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陕西省2019-2020学年七年级下学期3月月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . No matter who you are, its impossible to_ problems in life.AconnectBpunishCdareDavoid2 . I want to join the _.Can you draw?Amusic clubBbasketball clubCEnglish clubDart club3 . Why dont youan English club to practiceEnglish?Ato join;to speakBjoin;speakingCjoin;to speakDto join;speaking4 . A marathon was held in Yancheng _21st April, which drew 12,000 runners.AonBinCatDby5 . the way , the witness the murder should be here 5 minutes.AIn ; of ; afterBOn ; of ; inCBy ; to ; inDBy ; of ; in6 . Yangzhou Wanda Plaza(扬州万达广场) _at ten in the morning and it_twelve hours a day.Ais open,opensBopens, is openCis opening, is openDopens,is opening7 . The robot needs _ once a month. And we will check it for you for free.Ato checkBcheckedCcheckingDto checking8 . Simon is going to play piano at the farewell party next Saturday.AaBtheC/Dan9 . Scott has an interesting _. He works at a radio station. He has much _ to do.Ajob, workBwork, jobCjob,worksDwork, work10 . He wants to be a doctor _ his parents want him to _ the army.Awhile, joinBwhen; joinCwhile; join inDwhen; join in11 . Sunday morning, I often sleep late and get up at 8:00.AInBOnCAtDOf12 . - _ are the London Olympics?- In about 14 months. We are looking forward to the great scene.AHow longBHow farCHow soonDHow often13 . Just because they make more money than I do, _ they seem to look down on me.AsoBandC/Dbut14 . I think English is becoming more and more important.I _.AdoBagreeCamDthink15 . _ I know, the book is written _ Lu Xun.AAs far as; atBAs farther as; atCAs far as; byDAs farther as; by16 . There is going to _ a concert tomorrow afternoon.AbeBhaveCisDhas17 . (题文)- Does your sister eat hamburgers?- No. She _ eats them. She thinks they are unhealthy.AalwaysBusuallyCsometimesDnever18 . Can he dance? _. And he doesnt like the dance club.AYes; he isBYes; he doesCNo; he cantDYes; he can19 . -Would you please turn off the music? I will go _ if I listen to it for one more minute.-I am sorry. I thought you would enjoy it.AhappyBsadCexcitedDcrazy20 . Jim, can youthis word in Chinese?Yes, I cana little Chinese.Aspeak; sayBsay; speakCspeak; speakDsay; say二、完型填空Last Sunday, I met an old friend in the street. We havent seen each other _three years. She has _ a lot. She _ very fat and always _ a pair of glasses. But now, she is very thin and the glasses are gone. She _ so beautiful with big eyes and long, blond hair-it used to short and brown. She used to be very shy and was _ of speaking in class. Now she is outgoing and she told me she _ her school band and played _ guitar. She said she hoped I could go to see her performance _. She looks so confident and I know she isnt what she used to be _.21 . AinBforCduringDwith22 . AchangedBbeen changedCturnedDgrown23 . Aused toBwas used to beCused to beDwas used to being24 . Aput onBworeCwearsDdressed25 . AseemsBwas likeClooksDlooked26 . AafraidBfondCreadyDworried27 . AattendedBjoined inCjoinsDjoined28 . AtheBaC/Dsome29 . Aevery dayBsometimesCsomedayDsome time30 . Ano moreBno longerCnot any moreDany more三、阅读单选It was Sunday. I had one last patient to see. She was an old woman, sitting on her bed, trying to put socks on her swollen(肿胀的)feet. I walked in, spoke quickly to the nurse, and saw from her chart that she was in a good condition.She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I started a monologue(长篇大论):How are you feeling? Your sugars and blood pressure are also good today. The nurse said youre anxious to see your son whos visiting you today from far away. I believe you really look forward to seeing him.She stopped me with a serious voice. Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story.I was surprised and embarrassed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She told me that her only son lived around the corner from her, but she had not seen him for five years. She believed that the big stress of this was a big reason for her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do. She shook her head and smiled. All she had wanted me to do was listen.Each story is different. Some are detailed; others are vague(含糊的). Some are true; others not. Yet all those things do not really matter. What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard.31 . What does the writer do?AA nurse.BA doctor.CAn actor.DA reporter.32 . What was wrong with the old woman according to her chart?AHer blood pressure was much higher.BHer sugars were lower than before.CThere was nothing wrong with her.DShe couldnt put on her socks.33 . Which can replace(替代)the underlined word anxious in Para.2?ANervous.BSurprised.CSorry.DUpset.34 . What can you learn from the passage?AWe should meet a clever doctor.BWe should try to tell true stories.CWe should be patient to old people.DWe should learn to listen to others.John Smith works in a basketball club. He gets up at 5:30 every day. After that, he runs for two hours. At 7:30, he eats breakfast.Tom White is a writer. He works at home. He gets up at 8:30 in the morning. He usually reads books for two hours after breakfast.Mary Green is a music teacher. She gets up at 6:00 every morning. Then she eats breakfast. She lives at school and doesnt live with her parents.Mona Black is a clerk. She works at a clothes store. She usually gets up at 6:30. After breakfast she goes to the store by bus.35 . John Smith eats breakfast at_.A6:00B7:00C7:30D8:0036 . What time does Tom White get up?AAt 5:30.BAt 6:30.CAt 8:00.D8:30.37 . _is good at singing and_is good at writing books.AJohn; MonaBMary; TomCTom; JohnDMona; Mary38 . How many people go to work by bus in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.39 . If you want to buy a shirt, _can help you.AMonaBJohnCMaryDTom四、句型转换根据各个句子的要求转换句子(每空限填一词)40 . My brother gets to the library at seven thirty on foot(同义句)My brother _to the library at_.41 . There are some giraffes and pandas in the zoo. (否定句)There arent _giraffes _pandas in the zoo.42 . His grandparent is doing the dishes and washing clothes now. (用every day改写)His grandparent_ the dishes and _clothes every day.43 . Its twenty minutes walk from the post office to the bank(划线提问)_is it from the post office to the bank?44 . My mother has long blonde hair and pretty eyes(划线提问)_does_ mother_?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)45 . The doctor said that an unhealthy diet _(导致) to his illness.46 . Did the doctor _(警告) your father against smoking?47 . The customs in Qingdao are _(相似的) to those in Yantai.48 . I called up yesterday, but there was no _(回答).49 . To make our world a better place, we need to _(保护) those endangered wild animals.50 . She didnt _(注意到) that she was in trouble.51 . Some Westerners _(避开) the number 13 because they believe it is unlucky.52 . I waited for Jim for a long time, but he didnt _(出现).53 . Many countries have _(公共的) holidays so that people can relax.54 . Tom heard the young children _(喊) for help. So he called the police.55 . Were expecting some _(宾客)to dinner.56 . I like eating hamburgers very much, because they are _(美味的).57 . It is p_(礼貌的) to offer seats to the old on the bus.58 . On my birthday, I got a lot of beautiful _(礼物) from my friends.59 . Please _(倒空) the box and put all the toys into it.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。60 . I dont watch dramas when Im down. They make me feel even _ (sad) than before.61 . Dad had to go to see the doctor because he coughed _ (bad) last night.62 . Could you please give me some suggestions about how to deal with my _ (shy)?63 . Which is more _ (value) to you, health or wealth? I think health is more important.64 . Mom, which is the better _ (choose) for me, a senior high school or a vocational (职业的) high school? Either is OK. Its up to your future plan.65 . Have you ever cut your finger on the edge (边缘) of a book page? The small cut on your finger is so_ (pain).66 . My father prefers watching _ (documentary) during his spare time.67 . Many countries in the world have reached an _ (agree) to reduce air pollution.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文方框选词There are, subjects, beautiful, break, favourite, same, starts, kindIm happy that I graduated (从毕业) from my primary school and become a middle school student. The name of my new school is No. 22 Middle school. 68 . ten classes in our grade and all of us study in the 69 . building. I like the teachers here and they are all very 70 . We have got many 71 . such as Chinese, math, history and so on. But my 72 . subject is English. School 73 . at 8 am and finishes at around 4:30 pm. We can have a 74 . at noon and I always hang out with my friends on the playground. My school is not so big, but its 75 . and I love it.八、句子配对A、B句配对A B76 . Nice to meet you.AYes, it is.77 . Whats this ?AThank you.78 . Hello!ANice to meet you.79 . Are you Lucy?A631874280 . How are you?AIts “0”81 . Whats your name?AYes, I am.82 . Sit down, please .AHis first name is Li.83 . Whats her phone number? H. My name is Tom.84 . Whats his first name? I. Hello.85 . Is this her last name? J. Fine, thank you九、材料作文86 . 假如你是无锡阳光中学(Sunshine Middle School)的学生李明,你想参加21世纪报青少版Teens中SCHOOL TIME栏目的征文活动,请根据以下流程图的提示,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的学校生活。Introduce yourself. (name,school, favorite subject)What your school life is like.( clubs, activities, last school trip)What you think of your schoolschool and school life.注意:1.对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥。2.词数80左右,文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Hello, everyone._第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、句子配对1、九、材料作文1、

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