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陕西省2019年九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ did you buy the car? Its so cool. I _ it for half a year. Do you want a ride?AWhen; have boughtBWhen; have hadCHow long; have boughtDHow long; have had2 . Im sorry for bringing you so much trouble._.AYou are welcomeBIts a pleasureCNever mind3 . -Could you tell menext weekend ?-Ill visit Linda. She moved to this city last week.Awho will you visitBwho you will visitCthat you will visitDthat will you visit4 . Where are my books? Theyre _.AhereBtheirCclassroomDschool5 . The old man used to _ in a big city, but now he is used to _ in the countryside.Alive; liveBliving; livingClive; livingDliving; live6 . It is said sending messages on QQ is sometimes not safe. Youd better use _ USB drive to store the important materials.AaBanCtheD/7 . Ann, can you come to my birthday party tonight? _. Ill come on time.AYes, pleaseBSure, Id love toCSorry, I cantDNo, hanks8 . If I _ time, I will travel to the West Lake.AhaveBwill haveChadDhas9 . -Could you please tell me_?-Sure, on the second floor.Awhere can I buy a magazineBwhat you are looking forCwhere I can buy a magazineDwhen we will go to the museum10 . The famous professor lives on _ floor in Block _.Afour; 5Bfour; 5thCthe fourth; 5Dthe fourth; 5th11 . Why did Max alwaysour books and pens _the floor when he _our desks?Aknock, onto; walked passedBknock, onto; walked pastCknock, off; walked pastDknock, off; walked passed12 . Finally, we suggest keeping some note cards in your study_you can make flashcards for coming tests.Aas ifBeven ifCso thatDsince that13 . Jack, you _ be tired after working for eight hours without a short break.AcanBmayCmustDneed14 . -Im sorry to have you wait such a long time.-_.AThats very nice of you.BNo, I enjoy it.CYoure welcome.DNo problem15 . Only by studying hard _ improve her English soon.Ashe canBshe didCcan sheDdid she二、补全短文7选5In China, more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before.16 . because they have much homework to do. Some homework is given by their teachers and some by their parents. Also17 . . They are not careful enough while they do their homework, 18 . . Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games. They stay up very late. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike.19 . .Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that children can enjoy more than nine hours of sleep every night for their health. For children, we should make best use of our time. 20 . , we will find it much better for both our study and health.ASome homework is too difficultBMost students sleep less than nine hours every nightCWhen we have enough time for sleepingDIt can be a long way from home to schoolEso it takes them a lot of timeFSome students dont know how to save timeGSome students like to stay up late三、完型填空Mothers DayWhen I was in the third grade, Mothers Day came around much too quickly; I found myself empty-handed with nothing to give my _ on her special day. So I was _ when an announcement over the loud speaker said that one of the older graders would be selling pins that said “No.1 Mom”. It may not sound like much, but to an 8-year-old, its perfect.So each day I told myself that the following day I would_ the money to buy the pin, but I always forgot. And I was very disappointed when the principal and a few of the older kids selling pins came into my classroom and announced that it was the_day to buy them.I was always afraid of my principal. If you stepped out of line, she was quick to set you straight. On this day, however, my principal was in a good mood. And she must have heard me tell my classmates Id forgotten my_again. I wasnt_, but she knew I really wanted to buy a pin.After she left, I got called to her office. Id never been there ever so I was terrified. When I arrived, she told me to come to her desk, and she pulled out the pin Id had my eye on for _. “The kids gave me this to give to my mother,” she began, “but my mom passed away, so I want you to have it.”Taking the pin, I didnt know what to say. I probably thanked her. I proudly presented this free luxury to my mother.I dont know if my mom still has the pin, and I dont know if the principal remembers giving it to me. But I will never forget that act of_from someone Id never expected it from.21 . AmotherBclassmateCprincipalDfriend22 . AboredBinterestedCexcitedDsurprised23 . AborrowBbringCcollectDsave24 . AexactBbigCbestDlast25 . AschoolbagBhomeworkCmoneyDbook26 . AcryingBstudyingCtalkingDplaying27 . AyearsBdaysChoursDmonths28 . AhappinessBpatienceCsupportDkindness四、阅读单选Why do you think people who live in some hot countries eat very spicy(辛辣的)food? Is it because the spices make the food taste better? Is it just because their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents liked hot food,or is there some connection between spices and healthy food?Researchers from Cornell University think that it is because spice plants have some important chemicals(化学物质)These chemicals can kill bacteria(细菌)which spoil food“Most common spices can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food,”explains one of the scientistsThe bacteria grow more easily and spoil food more quickly at higher temperaturesFor this reason,it is more difficult to keep food from spoiling in hot climates,Do you like your food spicy? Your answer probably tells something about the country you come fromIf you like spicy food,it is possible that hundreds of years ago,when there were no fridges,people in your country started using spices to keep the food from spoilingThe traditional spicy dishes helped those people to live longer,healthier livesToday,in a time of fridges,the spices just make the food taste good29 . The chemicals in spices keep food from spoiling by_Amaking food taste betterBmaking food hotterCkilling bacteria in foodDpreventing bacteria getting into food30 . Food goes bad more quickly in hot climates because_Ahigh temperature makes more bacteriaBhigh temperature helps bacteria grow fasterCbacteria get used to hot foodDbacteria spoil food only at high temperature31 . According to the passage,spices are useful in an the following things except_Areplacing fridgesBhelping you to live longerChelping to keep you healthierDmaking your food taste better“One father is worth more than a hundred schoolmaster,” Britain poet George Herbert once said. Bill Gates, the worlds richest man, agrees.When he was a little kid, Gates was silent and hated to talk with others. He spent most of his time alonereading books and thinking. To help his son, Gates father held family meetings and let him play simple games with family members. “These activities seemed silly but they improved my leading and working-together abilities,” Gates said later.While mothers offer a more gentle kind of love, fathers teach qualities like independence(独立), confidence, courage and adventure(冒险). Children learn these things from their fathers when they play sports or games together.British scientists showed that children who grow up without their fathers may have many problems. They may not have enough courage for facing difficulties, may be shy and worried or may even commit crimes(犯罪).A caring father can help children get along well with others. Fathers not only lead their children into social circles but also teach them how to behave and control their feelings. Moreover, fathers let you know who you are. They lead you to learn what you should be like as a girl or a boy.32 . To help Bill Gates, the father played _ games with him.Asimple and sillyBdifficult but usefulCsilly and uselessDsimple but useful33 . According to the story, a caring father is likely to do the following EXCEPT_.Aoffer a gentle kind of loveBhelp kids get along well with othersCteach children how to behave and control feelingsDhelp you learn what you should be like34 . The main idea of the story is _.AA father plays an important role in the growth of a child.BParents offer different kinds of love to their children.CHow Bill Gates became the richest man.DThe possible dangers of children without fathers.五、阅读判断This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.One of the sweetest gifts of nature is a red, ripe strawberry. There are three basic kinds of strawberries: June bearing, ever bearing and day neutrals.June bearing are ready in the spring, so they are also called spring bearing. But gardeners will not get a crop during the first spring after planting. Ever bearing , when planted after the last winter freeze, will produce fruit during spring or early summer. A second or sometimes third crop will be ready in late summer. Day neutrals produce fruit throughout the summer months.The University of Illinois Urban Extension says ever bearers and day neutrals are especially good for home gardens. Plant strawberries in the spring as soon as the soil is dry enough. Try to plant late in the day or on a cloudy day. The soil should cover just the roots and not the crown on top of the plant. Runners will appear in a few weeks.Strawberries grown in containers(容器) need a soil depth of about twenty-five to thirty centimeters. Be sure the container has holes in the bottom.Strawberries grow well in loamy soil(沃土) that lets water pass through easily. Carl Wilson at the Colorado State University Extension suggests mixing about three to five percent organic(有机的) material into the soil.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。35 . The strawberry is a kind of fruit with red color and sweet taste.36 . June bearing is usually planted in winter of last year.37 . Strawberries can grow both in gardens and in containers.38 . The right time to plant strawberries is on a wet day.39 . Strawberries only produce fruit once.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)40 . She told me she would visit her uncle _ a month.(two)41 . The sign means “No _”(eat)42 . Please put the _ bottle into the litter bin.(use)43 . Dont make so much _! Your father is writing an important e-mail to the manager.(noisy)44 . There is an old saying “_ is gold.”(silent)45 . Look up the two words in the dictionary, and you will get their _.(mean)46 . Linda is _ to get a chance to study in Beijing.(luck)47 . Nowadays few young people want to be a _ in the future.(fish)48 . What important _ you have told me!(inform).49 . _, Mike can pass the driving test.(lucky)七、完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)50 . 地球总是为我们提供许多东西。The Earth always _us _ many things.51 . 我们总是在老师进教室的时候停止谈话。We always _ when our teacher goes into the classroom.52 . 不要把手放进热水里。Dont _ your hands _ the hot water.53 . 在书桌上有三支铅笔和一本书。_ three pencils and a book on the desk.54 . 这些书还有用,不要把它们扔掉。These books are still useful. Dont _ them _.55 . 露西多么聪明呀!_ Lucy is!56 . 对人们来说,阻止污染很重要。_ very important for people _ the pollution.八、话题作文57 . 世界上最伟大的是母亲,母亲为我们付出了很多。结合自己的经历。以“I love my mother”为题,写一篇英文短文,以表达对母亲的感激之情。提示:1.some information about your mother 2.an experience about how your mother took care of you 3.your love to your mother要求:1.参考提示信息,可适当发挥。 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。3.文中不得出现任何真实的信息(姓名,校名和地名等)。4.词数,不少于70词。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、

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