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.编号: _可编辑可打印,也可以直接使用,欢迎您的下载短期外债合同范本甲 方:_乙 方:_签订日期:_年_月_日外债借款办理注意事项:_1.所有复印件均需加盖单位公章,若资料较多可盖骑缝章;2.外商投资企业举借外债,其注册资本金须按足额到位;3.外商投资企业借用的短期外债余额、中长期外债发生额及境外机构和个人担保履约额之和不得超过国家有关部门批准的投资总额与注册资本的差额。4.外商投资企业需在借款合同签订后2019个工作日内办理外债签约登记。外债借款合同合同范本Contract of Loan甲方:_ 合同编号:_Party A:_ Contract No:_乙方:_Party B:_甲乙双方经过详细磋商,达成以下协议:_Party A and Party have reached an agreement to conclude the folloing contract:_一。 甲方同意无息借款给乙方,作为购买生产设备用。1. Party A agrees to supply a Interest-free loan to party B for purchasing production facility.二。 借款金额:_USD_ 万元,(美金贰拾伍万美元整)2. Loan Amounts:_ USD _(to hundred and fifty thousand US Dollar)三。 借款期限:_从_年_月_日起至_年_月_日止,共_年。3. Life of loan:_ from 1st December _ until 1st December _, totally 2 years四。 偿还方式:_从_年_月_日起分3次还清,可以提前还款。4. Repayment term:_ 3 installments to pay off from 2nd December _, can be paid upfront.五。 汇款方式:_甲方在_年_月_日前将USD_万元分*次汇入乙方在中国农业银行潍城支行开立的外债专用账户。Remittance route:_ Party A ill remit XXXX in XXXX payments to the special account of ABC bank eiCheng branch for external debt of Party A.六。 提款方式:_乙方根据生产经营需要,凭单据或用款计划向外汇管理局申请提款。6. ithdra term:_ According to the production and business operation demand, Party B applies to Foreign Exchange Control Bureau for ithdra money by related documents or Expenses plan.七。 违约责任:_如乙方无法按时还清借款,甲方有权按乙方开户行的年平均利率收取违约滞纳金,直到还清为止。7. Liability for breach of contract:_ On default of repayment by due date of Party B, Party A is entitled to charge for a late fee based on the annual average interest rate of Party Bs opening bank.八。 合同一式两份,双方各执一份,经国家外汇管理局潍坊中心支局批准后生效,至还清借款时失效。8. 2 copies of the contract, one for each party, become effective hen it is approved by Foreign Exchange Control Bureau eiFang branch, become invalid after paying off all loans.九。 同未尽事宜双方协商解决,如协商无效,按中国有关法律法规处理。2019. This contract negotiations to resolve outstanding issues, shall be dealt ith according to the relevant Chinese las if the negotiation invalid.甲方:_ 乙方:_Party A Party B代表:_ 代表:_representative representative电话:_ 电话:_Tel Tel日期:_ 日期:_Date Date 责任编辑:_inema4 / 4

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