陕西省人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 4 Don't eat in class Section A(1a-2d)

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陕西省人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 4 Don't eat in class Section A(1a-2d)_第1页
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陕西省人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 4 Don't eat in class Section A(1a-2d)_第2页
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陕西省人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 4 Don't eat in class Section A(1a-2d)_第3页
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陕西省人教新目标七年级英语下册同步练习:Unit 4 Dont eat in class Section A(1a2d)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Every year many people get hurt or die in traffic accidents. People make traffic_for some reasons, so we must obey them. Different countries have different traffic rules. In China, all the cars and buses keep on the_of the road._we cross the road, we must_and look at both sides (first left then right). But in England,the traffic is on the left. When you cross the road, you should look_first or you may be in an accident.People have to obey many traffic rules. You must walk_the sidewalk. If you like riding a bike, dont ride in the middle of the road_run throughred traffic lights (闯红灯). When you ride a bike with a friend,_look around and talk. When you drive, you must not drive too fast and you should pay attention to (注意) the traffic_.For example (例如), when you see, you mustnt make a U-turn. Its good_children and oldpeople to cross the road. Remember to (记住) think about others.1 . AcarsBrulesCpoliceman2 . AmiddleBleftCright3 . AAfterBBeforeCBecause4 . AstopBrunCwalk5 . AleftBrightCtraffic6 . AatBtoCon7 . AandBbutCor8 . AnotBdontCisnt9 . AsignBmapCticket10 . AhelpBhelpingCto help二、阅读单选Hello! Im a student. My name is Peter Smith, an American boy. Zhang Hai is my Chinese name. Im in Beijing with my family. My grandfather, my parents, my sister and I are in my family. Look! This is my classroom. My friends, Jack, Bill, and I are in it now. Whats this? Its a red cup. Is it mine? No, its Jacks. Whats that? Oh, its a jacket. Is it Jacks? No, its Bills. What color is it? Its blue. Is that a picture? No, its a map. Its a map of China. Where is my nice watch? Oh, I need it now, but I cant find it. And here is my Lost:Lost :I lost my watch in the school library. Its a sports watch. Its purple and its nice.I must find it. Call me at 395-6782. You can also e-mail me at peter1012163.com. Thanks. Peter11 . Peter is a(an) boy.AEnglishBAmericanCChineseDJapanese12 . is Bills.AA red cupBA map of ChinaCA black watchDA blue jacket13 . lost a purple sports watch.APeterBJackCBillDPeters sister14 . Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)?AZhang Hai is Bills Chinese name.BPeter and Jack are in the school library now.CPeter is not happy now.DJack is Peters brother.三、填写适当的单词补全句子.用适当的介词或副词填空15 . English is spoken_about 400 million people.16 . English is used_a working language in Singapore.17 . I want to be a dancer when I grow_18 . I borrowed a bike_Linda yesterday.19 . The US spreads English_the world_newspapers,television and films.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空Complete the sentences with proper words according to the given meanings. The first letters are given. (根据所给释义的首字母,用适当的单词完成下面的句子。)20 . The good news brings j_. (happiness)to all the teachers and students.21 . Students can g_(get)experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.22 . Please take a seat. The doctor will check on you in a w_(a short period of time).23 . Practise English p_(in the right way),and you will make great progress soon.24 . I b_(asked anxiously or eagerly)Mum and Dad to come back to New York with me.25 . We g_(imagine)we will go camping if the weather is fine this weekend.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空26 . -What would you like _ (buy)for your father? -A computer.27 . Tom, _ (not talk)in class next time, please!28 . We dont have enough bags _ (put)so many books.29 . Thank you for _ (teach)us English so well.30 . What about _ (have) some hamburgers for lunch? They are very nice.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子A. get toAgo to seeBenjoy themselvesCat lastDcome intoEfather and mother31 . We will arrive at the airport at 5: 00 this afternoon.32 . The door opened and Mum entered the kitchen.33 . The Whites will visit the Great Wall this summer.34 . They climbed the high mountain finally.35 . Our parents will come to visit our school on the school Open Day.36 . I hope they will have a good time during their trip to the USA.七、单词填空根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear students,The following 37 . (规则)are for you at Cambridge school.Please read them carefully.Stand up 38 . (当时)a teacher or a visitor goes into the classroom.You have to be in a classroom or study places during lesson time.39 . (到达)in time for the start of each lesson so that you are ready to start work.Also,40 . (带来)the things you need of each lesson.41 . (穿)smart,clean clothes.No 42 . (长的)hair for boys.43 . (不要)leave the school if you are not allowed.You cant take food or drink from the 44 . (餐厅)room.45 . (收音机)and personal computers can 46 . (只;仅)be used in dormitory house.You cant use them in class or in the library.Class Five八、多任务混合问题任务性阅读。Now the idea of “ car sharing” has become popular in Europe and the United Stated. Thats to say, people share one car, not each person has one.(A) As we know,most cars are parked in garages for much timeIn fact, we drive our own cars as long as one or two hours a day on average(平均). When we dont use them, we have to pay for parking and other things. (B) We spend too much money on that If we share a car, well only pay when we use it .(C) Because some people want to save money,they come up with the idea of “car sharing”. Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40000 people have joined it. Japan is also trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country.(D)This is also very easy for us to travel here and there without buying carsDo you love to share a car with others?47 . 请将(A)处的句子翻译成汉语。_。48 . 在下面的空白处填上一个适当的单词,使句意与(B)处相同。That_us too much money.49 . 对(C)出的画线部分提问。_50 . 请将(D)处的单词组合成一个完整的句子。_51 . (E)处有一处错误,请找出错误并改在下面的横线上。(可用文字叙述)。_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、填写适当的单词补全句子1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、

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