鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 2 单元检测

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鲁教版(五四学制)英语八年级上册Unit 2 单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Every morning, tourists can see soldiers _ Chinese national flag at Tiananmen Square.AraisedBroseCraisingDrising2 . -I like songs I can sing along_. - So do I .AtoBwithCforDup3 . Shall we go now?No, lets wait _ the rain stops.AuntilBwhenCifDas4 . When I was a kid your age, I never cared what others thought.Ain; forBof; aboutCfor; aboutDat; of5 . Mark ate so much seafood that he was _ for almost a week.AtiredBsunburnedChungryDsick6 . When the teacher came in , the students _ about the film.Aare talkingBtalkedCwere talkingDtalk7 . Some students think it useful _ English songs to improve their English.AsangBto singCsingingDsings8 . My parents always tell me _ out at night.AgoBnot goCnot to goDnot going9 . Did Jim _ last night?Yes, he played computer games before 12:00.Aget upBstay upCcome upDput up10 . Today, WeChat(微信) becomes very popular, and more and more people like to use it to _ each other.Adepend onBcommunicate withCbelieve inDbelieve11 . The house is _ wood. That kind of computer is _China.Amade with; made inBmade of; made inCmade in; make ofDmade in; made of12 . My parents expect me _good grades in this exam.AgetBgettingCto getDgot13 . Dont speak _ Lily. Your sister is sleeping now.AquicklyBloudlyCquietlyDslowly14 . When you are doing reading exercises, it is a good idea to _ the questions before you read the articles(文章).Alook outBlook throughClook afterDlook into15 . _ give him a watch?AWhat aboutBLetsCWhy dontDWhy dont you二、补全短文5选4阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。From the Other SideLara and Tara are twins. They look like each other, but they are very different in everything else. For example, hot food is Laras favorite, and Tara has a sweet choice.However, this isnt the problem with the twin girls. They always argues that the opposite one was wrong. 16 . , while Tara thought mornings were fresh and it was difficult to stay up till midnight.17 . To put an end to their fights, their parents decided to create a small drama. They wanted the girls to understand that they were both correct from their own point of view. Their parents covered the girls eyes with black ribbons (带、条), and brought them to the dining room. 18 . Lara was asked to stand on one side of the board and Tara on the other. They couldnt see the other side of it. When the ribbons were taken away, they were surprised to see a huge board between them.Now, their father asked Lara, “Whats the color of the board?” She replied, “Its black!” 19 . She relied, “Its white!” The two girls began to argue again. While Lara was confident it was black, Tara was sure it was white. Then, they were asked to exchange (交换) their places. They couldnt believe their eyes. Tara, who insisted (坚持) it was a white board, saw a black one. Similarly, Lara, who argued the board was black, was surprised to see a white one. They understood that each of them was right in her own view. Most of us are like Lara and Tara. We are right most times, but insist that others are wrong!AThey have different ideas.BFor years, their arguments continued.CTheir mother asked Tara the same question.DIn the room, a big board was placed in the middle.ELara thought it was terrible to get up early in the morning.三、完型填空通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Welcome to Grand Canyon National Park! The Grand Canyon is famous as a wonder of the natural world, and it _is. Here are some tips for enjoying the Grand Canyon. _ on the paths. Dont stand on the edge of the cliff (悬崖) for a better _. We saw people doing this! Dont run around in dangerous areas. Bring eno_. The Grand Canyon has a very dry climate, especially in summer. You will drink _than you can possibly imagine.Wear the right shoes._ youre going to walk any distance on the Rim Trail, youd better wear closed-toe (不露趾的) shoes.Weather. During July and August, storms can _.The South Rim is open all year round, and in winter and early spring, bring more clothes to stay _.Dont feed the animals. Some animals here are really lovely and they are not _humans (人类), but dont feed them. Some animals can bite if you get too close. Human food is bad for many of the animals._may die! So let the animals feed themselves.20 . AhardlyBalreadyCreallyDalmost21 . AJumpBStayCWorkDDance22 . AlifeBreasonClookDtrip23 . AwaterBfoodCclothesDmoney24 . Amore carefullyBmoreCmore slowlyDbetter25 . AAlthoughBSoCBecauseDIf26 . Acome upBtake offCgo awayDlook out27 . AawakeBwarmChappyDsafe28 . Aafraid ofBinterested inCangry withDproud of29 . AYouBItCWeDThey四、阅读单选The high school years are a key period. The things we learn during this time really shape our lives. Liu Changming, principal of Beijing No. 4 High School made 18 suggestions for students just starting high school on how to get the best out of high school. Here are ten of them.1) Read 50 books. But choose them from ten different fields.2) Help a person. Look for a classmate, an elderly person, in fact anyone who could benefit(获益)from your help. Youll find you benefit too!3) Research. Research a particular area, such as science, history or art.4) Make a foreign friend. Try to befriend someone from a foreign country. Its an ideal way to learn about a foreign country.5) Publish(出版)an article. Whether it appears in a newspaper, your school magazine or in your own blog, an article will be something to look back on in pride in later years.6) Take up a new sport. Choose one youve never played before. If you find you like it, youll have a hobby for life7) Join a club. Working hard in a club or other activities will give you a life outside of your studies. 8) Find a part-time job. Try and do the job for at least a month.9) Find a person to learn from. Choose someone with unusual experience or special talent. Try to learn all you can from him or her.10) Learn to cook four Chinese dishes. Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but a way of building a bridge to other people.30 . According to the passage, by making a foreign friend you can _.Alearn about another cultureBpractice spoken EnglishCdiscuss the international situationDshare your happiness and sadness31 . Beside learning a practical skill, another purpose of learning to cook is _.Ato help your parents with houseworkBto kill timeCto have communication with othersDto make friends32 . Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?AYou should read fifty books of the same field.BDo a part-time job for less than a month.CTry to publish an article to make you famous.DYou can benefit a lot by helping others.33 . The principal made the suggestions in order for the students to _.Amake contributions to societyBachieve greet progress in high schoolClove high school lifeDfinish high schoolDo you feel you have enough time to do all the things you have to do or want to do? How do you think you could plan your day better? A daily schedule (时间表) will help you plan every part of it. If you learn to manage (安排) your time, you will probably feel less worried. Here is how to do it. 1. Take out a piece of paper and a ruler. Draw a form of your waking hours, using one square (正方形) for each half an hour. If youre awake for 16 hours each day, you will need 32 squares: 8 across, 4 down.2. Sit down and examine your day. Make a list of all the things you need to do. Think about when you should do them. 3. Fill out your schedule. 4. Remember to give yourself breaks. If doing all of your homework at one time is too much, schedule a little bit of free time in the middle of it. 5. If you have an important thing to do but its not on your schedule,adjustother activities around it. 6. Think about using different colored pens for your different activities. In this way, youll clearly know how your day is planned out.34 . The underlined word adjust means _ in the article.A忽略B遵守C执行D调整35 . If the writer is awake for 14 hours each day, he will need _ squares in his schedule.A14B28C32D3636 . The writer thinks that _.Anobody has enough time to do everything he should doBpeople can use time better by making a daily scheduleCits good to have dinner before homeworkDstudents should finish all of their homework at one time37 . In the writers opinion, if something unexpected(意外的) takes place, you should _.Anot mind itBwork according to your scheduleCadjust your other activitiesDforget about your schedule38 . The passage is mainly about how to _.Amake a daily scheduleBget good study habitsCmake a formDlive happily五、根据首字母、中文提示填空39 . Thank you very much from the _ of my heart.40 . The river _ to be very clean, but its very dirty now.41 . I hate people who drop l_ everywhere.42 . To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway _ of driving.43 . The fewer p_ bags we use, the less pollution we will have.44 . The new bike _ me 1000 yuan yesterday.45 . Today some rivers are f_ of rubbish.46 . His teacher makes a big d_ in his life.47 . The old lady didnt know whether her son was a_ after the war.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。48 . 下课了。让我们休息一下吧。Class is over. Lets _.49 . 我每天晚上九点半上床睡觉。I _ at 9:30 every night.50 . 你们在几点钟开始上课?_ do you _?51 . 周五我们不上数学课。We _ on Friday.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. physical B. successfully C. survive D. exit E. existPlaying It Cool with Bullies(恃强凌弱)Have you ever met with bullies? They 52 . in every school. Some use words, and others use 53 . attack. No matter what method is used, the result is the same: bullies cause you to feel bad and make going to school a lot more difficult. Bullies can be a serious problem. However, if you act quickly, you can almost always keep them from bothering you. What can you do about them? Luckily, dealing with bullies is not as hard as you think. Just follow these simple steps, and there is a good chance you will 54 . the bullies at your school.The first step to take when dealing with bullies is to understand them. Most bullies make others feel bad so they feel better about themselves. The best way to deal with this is to avoid them all together. Dont walk near them, change your seat in class, or if they come up to you, walk away. If you can 55 . ignore a bully for a few days, you will probably be left alone.ApretendBpresentCstaffDgoalEget in troubleWhen it is impossible to ignore the bully, you will have to take more powerful steps. Bullies tend to target kids who they think are weak and easy to attack. Their main 56 . is to make you upset so they feel in control. The next time you see a bully, 57 . to feel very brave and confident. If the bully says something to you, say “Stop it!” in a strong voice and walk away. If you see a bully picking on someone else, do the same. Bullies normally do not like confrontation(对抗).If the problem continues, the next step is to report the bully to a teacher. Then the bully will58 . . Bullies have been around for a long time, so experienced teachers will know how to deal with them and they can alarm school 59 . to be on watch for future problem. Just remember to never get in a fight with a bully. Fighting will almost always make the situation worse. Be smart when dealing with bullies and you will be safe. 八、多任务混合问题留英交换生李文想要教房东太太Ms.Green一道中国菜,以下是制作说明,请你帮她取好英文菜名,并整理好制作流程。AThen heat(加热) a few tablespoons of oil(油) in the frying pan, and pour the egg mixture after oil heatingup, then stirfry(炒) and bring it out and wait for back use. BFirst of all, cut the tomatoes into pieces. Next break up eggs, stir and make it mixed evenly(均匀). CWhen the tomatoes are ready, mix the fried eggs with the tomatoes and add some salt and pepper. Finally, enjoy the food: fried eggs with tomatoes. DAfter that, pour in a little oil again and put the tomatoes. Cook them for about two minutes. EYou need two eggs, two tomatoes, a little oil, salt and pepper. 60 . The name of the dish is _.Apepper and egg soupBegg and tomato soupCfried egg and tomato riceDfried eggs with tomatoesThe right order to make this kind of food is: 61 . E_62 . _63 . _64 . _九、材料作文65 . 假如你是一名即将毕业的初三学生肖鹏,中国的传统文化历史悠久,值得青少年学习和保护。最近,你们学校组织了传统文化进校园活动,请你根据表格内容提示,分别介绍下每种和你所了解的传统文化,并为其发展与保护,提出合理化建议。Traditional culturesFeatures(特点)How to develop and protectTanghuluFamous snack,made of haws(山楂), put together on a stick(木棍) and covered with ice sugar. deliciousPeople show and introduce in different activitiesClassic Chinese poetryFamous poems and poetsHave long history, Express all kinds of feelings by writing something wonderful in the poemsStudents read and studyChinese Paper-cut ArtBeautiful and cute picturesCut out on a paper with scissors(剪刀)Post on the windows,or lanterns to express the feelings of happinessAsk more people know and learn, Chinese be proud of it要求:1.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;2.文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称;3.80100词,文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。There are plenty of classic(经典的) cultures in China. All of them have a very long history. Here I introduce four of them._OK. Thats all, and thanks for your listening!第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选41、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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