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陕西省2020版中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We are trying to _our country _a more beautiful country.Acompare, withBcompare, toCturn, intoDlook, after2 . The summer holiday is coming , Were going to have_ holiday.Aa two-monthBa two-monthsCtwo monthsDtwo-months3 . The tickets for The Wandering Earth _ well, and they will _ soon.Aare sold; sell outBare sold; sold outCsell; be sold out4 . She doesnt like the bookyou are interested.Awhich, inBwhich, XCwho, inDthat, X5 . Boys and girls, nothing is difficult to the man who will try. Believe in yourselves, as long as you_, you must achieve your dream.Amake friendsBmake a decisionCmake a mistake6 . Could you tell me what a police artist does? He mainly draws a picture of the_in order to solve a_more easily.Acrime; criminalBcriminal; crimeCcrime; crime7 . Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?ArecallBrequestCrecent8 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?AdiseaseBdealCrealizeDpeace9 . His advice is useful and makes_ possible for us to finish the task in half an hour.AitBitsCthatDthis10 . (2014四川成都)Can she play the guitar or the violin?_But she can play the drumsABothBEitherCNeither11 . 下列三个选项中划线部分的语音都相同的一组是_.Ablue, who, zooBmy, bye, bigChave, cap,eight12 . It has been 4 years _ the earthquake happened in WenchuanAwhenBsinceCafterDwhile13 . _is it from your house to your school? Its ten minutes walk.AHow longBHow farCHow often14 . Please call me _ 365-9877.AatBorCinDto15 . If a=3 and b=4,whats the answer to the problem: a + b +1=? The answer is _.AtwelveBnineCeightDseven16 . Dont worry. Ill do what I _ to help you.AcanBmayCmustDneed17 . Amy makes fewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework _.Amore carefullyBmore carelesslyCmore carefulDmore careless18 . Tina, our new English teacher, tries her best to make her classes_.AinterestBinterestingCinterestedDinterests19 . _ are from _.AChinese; ChineseBAustralian; AustraliaCJapanese; JapanDEnglish; England20 . 下午遇到老师,应该怎么样打招呼?_AHow old are you?BGood morning!CGood afternoon!DGood night!二、补全对话7选5(重庆第一中学2017届九年级上学期期末)Anna:Hey, Julie. You look unhappy. 21 . Julie:Yes, Ive made Amy mad lately, and I have no idea what to do about it.Anna:22 . Julie:Well, yesterday, she called me and invited me to go to a movie together. I was almost half an hour late. Anna:Hm., if so, that will also drive me crazy. 23 . Julie:Yes, I did. But she didnt want to listen at that moment.Anna:24 . You are good friends after all.Julie:Good idea. She is my best friend. Without her, I may feel left out.Anna:All right. Hope you can deal with the problem well.Julie:25 . Anna:You are welcome.AWhy dont you try it again one or two days later? BThank you for your advice.CDid you feel sorry about that?DYou have a point.E. Is there anything wrong with you?F. What happened?G. Did you say sorry to her?三、补全短文5选5阅读短文,根据逻辑顺序,从下列方框里选择适合的选项填入文中空缺处,完成小题,使文章意思完整、连贯Different colors can show different moodsBright colors make us feel happy and energetic26 . Artists also use colors to create patterns(图案)The primary colors are red,yellow,and blue27 . Mixing two primary colors makes a secondary colorThe secondary colors are orange,green,and violet(purple)28 . Green is made by mixing yellow and blueViolet is made by mixing red and blueIntermediate colors can be made by mixing a primary and a secondary color together29 . Black,white,and gray are special colorsThey are called neutral colorsColors have been organized into a color wheel(色环)It shows the three primary colors,the three secondary colors,and the six intermediate colors30 . It helps them know which colors they want to use together in their artworkAOrange is made by mixing yellow and redBFor example,blue violet and red orange are intermediate colorsCDark colors make us feel cool or sadDArtists use the colour wheelEThey are the colors that can be mixed together to make different colorsAOrange is made by mixing yellow and redBFor example,blue violet and red orange are intermediate colorsCDark colors make us feel cool or sadDArtists use the colour wheelEThey are the colors that can be mixed together to make different colors四、完型填空The Chinese used the abacus as early as the 2nd century BC, but now are welcoming“machine brains”to educate the young in this modern age.For the young, e-learning seems so _. Zhu Xufei, 12, uses her parents mobile phone to study English every day on her way to school and back home. Through an app, she can listen to and repeat back words and sentences in English. The app even tells the difference between her speech and proper pronunciation, and then _ provides the score.The mother of 12-year-old Zhu said,“The apps have enabled her to learn and practice spoken English anytime, anywhere,”she says.“The apps also have been designed to use games to encourage learning.”Its very popular nowadays, especially with parents. WeChat accounts of parents post progress reports every day on _ their children are doing. For example,“Day 30: My son Thomas has learned 99 English words on Talking Pets.”Its not only children using mobile devices(设备)to learn new things. Many Metro or bus passengers can be seen with earplugs turned into app courses, like business management or the driving test.“I dont have to _ books around and turn pages on crowded buses,”an office lady says.“With just a touch of the screen on my smartphone, I can do practice tests whenever I have time. It also records my _ and makes it easier for me to review them.”E-learning has been welcomed among education services. Zheng Lili, owner of an English training school, says the learning apps help _ better monitor the performances of students.We believe that education should bewhole-persondevelopment and such devices are just support tools.31 . AstrangeBdifficultCnaturalDhorrible32 . AimmediatelyBgentlyCnearlyDsecretly33 . AwhetherBwhereCwhyDhow34 . AborrowBcarryCreturnDdeliver35 . AmistakesBjobsCphotosDinterest36 . AbossesBneighboursCfriendsDteachers五、阅读单选Do you want to have a special vacation? Read the following two advertisements. Maybe they will give you a good idea.Summer Surfing USA15-day Tour for Beach LoversWinter Wonderland USA15-Day Ski Tour in the Green MountainsVisit Beautiful Southern California Surfing beachesAccommodation: Single or double rooms in beachfront hotelsPrice includes: Money for daily surfboard, 3-hour beginners lessonsNight activities: Beach barbecues,club dancing, moonlight boating.Other activities: Visit Disneyland, Tour Beverly Hills and see the movie stars homesTour cost: Single room: $1,999Double room: $2,300Go skiing in VermontAccommodation:Village hotels. with relaxing environment and fine dining; comfortable rooms with nice furniture.Price includes: All ski equipment, lift tickets, and daily 2-hour lessonsNight activities: Parties in the open air. Rock music concerts.Other activities: Shopping, ice skating,cross country skiingTour cost: Single room: $2,500Double room: $3,200accommodation 住宿;37 . Which of the activities can you do at night?AVisit DisneylandBSkate on the iceCEnjoy rock music38 . If you like skiing, you can choose to stayto enjoy your vacation.Ain a beautiful hotelBin a village hotelConly in a single room39 . Going tois beach lovers best choice for summer vacation.AVermontBSouthern CaliforniaCGreen mountains40 . It will take youto enjoy your vacation either in the green mountains or on the beaches.Aone weekBone monthChalf a month41 . Which of the following does the price of both tours include?ALessonsBlift ticketsCDaily surfboard.“Time to get dressed!” “Time for school!” “Time for dinner!” “Time for bed!” Time goes without stopping and is tricky sometimes, There really is nothing we can do. Strangely enough the clocks hands seem to take forever to move forward during a boring class, while time really flies when we are having a good time! We have all kinds of clocks and look at them to make sure the time. But have you ever taken a moment to wonder why the hands on the face of a clock move from left to right? That is now called the “clockwise direction”. Actually, it is not the sudden idea of the inventor. There is a scientific reason for it.Throughout history, time has been measured by the movement of the sun. The earliest form of timekeeping dates as far back as 3500 B. C. This was the shadow clock or the sundials (日晷). People had already realized that the earth is round and that it goes around the sun. So for aged people measured time based on the position of the sun it was noon when the sun was highest in the sky.The earliest clocks were invented in China around 100 A. D. based on the earlier sundials which were simple thing that marked the movement of the sun with the movement of the earth. Mechanical clocks were invented in the Northern Hemisphere (半球) in the 14th century and the inventors naturally wanted the machine to follow the suns movement in the sky. In the North Hemisphere the sun appears to move in the sky from left to right or what is commonly known a clockwise. If you are in the Northern Hemisphere and face the South, you can watch the sun rising your left (the east) pass overhead and set in the west (at your right).As simple as that! Come to think of it, if the mechanical lock had been invented in the Southern Hemisphere, the hands of your watch would have been moving from right to left!Do you know there are some Jewish and Arabic clocks that run anti-clockwise? This makes perfect sense as Arabic and Hebrew readers but troubles everyone from other countries. Because Arabic and Hebrew characters are written right to left!42 . What can we learn about clocks and time from Paragraph 2?AClocks never stop and are tricky, so people can do nothing to them.BThe movement of clock hands has a scientific reason to be invented.CTime seems to go more slowly when we are having a good time.DClocks were an invention from a sudden idea of the inventor.43 . What does the underline word “clockwise” mean?A顺时针B螺旋C来回D经纬44 . According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A.People didnt know the earth is round and it goes around the sun until 100 A.D.AThe earliest clocks called sundials were invented in China in the 14th century.BOld people were able to tell the time by watching the position of the sun.D.When you face the south in north hemisphere the sun will rise on your right.45 . According to the passage, why do the hands of a clock move from left to right?ABecause the earth moves around the sun from left to right as we all know.BClocks were invented in the north hemisphere to follow the suns movement.CThe clock direction depends on Chinese peoples writing habit, from left to right.DThe sun rises from the east and sets in the west everywhere on the earth.46 . What can we learn from the last paragraph?AClock hands would move from right to left if clocks were invented in the South hemisphere.BJewish and Arabic clocks run anti-clockwise because they are in the South Hemisphere.CThe anti-clockwise clocks have already troubled the Arabic and Hebrew readers a lot.DIf clock hands moved from right to left, they would make people write from right to left.六、阅读判断When I was about 12,a girl in my class liked to point out (指出)my problems. I was too thin;I wasnt a good student;I talked too much;I was too proud (骄傲),and so on. At last,I became very angry and ran to my father.He listened to me quietly. Then he asked, “Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a list of what she said and find the things that are true. ”I did as he told me. To my great surprise, I discovered (发现)that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldnt change (改变)(like being very thin). But there were things I could and wanted to change. For the first time, I got a clear picture of myself.I brought the list back to Dad. He didnt take it, “Thats just for you,” he said “You know the truth (真相)about yourself better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you,you should find it helpful. ,Our world is full of people who think they know your matter. Dont be angry and feel hurt. Listen to them.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。47 . was angry because a girl in my class pointed out my problems.48 . My father wasnt interested in what I said.49 . found that about half of the things the girl said were true.50 . was very proud so I didnt want to change at all.51 . No matter what people say? you should think it helpful.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文(题文)从方框中选择合适的词并用其适当形式填空。plan,successful,almost,share,hope,cheaply,study,good,but,importantThere are many stories of rich people who were poor but worked hard to be (小题1) . Many of them keep their money for themselves or (小题2) it just with their family. But one man called Sarath Babu (小题3) to use his money to help poor people.Sarath Babu lived in the slum(贫民窟) of India with his mother. His family had (小题4) nothing but his mother thought it was (小题5) for him to go to school. He (小题6) very hard and got a scholarship(奖学金) to a good university(大学).After university, he started his own chain(连锁) restaurant called Foodking. It was difficult at first,(小题7) it was a success(成功). It sells healthy food (小题8)to people. Sarath lets people from the slum to work at his restaurants. He wants to help them and give them a (小题9) life than before.He has seven stores now that are doing very well, and has 250 workers in them. Someday he (小题10) to have 1,000 stores and can give jobs to 100,000 people.八、填写适当的单词补全对话52 . A:Whats the matter?B:I have a head_ and tooth_.53 . A:Whats the _?B:I have a st_m_ch_.54 . A: _?B:I have a sore throat.55 . A:Whats the matter?B:I _ a cold.九、填空Hans Christian Andersen was a great writer. He wrote many popular stories for children all over the world. April 2 is his birthday and it is also Childrens Book Day.Andersen was born in 1805. When he was a little boy, his father read him a story every day. He felt very happy at that time. But his father died when he was 11 years old. Then he had to leave school. Andersen started working as an actor and singer. He loved reading books so much that he went back to school at 17. His first book came out in 1835. From then on, he wrote about one book a year for 37 years.There is a park about Andersens fairy tales(童话故事) and life in Shanghai. If you like Anderson, you can go there to learn about his stories and life, and you can play games, too.56 . Hans Christian Andersen wrote many _ for children all over the world.57 . When he was very young, his father read him _ every day.58 . Andersens father_ when he was 11 years old.59 . His first book came out _.60 . If you like Anderson, you can go _ to learn about his stories and life.十、多任务混合问题阅读表达Carrots are grown on farms and in small family gardens throughout the world. They are easy to grow and easy to harvest. They have a pleasant taste. When people think about carrots,a picture of a long,thin,orange-colored vegetable usually comes into their minds. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes. And not all carrots are orange. Carrots should be grown in sandy soil(土壤)that does not hold water for a long time. The soil should also have no rocks. Weather,soil,and age affect the way carrots taste. Experts say warm days,cool nights,and a right soil temperature are the best conditions for growing great tasting carrots. Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground,you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as you do during the summer months. If the ground does freeze in your part of the world,just cover your carrot garden with some plant leaves or straw. This will prevent the ground from freezing. Carrots need time to produce and develop their sugar. This gives them their taste. If they are harvested too early,they will not have enough sugar. However,carrots become wood-like and lose their sweetness if you wait too long to harvest them from the ground. The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually,the brighter the color,the better the taste. 61 . 根据短文内容完成句子。每空一词。If the ground freezes,we should _ the carrot garden _ the ground _ freezing.62 . 回答问题:Should the soil have any rocks to grow carrots?_63 . 判断正(A)误(B)。Unless carrots are harvested too early,they will have enough sugar.64 . 翻译划线句子。_十一、材料作文65 . 假如你是Kate,你的朋友Mary病了。请根据下面表格中的提示写一封信,告诉她该做什么,不该做什么。ShouldShouldntdrink a lot of watergo to bed latehave a good restwork too hardsee a doctorget tired要求:1. 注意书信格式。 2. 70词左右。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、填写适当的单词补全对话1、九、填空1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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