PEP英语四年级下册Unit 1 A Let's talkppt课件

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Unit 1 My school,A Lets talk,歌曲开始引出主题MY SCHOOL和clssroom。 如果装了wps的话,动画播放应该正常。 这里的swf文件如果无法正常播放,自己改成自己熟悉的链接吧!,This is the _ in my school.,classroom,This is the _ in my classroom.,blackboard,computer,teachers desk,desk,chair,door,window,wall,floor,由上面的一句歌词引出教室里的各种物品名称。复习四上内容,同时也为接下来要教授的 second floor和 teachers office作铺垫。注意前四个是教师带领学生找物品。而后面的单词 由学生自己找出来。每个单词的触发键都在物品相应的地方,比如门的就是那条白色玻璃。 这一环结注意两点:1、学生的整句输出。2、抓紧时间。,This is the classroom in my school.,classrooms are on the second floor. 过渡到教学楼。,先出示数字方式的一楼二楼,学生理解起来比较方便。等学生读熟悉了,在出示英文方式的 单词。具体教学放在第二课。,the second floor,Classroom 1,Classroom 2,Classroom 3,Excuse me. Where is the . ?,Its on the . floor.,OK. Thanks.,Class 1,the first floor,Class 2,Excuse me. Where is the teachers office?,Its on the second floor.,OK. Thanks.,Where is the teachers office?,The teachers office is _ the library.,library,teachers office,next to,next to = near,The teachers office is _ the library.,near,两扇门有超级链接,教学单词。 文字点击大部分有声音。,Why does Mike go to the teachers office?,A. Say Hello!,B. Hand in the homework.,( A. B. ),Hi, Miss White. Here is my homework.,Excuse me , wheres the ?,Its one the s floor.,Ok .Thanks.,Hi. Is this the teachers office?,No, it isnt. The Teachers office is next to the l .,Hi, Miss White! Heres my work.,Thank you, Mike .,Bye, Miss White.,ibrary,econd,home,teachers office,EB P 4 Lets talk .,EX. P 1. 1. 2. 3,Unit 1 My school,A Lets talk,歌曲开始引出主题MY SCHOOL和clssroom。 如果装了wps的话,动画播放应该正常。 这里的swf文件如果无法正常播放,自己改成自己熟悉的链接吧!,library,Go to the library. Read a book.,Is this the teachers office ?,teachers office,Go to the teachers office. Say hello!,Hi! Miss White.,Is this the teachers office ?,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,

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