七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday Section A课件 (新版)仁爱版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7TheBirthdayParty Topic1Whenisyourbirthday SectionA January February March April May June July August September October November December PKGames游戏 Goodjob January February March July May October September December June November Quickresponse 快速说中文 September December October November January August May March April Quickeyes 看图说英文 June July February 注意 英语中十二月份的缩写一般是单词的前三个字母 只有9月是前4个 具体如下 1月January Jan 2月February Feb 3月March Mar 4月April Apr 5月May不需缩写6月June Jun 7月July Jul 8月August Aug 9月September Sept 10月October Oct 11月November Nov 12月December Dec 注意 缩写时第一个字母一定要大写 后面得有个点 19001904197620002008 eighteen nineteen nineteenofour nineteen twothousand twothousandandeight forty hundred seventy six Readthefirsttheseyears 2a 180018201903199620092050 eighteenhundred eighteentwenty nineteenothree nineteenninety six twothousandandnine twothousandandfifty twentyfifty CanyouwritetheminEnglish J K Rowling Doyouknowthiswoman SheisJ K Rowling thewriterofHarryPotter Whenandwherewassheborn Doyouknow Listento1aandfillintheblanks 1b Name PlaceofBirth Wales DateofBirth HerNovel J K Rowling July 1965 theUK HarryPotter Listenandrepeat thenroleplay MichaelistalkingabouthisfavoritewriterwithKangkangafterclass Kangkang Michael doyouknowJ K Rowling Michael Ofcourse Sheismyfavoritewriter Kangkang Why Michael BecauseIlikehernovelHarryPotter Kangkang Whenwassheborn doyouknow Michael ShewasborninJuly 1965 Kangkang Wherewassheborn Michael InWales theUK Kangkang Wow You reabigfanofJ K Rowling Readingtask ShewasborninJuly 1965 ShewasborninWales theUK Canyouintroducehernow SheisJ K Rowling Sheisawriter HerfamousnovelisHarryPotter Afterreading Hewasbornin November 2000 Beijing 2000年11月北京 A Whoishe B HeisLiuXiang A Wherewasheborn B HewasborninShanghai A Whenwasheborn B HewasborninJuly 1983 A Wow You reabigfanofLiuXiang Iwasbornin 月份 地名 Whenandwherewereyouborn Groupwork Askandanswerinyourgroup Thengiveareport Report IwasborninMay IwasborninShanghai Awasbornin Bwasbornin 赵丽颖 1987年10月 河北 杨洋 1991年9月 上海 Pairwork Welearn newwords writer July March April May June August September October November December January thousandnewphrases bebornin abigfannewsentences Whenwassheborn ShewasborninJuly 1965 Wecan express12monthsinEnglish readdifferentyearsinEnglish learnthepastsimpletensewith was were e g Whenwereyouborn IwasborninJanuary 1999 Summary 1 Readyearsandmonths 2 Remember12months 3 Read1a Homework Thankyou

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