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陕西省2019-2020学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Shandong illegal vaccine scandal(非法疫苗丑闻)caused people to pay more attention to childrens _.AhealthBweightCwealth2 . it is to play this computer game.AHow funBWhat a funCWhat funDHow a fun3 . What about going to the park? _.AThank youBHere you areCNot at allDGood idea4 . Bill Blacks last name is _.ABlackBBillCBruceDBrown5 . -Daniel does well in all the lessons,but he never_ -What aboy!Agives off; curiousBgives off; energeticCshows off; organizedDshows off; modest6 . I go home _5.20 _the afternoon .Aat , onBfrom, toCis , onDat ,in7 . She is similarher mother.AtoBwithCof8 . What good weather!Lets have quick breakfast and then go to the park.A不填;不填B不填;aCa; aDa;不填9 . Mum, what are you doing at the moment? You are busy!Yeah. I am cooking _ for your fathers birthday. I hope _ it.Aspecially; he will likeBespecially; he will likeCspecially; him to likeDspecially; he likes10 . 一Whose T-shirt is this? Is it Sallys?No, it isnt. _ is white.AMyBMineCHerDHers11 . How clean and tidy your bedroom is!Thank you. It _ every day.AcleansBis cleanedCwas cleanedDis cleaning12 . Jim often gets_ school at eight and gets _ home at fiveA; Bto; toC; toDto; 13 . Maybe you think it impossible to finish this task, but I always believe _.Awhere there is a will, there is a wayBpractice makes perfectCmany hands make light workDa good beginning is half done14 . -Do you like swimming?-Yes,I do. Its time _ after school.AswimBswimmingCto swimDswims15 . You look.Can you tell me why you are so happy?Sure. I saw an movie just now. It has great fun.Aexcited ;excitedBexciting; excitingCexciting; excitedDexcited ;exciting二、完型填空Its Sunday afternoon. Its my sons eighth birthday today. I go into a _ shop to buy a big birthday cake for him.There_ a lot of people in the shop. When I am _ a cake, I find a little boy watching the cakes for a long time. He is _ old clothes. At last he chooses a cake. Then he gives money to the girl shopkeeper and says to _, “ I want the _ cake.”“Sorry, the cake is 15 yuan, but you only have _ yuan,” says the shopkeeper.“II have no more money, ”says the little boy and he begins to _.“Oh, my boy. Who would you like to _ the birthday cake for? I ask.“My _ , madam.”_doesnt she come and buy one?“My father left us three years ago, ”the boy says. “We dont have much _. My mother has to _ from morning to night every day. She celebrates my birthday every year, but she _ celebrates hers. Its her birthday tomorrow. I want to buy a small cake for her. But I dont have enough money.”“Oh, my boy! Im your _ friend and I work with her,” I say. “I will buy her a nice birthday cake.” I give the money to the shopkeeper and leave the shop.16 . AcakeBflowerCclothesDpresent17 . AisBareChaveDhas18 . Alooking downBlooking afterClooking forDlooking up19 . AonBatCinDwith20 . AsheBheChimDher21 . AsmallBbigCsweetDdelicious22 . A10B15C20D2523 . AlaughBshoutCsmileDcry24 . AlendBmakeCborrowDbuy25 . AgrandmotherBdadCmumDaunt26 . AWhyBHowCWhenDWhere27 . AtimeBmoneyCfoodDfun28 . AstudyBworkCplayDthink29 . AoftenBsometimesCalwaysDnever30 . AfathersBmothersCbrothersDsisters三、阅读单选Cinderella is a poor girl. Her stepmother and stepsisters treat her badly. But with a fairys help and the fairys magic power, Cinderella goes to a great palace ball, wearing a beautiful dress, and falls in love with a prince. This is the classic(经典的)story that most of us know. But is it too simple? How can Cinderella be so lucky?A new Disney movie, Cinderella, tries to tell us why. In the film, during hard times, Cinderella doesnt become sad or angry. But she tells herself to stay strong and kind. She also has a good sense of humour. Thats how she acts when she faces difficulties. I hope kids find Cinderella to be a fun, smart heroine,said Kenneth Branagh, British director(导演)of the movie. I hope that just like Cinderella, they can be brave and kind. 31 . Where can we see this passage?AFrom a travel guide.BFrom a school newspaper.CFrom SPCA guide.DFrom a movie guide.32 . _ helped Cinderella go to the palace ball.AA fairyBHer stepmotherCHer fatherDHer stepsister33 . _ made the new movie Cinderella.AThe Grimm brothersBThe Dream WorkCThe DisneyDThe Star Work34 . According to the passage, what makes Cinderella so lucky?AHer healthBHer kindness.CHer sadness.DHer magic power35 . Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?AThe stepmother and stepsisters dont like Cinderella.BWhen Cinderella has hard time, she never becomes sad or angry.CCinderella doesnt like smiling.DMany people know the story of Cinderella.36 . What does the director of the movie want the children learn from Cinderella?ATo be sad and angryBTo be smart and hardworkingCTo be kind and strongDTo be lazy and naughtyDo you dream of having beautiful hair like a model(模特)? Well, you can have it if you look after your hair in the right way. To get beautiful hair, you first need to get healthy. So start eating good food, and start exercising. This will make your hair look healthy and full of life. You also need to keep your hair clean to make it look nice. But not many people know how to wash their hair in the right way. Many people wash their hair too much. This dries out their hair. You should only wash your hair every day if you have oily(油性的) hair. If you have normal(中性的) or dry hair, you should wash it every two or three days.37 . According to the passage, a model has _ hair.AcoolBbeautifulClongDcolourful38 . What is the right way to look after our hair?ATo get healthy.BTo keep the hair clean.CBoth A and B.DWash the hair every day.39 . How often should you wash your hair if your hair is normal?AEvery dayBThree times a weekCTwice a monthDOnce a weekOnce upon a time, there were two birds, Anderson and Johnson. They were brothers and lived in a forest. Anderson lived near a cave(洞穴) where some robbers(强盗) lived. Johnson lived near the house of a kind old man. One day, a hunter(猎人) came to the forest. Unluckily, he lost his way and didnt know where he was. He was very tired, so he sat down under a tree that was near a cave. At that time, he heard someone shouting, “Hurry up! Theres someone sitting under the tree. Come and take his money!” The hunter was startled(惊吓) by the voice. He looked up and saw a big brown bird in the tree. He also saw some people coming out of the cave. He quickly stood up and ran away as fast as he could. Soon, he came to the place where the kind old man lived. He saw a big tree and sat down to have a rest. However, he heard a friendly voice saying, “Welcome, sir. Please come in and make yourself at home.” The hunter looked up and saw another big brown bird in the tree. He was surprised. “This one looks just like the other bird near the cave,” he said. “He is my brother, sir,” said the bird. “He made friends with those robbers.” Just then, the old man came out of his house. “Welcome, sir,” he said to the hunter. “Please come in and make yourself at home.” The hunter told the old man about the two birds he met and how different they were. The old man smiled and said,“One takes the behavior of ones company(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)”40 . Anderson lived _.Anear the robbers caveBin a tree with JohnsonCnear the house of a kind old manDin a small village near the forest41 . The hunter was surprised to see Johnson because _.AJohnson knew himBJohnson shouted at himCJohnson looked like AndersonDthe hunter didnt like Johnson42 . We can infer(推断) from the story that _.AJohnson is stronger than AndersonBthe hunter wanted to catch the two birdsCthe old man kept those two birds as petsDa man will be similar to those he lives with43 . The best title for the passage is “_”.AAn Unlucky HunterBThe Story of Two BirdsCA Bird and an Old ManDA Bird and Some RobbersSAN FRANCISCO CITY HALL TOURMONDAY- FRIDAY10:00a.m, 12:00 noon, 2:00p.mAll tours are 45 minutes to one hourAll tours sign in at City Hall Decent Tour KioskLocated on the Main FloorPEASE CALL AHEAD(预先) Dr Carton B Goodlett PlaceTo schedule(安排) tours for schools San Francisco. CA 94102 and groups of 8 or more City Hall TTY (415) 554-7491(415) 554-6139 www.sfgov.org/cityhall44 . When will you leave if you enter San Francisco City Hall at 10:oo a.m. on weekdays?AAround 2:00 p.m.BAround 11:45 a.m.CNot later than 11:00 a.m.DNot earlier than 12:00.45 . What must you do before you visit San Francisco City Hall in a group of 10?ACall (415) 554-6139 aheadBvisit www.sfgov.org/cityhallCCome at any time at the weekend.DEnter the City Hall only at 12:00 noon.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完整形式(每空限填一词)。46 . We can learn English words by m_ word cards.47 . Drinking milk every morning can make you healthy and s_.48 . An adult panda w_ many times more than a baby panda.49 . Please stay away from junk food. Its bad for us e_ for children.50 . More and more people come to realize the i_ of food safety.51 . For t_ of tourists in China, Singapore is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday.52 . Do you know the girl who is standing a_ the wall?53 . I find it difficult to learn English g_ but its easy to pronounce the English words.54 . Youd better c_ your homework after you finish it.55 . The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, didnt think about h_. he only thought about saving a life五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的正确形式填空)56 . It will be Mikes _ birthday next week. (nineteen)57 . Many _ fall down in autumn. (leaf)58 . A _ scientist gave us a talk yesterday. (Canada)59 . Can you tell me the _ between English and Chinese? (different)60 . Li Hui is the _ of the English speech contest. (win)61 . Tom didnt go to school today because he was _ ill. (serious)62 . We _ a sports meeting every year. (organization)63 . The traffic is much _ after five oclock every day. (bad)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文请用所学单词进行填空cartoon, mess, peach, hearts, against, storyThe 64 . of the Monkey King has just had its“40th birthday”and it has won the 65 . of children in China. Called Havoc in Heaven, it tells a 66 . of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys 67 . the rule of the Emperor in Heaven. He flies into a 68 . garden and eats as many peaches as he likes. He makes a 69 . in each room.七、单词填空缺词填空Once there was a famine(饥荒). A rich cook sent for twenty of the poorest children in the town and said to them,In this basket there is a piece of bread for e70 . of you. Take it and come back to me every day at this hour for moreIn a hurry the h71 . children got together around the basket, and fought over the bread because each wanted the l72 . pieceAt last they went away without t73 . the good cookMary, a poorly-dressed girl, did not fight with the other children,but s74 . quietly in distance(在远处)When the badly-behaved(行为恶劣的) children left,Mary took the smallest piece, which was all left in the basketShe kissed the c75 . hand and went homeThe next day the children were as badly-behaved as before. Mary got a piece of bread almost half the size of the one she got on the f76 . day. When she came home,her mother cut the bread openMany new, shining pieces of silver(银子) fell out of itHer mother was very worried,and said,Take the money b77 . to the cook at onceThe silver must have fallen into the dough(面团)by mistake. Hurry up, MaryWhen the little girl gave the rich man her mothers message, he said, “It was no m78 . I put the silver pieces into the smallest bread for you as a prize. Always be as satisfied and thankful as you now are. Go home now, and tell your mother that the money is y79 . .”八、填空Steve visits the nursing home near his house two afternoons each week. On one of those days, he reads to his friend Martin. On the other afternoon, he plays cards and talks with Mrs. Johnson. Steve enjoys spending his extra time this way. He is a volunteer. A volunteer is a person who helps another person or has a job for which he or she does not get paid. A volunteer donates his or her time for free.Everyone else in Steves family is also a volunteer. Steves mother Mary volunteers one afternoon each week at the local hospital. She talks to patients, delivers flowers, and helps the nurses with odd jobs. Steves sister Gina volunteers two afternoons at the museum. She welcomes visitors and answers their questions. Steves father David also is a volunteer. He is a volunteer fire fighter for the town in which they live.Steves family thinks volunteering is very important. Steves parents think being a volunteer helps to teach values. Steve and his sister learn how to be kind and respect other people. Steves family does volunteer work to give something back to the community. They want to help people who are not as fortunate as they are.A family of volunteersRelationshipNameTime per week80 . DoingsFatherDavidAnytime necessaryAnywhere necessary81 . Mother82 . One afternoonThe local hospitalTalk to patients; Deliver flowersHelp nursesSonSteveTwo afternoons83 . Read to MartinTalk and play with Mrs. Johnson84 . GinaTwo afternoonsThe museumWelcome visitorsAnswer questions九、书信作文85 . 假如你是David,请根据下表所提示的内容,写一封推荐信,推荐你的同学 Tom(七年级四班)获取今年的最佳学生奖。学习努力学习,所有学科都学得很好。能力篮球打得好,他想下学期进入校篮球队。爱好喜爱动物,他在家养兔子当宠物并把它照顾得很好。品德乐于助人,经常帮助同学复习功课。有礼貌(polite),在公共汽车上热心的要求:1.条理清楚,语意连贯。2.紧扣主题,适当发挥。3.书写规范,标点正确。正文90词左右。信的开头称呼和结尾落款已经写好,不计入词数。Dear Sir,I am writing to recommend Tom for this years Best Student Award._I think Tom has all the qualities to get the award.Yours,David第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、书信作文1、

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