爱的先生:你们收到我的申请材料了吗?我是三星期前通过航空寄出的。我很担心,你们什么时候开始审议申请材料并做出决定呢?多谢你们的帮助。V.Dear Mr. Johnson,Mr. John Green, our General Manager, would like to comeand see you at about 2:00 p.m. on June 3 to discuss about the opening of a sample room With you. Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time would you suggest?Yours sincerely,Mary WangUnit4Part I Text ExercisesI. Word Buildinglong - length strong - strength wide - widthdeep - depth warm - warmth1. width 2.warmth 3.length 4.depth 5.strengthscience -scientist psychology - psychologistbiology -biologist journal-journalist physics -physicist chemistry - chemist tour -tourist6. psychologists 7. scientists 8. biologist 9. chemist 10. tourists 11. journalist 12.physicistII.1. Christmas Eve 2. tell the truth 3. tearty laughter4. fake ones feelings/emotions 5. seize the opportunity6. abuse the environment 7. pollute water and air 8. weapons of mass destruction 9. dwell on things of the past10. listen closely 11. an animal rights activist12. expendable commodities 13.make a snide comment14. a hint of laughter 15. on behalf ofIII.1. H 2. J 3. E 4. G 5. L 6. D7. B 8. F 9. A 10. K 11.I 12. CIV.1. not 2. fake 3. served 4. opportunity 5. what6. abuse 7. breathe 8. weapons 9. against 10. speciesV.Passage 11. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. APassage 21. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. CVI.1. make analogies 2. 3 3. an analogy 4. over 7,000 5. quicklyPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 B A C A D 6-10 B C D D A11-15 C C A B B 16-20 D C D A BSection B21. honesty 22. laughter 23. pollution 24. was being operated25. enables 26. learning 27. being discussed 28. occasional29. having made 30. likesIII.1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C6. liyuan Theatre of Qianmen Hotel 7. all schools8. attached display hall 9. booking office10. October 10-15IV.1.老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的文件。2.参观者对这座城市过去十年中汽车制造工业的成就感到惊奇。3. 我丈夫今晚因故不能前来,我代表他向你们致谢。4.电视里的暴力正在玷污孩子们的心灵。5.统计结果显示,英国男人每天有4小时41分钟的空闲时间,比(英国)女人多20分钟。V.Dear Sir,I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your Universitynext fall as a Ph. D. candidate in physics. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog of your university,and also a set of application forms for admissions. Thank you for your kind assistance.Sincerely yours,John SmithUnit 5Part I Text ExercisesI. Word Buildingable - enable rich - enrich large - enlargesure - ensure dear - endear1. enlarged 2.enrich 3. enables 4. endear 5. ensurefriend - friendship partner - partnershiplead - leadership scholar - scholarshipmember - membership owner - ownership6.leadership 7. ownership 8. friendship9. scholarship 10.partnership 11. membershipII.1. appreciate the depth of sbs love 2. as well as3. present sb. with sth. / present sth. to sb.4. take out sth. 5. a stack of envelopes6. make good use of 7. keep ones distance from sb./sth.8. stare at 9. enrich ones life 10. as for 11. be worthIII.1. L 2. C 3. G 4. A 5. O 6. M 7. B 8. N9. F 10. P 11. I 12. H 13. D 14. E 15.K 16. JIV.1. While 2. ends 3. store 4. at 5. served 6. soul7. how 8. truly 9. when 10. shown 11. from 12.enrichV.Passage 11. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. APassage 21.B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. BVI.1. peering through / looking in 2. pair of shoes3. a half dozen 4. the boys feet 5. Gods wifePart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 C B C D D 6-10 A B D A C11-15 B C A C B 16-20 C D A D DSection B21. depths 22. engagement 23. will be sent 24.priceless25. studying 26. mistrust 27. misfortune 28. reading29. wants 30. respectedIII.1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B6. (Channel 39, 21:30) (Channel 5, 13:45)7. (Channel 38, 21:08) (Channel 5, 10:48)8. (Channel 8, 12:00) (Channel 20, 19:15)9. (Channel 5, 13:00) (Channel 38, 18:25)10. (Channel 8, 19:55) (Channel 39, 19:00)IV.1.我认为儿童对现代图画往往比任何人都更有鉴赏力。2.市长把银杯授予了获胜者。3.我弟弟刚告诉我他和安订婚了。4.战斗发生在该城近郊。5.在航空旅行比较普及之前,英国人举家度假时总是去某个海边旅游胜地。V.Dear Sir,Have you received my application and the supporting materials? I sent them via airmail three weeks ago. Couldyou let me know when you are going to review the applicationmaterials and make your decision? Your help will be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours,John SmithUnit 6Part I Text ExercisesI. Word Buildingcritic-criticize real-realize visual-visualizemodern-modernize public-publicize standard-standardizespecial-specialize social-socialize industrial-industrializenational-nationalize victim-victimize popular-popularize1. socializing 2. publicized 3. specializes 4. standardize5. visualize 6. criticized 7. industrialize 8. modernized9. popularizing 10. nationalized 11. victimized 12. realizedII.1. play the character of Ronald McDonald2. cover most of Arizona and a portion of Southern California3. one of the standard events4. visit as many of the community hospitals as possible5. make a difference to sb.6. experience some down time7. place restrictions on sb.8. hospital personnel9. deal with the issue immediately10. transfer germs from one patient to another11. break the rules12. on ones way home13. tend to the mdeical equipment14. do/play a few simple magic tricks15. grant sb.s requestIII.1. F 2. A 3. E 4. J 5. C 6. B7. K 8. I 9. G 10. L 11. D 12. HIV.1. First 2. frighten 3. deal with 4. physically5. transferring 6. why 7. didnt 8. communication9. spoken 10. impossibleV.Passage 11. B 2. A 3. C 4. DPassage 21. C 2. C 3. A 4. DVI.1. attend school/ go to school2. winner/ power lifter; overcome obstacles/ pursue his dreams3. handed it back/ gave it back; someday/ one day; himself4. died/ passed away5. championPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 B C D D A 6-10 B A A B B11-15 D D A A B 16-20 B D D D CSection B21. being built 22. had learned 23. emotionally24. have been waiting 25. running 26. restriction27. Having been shown 28. dismissal 29. regardless30. unhappinessIII.1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B6. majored in engineering 7. an assistant teacher and lab technician8. Master of Science9. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology10. an application form and some related informationIV.1.我盼望今年暑假见到你。2.使用该场地的限制规定是:不准打架,不准损坏设施。3.他和委员会已经认真地考虑了重返国会的人员名单。4.在法庭上出示之前,我们先过目了一下见证人的证词。5.虽然世界上很多国家在一年中不同的时间里庆祝他们自己的母亲节,但诸如美国、澳大利亚等国家都在5月的第二个星期日庆祝母亲节。V.Dear Sir,Im sorry to bother you, but I really need your help. I hear two people have received offers from your department.Have you already begun to offer admissions to promising applicants? I am writing to ask whether you have made any decision on my file. Thank you for your attention.Sincerely yours,Tom GreenUnit 7Part I Text ExercisesI. Word Buildingcruel - cruelty certain - certainty equal- equalitynational - nationality loyal-loyalty modest-modestymoral- morality personal- personality real-realitystupid-stupidity1. cruelty 2. equality 3. nationality 4. loyalty 5. certainty 6. stupidity 7. reality 8. personality 9. morality 10. modestyII.1. take me out 2. a nice guy3. not that complicated 4. another alternative5. date you 6. make things simple7. create excuses 8. know where you stand9. give it to you straight 10. stop hassling me 11. get more of what you want 12. on a social visitIII.1.E 2. H 3. G 4. B 5. C 6. I 7. D 8. F 9. A 10. JIV.1. that 2. but 3. solution 4. say 5. of6. trash 7. lengths 8. it 9. idiot 10. tellingV.Passage l1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. DPassage 21. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. DVI.1. was fond of 2. cutting anything 3. had cut away 4. told the truth 5. not being afraidPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 C C D A D 6-10 A A A B A11-15 B B B D C 16-20 D D C A CSection B21. solution 22. Having lived 23. proposal(s) 24. fascinating 25. charm 26. smoking 27. to do 28. tactful 29. are having 30. angrierIII.1. the Connecticut River 2. insurance offices3. English 4. Polish 5. art exhibitions6. (O) (G) 7. (K) (F) 8. (M) (A) 9. (J) (N) 10. (C) (I)IV.1、这个城镇既干净又安静,自有大城市里找不到的那种魅力。2、我们的计划确实成功了,那真是个好主意。3、他对上星期五公司高层会议上所作出的决定感到焦虑不安。4、日落时变化多端的色彩使人看得入迷。5、我们都知道学英语很难。要掌握它,即使不用几十年,也至少得花几年时间。V.Dear Nichole,Thank you very much for telling me this good news.Your department is famous all over the world.I feel so honored to be admitted by your department.Thank you again for your help during my application process.Sincerely yours,Marry BrownUnit 8Part I Text ExercisesI. Word Buildingclose - closure depart - departure expend-expenditureexpose-exposure mix-mixture please-pleasurepress-pressure proceed-procedure1. departure 2. closure 3. mixture 4. procedures5. expenditure 6. pleasure 7. pressure 8. Exposurecrowd - crowded culture-cultured detail - detailedexperience - experienced fame - famed gift - giftedhoney - honeyed prejudice - prejudiced skill - skilledspirit-spirited1. crowded 2. spirited 3. detailed 4. honeyed 5. prejudiced6.experienced 7. cultured 8. skilled 9. famed 10. giftedII.1. at a very fast pace 2. the dawn of the 21 st century3. may well be true 4. the top 10 greatest scientists of the 20th century5. give a detailed picture of 6. an understanding of how the human brain works7. die of cancer 8. reverse a process9. push students to study hard 10. stop talking about theories11.say with certainty 12. coal. oil, nuclear energy, and so onIII.1. F 2. E 3. A 4. J 5. H 6. B 7. G 8. C 9. D 10. IIV.1. Since 2. known 3. which 4. started5.past 6. detailed 7. of 8. beginning9. couple 10. data 11. understanding 12. atV.Passage 11. B 2. A 3. B 4. D 5.APassage 2l. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5.CIV.1. see 2. a film 3. a camera 4. behind 5. (wounded) soldiersPart II Exercises for PRETCOI. listening Comprehension (略)II. Vocabulary and StructureSection A1-5 D C D B C 6-10 A A A A C11-15 D C A B B 16-20 C C A B BSection B21. dramatically 22. evolution 23. behave 24. spending 25. Supported 26. incurable 27. Having put 28. explosion 29. have passed 30. to serveIII.1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D6. select your car 7. Contact Information Form 8. confirm your selection 9. confirmed 10. Customer Care representativeIV.1、母亲用钱很谨慎,只花自己收入很小的一部分。2、被追猎的狮和象被称为大猎物。3、她心地善良,每天都来帮这位患病的孤寡老人服药。4、读好书有助于使人言谈文雅。5、现今大多数美国人不用为衣食操心,但是每当驾车者经过加油站时,有一个问题总会浮上心头,那就是汽油张价。V.FINANCIAL GUARANTEETO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,This is a letter to indicate that I have the financial capability to support my daughter, Miss Mary Smith, during her stay in Australia to study for a masters degree in physics. I am willing to give her my full financial support, which will include her tuition fees, living costs and travel expenses to and from Australia. She will be guaranteed $20,000 per year. The money will be sent to her by bank draft.Sincerely yours,John Smith26.


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