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It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 做某事需要花费多少时间 e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal plane. 做这个模型飞机花了我5个小时。6. like / love / enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 e.g. The people in Bangkok like / love / enjoy eating spicy food. 曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。 6. 词组句型at an exhibition about great cities in Asia 在一个关于亚洲大城市的展览会上Which city? 哪个城市?the capital of 的首都fromto从到in the past 在过去 travel to other places 去别的地方more than = over 超过,多于visit the Great wall 参观长城tall buildings 高楼大厦huge department stores大型的百货商店 famous hotels著名的宾馆quiz cards测试卡at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的沙滩上Module 1 City LifeUnit 2 At the Airport【知识点梳理】1. have/has been to 去过,到过 (表示现在已经回来)have/has been in 住在 = have lived / stayed in have/has gone to 去,到. (表示现在还没有回来)e.g. We have already been to Changfeng Park. I have lived in Shanghai for thirteen years. Where is Henry? He has gone to Japan. He will come back next week. 2. already 已经(多用于肯定句,放于动词前) yet 迄今,还(多用于疑问句和否定句,放于句末)just 刚刚 (用法和位置和already相同) e.g. I have already been to Lilys home. Have you been to Lilys home yet? No, I havent been to her home yet. 3. plan to do 计划做e.g. Tom is planning to visit Rome this Spring Festival. 汤姆正计划今年春节到罗马旅行。4. leave for 出发去动身去leave A 离开A地 e.g. He will leave Shanghai. leave for B 出发去B地e.g. He will leave for Tokyo. leave A for B 离开A地去B地e.g. He will leave Shanghai for Tokyo. 5. arrive + in 大地方 (如国家、城市等范围较大的地方) e.g. arrive in China / Shanghaiarrive + at 小地方 (如车站、学校等小范围的地方)e.g. arrive at the airport / school. 【近义】 get to, reach到达 6. have to do不得不做 (否定dont have to)e.g. I have to say it again. 我不得不再说一遍。7. enough space 足够的空间 space“空间”,不可数名词enough 修饰名词时前置,修饰形容词副词时后置 e.g. enough money, good enough8. live / stay for在住/待(时间)for +一段时间,多与现在完成时连用表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段时间,并用how long提问。 e.g. We have learned English for six years. 我们学习英语已经六年了。9. have / has got “有、拥有”否定形式havent/ hasnt got疑问形式Have/ Hasgot? 10. too many + 可数名词复数 “太多的” too much + 不可数名词“太多的”11. plenty of “许多,大量”,后面可跟不可数名词或可数名词复数12. 重要词组句型this Sunday live in Los Angelesone and a half hoursat eleven thirty in the morninglook at this signover therebuy sb. sth. =buy sth. for sb. departure time / arrival time write down ones addressWhat time?Module 1 City LifeUnit 3 Dragon Boat Festival 【知识点梳理】1. know something about the Dragon Boat Festival了解一些关于端午节的知识know about 知道/了解关于的事情2. His job was to give advice to the king. 他的工作是给国王出谋划策。 be +to do, 不定式做表语,表示主语和表语在概念上是等同的。e.g. His plan is to clean the room. 他的任务是打扫房间。My wish is to be a doctor. 我的愿望是称为一名医生。 give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. 给某人某物 advice “劝告, 忠告”, 不可数名词 a piece of advice 一条建议 some advice 一些建议 give advice to sb. 想某人提出建议 take sbs advice 采纳某人的建议3. listen to 在本文中指 “听从, 听信”e.g. She never listens to me. 她从不听我的话。4. in danger 在危险中danger n. 危险dangerous adj. 危险的5. would like to do想要做= want to dolike doing 喜欢做6. -Would you like some? 表示“你想要吗?”,用于询问对方的意见。-Yes, please. (肯定回答) / No, thanks. (否定回答)7. later adv. 后来,以后 late adj. 晚的,迟的e.g. Ill tell you later. 我以后再告诉你。 He was late for school. 他上学迟到了。8. a salty rice dumpling with / without meat 一只(没)有肉的咸粽子with 表示“有”,without表示“没有”with还有“和”、“用”等意思e.g. I write the report with my pen. 我用我的新钢笔写报告。 She lives with her son.她和儿子住在一起。9. I like salty rice dumplings, but I dont like sweet ones. 我喜欢咸粽子,但我不喜欢甜粽子。 one 用来指代一个人或事物,而ones用来指代一些人或事物。 but但是,表示意思的转折。10. would rather do 宁愿做would rather not do 宁愿不做e.g. He would rather stay at home at weekends. 他宁愿周末呆在家。11. the fifth day of the fifth lunar month 农历五月初五在英语中,用序数词表达农历的第几个月和第几天。12. 重要词组句型the story of the festival be borntwo hundred years agojump into a river the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that yearon that dayeat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races to remember him Module 1 City LifeUnit 4 Staying Healthy【知识点梳理】1. like / love / enjoy doing 喜欢做e.g. Many children like/love/enjoy eating fried food. 许多小孩喜欢吃油炸食品。2. stay healthy 保持健康stay 在本课中“意为”保持,为联系动词,后面只能跟形容词。e.g. I hope the weather will stay fine.我希望天气能持续放晴。3. health n. 健康 healthy adj. 健康的unhealthy adj. 不健康的e.g. health problems 健康问题 healthy / unhealthy food (不)健康食品4. Work and play, we love both. 工作与学习,我们都喜欢。both pron. 意为“两者(都)”,在此句中指的是学习和工作这两件事。e.g. Both of the twins like doing puzzles. 这对双胞胎都喜欢玩拼图。5. forget doing 忘记做过(已做)forget to do忘记去做(未做) 【反义】 remember,用法与foeget相同 e.g. I forgot posting the letter. 我忘了信已寄出。Dont forget to post the letter. 别忘了去寄信。6. Whats your favourite?你最喜欢的是什么?(what用来询问具体的信息)e.g. What should I do to stay healthy? 要保持健康,我应当做些什么?7. I like playing football in the playground. 我喜欢在操场上踢足球。“在操场上”可以用 in / on the playground 表示。 定冠词the的用法: a. 在球类运动前不加定冠词the e.g. play football / basketball / tennis, etc. b. 在乐器前必须加定冠词thee.g. play the piano / violin, etc. c. 在watching television中,不加定冠词the8. Why? 用于询问原因,回答用 (Its) because e.g. Why do I always feel tired, Mum? Its because you watch too much television. 9. have a headache 头痛“身体部位+ache”表示疼痛。此处的have意为“患病,得病”e.g. have a stomach ache 胃痛 have toothache 牙痛 其他身体不适的表达有:have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧 have a sore throat 喉咙痛10. too much 太多+不可数名词too many 太多+可数名词复数e.g. Dont drink too much cola. 不要喝太多的可乐。 Too many sweets are bad for your teeth. 吃太多糖对你的牙齿不好。11. too little 太少+不可数名词too few 太少+可数名词复数可以用not.enough (修饰可数或不可数名词)结构改写句子。e.g. You eat too little fruit. = You dont eat enough fruit. 12. less 更少+不可数名词 (less是little的比较级)fewer 更少+可数名词 (fewer是few的比较级)more 更多+可数名词、不可数名词 (more是many、much共同的比较级)e.g. You should have less meat, fewer soft drinks and do more exercise. 你应该少吃肉,少喝软饮料,多做运动。 13. enough + 名词 “足够的”形容词/ 副词 +enough “足够地”e.g. We have enough chairs for everyone. 我们有足够的椅子让大家坐。They cannot walk fast enough. 他们走得不够快。14. How often? “多久一次”,用于对时间频率提问。e.g. How often do you go to see a film? 你多久看一次电影?【比较】how often 与 how many timeshow often 提问“频率次数+时间范围”how many times 提问“频率次数”e.g. How often do you exercise? Twice a week. How many times have you been there? Twice. 15. once 一次 twice 两次 三次及以上: 数字+timese.g. I see them once every two months. 我每两个月与他们见一次面。 I go to the library three times a month. 我一个月三次去图书馆。16. practise doing练习做,训练e.g. She practises dancing every afternoon. 她每天下午练习跳舞。17. help do the housework 帮忙做家务help sb. (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事 = help sb. with sth. 帮某人某事e.g. Ben helps me learn English. Ben helps me with my English. 18. exercise n. & v. 锻炼(身体),运动,练习e.g. You dont do enough exercise. 你锻炼不够。(“锻炼”,不可数名词) You need do more maths exercises. 你需要做更多的数学练习。(“练习”,可数名词) I think you should exercise more.我认为你应该多运动运动。19. 重要的词组句型really love musicThats my favourite indoor / outdoor activityIm afraid. should wear more clothes watch too much televisionnotenough watch less television have enough exercise go to bed late once / twice /times a day/week/month/yearneverUnit 5 What will I be like?【基础知识】1. What will I be like? = How will I be? 我将是怎么样的?一般将来时:用于表示将来某个时间发生的动作或状态。常与tomorrow, next +时间词,in+一段时间, in the future等连用。其动词形式有will/shall + do 或 is/am/are going to + do(动词原形)e. g. There is going to be/ will be a sports meeting in our school next week.下周我校将有一个运动会。 I will possibly be a doctor in the future.将来我可能是一个医生。possibly ad.可能地possible a. 可能的2. stand in front of a magic camera 站在魔幻照相机前 standstoodstood 3. take a photograph with it 用它拍一张照片 taketooktaken 4. wait for the red light 等待红灯5. look for the “START” button 寻找“开始”按钮 6. put in a ¥20 note 放入一张20元面值的纸币7. press the “START” button 按“开始”按钮8. read the note on the back 阅读背面的注释9. in 15 years time在十五年以后(多与将来时连用),提问用 How soon10. be 165 centimetres tall 将是165厘米高, 提问用How tall are you?或Whats your height?11. weigh 55 kilograms 称得55公斤,提问用How much do you weigh? 或Whats your weight?或者 How heavy are you? 回答也可用 I am 55 kilograms heavy.12. an astronaut 一个宇航员 grow bigger长得更大13. be good at singing 擅长唱歌 be good at cooking擅长烹饪 be good at sports 擅长运动 be good at Chinese擅长英语 be poor at English不擅长英语be good at/ be poor at(doing) sth. 擅长于/不擅长于(做)某事14. wear a pair of glasses 戴一副眼镜 wear穿着;戴着 强调状态;wearworeworn put on穿上,戴上 强调动作 put on your coat 穿上你的大衣15. love helping people 爱帮助人 love listening to music 爱听音乐 love taking photograph 爱拍照片16. be good-looking 是好看 be strong 是强壮的 be slim是苗条的17. in a bakery 在面包房 a baker一个面包师 bake some bread烤一些面包18. read and write a lot 读和写许多19. a report on/about my future 一个关于我的将来的报告 report an accident报告一起事故 a reporter一个记者 20. would like to be a doctor想要做一个医生=want to be a doctor21. fly a spacecraft驾驶一架航天飞机 flyflewflown 22. come/be back at night在夜晚回来23. learn how to make sick people better 学会怎样使生病的人更好learn to do sth. 学会做某事 learnlearntlearnt 24. have to practice English more 不得不更多地练习英语practise doing sth. 练习做某事 v. (AE)练习 = practise v. (BE)do much practice做许多练习 n. 练习 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。have to do sth. 表示“不得不做某事”,意思与must do sth.相近,但用法上有一定区别。have to do sth. 有时态的变化,因此否定句与疑问句需要助动词构成。肯定句:He has to do a lot of homework. 他不得不做许多回家作业。否定句:He doesnt have to do much homework. (doesnt have to= doesnt need to =neednt)一般疑问句:Does he have to do a lot of homework?25. 连词主要连接两个简单句。并列连词有and并且,和; but但是; or或者,否则的话; so所以; for因为。I like eating fruit and vegetables and I always eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.我喜欢吃水果和蔬菜,并且我总是吃大量的水果和蔬菜。Kitty likes dogs, but she doesnt like cats.凯蒂喜欢狗,但是她不喜欢猫。Hurry up, or you will be late for school. 赶快,否则的话你将会上学迟到。He was ill, so he asked for sick leave. 他病了,所以他请病假了。Tom was fat, for he ate too much unhealthy food. 汤姆胖,因为他吃了太多不健康食品。Unit 6 Seasonal changes【基础知识】1. seasonal changes季节的变化 a.2. uniforms for different seasons 不同季节的校服 n. a uniform 一件校服3. a pair of sleeves 一副袖子 a pair of grey trousers 一条灰裤子4. a red scarf 一条红领巾 must wear red scarves 必须戴红领巾5. write a notice to all new students 给全体新生写一个通知 n. a notice board布告栏notice sb. doing sth. 注意v. 某人正在做某事 6. their uniforms in summer 他们的在夏天的校服 wear summer uniforms 穿夏天的校服7. in early October 在十月初 in late April 在四月底early 和late既可以作形容词,又可以作副词。He gets up early/ late every morning. 他每天早上起床早/晚。8. wear white shirts/ dresses with the short sleeves 穿短袖的衬衫/连衣裙9. take some photographs of their school life 拍一些他们的学校生活的照片10. in the school garden 在学校花园里 in the canteen在餐厅11. grow in the garden 种植在花园里 fly around =everywhere=here and there四处飞12. like playing in the playground 喜欢在操场上玩 like studying in the library喜欢在图书馆里学习 like to do / doing sth. 喜欢做某事13. be air-conditioned 是有空调的 an air-conditioned room 一个有空调的房间 an air-conditioner 一个空调14. like having ice cream and soft drinks after lunch 喜欢在午餐后吃冰淇淋和软饮料15. make snowman 堆雪人 have hot drinks 喝热饮料 not many students 没有许多学生the leaves on the trees 树上的树叶 the bird in the tree 树上的鸟16. help them keep warm 帮助他们保暖keep sb./sth. + adj. 保持某人或某物处于某种状态keep warm保暖keep the door open / closed 保持门开着/关着keep our classroom clean 保持我们教室干净17. must作为情态动词表示“必须”,否定式mustnt表示“禁止,不允许”,注意由must提问的一般疑问句肯定回答用Yes, must ; 否定回答用No, you neednt.18. 连词because引导原因状语从句。I like flowers because they are very beautiful.我喜欢花因为他们很美。Unit 7 Travelling in Garden City【基础知识】1. a double-decker bus 一辆双层巴士2. instead 代替instead of (doing) sth. 代替,而不是3. an air-conditioned bus 一辆空调巴士4. a public transportation card 一张公共交通卡5. in the past 在过去,常用一般过去时 I liked swimming in the river in the past. 我过去喜欢在河里游泳。nowadays 现在,常用一般现在时 I go swimming in the swimming pool nowadays. 我现在在游泳池里游泳。6. have to buy tickets from a bus conductor 不得不从售票员那儿买票7. collect money from the passengers 从乘客那儿收取钱 pass v. 路过,通过 past prep.经过8. put it in a bag 把它放在一个包里9. dont have to buy tickets不必买票dont have to do=dont need to do=neednt do不必做某事10. put their money in a fare box 把他们的钱放在投币箱里11. 用于三者或以上:most /some / all /none of them 他们中的大多数/一些/全部/全都不是All of the bus drivers were men. 改否定句如下: None of the bus drivers was a man. 或者None of the bus drivers were men.用于两者之间:Both of my parents are engineers. 改否定句如下:Neither of my parents is an engineer.12. a woman/man doctor 一个女/男医生three women/men doctors三个女/男医生 含有man和woman的词组两个都变复数 其他名词修饰名词的词组,一般最后一个变成复数 如:three classroom buildings 三幢教学楼13. What will travelling in Garden City be like in 10 years time= in 10 years? 十年以后在花园城市出行将会是怎样的?此句中like作介词,意为“像”。 look like 看上去像like travelling by bus / ferry 喜欢乘公共汽车/渡船出行 这儿like作动词,意为“喜欢”14. most of the people = most people大多数人15. fewer traffic jams 更少的交通堵塞 less traffic更少的交通more underground stations更多的地铁站16. discuss them with your classmates 和你的同学讨论他们discuss sth. with sb.=talk about sth. with sb. 和某人讨论某事17. light rail 轻轨 traffic lights 红绿灯 car parks 停车场 go through the tunnel过隧道18. a poster of future travelling 一张未来交通出行招贴make a poster 制作一张招贴 a postman 一个邮递员 post office 邮局19. a fast food restaurant 一家快餐店20. make a line graph 画一张曲线图21. The number of hamburgers he sold is 200. 他卖掉的汉堡包的数目是200个。(单数)A number of hamburgers come from KFC. 大量的汉堡包来自肯德基。(a number of后跟可数名词复数,看作复数)22. take turns to do轮流做 Its my turn to do sth. 该轮到我做某事了。n. 轮流23. Shanghai has changed a lot. 上海改变了许多。还可以用以下句型表达:Great changes have taken place in Shanghai.There are great changes in Shanghai.24. travel from Pudong to Puxi 旅行从浦东到浦西25. perhaps副词,多用于句首,表示“也许,大概,可能”,同义词possibly多位于动词前。Perhaps the weather will change today. = The weather will possibly change today.26. 名词的所有格(1) 有生命的事物所有格,直接在名词后加s,如Kittys brothers; childrens stories(儿童故事);如果以s结尾的复数则直接加,如kids toys(儿童的玩具)。(2) 无生命的事物所有格,则由of构成,如a map of the world(一张世界的地图), the garden of the house(这所房子的花园) (3) 表示时间、度量、价值、国家、城市等无生命的事物也可以用s,如 ten minutes walk(十分钟的路程), todays newspaper(今天的报纸)。Unit 8 Windy weather【基础知识】1. the natural world自然世界 nature n.自然 natural a. 自然的2. in windy weather在有风的天气里 on a windy day在一个有风的日子 wind n.3. ask Kitty some questions问凯蒂一些问题4. different kinds of windy weather不同种类的有风的天气5. help her make a display board帮助她制作一个展版 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事6. a gentle wind 一阵微风 a strong wind大风 a typhoon台风7. see people flying kites in the park看见人们正在公园里放风筝 see people holding their raincoats tightly看见人们正在紧紧抓住他们的雨衣see some street cleaners cleaning the street 看见一些街道清洁工在扫大街see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事8. blow gently轻轻地吹 blow slightly轻柔地吹 blow fiercely猛烈地吹 blowblewblownmove quickly/fast快速地移动 move slowly慢慢地移动go home immediately /at once/right now立即回家去 pass quickly 快速经过 walk carefully in the street在大街上小心地走副词,表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。He looks very happy.(修饰形容词)The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词)Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子)形容词后面+ly构成副词: slowslowly slightslightly quickquickly carefulcarefully fiercefiercelyimmediateimmediately gentlegently luckyluckily happyhappily 9. take flower pots into their flats把花盆搬到他们的公寓里10. windsurf on the sea在海上冲浪11. fly their kite happily高兴地放他们的风筝12. become stronger变得更强大 become a typhoon变成台风13. blow away their kite=blow their kite away吹走他们的风筝14. fall down倒下 fallfellfallen15. sink in the sea在海里下沉 sinksanksunk16. a slide show about typhoons 一个关于台风的幻灯片17. think about what may happen when there is a typhoon思考当有一个台风时什么可能发生 may do 可能做某事 must do一定做某事 cant do不可能做某事 表示猜测18. heavy objects重物 big waves大浪break windows打破玻璃窗 fall on cars掉在汽车上19. blow away flowers pots outside peoples flat把人们房子外面的花盆吹走20. sink ships and boats使船下沉 fishing boats渔船21. stay in typhoon shelters呆在台风庇护所22. should do sth.应该做某事=had better do sth. should not do sth.不应该做某事=had better not do sth.23. when 当 的时候 引导时间状语从句,表示一个动作与另一个动作同一时间发生,或一个动作在另一个动作所延续的范围之内发生。主从句时态要一致。当主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时。 What can you see when there is a typhoon? 当有台风时,你能看见什么?When it doesnt rain tomorrow, I will go out for a walk.当明天天气不下雨时,我将出去散步。Unit 9 Sea water and rain water【基础知识】1. a quarter of 四分之一 three quarters of 四分之三2. a starfish 一个海星 sea animals 海洋动物3. prepare a quiz for a class competition about the oceans 为班级竞赛准备一个关于海洋的测试4. almost three quarters of the Earth几乎四分之三的地球5. live in the streams住在小溪里 in the oceans在海洋里 in the deep sea在深海里on their farms在农场6. the largest animals on the Earth/in the world地球上最大的动物7. one of the most intelligent animals最聪明的动物之一one of the most dangerous animals最危险的动物之一one of the + 形容词最高级+ 名词的复数,表示“最的之一”。8. interesting and beautiful sea animals有趣的漂亮的海洋动物9. get food from the oceans从海洋里得到食物10. the seafood we eat我们吃的海鲜11. use nets to catch fish and prawns用网抓鱼和虾12. be important to all animals对所有的动物是重要的13. keep them clean保持他们干净14. stop polluting them组织污染他们15. cover v. 覆盖,占地面积 be covered with被覆盖 16. name two kinds of seafood 命名两种海鲜17. If there is no rain, we will have no water to drink.如果没有雨,我们将没有水喝。if引导的条件状语从句,当主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时,即“主将从现”。18. have no water to brush our teeth没有水刷牙 have no water to cook food没有水做饭19. take/have a shower/bath淋浴/盆浴20. wash our clothes洗衣服 wash the dishes洗碟子21. need water to water the crops and vegetables需要水来浇灌庄稼和蔬菜 water v. 浇水 22. have some food to eat有一些吃的食物23. put out fires灭火24. turn off a dripping tap关掉滴水的水龙头 turn on the tap打开水龙头25. save water waste water节约水/浪费水26. talk about different ways of saving water谈论不同的节约水的方法27. save water by fixing a dripping tap靠修理好滴水的水龙头节约水save water by taking a shower instead of a bath 靠淋浴而不是盆浴来节约水save water by not playing water games靠不玩水游戏来节约水We can save water by not washing our teeth under a running tap.我们靠不在哗哗流水的水龙头下刷牙来节约水。 对by短语的划线部分提问如下: How can we save water?我们怎样节约水?28. use sth. to do用某物来做 use sth. for doing 对提问可以用以下句型:What do we use water for? What do we use water to do?Why do we use water?Unit 10 Forests and land【基础知识】1. read some information about forest读一些关于森林的信息2. a large area of trees一大片树林3. provide shelter and food for birds, animals and insects 为鸟、动物和昆虫提供庇护所provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物4. make their nests in trees 在树上做窝5. build their homes in the hollows of trees 在树洞里安家6. people in some countries 在一些国家的人7. cook food with wood 用木头做饭8. cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper 砍伐树木来建房子、做家具和造纸9. lose their homes and food 丢失他们的家和食物10. stop cutting down forests 停止砍伐森林stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事 Stop talking. 停止谈话stop to do sth. 停下去做某事 Stop to listen to the teacher. 停下来,听老师讲课。11. be important to sb. 对某人是重要的be important for sb. to do sth. 对某人做某事是重要的 12. find out what people get from the environment 查找出人们从环境那儿得到什么13. get wood from for


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