鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 3

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 3_第1页
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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 3姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you like the chicken,you may have_you can.Amore thanBas much asCas many asDso many as2 . The students volunteer their timethe old man.AhelpBhelpsCto helpDhelping3 . Its cold outside. You can take my coat. _. I have one in my car.AIt doesnt matterBThanks all the sameCNo problemDNever mind4 . What are the _ doing there? They are busy _ their science experiment.ABoys students; to doBBoy students; to doCBoys students; doingDBoy students; doing5 . If I have_, I can do_.Aenough time, enough wellBenough time, well enoughCtime enough, enough wellDtime enough, well enough6 . Linda, with her parents,the Yellow Mountain and they will be back tomorrow?Ahas gone toBhave gone toChas been toDhave been to7 . Its an _ journey!ApleasantBpleasedCunpleasedDunpleasant8 . The new restaurant is for 500 people.Wow, lets have a big party there.Aenough bigBenough smallCbig enoughDsmall enough9 . -My house is very near a busy street, so Im often disturbed by noise.- It _be quiet. You should look for a new place.AcanBmustCcantDmustnt10 . My mother promises _ me a new e-bike.AbuyBbuysCbuyingDto buy二、补全短文4选4根据短文内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子填入文中空白处,使短文完整、通顺。Sydney(悉尼)is in the east of Australia.11 . Its famous for its Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The weather is warm. The temperature is about 12 degrees in winter. And it is about 35 degrees in summer. It has beautiful beaches and many parks.12 . You can see many visitors in the park from different countries. Its quite a popular park. The only way to see this park is by going “bush(荒野小路)”. Then you could find some nice gravel(砂砾)roads.13 . Of course you will need to travel with food and water. To see a small part of the mountains, you need some days, because there are many roads to get to the Blue Mountains.Sydney has many beautiful beaches.14 . They are Bondi and Manly. Bondi has a nice street with many shops and restaurants. Parking is not hard in the place. Manly is a great beach to go to. If you want to go there, you can take a boat. Its a cheap and great way to see the Sydney harbor.15 . If you are going to visit Sydney, I hope you will enjoy it.AThe roads can take you to the Blue Mountains.BIt is a lively city.CTwo of them are quite famous.DIt will take you about 30 minutes.EIn the west of Sydney, there is a big park called the Blue Mountains.三、完型填空Your winter holidays are coming. You must be very excited. Have you decided _ to go and how to get there? If not,I suggest you making _ decisions.When spending holidays,you need to choose many kinds of places to stay,such as hotels,farms,villages and so on. All the hotels offer a room to sleep. Most hotels _ other services. Some of them _ offer free breakfast. You can even have personal services every day in some hotels,but they are expensive. So you had better _ your traveling expenses. You must understand where and when you are going, and how long you will stay _ that city and so on.Some of the tourists usually rent some vacation homes out for a week or more. You can also rent _ for a night or two. You can find some vacation homes on rent online. You can do some cooking in your vacation home. This will help to save money. Eating three meals a day at a restaurant can be very _! If you agree with me,you can find out vacation homes for rent by _ online.You should think about _ thing when you plan to make your winter holiday. That is how you will go. By air or train? All of this you should consider carefully.16 . AwhatBhowCwhereDwhich17 . AanyBmoreCmuchDlittle18 . AtakeBmanageCshutDoffer19 . AseldomBevenCneverDsometimes20 . Athink forBthink upCthink aboutDthink back21 . AinBonCatDwith22 . AthatBthisCitDone23 . AexpensiveBhappyCharmfulDuseful24 . ApaintingBsearchingCdescribingDstealing25 . Athe otherBothersCanotherDother四、多任务混合问题66.Beijing is the capital of China. It is an excellent city to visit. There are many places of interest, such as the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. 67.你曾经去过长城吗?It is one of the greatest wonders (奇迹) in the world. Also, the food in Beijing is delicious, especially Beijing Duck.Most large cities have zoos. 68.But Beijing has a zoo where you can go at night. It seems strange to go to a zoo when it is dark. However, if you go to see lions, tigers or foxes during the daytime, theyll probably be asleep. A lot of animals only wake up at night. So this is the best time to watch the animals.One great thing about Beijing is that there are many people coming from different countries. They speak different languages. 69.你能学到很多。I like Beijing very much. 70.It is my dream to go there one day.26 . _27 . _28 . _29 . _30 . _五、看图作文31 . 阅读是同学们未来参与社会应具备的关键能力,无论你喜欢哪种阅读方式,它都能让你增长知识,开阔眼界。最近,某出版社在两万人中,针对人们喜欢的阅读方式做了一项调查。下图是相关的统计结果,其中包括电子阅读和纸质阅读的人数。请你用两段话写一篇短文,第一段用百分比简要说明图表内容,第二段从图表中选出一项你喜欢的阅读方式,结合自己的经历,谈谈这种阅读方式的好处。reading onmobile phones,e-readers readingpaper books,magazine others要求:1.词数不少于80;2.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文4选41、三、完型填空1、四、多任务混合问题1、五、看图作文1、


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