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陕西省2019-2020学年七年级上学期十月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kelly, _ girl, wants to be a policewoman.Aa 8-year-oldBan 8-year-oldCan 8-years-oldDan 8 years old2 . May I speak to Ms Lane,please?Sorry,she isnt in right nowIll tell you as soon as she_back tomorrowAcomeBcomes C will come3 . Though my dream seems so far away, I will never_.Agive up itBgive it upCgive it awayDgive away it4 . -_- By bus.AWhere does he work?BHow does he go to work?CWhen does she go to work?5 . Steven ran so fast that we can _ catch up with him.AalwaysBhardlyCsometimesDusually6 . The library_ at 2 every afternoon, so I think it _now.Aopens; opensBopens; is openCis open; opensDis open; open7 . Emily is a/an _ person, we will never feel _ playing with her.Aboring; boredBbored; boringCinteresting; boringDinteresting; bored8 . Do your grandparents enjoy _ in China?Yes, they do.Ato liveBlivingClivedDto living9 . What_ our father often_ on weekends?He often watches TV at home.Ado; doesBdoes; doesCdo; doDdoes; do10 . _ are the baseballs? Theyre green and white.AWhereBWhatsCWhat colorDHow二、完型填空It is the first day of the new school term(学期). Some boys and girls have nice _. Alanhas a new blue T-shirt and a _ of black shorts. Mike has new brown shoes. _ is the girl in a red skirt?Oh,she is Cindy. “Hi,Cindy! Your red _ is nice. How much is it?”Alice _. “Thanks,Alice. I am sorry I dont _. My mother bought it for _,”Cindy answers. “And your new schoolbag is _ nice. ” “Thank you. It is on _. I buy it _ only 26 yuan. Look!Mr. Miller is coming. Lets say hello to him. ”11 . AbooksBdesksCclothesDchairs12 . ApairBsetCboxDbag13 . AHowBWhoCWhereDWhat14 . AjacketBsweaterCT-shirtDskirt15 . AthinksBneedsCwatchesDasks16 . AknowBhelpCfindDbuy17 . AyouBherCmeDhim18 . AmuchBveryConlyDalways19 . AsofaBTVCsaleDstore20 . AwithBatCofDfor三、阅读单选My name is Sally White. I am a school girl. My school is far from my home. Every day it takes me a lot of time to get there. The road is not flat(平整).So I can not go to school by bike. I often get there by bus or on foot. It takes me thirty minutes to get there by bus and an hour on foot. I must get up early every morning. I have no time for breakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast on the way or on the bus. I dont want to be late for school, so sometimes I run to school.21 . Where is Sally?AIn China.BIn Japan.CI dont know.DIn Cube22 . Her home is _ from her school.Anew.Bfar.Cnear.Daway23 . It takes her _ to get to school on foot.Aan hour.Bthirty minutes.Cone hour and a half.Dthirteen minutes.24 . Where does Sally have breakfast ?AAt home.BIn her school.COn the way to school.DI dont know25 . Is she late for school ?ANo, she isnt.BYes, she is.CNo, she doesnt.Dyes, she doesMy name is Paul.Im an actor.I have short blonde hair.Im not very tall or heavy.I wear cool glasses when I go out.Im Karen.I work in a restaurant.I look like my mother.I have big eyes and long curly hair.Im tall and a little thin.I like meeting people.Im Peter.Im a bank clerk.My eyes are small.My hair is short and curly.Im short and a bit heavy.Im Cindy.Im a teacher.I always wear glasses.Im not heavy or thin.I have long black hair.Im fun and my students all like me.26 . Paul is _.Aan actorBa teacherCa cookDa bank clerk27 . Karen looks like _.Aher fatherBher motherCher brotherDher sister28 . _ has small eyes.APaulBKarenCPeterDCindy29 . Cindys hair is _.AblondeBredCyellowDblack30 . Which of the following is NOT RIGHT?APaul is not very tall or heavy.BKaren is tall and a little thin.CPeter is tall and a bit heavy.DCindy is not heavy or thin.四、句型转换. 句型转换31 . Zoos are taking care of about 100 pandas.(改为同义句)Z00s _ about 100 pandas.32 . Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day.(改为否定句)Each panda _ eat a lot of bamboo every day.33 . The meeting room is so large that it can hold eighty people.(改为同义句)The meeting room is large _ eighty people.34 . We found that its necessary to protect the environment.(改为同义句)We found _ to protect the environment.35 . “Please turn down the radio,”my mother said to me.(改为同义句)My mother _ me _ the radio.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空36 . _(she)favorite day is Sunday.37 . I do my homework for three _(hour)every day.38 . My brother usually _(finish)his homework before 9 oclock.39 . We have four _(class)in the morning.40 . Our teacher wants _(meet)us in the classroom.六、回答问题24 Solar Terms: Tips you may not know about Cold Dew关于寒露,你可能不知道的小知识The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Cold Dew, (Chinese: , the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 8 and ends on Oct 23.At this time, temperatures are much lower than in White Dew in most areas of China. The dew is greater and colder and there will be less rain. Autumn crops will be ripe.Here are eight things you should know about Cold Dew.Foggy autumnTemperatures drop significantly in October. When the cold air encounters autumn rain, the abundant water vapor in the air soon reaches saturation, and then it turns into misty rain or fog. When the humidity is high, there will be foggy regions formed in many areas of China.Season for fishingPeople always say that fishing in shallow water in autumn does make sense. Thats because during the Cold Dew period, temperatures decrease quickly and sunshine cannot reach the deep water thoroughly. Fish all swim to shallow water areas where the water temperature is relatively high.Season for eating pomegranatesPomegranates are ripe during Cold Dew. Pomegranates have been cherished for their exquisite beauty, flavor, color, and health benefits for centuries.Season for drinking chrysanthemum wineChrysanthemum is the iconic flower of Cold Dew. To prevent autumn dryness, many regions in China have the custom of drinking chrysanthemum wine. This is a tradition of the Double Ninth Festival (on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese calendar), which often falls around Cold Dew. According to ancient records, drinking the wine made with chrysanthemums, poria cocos and pine oleoresin grants people long lasting youth.Season for eating hawthornsThere is a saying that goes It is time to harvest hawthorn during Cold Dew. Extracts of the berries have long been used in herbal medicine. The antioxidants in hawthorn are thought to boost heart health by strengthening blood vessels and stimulating blood flow.A great time for hikingDuring Cold Dew, North China takes on a look of late autumn with white clouds, red leaves and early frost. On the day of the Double Ninth Festival, people often climb hills with cornels, a kind of plant. This custom aims to dispel evils, and originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25-220).Season for making kippersPeople of the Dong ethnic group in western Hunan province have the custom of making kippers during Cold Dew. It is said that the kipper made on the day of the Cold Dew with accessory foods such as rice wine, salt, glutinous rice, pepper powder, paprika powder and ginger are especially delicious.Season for picking camellia seedsSouthern Hunan province is a famous area for producing tea seed oil. People are not allowed to go to the mountains to pick the seeds until Cold Dew comes around.41 . How many tips are mentioned in the passage?42 . w hen the temperatures are much lower in moa area of his in old Dew or in White Dew?43 . Why do people always say fishing in shallow water in auturmn does make sense?44 . What are pomegranates famous for?45 . w he doe the custom of climbing mountains aim to do ?七、多任务混合问题The day when the jobs were handed out was one of the most exciting for all the children in the class. Some jobs were more interesting than others. When giving them out, the teacher took account of(考虑) which pupils had been most responsible before. Among them Rita stood out. All the children knew Rita was the favorite to be given the best job of all: to look after the class dog.But this year there was a big surprise. Each child received one of the normal jobs, like telling the time, cleaning the blackboard, looking after pets and so on. But Rita was given a little box with some sand and one ant (蚂蚁). Most of her classmates felt sorry for her. Even her father became very angry with the teacher. However, Rita preferred to show the teacher by doing something special with such a boring job. So Rita started studying all about her little ant. She gave the ant the very best food, and as a result it grew quite a bit bigger than anyone had expected.One day a man came into the classroom. The teacher said with great joy, “This is Doctor Martinez. He has come to tell us a wonderful piece of news. Isnt that right?”“Exactly! said the Doctor. “This class has best cared for the little ant given to you. You have been chosen to go with me, this summer, on a journey to the rainforest. Congratulations!”That day everyone thanked Rita for having been so patient and responsible.46 . What is Ritas job this year? (no more than 9 words)47 . What did Ritas classmates think after the teacher gave the job to her? (no more than 5 words)48 . Why did everyone in Ritas class thank her? (no more than 13 words)49 . 请将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。50 . 请给短文拟一个适当的英文题目。八、汉译英:单词/短语词组翻译51 . 寻找线索_52 . 失踪_53 . 中等个头_54 . 说实话_55 . 看起来不整洁,紧张_56 . 侦探故事_57 . 谁是谋杀者_58 . 对某人做笔录_九、材料作文59 . 假如你是Sandy,想参加溱湖观鸟俱乐部。你给主席Mr Smith 写一封申请信,内容包括:1. 你是阳光中学8年级的一名学生。你最喜欢的学科-,对了解野生动物和各种各样的鸟感兴趣。2. 你很乐意成为俱乐部的一员。原因:上周了解到溱湖湿地保护区是泰州最大的野生动物的家园及观鸟的极好去处;知道-,希望能为保护鸟做一些事情;周日下午2:00-5:00可以参加俱乐部活动。3. 联系电话0523-87668888,邮箱Sandy163. com。4.你加入该协会后的做法-(自由发挥两点)。要求:1.短文应包括要点中所给信息,第2、4点可适当发挥; 2.行文连贯,书写规范;3.词数80-100个左右。信的开头已经给出,不计入总词数.Dear Mr Smith,I would like to join the Qinhu Birdwatching Society_Yours sincerely,Sandy第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、回答问题1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、汉译英:单词/短语1、九、材料作文1、

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