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陕西省2019年中考一模英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of Li Lei?I think he isclever boy.AaBanCtheD/2 . Put on your raincoat. Dont get outside.- All right.AdryBwetChurtDwarm3 . Look at the sign! It saysNo Smoking. Oh, sorry. I _ it.Adont seeBhavent seenCwasnt seenDdidnt see4 . The teacher went up to ask _.Awhat the matter wasBwhats the matterCwhat was the matterDwhat the matter is5 . -Mum, may I play computer games this evening?-No way, you _finish your homework.AcanBmustCmayDwill6 . Mr Black, how can I realize my dream?I think“_”.AMany hands make light workBPractice makes perfectCBurn the candle at both endsDNo pain, no gain7 . Students are not supposed to enter the teachers office_.Aunless they are allowed toBif they want to ask questionsCwhen they are asked to come in8 . 2018年上海浦东二模 -Ethan, Id like to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow evening.- Thank you,_.AIll be glad to come.BIm so busy.CI cant.Dits a pleasure.9 . The Internet has made communication much more_. I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on QQ any time.ApopularBnecessaryCimportantDconvenient10 . Do you know what the clothes on the show are made of?Waste paper. You see, waste things can _ to life.Abring backBbe brought backCtake awayDbe taken away11 . I have read Robinson Crusoe _,but I havent read Tom Sawyer _.Aalready;alreadyByet;yetCyet;alreadyDalready;yet12 . Which of the two T-shirt would you take?I will take _ . They are too big for me.AbothBeitherCallDneither13 . -I think reading is important for us every day. Do you agree me?-Yes, you are right.AonBwithCtoDof14 . . Look! They _their car.Aare getting inBare getting onCare getting ontoDare getting into15 . -Could you tell me?-Of course, yesterday afternoon.Ahow you came to FuzhouBwhen you reached FuzhouChow long you have lived in Fuzhou二、完型填空完形填空阅读短文,然后从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Long long ago, there was a river. The river was very _. He had spent long time being alone and refusing to share his water with any fish, plant or animal. His life was full of loneliness and sadness.One day, a little girl came to the river. She was going to move to _ country and decided to put _ favourite little fish into the river. This little fish, named Scamp, was a happy fish._ he fell into the river, he felt the rivers loneliness. Scamp tried to _to the river and wanted to make the river _. But the river told Scamp to go away. Scamp didnt _. He kept asking and _ in the river, and _ he started jumping in and out of the water. _ time went by, the river became happy and they became good _ . But one day, this little fish was caught by a little boy.The river spent that night thinking about how much_ it was to have a friend, and how much he had missed by not _ him. Before, he was so _. From then on, the river became friendly to others and made friends _ the plants and fish in the river.16 . AkindBunfriendlyCoutgoingDstrange17 . AotherBanotherCelseDthe other18 . AhisBherCmyDyour19 . AUntilBIfCBecauseDWhen20 . AtalkBlaughCcryDcatch21 . AbraveBweakChappyDsad22 . Agrow upBgive upCget upDcome up23 . AstandingBswimmingCpraisingDfighting24 . AfinallyBslowlyChardlyDluckily25 . AWhileBSinceCWheneverDAs26 . AclassmatesBbrothersCparentsDfriends27 . AfunBtimeCmoneyDstress28 . AhavingBattackingCreportingDeating29 . AtiredBuntidyCstupidDvaluable30 . AforBaboutCwithDover三、阅读单选Last year in the UK at least 45 people died and 900 more were injured (受伤的) in car accidents where drivers were using their mobile phonesYet many people continue to use_while driving even though its dangerous.Research has shown that it is difficult to concentrate on (专注于) driving and talking at the same timeIt can even be more dangerous than driving after drinking too much. A recent study found that when drivers were talking on their mobile phones,their stopping times were 30 percent slower than when they had drunk too muchand nearly 50 percent slower than when they were driving normally. It also found that drivers talking on mobile phones were less able to control their cars than drunk drivers.And talking isnt even the most serious problem, but texting is. Unbelievably, another recent study reported that 22 of adults admitted (承认) they had sent a text message while driving at least once in the past month. An average (平均的) text message takes 90 seconds to write and send. That means for one and a half minutes a driver is looking at their phones screen and not at the road. The arrival of new smart phones such as the iPhone will only make things worse as they will allow users to do more things than ever beforeUsing a mobile phone while driving puts others lives at risk. No matter how well we drive,if another driver is not careful,we are put in danger by their actions. Such drivers are selfish,careless and should have their driving licences (驾照) cancelled (撤销).There is no doubt that mobile phones can be fun and are useful,especially when youre in troubleBut there is no need to use them while driving. Just wait until you stop or you will probably get into trouble of your own.31 . The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to _.Aphone usersBmobile phonesCdriversDears32 . According to the passage,if a driver needs 10 seconds to stop when driving normally, they will need _ seconds to stop when talking on a mobile phoneA12B13C14D1533 . According to the passage,in what order do the following activities influence driving?DangerousMore dangerousMost dangerousAdrinkingtalking on phonetextingBtextingtalking on phonedrinkingCtalking on phonedrinkingtexting. drinkingtextingtalking on phone34 . Why will new types of mobile phones make the driving problem worse?AIt will take longer to send text messages.BPeople will want to talk on their phones more often.CThere will be more things for people to do with their phones.DPeople think the new phones are easier and safer to use.35 . According to the writer, what should be done to people who use mobile phones when driving?AThey should be put into prison (监狱).BTheir cars should be taken away.CTheir phones should be taken from them.DThey should not be allowed to drive any longer.Is human blood (血液) all the same? Of course not. Blood is made up of different parts, such as red blood cells white blood cells and so on. Two chemical molecules (分子) on the red blood cells make peoples blood different. Scientists mark one molecule “A” and the other molecule “B”.According to which and how many molecules are on the red blood cell, scientists divide blood into four types: A, B, AB and O. Your blood type will stay the same through the whole life. Scientists have found that people with the same blood type may have things in common.People with type A: They look peaceful from the outside. But they ask so much of themselves that they may be very nervous inside. They become happy or sad easily. They can easily win peoples trust.People with type B: They have strong minds. Once they begin a task and make up their minds to do it, they will not give up easily. And they want to do things in their own way.People with type AB: Maybe they are the strangest among all blood types. They can be both open and shy, noisy and quiet at the same time.People with type O: Theyre open and good at making friends. They always begin tasks but dont always finish them in the end. They have lots of new ideas and they always strongly believe in themselves.36 . _ make(s) peoples blood different.ATwo chemical molecules on the red blood cellsBTwo chemical molecules on the white blood cellsCTheir different kinds of personalitiesDThe number of peoples blood cells37 . A persons blood type _.Acan be changed when he grows upBdecides what his job isCwill never change through his lifeDdecides what kind of friends he will make38 . If a person has a strong mind, which blood might he or she be with?AType A.BType B.CType AB.DType O.39 . Whats the best title for the passage?APeoples Personalities Depend on Many ThingsBTry to Make Friends with More PeopleCHow to Divide peoples blood and PersonalitiesDDifferent blood Types have different PersonalitiesJimmy was 2 years old. One day his mom was out and his dad took care of him. Someone gave Jimmy a little tea set (茶具) as a gift and it was one of his favorite toys.Dad was in the living room watching the evening news. Then Jimmy brought his dad a little cup of “tea”. In fact, it was just water. After some cups of tea, his dad said to him, “Jimmy, you are a nice good boy. I love you.” Later, Jimmys mom came home. His dad made her wait in the living room to watch Jimmy bring him a cup of tea. “Its the cutest thing,” he said to his wife. Mom waited. Jimmy came down the hall with a cup of tea for his dad. She watched him drink it up and laughed. Then she said: “Did you know that the only place he is tall enough to get water from is the toilet(厕所)?”40 . _ looked after Jimmy when his mom went out on that day.ANobodyBJimmys dadCSomeoneDJimmys grandparents41 . Jimmys dad was_ before Jimmys mom came home.Ain the toiletBwatching TVCin the bedroomDwashing clothes42 . Why did Jimmys mom laugh at last? _.ABecause Jimmy brought his dad a cup of teaBBecause Jimmy brought his dad a cup of waterCBecause Jimmy brough her a cup of tea, tooDBecause in fact Jimmys dad drank some cups of water from the toiletHu Yaohui, a schoolgirl in Zhejiang province, didnt want to speak or eat for a week. She kept worrying about her scores on the exam. “I cant stop thinking about my place in the class,” she said. “I feel stressed out.”Hu is not the only one who faces stress. According to a recent survey conducted by Wuhan University of Hubei province, 70 percent of the 2,000 students who are going to take the college and high school entrance exams feel under pressure (压力).Stress is a normal physical response (反应) to things that make people feel worried or break their balance of life in some way.Stress isnt always bad. Sometimes, peoples stress is important during emergency situations, such as when a driver has to stop his car to avoid an accident. Sometimes, stress can help people do their best like while getting ready before a big competition or exam.However, too much or long-term stress gives people a stress overload (负荷过多). People with stress overloads may have problems remembering or concentrating on things. They are quick to get angry or lose patience. They may even have other problems, such as sleeping problems, headaches and often getting colds.The most helpful way to deal with stress overloads is to learn how to manage the stress. For example, you might manage it by getting a good nights sleep, or by exercising every day.Another good way to deal with stress is to ask parents or friends for help. Everyone has stress. For many people, stress is so common that it has become a way of life. Dont be too shy to tell others that you are having a hard time. They may comfort you or give you some useful advice. Sometimes just sharing your problems with someone else can make you feel better.43 . Hu Yaohui felt stressed out about _.Aher marks on the examsBwhich seat to take during examsCnot being able to sit in the frontDnot being allowed to eat in class44 . According to the survey in Paragraph 2, _ of the 2,000 students who will take entrance exams feel stressed.Anearly halfBabout 1,400Calmost seven hundredDabout one seventh45 . Which of the following is TRUE?AStress is a kind of serious heart disease.BStress is always bad for people.CStress is always useless for an exam.DStress is greatly needed sometimes.46 . The best title of this passage is “_”.AMany students face stress now.BPeoples stress is sometimes important.CHow to get less stressDHow to get good results with the help of stress.四、句型转换按要求改写句子,将答案填写在相应位置上,每空限填一词。47 . Lucy has already taken first prize twice in our class. ( 改为一般疑问句)_ Lucy taken first prize twice in our class _?48 . He didnt know where he could buy the ropes. (改为同义句)He didnt know _ buy the ropes.49 . We can reduce air pollution by planting more trees. (对划线部分提问)_ we reduce air pollution?50 . They sold out the light green dresses yesterday. (改为被动语态)The light green dresses _ out yesterday.51 . The task is so difficult that I cant complete it in an hour. (改为同义句)The task is _ for me to complete in an hour.52 . The 32th Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo , Japan in 2020. (改为同义句)The 32th Olympic Games will _ in Tokyo, Japan in 2020.53 . They are brave to help the firemen put our the fire. (改为同义句)It is brave _ to help the firemen put out the fire.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。54 . I often have _(谈话)with my friends in English.55 . I am poor in _(发音)so I will improve it by reading aloud.56 . The _(努力)you study,the better you will be.57 . I promise to keep the _(秘密). I will not tell it to others.58 . The _(表情)on his face show he knows nothing about it.59 . _(尽管)the sun is shining,the room is not warm enough.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。每单词或短语限用一次enjoy dislike look for play not take60 . If you _ what I said seriously , youll also make the same mistake as me.61 . All these shows try _ the best singer.62 . -Anita, where is your brother?-He _ out in the garden with a group of kids.63 . Not everyone _ watching game shows.64 . When I was young, I _ drinking tea. But now I drink it every day.Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.( 选择正确的词或短语完成句子)65 . My grandma cant see anything _ her glasses. (with, without )66 . More than three _ people watched the football game last night. (thousand, thousands)67 . Because of the heavy snow, some villagers in the mountain area are in _. (danger, dangerous)68 . My fathers job is _ our city safe. (making, to make)69 . Let me carry the _ (heavy, heavily) suitcase.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词首字母已给)Each Indian tribe(部落) had different language. Many Indians never learned any language e70 . their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes talked to each other?They had two ways to talk without sound. One way was by sign language; the other was by signals. Sign language is way talking by signs. Indians used it when they met strangers. In this way, they could find out w71 . the stranger was a friend or an enemy. Indians usually used signals when they wanted to send messages to someone far away. To make signals, an Indian might use a pony(小马). He might use a blanket. Or he might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows. To signal that he had seen many animals, an Indian r72 . his pony in a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal like this and then went away to hide. This meant that there was danger. The blanket signal was visible from far away. An Indian held two c73 . of a blanket in his hands. Then he began to swing the blanket from side to side in front of him. An Indian could send many different signals with his blanket. He could also send many signals with a mirror to w74 . someone of danger or to get the attention of a person far away. But he also used it to send message in code. Of course, mirrors could be used o75 . when the sun was shining. At night, Indians use fire arrows for signaling. An Indian also sent signals with smoke. He made a small fire of dry wood. Then he put grass or green branches on it. He held a blanket over the fire for a minute. When her r76 . the blanket from the fire, there was a cloud of smoke. The number of clouds of smoke told his message in code. Now you can see that Indians didnt need to learn each others language. They could talk to one another by using signals or sign language.八、回答问题根据下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。One day,when Sunee reached her house,she saw a brown package(包裹)She ran inside the house with her package and showed it to her grandmotherSunee opened the packageAs she did,she noticed there was Thai writing on the boxThis package had come from her aunt in ThailandInside the box,Sunee saw something uncommonIt was a red silk umbrella She had never seen anything like it! Next to the umbrella she found a silk purse(钱包)They were both beautifulShipping a package overseas used to take a lot of time, said Grandmother Packages traveled by train and shipIt could take many months to get a package from across the ocean How long did your package take to arrive?Sunee and her grandmother looked at the postmark(邮戳)It showed that the package had been sent eight days ago Thats fast! said SuneeHer grandmother agreedWe have resources (资源)now that we didnt have years agoNow,packages are flown across the oceanBecause airplanes travel so fast,packages arrive very quickly Now our economy(经济)depends on fast delivery(快递)!77 . How did Sunee know that the package had come from Thailand?_78 . What did Sunees aunt send her?_79 . Why did it use to take many months to get a package from across the ocean?_80 . How long did Sunees package take to arrive?_81 . Did Sunees package travel by airplane?_九、材料作文82 . 近年来路上汽车越来越多,在去学校的路上交通十分拥堵。你们班在班会上就“中学生是否应该骑自行车上学”展开讨论。请你结合以下观点针对这个话题写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。优点1.方便,很少迟到;2.有益健康,有益于环境。缺点1.有危险,父母会担心;2.经常骑自行车会很累。你认为注意:1.词数80100;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文章中不能出现与本人相关的信息。_第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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