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黑龙江省2019版九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全对话6选5补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有一项多余) A: Hi, Betty! 1 . B: Yes. I went there with my parents.A: 2 . B: Wonderful.Many famous singers sang at the concert. 3 . A: What does it mean?B: The concert was held to collect money for poor children. 4 . A: Thats true.B: I think people all over the world should help them.A: 5 . AThats right.BWhat did you think of it?CYou know many children in the world dont have enough food.DDid you go to the concert last night?EHow did you go there?FIt was called “Saving the Children”.二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文):DC Hilton was one of the first Americans to find out that there was money to be made in the middle of the night.42 years ago he bought a small restaurant on US highway 69,in Oklahoma. His main customers were truck drivers and _salesmen who drank coffee and ate cheeseburgers when they stopped to break their journey.It was they who first tried to persuade Hilton to remain open all night. He thought about it for a while, and then suddenly made up his mind. He took the door key and threw it across the road. He hasnt closed the door_Over the years his simple burger cafe has expanded into a 24-hour roadside empire, with a 100-seat restaurant, a petrol station, a mini shopping market, a car park for mobile homes(活动住房) and all night self-help laundry.Hilton was a _ in a 24-hour working trend which has now caught on around the world. Today not only restaurants but also banks, supermarkets, mail order firms, travel agencies and many other businesses are beginning to be open all night. _ is this really a good thing?A lot of research has been done in America on the effect of 24-hour working, and there is growing _about the long-term dangers of a society that doesnt sleep. Americans are said to be sleeping 20% less than they did 100 years ago, and 55% claim to suffer at least occasionally from over-tiredness. Several of the worst man made disasters happened in the last few hours before dawn , when even the most experienced night-worker has difficulty _awake.6 . AworkingBtravellingCenteringDcoming7 . AlaterBsinceCeverDthen8 . AhotelBguideCchiefDpioneer9 . AThusBThoughCButDTherefore10 . AworryBunderstandingCinterestDsense11 . AstoppingBbecomingCstartingDstayingWhen I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals she would make breakfast food for dinner.I still remember one night my mum_some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt. I waited to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his_, smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. I_what I told him that night. _ I do remember watching him put some butter(黄油) on that bread. He _ as usual, every single bit. After dinner, my mum said_to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, I_burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all. _ , I went to kiss Dad good light. I asked him if he really liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and _ , “Your mum worked very hard all day. Shes really _. And you seea bit of burnt food never hurt anyone!”Now I know life is not perfect _is perfect, either. As for me. 1 often forget birthdays or some other special days. But I learn something_these years. What we really need is the understanding of each other, whether between a husband(丈夫) and wife, a parent and _ or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy _.So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember. _bread never hurt anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you.12 . AcookedBputCfoundDbought13 . AglassBmilkCspoonDbread14 . AdecidedBknewCforgotDimagined15 . AButBSoCBecauseDAnd16 . Athrew it awayBate it upCput it awayDlooked it up17 . AhelloBgoodbyeCnoDsorry18 . AhateBloveCmakeDsave19 . AAfter schoolBBefore dinnerCLater that nightDThe next morning20 . AshoutedBsaidClaughedDcried21 . AtiredBexcitedCworriedDinterested22 . AEverybodyBAnybodyCNobodyDSomebody23 . AimportantBdifficultCfunnyDeasy24 . AstudentBbrotherCsisterDchild25 . AclassBpartyClifeDstory26 . AburntBcheapCfreshDcold三、阅读单选Two years ago, my family moved to a new city and I had to study in a new school. As I had few friends there, I felt lonely. Then I met Tony. The first time I saw him, he was standing in the center of a group of students, telling jokes. The children around laughed from time to time. Tony knew about my problem. He asked me to play basketball with his friends and helped me with my studies. We soon became good friends.About a year ago, however, Toneys father was killed in an accident. As a result, his family had to move to a small house, Tony changed into a different person. He became silent and he even lost his interest in studies. Several times, I invited him to go out and play basketball with me, but he refused. I wanted to help him, but didnt know what to do.Then something strange happened in my class, two classmates lost the money in their schoolbags. Last Friday, just before the P.E. lesson, I went back to the classroom to get my running shoes I would use. The door was half open, I went in. To my astonishment, I saw Tony was searching one of my classmates schoolbags. I was shocked27 . What kind of boy was Tony at the beginning of the story?AHe was a clever boyBHe was a poor boyCHe was a popular boyDHe was a shy boy28 . Why did the writer become friends with Tony?ABecause Tony helped him do his homework.BBecause Tony was kind to himCBecause Tony liked playing basketballDBecause Tony told jokes29 . What caused the change of Tony ?AHis fathers accidentBHis strange characterCThe move his familyDThe lose of his interest in playing with his friends30 . How did writer feel when he saw Tonys change?AHe felt angryBHe felt surpriseCHe felt unhappyDHe felt worried31 . Why was Tony searching one of my classmates schoolbags? Because he wanted to _.Alook for some foodBput the things in orderChelp clean the schoolbagDfind money and take it away.The next time you take medicine when youre ill, you may eat a cone snail(芋螺). At least thats what some scientists are hoping. Scientists have found that cone snails can help with backache, as well as toothache and other body problems.There are over 600 different kinds of cone snails. This family is especially found in warm and hot waters in the oceans. They catch and eat small fish and even other cone snails. The snails have_that theyll give out and use to kill small animals they have caught because cone snails are slow-moving. Sometimes the venom can even kill people. But some scientists have discovered that the venom can also be used as medicine.The shells of cone snails are often brightly colored, and have interesting shapes, many people think the shells are so beautiful that people kill them, collect lots of shells, and sell them around the world. The environment is also very dangerous for them because of fishing and boating.Scientists want to help save the cone snails. They hope to make new rules to stop them from dying. If they die out, scientists may never discover what kinds of medicines they can give us.32 . We can find a cone snail in _ .Aa warm riverBin a hot oceanCa cold oceanDa lake33 . What does the underline(下划线) word “venom” mean in the second paragraph ? _.A盔甲B毒液C螺纹D鳞片34 . People kill the cone snails in order to _ .Asell their shellsBstudy their venomCsave the environmentDkill animals35 . The best title of the passage may be _ .AA Special MedicineBGreat VenomCCone SnailsDSaving the Cone SnailsDo you want to have a doll that can talk with you? In the book The Ventriloquists Daughter, a girl named Liur gets a doll like this. But it doesnt always make her happy. Lin Man-Chiu, a writer from Taiwan, wrote the book. The book tells a loving story about Liur and her father.Liur loses her mother at a young age. Her grandfather sends her father to a school in the US. Five years later, he comes back with a doll named Carola. This doll is quite special it can speak like a person! However, Carola makes a lot of problems for the family.After reading this book, I thought Liur and her father were unlucky. In fact, this story is about the writers own unhappy childhood. She had six sisters. But her grandfather wanted a grandson. Life was hard for her father, so he didnt live with her and her sisters for a very long time. The writer didnt like her father when she was young. But now she forgives him, because she understands her father had a hard life at that time.After I learned this, I knew everyone has demons (心魔) in their hearts, but we should do our best to defeat (击败) them.36 . The writer of the book The Ventriloquists Daughter is_ .ALiurBCarolaCHelenDLin Man-Chin37 . Carola is special because_ .Ait is a dollBit can talkCit can read booksDit looks like a boy38 . The third paragraph (段落) is mainly talking about_ .Athe main story of the bookBhow to write a bookChow popular the book isDdescribing a dolls life39 . The underlined word “forgives” probably means_ in Chinese.A敬佩B超越C原谅D减轻四、阅读判断Mother: Hello ! Dr. Wang !Dr. Wang: Hello, Mrs. Li ! Whats the matter?Mother: Li Lei feels sick.Dr. Wang: Do you have a headache?Li Lei: Yes, I do.Dr. Wang: Do you have a stomachache?Li Lei: No, I dont.Dr. Wang: Dont worry. You have a cold.Mother: Is it serious (严重的) ?Dr. Wang: No. Take this medicine. He will be all right soon.Mother and Li Lei: Thank you very much.根据对话内容,判断句子正(A)误(B)。40 . Mrs. Li and Li Lei both feel sick.41 . Li Lei has a stomachache.42 . Li Lei has a headache.43 . Li Lei has a serious cold.44 . Li Lei will be all right soon if he takes the medicine.五、完成句子A. 根据所给中文完成句子翻译,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。45 . 在这本书中,每个故事的开头都有一篇短诗。Theres a short poem _ every story in this book.46 . 你愿意参加世界读书日的活动吗?Would you like _ the activities of World Book Day?47 . 由于人们大量砍伐树木,大象正在失去他们的家园。Elephants are losing their homes because people _ too many trees.48 . 戴安娜总是在旅行前关注天气。Diana always _ the weather before travelling.49 . 令我们惊讶的是,吉姆在比赛结束前最后两分钟进了一个球。_, Jim scored a goal in the last two minutes before the game was over.50 . 这个宝宝一看见她的妈妈,她就会笑。_51 . 我认为这串钥匙一定是保罗(Paul) 的。_52 . 布朗(Brown) 一家人已经在上海生活10年了。_六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每空限填一词,每词限用一次方框中有两个词是多余的on, read, popular, say, by, they, true, poem, we, pick, only, inviteReader(朗读者)is one of the most 53 . TV shows. It 54 . different people to read aloud on the stage(舞台). The show also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything, like 55 . ,books and letters. 56 . reading aloud, the words on the paper come to life.Many people are fans of the show. They begin to enjoy 57 . aloud at home. Now, the show gives people form across China a special place to read. It is a reading pavilion(朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is very small. 58 . one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone(麦克风)in it and it records peoples voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read anything they like. The show will 59 . some of the readers and invite 60 . to read on CCTV.People of all ages read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking.” 61 . Dong Qing last week, the host and producer(制作人)of the show. “We can express our 62 . feeling by reading aloud.”七、填写适当的句子补全对话A:Good morning. 63 . ?B:OK. I want some apples.A:Apple? All right, here you are. B:64 . . Do you have any lemons here?A:Yes. 65 . ?B:I want two kilos.A:Sure. Here you are.B:66 . ?A:Let my see. Fifteen yuan. Here is the money.A:Thank you. B:67 . .八、回答问题On July 12th, 2009, at 5 pm, a lot of fans met at Peoples Square in Shanghai. They performed Michael Jacksons unfinished dance. For one minute, they sang and did the moon walk (太空步) to remember Michael Jackson.This kind of phenomenon (现象) is called “flash mob (快闪族)”. “Flash mob” is a group of people who meet in a public place to perform an activity for a short time. Sometimes all these people are friends, but usually they are strangers (陌生人) and they find each other (彼此) on the Internet.“Flash mob” is very surprised and strange. One of the popular “flash mob” activities was in Manhattan, New York City: Three hundred people met in a store and each of them told the shop assistant that they would buy the same size sports shoes, and the shop assistant didnt know what to do.68 . What did a lot of fans do at Peoples Square in Shanghai?_.69 . What is “flash mob”?_.70 . Are people of “flash mob” usually strangers?_.71 . Where do people find each other in a short time?_.72 . What does the writer think of “flash mob”?_.九、书信作文73 . 书面表达重阳节(The Double Ninth Festival)你和你们班的孩子要去镇上的敬老院看望老人,请写信给你的美国住家好友Lily,告诉她相关信息。提示: 1.老人们以前大多都和儿女起生活,现在不得不住在敬老院,倍感孤单。2.今年,我们给老人们准备了惊喜和小礼物,比如:带灯的手杖(walking sticks with lights)。3.它们是用竹子和钢制成的,全班都参与了制作,它的作用就是让老人们晚上看的更清楚,行走更安全。4.希望更多的人关爱老人。要求: 1.不要逐字翻译,适当发挥; 2.层次清晰,语言流畅; 3.80词左右,开头已给出。Dear Lily,Hows it going? Im writing to tell you something about the Double Ninth Festival Its seen as the old peoples day in China, For us, it has been a tradition to visit the old in the old peoples home of our town.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、补全对话6选51、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、阅读判断1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、回答问题1、九、书信作文1、

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