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陕西省2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jacks parents dont allow him to swim in the river because they think its too_.AdangerousBspecialCeasy2 . They_ many happy hours walking along the beach during that holiday.AspendBspentChave spentDare spending3 . Talking with my parents is _ difficult for me. They never understand me.Dont worry. Nothing is difficult if you try your best.AseldomBneverCalwaysDsometime4 . What about the picture over there?It _ nice.AtastesBgetsChearsDlooks5 . Look ,_ old man is playing _ guitar with a group of children.Aa;theBan, aCan, theDthe; a6 . If you have to catch the first bus tomorrow morning, choose this hotel. Its very_ the bus station.Aclose toBgood forCdifferent from7 . Lily is at the bus stop now. She _ the bus .Ais waiting forBis having dinnerCis making a birthday cakeDis making8 . _is your home from the centre of Guangzhou?Its only 15 minutes on foot.AHow longBHow manyCHow farDHow9 . Mrs. Green stood _ the window,expecting her husband to come back from the war.ApastBthroughCacrossDby10 . Helen a baseball? Yes, she does.ADo; haveBDoes; haveCDo; hasDDoes; has11 . After the terrible explosion(爆炸) in Xiangshui, Yancheng, many people from cities around came to hospitals _ blood.AdevoteBcreateCto donateDcelebrate12 . -Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?-_. We are busy doing it these days.AYes, wereBYes, we areCNo, we dontDNo, we arent.13 . Imagine how _ I felt when I was told that I could go to Peking University!AtiredBboredCexcitedDinterested14 . I really tired. I have to stop running._, Tom. you can make it.ATake careBcome onCHave fun15 . I was just going to_you and here you are.Alook atBlook afterClook for二、补全短文5选5根据短文内容,将方框中的句子还原到文中正确的位置。A. It is necessary for us to spend time reading every day.B. The ways English people are living and working today can be learnt by reading.C. World Book Day is also celebrated in China.D. Reading helps us become more knowledgeable and smarter.E. Reading is very important.16 . World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It was set up to encourage people to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honor (纪念) great writers.Many countries celebrate World Book Day. On that day, millions of school children can buy books at a much lower price than usual in any bookstore in England. It has been done every year since 1998. 17 . Wen Jiabao, Premier of China, is an avid reader (酷爱阅读的人). He does lots of reading every day though he is very busy. On World Book Day 2009, he called on people to do more reading. He suggested that young people should spend more time reading. “Books can not change the world, but people can change the world by changing themselves through reading,” he said. 18 . Reading helps us to follow the latest developments of science and technology. Reading gives us information about other cultures and places in the world. Reading is also one of the most important ways to learn a foreign language like English. We all know that it is difficult to learn everything in the classroom, for example, 19 . .Books, magazines, newspapers and other kinds of reading materials (材料) can help us to know more about the outside world. Therefore, 20 . .三、完型填空Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need fortune(运气), ” his father said. “But_you work hard, no fortune will come.”What made him sad was that his piano teacher in Beijing didnt like him. “You have no_You will never be a pianist.” As an eight-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly_He decided that he didnt want to be a pianist any more. For the next two weeks, he didnt touch the piano. Wisely, his father didnt_, but waited.Luckily the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs. He didnt want to, but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys, he_he could show other people that he had ability to do it well. That day he told his father that he wanted to_with a new teacher. From that point on, everything turned around.He started_competitions in the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition. When it was announced that Lang Lang had won, he was too_to hold back his tears. Soon it was clear that he couldnt stay in China foreverhe had to play on the worlds big stages. In 1997 Lang Lang_again, this time to Philadelphia, US. There he spent two years practicing and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. After his_performance at Chicagos Ravinia Festival, gigs (演奏会) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started pouring in. Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots(找到) him, and lets him shine.21 . AifBunlessCwhenDsince22 . ApianoBknowledgeCfortuneDtalent23 . AhurtBillCbrokenDscared24 . AhearBpushCeatDsleep25 . ArealizedBexplainedCforgotDnoticed26 . AargueBdanceCstudyDinterview27 . AwinningBbeatingCwatchingDrefusing28 . AannoyedBmadCtiredDexcited29 . AstartedBleftCmovedDperformed30 . AhelpfulBmeaningfulCsuccessfulDuseful四、阅读单选I used to be selfish(自私的), I should say. But one moment changed me.I was on my lunch break and had left the school to get something to eat. On the way, I saw a man playing the guitar, with a hat in front of him. I had some coins in my pocket, but I would not give them to him, thinking to myself he would use the money to buy drugs or alcohol(毒品或酒). He looked like that type of man, young and ragged. But I then realized I had no right to place myself above him just because he was praying for money.I stopped and dropped all the coins into his hat, and he smiled at me, I watched for a while. Selfish as it sounds, I expected something more to come from that moment like a feeling of happiness or so. But nothing happened, I walked off. It seemed to be a waste of money, I thought.On my way home at the end of the day, I saw the man again and he was packing up. I watched him pick up the hat and walk to a store. There he poured the all the money into a box, which was used to collect money for the people after an earthquake(地震). He was praying for charity(慈善)!Now I give any coin I have to charity boxes and enjoy the feeling of giving.31 . What did the writer use to be like?AKind.BSelfish.CClever.DFriendly.32 . When did the writer see a man playing for money?AIn the morning.BAt noon.CIn the afternoon.DAt night.33 . What does the underlined word ragged mean in this passage?A精力充沛的B乐于助人的C骄傲自大的D衣衫褴褛的34 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe writer didnt want to give the money to the man at first.BThe writer felt very happy after giving the money to the man.CThe writer saw the man twice that day.DThe man gave all the money he had to the charity.35 . We can learn from the passage that now the writer _.Ais a friend of the young manBenjoys helping othersCis saving money for the poorDenjoys collecting coinsDid you ever see a fish with its very own lights? Some fish have built-in lights. That is, the lights are really part of the fishs body! One such fish lives in the Red Sea. It is called the “flashlight fish” because it has special body parts, or organs, that give off light.The flashlight fish has one light organ underneath (在下面)each eye. These lights are bright and greenish in color, and they are always “on”. But a flashlight fish can hide its lights by raising an extra (额外的)piece of skin up over each organ. Then, when the fish lowers the skin,the lights can be seen again.What are these special lights for? The light organs help the fish find food at night along the Red Sea reefs (暗礁).They also help the fish run away. Usually,the lights are flashed “on” and “off about once every 20 seconds. But when the fish is worried, it will blink (眨眼)its lights about 75 times in 1 minute. Can you imagine 20 or 30 flashlight fish blinking their lights all at the same time?36 . In the passage,the underlined word “organ” means _.Aan extra piece of skinBa special body partCa kind of eyeDa kind of ear37 . The flashlight fish uses its lights to hunt for food and to . Achange colorBhide its eyesCrun away from dangerDcatch other fish38 . When a flashlight fish is worried, its lights will.Aflash more slowlyBflash fasterCturn bright greenDblink many times39 . How often are the lights usually flashed?AThree times a minute.BTwice a minute.CAbout 75 times a minute.DOnce a minute.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Most people dont have interest in rainforests. First of all,they seem so far away from us._(two),they seem dark and dangerous. However,Jeff Corwin is different from most people. He has been interested in rainforests _ he was a child.Rainforests produce much of the air we breathe every day. Jeff learned this fact in primary school. Since then,he has had one goal:_(tell)people the importance of rainforests._,he is most interested in the special animals living there.Rainforests are home to half of the animal _(group)in the world. Many of the animals there cannot live anywhere else. The rainforests are important to _(this)animals,and they are important to the rainforests,too. They are good _ the forests,as each one plays a role in _(keep)the rainforest healthy.Jeff wants to help people understand the _(value)information. He has started clubs for young people. The clubs teach ways to help protect rainforests. Jeff believes education is the _(good)way to protect rainforests. When people learn more about rainforests,they will try to help save them.40 . _41 . _42 . _43 . _44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。50 . now_51 . go to bed, every day_52 . well_53 . next to _54 . enjoy oneself , two days ago 七、材料作文55 . 昨天你班召开了一次“告别陋习,走上文明”的主题班会。会上老师让你们谈谈身边同学的变化。请你根据表格里的内容写一篇有关王明同学的文章。过去的表现现在的表现经常和同学打架(fight)和同学相处融洽( be good with)花很多时间玩电脑游戏(spend time doing)积极 (active)参加各项活动 (activity)经常吃垃圾食品( junk food)健康的生活习惯( living habits)在课堂上吃东西,睡觉(either.or.)认真听课,按时完成(finish)作业考试不及格(fail)各门学科取得好成绩,尤其 ( especially)数学注意:1文章必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥使短文的意思连贯语句通顺。2不得出现真实的人名,校名和地名。字数80左右,(文章的开头已给出,不计入总字数)Wang Ming is my classmate. He had made great progress this term. In the past,_八、其他情景交际56 . 当你想用“我们的梦想会实现的。”给大家打气,可以这样表达:Lets work hard,_!57 . 你的朋友要去北京旅游,你应该这样祝福他:_!58 . 你想提醒对方一定记得关门,应该这样说:_ the door, please.59 . 你想邀请新来的同学一起去散散步,可以这样说:_ with me?60 . 当你的朋友Peter 非常担心他的考试时,可以这样说安慰他:_, Peter.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、语法填空1、六、根据图画及所给单词写出句子1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、


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