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陕西省2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完型填空:John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a _1_ student when he was young. He was often late for _2_ and didnt like doing his homework. Sometimes, he slept in class. He didnt understand(理解) much ,_3_ he always thought he understood everything and made some jokes.One day the teacher _4_ the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, _5_ brother Bob was twenty. Now Jack is fifteen and _6_ is his brother Bob?” John said, “Thats easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”Another time, the _7_ in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), _8_ do we always see light before we _9_ sound?“But, Miss,” said John quickly, “dont you _10_ our eyes are in front of our ears?1 . AgoodBtallCcoolDshort2 . AdinnerBlunchCclassDplay3 . AsoBandCorDbut4 . AsentBaskedCtoldDfound5 . AyourBmyChisDher6 . Ahow manyBhow oldChow muchDhow long7 . AteacherBfarmerCnurseDpilot8 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDwhy9 . AseeBlistenChearDfeel10 . AreadBlearnCstudyDknow二、阅读单选We all want our skin(皮肤) to look good in summer. If your skin is clean and healthy,it makes you feel better about yourself. How do you get great skin?Here is some advice.How to wash your skin?1.Wash your body all over once a day. Use mild soap(温和洁肤皂) and warm water to wash your body.2.Wet your skin firstly to help the soap slide(滑动) more easily across your skin and stop you from using too much.3.Wash your face by using facecloth(脸巾) and soap or cleaning cream(洁面乳),and then wash with cool water. Twice a day is enough,as too much cleaning can harm your skin.How to protect(保护) your skin against the sun?1.If you are going to be outside,especially(尤其) in the sun,you should put on sun cream in summer. Use sun cream about half an hour before going outside.2.Wear a hat to protect your face. A wide hat is the best,as it will protect your ears and neck as well.3.Stay in the shade wherever(无论哪儿) you can.What else should you do?1.Proper(适当的) exercise is good for your skin.2.Remember to drink lots of water your skin loves it.3.Eat healthily so that your skin can get what it needs to do its job.11 . You can use _ water to wash your body.AcoolBfreezingChotDwarm12 . The underlined word harm probably means _ in the passage.A修磨B润滑C伤害D祛除13 . Youd better wash your face _a day.AonceBtwiceCthree timesDfour times14 . We cant _ to protect our skin in our daily(日常的) life.Adrink a lot of waterBdo exerciseChave some junk foodDwear a hat while going outsideMy name is Tom. My father, Mr. Read works on a farm, and my mother works in a factory. My father and my mother work six days a week and I am at school from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays we all stay at home. We often go out in a car on Sundays. We often go to the rivers or lakes. Dad likes fishing and I like swimming. Mum sits there and watches us. Dad is very good at fishing. He often catches a lot of fish. Then we take them home for supper. We often have a good time.Sometimes we go to see my uncle. He has a son, Jim. We often play football together. My uncle and Jim like meat very much. My mother cooks meat for them. I often help her. I like cooking meat and eating, too.15 . Tom often goes to _ on Sundays.Ahis unclesBthe rivers or lakesCschoolDthe lakes with his father16 . Who is Jim? He is _.AToms friendBthe Reads sonCToms uncles sonDalso a student17 . What do Tom and Jim like eating?ATom likes eating fish and Jim likes eating meat.BThey like eating fish.CThey like eating meat.DJim likes eating fish and Tom likes eating meat.Notice to visit Palace MuseumApril 1st-October 31stNovember 1st-March 31stOpening time8:30-17:008:30-16:30Last tickets are sold(停止售票)16:0015:30Last entry(停止进入)16:1015:40Price60 yuan40 yuanSpecial 20 yuan tickets are for studentsTransportation (交通)To Shenwu Men, take the No.101, 111, 124, 846 buses.To Wu Men, take the No.20, 37, 59, 120 buses.To Tiananmen Dong, take the No.2, 10, 802 buses.Or take the No.22, 37, 52 buses, to Tiananmen Xi.18 . Wang Lei is a student. He wants to visit the Palace Museum with his parents in July. They need to spend _ yuan.A100B120C14019 . You can take the No.22 bus to get to _.AShenwu MenBTiananmen DongCTiananmen XiMipMip, a playful robot, was developed by a Canadian toy maker named Wowwee. It stands 19 cm tall. You can control it just with your gestures (手势) or a smart phone. Mip can run, balance and dance on two wheels. It can also bring you a bottle of water.Android WearGoogle is developing a smart watch called Android Wear. The watch uses a touchscreen and voice control. Just say “OK, Google” to ask what ever you want to know. For example, say “OK, Google. Wheres the nearest toy store?” Your watch will tell you the answer on Google Maps.Le PenDo you like listening to music while doing homework? If you do, you will like Le Pen. With a music player planted inside, Le Pen plays music while you write on paper. The music stops when you stop writing. So if you want to enjoy more of your favourite songs, keep on writing.One wheelIn the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic: a self-balancing skateboard called Onewheel. It can go as fast as 19 km an hour. On a single charge (充电), it can take you as far as 7-10 km.20 . If you want to enjoy music while writing, you can choose _.ABCD21 . According to the passage, Android Wear can _.Aplay music while youre writing on the paperBtell you how to get to some placesCrun, balance, dance and even serve youDgo as fast as 19 km an hour22 . In which part of a newspaper can you find this passage?ACulture.BLiterature.CScience.DHistory.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空(一)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。23 . His new movie will be _(完成) in three weeks.24 . Paper c_ is very popular in China.25 . The _(筷子) are made of bamboo.26 . The _(国际的) kite festival is held in Weifang every year.27 . They were taken into a _(当地的) hospital at once.28 . Youd better buy a _(棉) blouse. It feels comfortable and its not expensive.29 . Maria likes to eat beef with a _(餐叉) and a knife.30 . There are more _(草) and flowers in the garden.31 . Danny is a _(邮递员). His job is to collect and deliver letters.32 . _(法国) is a European country.四、用单词的正确形式完成短文选词填空根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、完整每词限用一次possible play one win trainMa Long is a member of Chinese table tennis team April 28 was a big day for him He33 . his third straight mens singles title(单打冠军) at the World Table Tennis Championships(锦标赛 in Budapest He became the 34 . man in over half a centuryMa Long hurt his knee several months before the event His doctor said it would be almost35 . for him to play again However, Ma didnt give up Even with his injury (伤病),Ma kept36 . every day His coach Liu Guoliang gave him a lot of praise His mind and skills are unbelievable, Liu said He will be the greatest37 . in history五、语法填空Once,an ant was very thirsty. It ran here and there looking for some 38 . but could not find any. Then suddenly,when the ant was almost dying of thirst,a large drop of water fell 39 . it. The ant drank the water which saved its life. The water was actually a tear(眼泪)from a young girl who was 40 . .The ant looked up and saw the young girl sitting in front of a huge pile of seeds(种子).“41 . are you so sad?”asked the ant. There are three kinds of seeds here and theyre mixed 42 . .My owner wont let me leave43 . I finish separating(分离)them,” the girl said sadly.“It will 44 . you a month to do it!the ant said. I know,the girl cried,and if I havent finished by tomorrow,the owner will punish 45 . !”“Dont worry,the ant said. My friends and I can 46 . you.” Soon thousands of ants came and began to separate the seeds.The next morning,the owner found that the girl had finished the 47 . .He had to let the girl leave. So,it was the girls tear that helped herself.六、信息匹配【选项A】【选项B】【选项C】【选项D】【选项E】48 . It is a team sport played by two teams of four players each team on a rectangular (矩形) area of ice. The game is played with 16 large granite (大理石) stones. Each stone weighs 19. 96kg. The team with the most points wins the game. 49 . It is played between two teams. The players wear ice skates on their feet and can skate across the ice at very high speeds. They hold hockey sticks, which they use to push, shoot or pass a puck. (冰球) around the ice. 50 . Players ski along paths to compete in the sports events. They jump forward and land as far as possible down the hill below. Players must hold their skis in a V-shape before landing. 51 . It is seen as the joining of two sports; skiing and shooting. It has its roots in skills practiced in the snow-covered forests, where people hunted on skis with guns hung over their shoulders52 . It is both an art and a sport, in which people skate around on ice, doing jumps and spins(旋转). The name means to make figures (规定动作) or patterns on the ice. People skate with music. 七、话题作文53 . 假设你是John,在一中(No.1 Middle School)上初中,给美国笔友Mary写邮件介绍你学校生活(school life),请根据以下提示写一封邮件。要点:1.喜欢的科目和老师;2.学校午餐情况;3.兴趣爱好。要求:1要点全面,有适当拓展;2书写工整,逻辑性强;3不要出现真实的姓名和班级;4字数在80词以上。(开头已经给出,不计入总词数)Dear Mary,Please write back soon!Yours,John.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、语法填空1、六、信息匹配1、七、话题作文1、


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