陕西省人教新目标(云南)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 5

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陕西省人教新目标(云南)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 5_第1页
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陕西省人教新目标(云南)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 5_第3页
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陕西省人教新目标(云南)英语八年级下册单元随堂测Unit 5姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ have white feathers and long thin necks.ASwallowsBParrotsCSparrowsDSwans2 . My old neighbor Charles enjoys_ photos. He always goes out with his camera.AtakeBto takeCtakingDtook3 . Dont get angry _ him. He only made that mistake _ mistake.Aat; byBwith; byCby; withDwith; on4 . When the class began, I was still making _ way to school.AmeBmyCmine5 . When I left my office,I saw the headmaster_to some students at the school gateAtalkBtalkingCtalksDto talk6 . You _ the word in the dictionary, and you will find out its meaning.Alook atBlook upClook afterDlook for7 . Well play basketball _ Class 3 tomorrow.AoverBagainstCtoDfor8 . On Sunday I have to go to the farmmy parents.Ato helpBhelpChelpingDhelped9 . Sally took a photo of her friends while they_computer gamesAplayBare playingChave playedDwere playing10 . I _ at seven oclock in the morning.Ago to the schoolBgo to a schoolCgo to schoolDgo school二、完型填空Ashley Smith is a single young mother with a daughter. She was moving into her house in Atlanta, Georgia early on the morning of March 12, when a man_her to her door, and put a gun to her side. “I started walking to my door, and I felt really, really_,” she said in a TV interview last week.The man was Brian Nichols, 33 years old. He_at an Atlanta courthouse on March 11th. The police were_him.Nichols tied Smith up with a rope, but set her free after she begged him not to take her_again and again. “I told him_he hurt me, my little girl wouldnt have a mummy,” she said with tears.“I just talked to him and tried to_believe me,” Smith said. She asked Nichols_he chose her. “He said he thought I was an angel sent from God, and_asked him to do so.”Smith even_for the man before he allowed her to leave. Nichols was_when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched TV, seeing_looking for him. “I cannot_thats me on the TV!” Nichols told the woman. Then, Nichols asked Smith what he_do. She said, “I think you should turn yourself in. If you dont, more people are going to get_Finally, he let her go. Then she called the police.11 . AfoundBnoticedCtookDfollowed12 . AangryBfrightenedCamazedDsad13 . AsleptBkilled three peopleClost a carDcaught a thief14 . Awaiting forBlooking atCsearching forDthinking of15 . AlifeBdaughterCclothesDmoney16 . AthatBwhenCifDuntil17 . Aask him toBmake himChelp himDtell him to18 . AwhyBwhenCwhereDhow19 . Amy motherBhis fatherCmy daughterDGod20 . Acooked dinnerBcooked breakfastCmade teaDmade cakes21 . AafraidBexcitedCsurprisedDunhappy22 . Athe policeBhis familyChis friendsDthe little girl23 . AbelieveBsayCexpectDunderstand24 . AcouldBshouldCwas able toDmight25 . AcaughtBworriedCtiredDhurt三、阅读单选The reasons of making vacation plansA lot of people like taking a trip with no plans(计划)They think it is very exciting and has more fun.But in fact,it is not good.Making vacation plans is very important.First,a vacation plan can make sure that everything goes well.If you visit a place but you dont book a hotel,you may have no place to stay at night.Second,you have lots of things to take with you for a vacation.You need to plan what things you have to buy and what things you need to put in bags.For example,you want to visit one place,but when you arrive at the airport(机场),you forget to bring your plane ticket!You may be late for the plane.Third,making a vacation plan can help you save a lot of money.No one wants to spend more money than they want to.If you surf the Internet before you go on a vacation,you may find some cheap plane tickets and hotel rooms.Next time when you go on a vacation,try to write down some plans.They can help you have more fun in your vacation.26 . The writer thinks that taking a trip without plans is _.AinterestingBrelaxingCbadDexciting27 . From this passage we can know its very important _.Ato make a vacation planBto take a trip by planeCto surf the InternetDto visit a place with more money28 . _ can make sure that everything goes well during the vacation.ABringing your plane ticketBBooking a cheap hotel roomCTaking many things with youDMaking a vacation plan29 . The underlined word “book” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A装修B预订C扩建D推荐30 . The passage mainly tells us _.Awhy we must make a vacation planBits important to have more funChow we can make a vacation planDwhat we must take during the vacation四、根据首字母、中文提示填空一、根据句意及所给的汉谙提示写出单词31 . Its the first time for him to have dinner in England, so he is not sure which hand he should use to hold(握) a _(叉).32 . Usually he takes a_ (淋浴) in the bathroom first when he comes from work.33 . My family often sit on the_ (沙发)to watch TV in the living-room.34 . You can put these fruit into the_ (电冰箱) to keep them longer.35 . He has two toy_ (刀子). They are beautiful but he cant cut anything with them.36 . The _ (消息)is important. You must tell him soon.37 . I like to watch film _ (录像). Would you like to watch them?38 . His telephone number is seven, one, eight, nine, _ (双的) two, one, five.39 . _ (可以)I ask you a question?40 . This house is not his _ (自己的).It is his parents.五、语法填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。When Peyton was an 11-year-old boy,a rainstorm hit his hometown on a dark night.When the storm came,he 41 . (clean)his room.His sister was42 . (sleep).His mother was busy 43 . (cook)in the kitchen.His father was watching TV44 . (sudden),all the lights went off.Then the rain45 . (beat)against the doors and windows heavily.The wind blew strongly,so his sister46 . (wake)up.She was 47 . (scare)and began 48 . (cry).The family couldnt do anything.Peytons father took out the flashlight,but the batteries(电池)were dead.So his mother found some candles and a box of 49 . (match).The next morning,after they listened to the news on the radio,they 50 . (realize)that a heavy rainstorm had happened.六、材料作文51 . 书面表达假如你是Li Ping,请根据以下提示用英语写一封email,向你的朋友Tom说明自己不能去参加他的生日宴会。写作要点:1. 首先道歉说明你不能去参加他的生日宴会。2. 说明你不能参加的理由(1)奶奶卧病在床需要人照顾;(2)父母出差要到香港下个月才能回来;(3)自己的英语不是很好,英语考试即将来临,要为考试做准备,多做听力练习;3.告诉Tom你感到十分抱歉,请他见谅。祝他生日快乐!写作要求:1.不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;3.字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清楚;4.至少80词。(不含已写出的英文)Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party._Best Wishes!Yours,Li Ping第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、语法填空1、六、材料作文1、

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