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青海省2020版八年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The harder you work, the _ progress you will make. AgreatBgreaterCgreatestDlittle2 . My parents dont_me eat_junk food.Alike; too manyBwant; too muchCask; too manyDlet; too much3 . Could I use your dictionary to look up some new words? OK, .Aits a pleasureBthats rightCno problemDno way4 . What _ do you like, Tom?I like hamburgers.AsportsBfruitsCcolorsDfood5 . Is there _ in todays newspaper? Yes, there is.Asomething interestingBinteresting somethingCanything interestingDinteresting anything6 . _ is it from your home to the bank?About four miles.AHow farBHow muchCHow manyDHow long7 . Our teacher said there would be _ books in the new library.AthousandBthousandsCthousands ofDthousand of8 . Therea pen and two books on the desk.AareBhaveChasDis9 . I think Ill take the bus to the meeting.The bus? If you _, you will be late.AareBbeCdoDwill do10 . Lisa is _ American girl but she can play _ ping-pong very well .Aa , theBan , /Can , theD/ , the二、补全对话6选5根据对话内容, 从方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,使其完整、通顺。其中一个选项是多余选项。Maggie: Hi, Vince?Vince: Yeah, hi, Maggie! Maggie: Vince, 11 . My cousin Sam from Xian is going to be here. Vince: Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you. Maggie: 12 . Can you come and play with us? Vince: 13 . I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. Maggie: 14 . Oh, but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday. Then, 15 . Vince: Sure! Catch you on Monday! Acan you come to my house on Saturday?BId love to, but Im afraid I cant. CYes, thats right. Dcan you hang out with us on Monday night?ESure. That sounds great. FThats really too bad!三、补全短文5选5Chinas highly-respected translator and writer Yang Jiang passed away on 25 May, 2016 in Beijing, aged 105.16 . As a baby she liked laughing. Her parents let every daughter develop their character freely. Therefore, Yang had a happy childhood.Yang graduated from university and went to Tsinghua University as a postgraduate(研究生) in the1930s. There she met Qian Zhongshu 17 . Then they went to England for further study.After returning to China in 1938, Yang taught at Shanghai Fudan Liberal Arts College and Tsinghua University. In the- 1950s, she worked for Peking University and started to learn Spanish. 18 . Her translation has been printed over a million times, and has been presented as national gifts to visiting leaders of other countries.19 . The novel The Old Wang written in 1984 was selected as the passage in our middle school textbook. Besides, her famous works Baptism(洗澡) and We Three also became a household name in China.In 2001, Yang donated royalties (版税) from books written by Qian and herself, which was worth 10 million yuan. 20 . Such was Madam Yang, the best wife and the most talented woman!A Yang Jiang was born in Beijing in 19ll, originally named Yang Jikang.ASo Yang could set up a scholarship fund(奖学基金) to help students in poor situation.BShe was the first to translate Don Quixote(堂吉诃德)into Chinese.CShe began to write short novels in the 1980s.DThey fell in love and got married in 1935.四、阅读单选Jack and Bob are going to high school now . Jack wants to be an engineer. He is going to build roads , bridges and houses . Bob is interested in math and science, but he is going to study medicine. He often searches the information about medicine on the internet . He wants to be a doctor .Kate is good at music . She wants to be an artist . She is going to sing and dance for people . Joan wants to be a woman astronaut(宇航员). She says , “I am going to explore(探险)space(太空)some day ,”“What do you want to be , Alice ?” Joan asks me , “I want to be a teacher . When I grow up , Im going to teach in the countryside ,” I say .Each of us is doing our best at school . I am sure we will do something good for our country .21 . _students are talking .ATwoBThreeCFourDFive22 . Who wants to be an artist ?AJoan.BJack.CKate.DAlice.23 . Where can Bob search more information about medicine?AIn a medicine book.BIn the newspaper.COn the Internet.DIn a library.24 . What does Joan want to be?AAn astronaut.BA teacher.CA doctor.DAn engineer.25 . Where does Alice want to teach ?AIn a big city .BIn the countryside.CAt home .DAt abroad (国外).阅读理解Sitting in front of the television may be relaxing,but spending too much time in front of it may take years off your life.Watching television less may help you live a much longer life.Australian researchers studied more than 11,000 people over the age of 25.Their study showed that if people watched TV for six hours a day,they lived about 4.8 years less than those who didnt watch any television.Also,people who are over the age of 25 lose 22 minutes of life for every hour of TV that they watch.Sitting in front of the television isnt healthy.The more TV you watch,the less exercise youll get.And the less exercise you get,the more likely it is that youll get sick.Lennert Veerman,the researcher who led the study,says watching too much TV will be bad for peoples life expectancies(预期寿命),even for people who have a good diet.He thinks its necessary for doctors to start asking their patients about how much TV they watch,as it can be an indicator(指标)of someones overall health.Therefore,Veerman has called on people to turn off their TVs and get off the sofa to get some exercise.“Exercise is good,” he said.“Even light activity is good for health.”26 . Australian researchers did a study on _.Ahow much time people spend watching TVBwhat people usually do to relax after workChow watching too much TV can have a bad influence(影响)on peopleDwhat people should do to lengthen(延长)their lives27 . According to the study,if a 35yearold man watches TV for two hours,he will lose _ of life.A6 hoursB4.8 yearsC22 minutesD44 minutes28 . Paragraph 3 mainly tells us _.Ahow watching TV can affect peoples dietsBwhy watching TV can be bad for our healthCwhy people dont exercise enoughDhow long people should exercise every day29 . What suggestion did Veerman give?AHave a healthy diet.BGo to the doctor often.CGet more exercise instead of watching TV.DDo some light activities while watching TV.五、阅读判断Look at this bag. Its my schoolbag. Its orange. Whats in(在里面) it? Look, this is an English book. Its red. This is a Chinese book. Its white. And this is a book, too. Its yellow. This is my pencil box. Its blue. I like(喜欢) my pencil box very much. There are(有) some pens and pencils in it.根据短文内容判断下列句子意思与原文是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。30 . My bag is orange.31 . My English book is yellow.32 . My pencil box is blue.33 . I like my Chinese book very much.34 . There are some oranges in my pencil box.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成句子35 . Cindy_(跌落) into the river yesterday.36 . Just now your dog _(跟随) me into my bedroom.37 . Why did Jackie cut two _(洞) in that map?38 . My mother says _(兔子) like eating carrots.39 . Joe lay on the _(地面), listening to music.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空填一个单词。)Sing beautiful tell work play one improve good success canOnce there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him 40 . . But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song.“I dont sing,” said the man. But the lady 41 . him, “If you want to get paid, sing a song!”So he did. He never sang in public before. Now he was singing for the 42 . time! And everyone was surprised to find that he sang so 43 . !He had talent he was sitting on! He might have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But he caught the chance and found that he 44 . sing well. He went on 45 . hard and became one of the best-known 46 . in the US. His name was Nat King Cole.You, too, have skills and abilities. You may not feel that your talent is great, but it may be 47 . than you think. With hard work, most skills can be 48 . besides, you may have no 49 . at all if you just sit on your talent.八、填写适当的句子补全对话根据下面对话中的情景,从方框中选出恰当的语句填入对话中的空白处,使对话恢复完整.其中有两项是多余的.John: Would you like to go to New York with me over the vacation, Jim?Jim:50 . But where will we stay?John: At my uncles. I always stay with him and theres a room for you, too.Jim: OK. He wont mind?John: Of course not.51 . .Jim: Will we drive to New York?John: Yes, it takes about six hours.Jim:52 . John: It may be cloudy and rainy.53 . .Jim: Well, when will we leave?John:54 . Jim: No problem. See you then.九、单词填空My mother is a Chinese teacher. She usually gets up e55 . on Sundays. After she washes her face, she cooks b56 . for us. Then she waters the f57 . in the garden. After that, she w58 . with the dog in the park for about forty minutes.Then she goes home for breakfast. At about 9:00, she goes to the library to read all k59 . of books. When she goes home, she doesnt take a b60 . . She often goes down the street on foot and e61 . the sunshine(阳光). Sometimes she v62 . her friends. She u63 . cooks dinner for us at home.Then she watches TV. She always has a g64 . time at weekends.十、填空India is known as the land of festivals. Every festival has its own celebration activities and my favourite festival is Diwali (光明节). Every autumn I go to stay with my cousins, so we can celebrate Diwali together.Diwali is the biggest festival in India and people celebrate it all over the world. It is a magical time for children because of the lights. We light candles and lamps(灯), called diyas, in our homes. All the streets, houses and shops are decorated with lights. Diwali comes from the Sanskrit (梵语) word Deep-awali which means rows of lights.On the morning of Diwali, I go to the temple with my family. On this occasion, we get dressed in our best clothes. My grandmother always buys me a new sari(沙丽) to wear for Diwali every year. We spend a long time getting ready, putting on bright clothes and jewellery. Lots of our friends come to the temple and we sing, dance and enjoy ourselves. My cousin plays an Indian instrument called harmonium (小琴) at the temple. There are always delicious sweet foods to eat. Back at my uncles house, we exchange presents and eat lots of good Indian food. Many relatives come over to celebrate with us and it is a very special time for families.Every- year, Diwali falls in October or November. Not only in India, but also in Asian countries, Diwali is celebrated with great joy and happiness.My favourite 65 . DiwaliWhat is DiwaliNot only people from India but also people all over the world66 . it.It is a magical time for children because we can67 . candles and lamps in our homes.MeaningDiwali comes from the Sanskrit word Deepawali which 68 . rows of lights.69 . Every year, Diwali falls in October or November.ConclusionOn the morning of Diwali, we spend a long time 70 . for Diwali. We 71 . our best clothes and go to the temple. We have 72 . with friends. We can73 . delicious sweet food. It is a very 74 . time for families.十一、回答问题David is a 10-year-old boy. He wants to buy something for his mother, because next Monday is her birthday. Davids father gives him 5 dollars a week and David puts 2 dollars a week into a box in his room. After three months David has 24 dollars in the box. He takes 20 dollars out of his box and goes to a big store. He wants something really great for his mother.David sees a beautiful brooch (胸针). It is in the shape of (呈形状) his favorite animal. It is only $17.00. “I like it,” thinks David. “My mother loves brooches, and she will like it, too.” He buys the brooch and takes it home. He puts it in a beautiful box, and puts the box on the dining table. David is very happy. He thinks he will see the smile on his mothers face.But when his mother opens the box, she screams (尖叫). She sees a spider (蜘蛛) in the box! She is afraid of spiders so much!根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。75 . When is Davids mothers birthday?_76 . How much money does David take to the big store?_77 . Whats Davids favorite animal?_78 . Where does David put the beautiful box?_79 . Does Davids mother like the brooch?_十二、话题作文80 . 下面是Learning English杂志社发给全国中学生的一封电子邮件。假如你叫李华,你对该邮件中的问题很感兴趣,请你给该杂志社的编辑回一封电子邮件,参与此次活动。Dear students,There must be some rules in your family, right? How do you like them? Whats the best rule and whats the worst rule? Please e-mail us and share your thoughts with our readers.Learning English要求:词数90左右,电子邮件的格式和开头已给出,但不计入总词数。Dear Editor,There are many rules in my family, some good and some bad._Yours,Li Hua第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、单词填空1、十、填空1、十一、回答问题1、十二、话题作文1、

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