七年级英语下册 Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road lesson 1 A Trip to China课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt

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Unit1ATriptotheSilkRoad 丝绸之路举世闻名 这条路 承载了无数的骆驼和商人 这条路 传播了古老的东方文化 这条路 传递了东西方的友谊与文明 它的得名是因为人们在亚洲和欧洲之间运输丝绸和其它商品 在所有商品中 丝绸是最昂贵的东西 2000前 人们开始沿着这条路旅行 今天 让我们穿越时空的阻隔 一起走进丝绸之路 Lesson1ATriptoChina 一 认知学习目标 熟记下列单词及短语 1 tripgoonatripto planatrip2 silktheSilkRoadtravelontheSilkRoad3 roadcrosstheroad4 lead led led leadthetrip5 Martin6 notetakenotesHereisthenotefrommyschool 7 chancehaveachancetodosth 8 send sent sent sendsb sth sendsth tosb 9 newsapieceofnewsthreepiecesofnews 二 预习成果展示 1 写出下列词及短语 plan 现在分词 they 宾格 lead 过去式 了解 踏上丝绸之路 haveachancetodosth tellhimthegoodnews planning them led learn knowabout travelontheSilkRoad 有机会做某事 告诉他这个好消息 2 写出根据汉语提示补全下列单词 Iplantogoona 旅行 toBeijingthissummer IwanttogotoBeijing ThenIwillhavea 机会 toseetheGreatWall Hangzhouisfamousforits 丝绸 Theteacherasksustotake 笔记 inclass Followme Iwill 带领 youthere trip chance silk notes lead 三 课堂研讨助学 活动一 Listenandwritetrue T orfalse F JennyislearningabouttheSilkRoadthismonthinschool 2 LiMing sschoolisplanningatriptoCanada 3 Ms MartinwillgotoChinawiththestudents 活动二 ReadandAnswerWhat sJenny sschoolplan 2 Whowillleadthetrip 3 WhatdoesMrs Smiththinkaboutthetrip 4 WhywillJennysendLiMingane mail 活动三 Languagepoints MayIgowiththem MayIaskyouaquestion 肯定回答 Yes youmay Sure 否定回答 No youmaynot can t mustn t 2 Hereisthenotefrommyschool Thereisacamelandtwohorsesinthezoo 3 We relearningabouttheSilkRoadthismonthinschool learnabout学习 了解 获悉 得知 4 I msoexcited Theboyisexcitedattheexcitingnews excited与exciting都是 兴奋地 前者是人做主语 后者是物做主语或修饰物 5 IstheSilkRoadmadeofsilk bemadeof bemadefrom都是 由 制成 前者从制成品可以看出材料 后者从制成品看不出材料 6 IwillsendLiMingane mailandtellhimthegoodnews sendsb sth sendsth tosb tellsb not todosth 四 当堂训练检测 一 用所给词的适当形式填空 Sheisplanning go onatriptoBeijingduringthesummerholiday 2 Theteachertoldus listen carefullyinclass 3 Studyhardandyouwillhaveachance go tothecollege 大学 4 Theyare learn abouttheSilkRoadnow 5 Mum mayI ask youaquestion Sure whatisit 6 I m atthe news excite togo tolisten togo learning ask excitedexciting 二 单项选择1 Excuseme Iborrowyourruler Sorry myrulerislost A MayB DoC ShouldD Will2 SomeofthestudentswillgotoChinaandtravel theSilkRoad A atB inC onD to3 Thedeskismade woodandpaperismade wood too A of ofB from fromC of fromD from of4 Johnplans hisuncleduringthesummerholiday A visitB tovisitC visitingD visited5 Jennyissoluckythatshehasachance toChina AeB toeC ingD es A C C B B 假如你是导游王小姐 有一个旅游团要来北京 请你根据提示写一篇100词左右的英语短文 介绍一下北京的概况 文章开头结尾已给出 不计入总词数 提示 1 北京位于中国北部 是中国的首都城市 也是中国的政治中心 2 美丽而且现代化 但是有太多的汽车 空气污染严重 3 拥有悠久的历史 是一座古老的城市 有许多名胜可参观 如 故宫曾是皇帝的家 秋天是北京最美的季节 可以在 TravelinBeijing 这本书中了解更多情况 参考词汇 政治中心thepoliticalcentre空气污染airpollution皇帝emperorHello everyone IamyourtourguideJames Inthefollowingfourdays IwillshowyouaroundBeijing FirstletmetellyousomethingaboutBeijing Hopeyouwillhaveanicetimehere Hello everyone IamyourtourguideMissWang Inthefollowingfourdays IwillshowyouaroundBeijing Firstletmetellyousomethingaboutthiscity Beijing ourcapitalcity isinthenorthernpartofChina It salsothepoliticalcentreinChina Itisbeautifulandmodern buttherearetoomanycarsandtheairpollutionisquiteseriousnow Beijinghasalonghistoryanditisanoldcity Therearelotsofplacesofinterest suchastheGreatWall Tian anmenSquare theSummerPalaceandsoon AndthePalaceMuseumwasoncetheemperors home Autumnisthemostbeautifulseason andtheweatherisfineandthenaturalviewsaresobeautifulduringsummer Ifyouwanttolearnmoreaboutthiscity youcanreadthebook TravelinBeijing Now Iwillgiveeachofyouthetourbook Hopeyouwillhaveanicetimehere


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