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长沙市2019年九年级上学期期末英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do American students also have lots of to do? Sure. But they do fewer memorizing exercisesAsportsBsurveysChomeworkDhousework2 . My uncle is against wasting anything. No wonder he would rather the old bike than a new one.Arepair; to buyBto repair; buyCrepair; buyDto repair; to buy3 . -What _ does Alice like?-She likes koalas because theyre _cute.Aclothes; a lotBsubjects; a lot ofCanimals; kind ofDsports; lots of4 . The film for half an hour when I got to the cinema yesterdayAhas begunBhad been onChad begunDhad been in5 . The work _ in three hours . Lets hurry.Amust finishBwill finishCfinishedDmust be finished6 . - I find it difficult to learn English well. I want to drop it.- English is very important in our daily life. Never _.Agive up itBgive it upCgive away itDgive it away7 . -Miss, Li, Im afraid I have got low marks in the English exam.-Come on, Dear! _. Im sure if you try your best, youll pass it easily next time.AIt doesnt matterBNo problemCTake it easyDNever mind.8 . There is somebody at the door. _ it be Tom? No, it _ be him. Its just six oclock. Its too early.AMay; cantBWill; wontCMay; mustntDMust; may not9 . WuYishu came first in the second season of Chinese Poetry and she was _ success.A/,aBthe,/Ca, aD/,/10 . She goes to school_ bus and comes back _foot.Aby, byBon. onCby, onDon. to二、补全对话7选5口语运用阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A: Hello, this is Laura. May I speak to Cindy?B: Hi, Cindy speaking.A:11 . B: I am watching a film on the Internet.A:12 . B: A popular film called Zootopia (疯狂动物城).A:13 . B: Yes, its about animals dreams. I am deeply moved by it.A: Sounds good. Ill enjoy it when Im free.B: Im sure youll like it.14 . A: Oh, I found an interesting place to go for a picnic. Want to join us tomorrow?B: Umm, let me have a look first.15 . A: Sure. Please do remember to give me a reply.B: OK. Thanks for calling.AI hear its very popular.BIs it about animals?CWhat are you doing now?DWhat film is it?EWould you please send its information to me?FWhen do you usually go to the movies?GWell, but why do you call me?三、完型填空Is there a connection between music and language? According to recent studies, the answer is _: Music improves certain (某种) language abilities (能力) in the brain. Here, we look at two examples.A recent study by researcher Kraus shows that playing a musical instrument can improve a persons _ ability. In his study, two groups of people listened to a person talking in a _ room: The people in the first group were musicians, while those in the second group had no musical training. The musicians were able to hear the talking person _.Musicians hear better _ they learn to pay attention to certain sounds. Think about violinists in an orchestra. When the violinists play with the group, they hear their own instrument and many other _, too. But the violinists must listen closely to what they are playing, and pay _ attention to the other sounds. _, musicians are able to focus on (专注于) certain sounds, even in a room with lots of noise.Schlaug, a _ at Harvard Medical School, works with stroke (中风) patients (病人). _ their illness, these people cannot say their names, addresses, or other information normally. However, they can _ sing. Schlaug was surprised to _ that singing words helped his patients to speak. Why does this work? Schlaug isnt sure. Music _ to make different parts of the brain work, and even the damaged (损坏的) parts. This might _ patients to use that part of the brain again.Music improves concentration (注意力), memory, listening skills, and our overall language abilities. It can even help sick people get better. Playing an instrument or singing can help us do better in school and keep our brain sharp (敏锐的) as we get _. Music is not only enjoyable, its also good for us in many other ways.16 . AyesBunknownCnoDpossible17 . AlanguageBspeakingChearingDsinging18 . AlargeBdirtyCbeautifulDnoisy19 . AclearlyBmore clearlyCquicklyDmore quickly20 . AsoBbecauseCwhenDafter21 . AvoicesBpeopleCnoisesDinstruments22 . AnoBa lot ofC/Da little23 . AAnywayBBy the wayCOn the wayDIn this way24 . AheadmasterBscientistCdoctorDstudent25 . AWhenBBecause ofCAfterDThanks to26 . AhardlyBfinallyCstillDonly27 . AfindBseeCknowDlearn28 . AtrainsBstartsCgetsDseems29 . AexplainBteachChelpDstop30 . AstrongerBolderCclevererDtallerMy_is Lucy. Im a_Im_Im_now. My teacher is a_Her name is Wang Pei. She is an_teacher. David is my friend. He is English, too. He is fourteen. David and I_in Class 3, Grade 1 .I_in Row(排) 2. He_in the same(同样的) row. His English is good. He has a parrot(鹦鹉)._name is Polly.31 . AnameBnumberCclass32 . AmanBwomanCgirl33 . AJapanBChinaCEnglish34 . Aat the schoolBat schoolCin the school35 . AboyBmanCwoman36 . AJapaneseBEnglishCChinese37 . AareBamCis38 . AisBareCam39 . AisBbeCam40 . AItsBItsCIt is四、阅读单选Lightning strikes are the second most common (普通) cause of death of all disasters in America. The first is floods. Because lighting often kills only one or two people at a time. Most of people dont think it was as dangerous as other disasters. The US wants more people to learn about lighting. It makes June 22-28 National Lighting Safety Week. It also provides safety tips during the thunderstorms.If you hear thunder, you are in danger from lighting,said Rocky Lopes, a disaster worker. Thunder means that lightning is close enough to hit you at any minute, so you should move indoors at once and stay there until the storm is over. This is the most important thing to remember, Lopes said. And he also gives us some advice on safety:Stop working, fishing, swimming or playing in the open air.Dont stand under the tree.Keep down if there is no cover.41 . Of all the natural disasters, Lighting strikes are the _ most common cause of deaths in the US.AfirstBsecondCthirdDfifth42 . National Lighting Safety Week in US often lasts_.A5B6C7D843 . If you hear thunder, you are in danger from_.AfloodBfireCearthquakeDlighting44 . When there is lighting, the most important thing is to_.Akeep downBstop workingCfind coverDrun away quickly45 . We may find this article_.Ain a maths bookBin a storybookCin a newspaperDin a history bookDont you want to go to school? You could tell your parents youre ill. But last Monday, students from Shanghai and Zhejiang had an even better excuse: a typhoon(台风)!Typhoon Khanun hit East China on September 11. In Shanghai, all the school were closed the next day, Monday.It was the first time that Shanghai had to close schools because of bad weather.But some students still came to school that day. “ I didnt get the notice that the school was closing,” said Shen Sheng, a Junior 2 student from Shanghai Aiguo School. “ But it was nice that we could play in school rather than study.”The school kept Shen and other 20 students safe inside and let them play sports like table tennis.But the storm wasnt all fun games. Typhoon Khanun killed 14 people. In Zhejiang, itdamagedabout 8,000 houses. More than one million people had to be taken to safer places.Every year, typhoons hit different places around the world. Most happen in July, August and September. This year 15 typhoons hit China. Khanun was the strongest. Typhoons bring strong winds and rains. The winds can blow away houses and cars. The rains are bad for farmers fields.Typhoon also kills people. Earlier this month, Typhoon Talim hit East and Central China. It killed at least 124 people.46 . When was the first time that Shanghai had to close all the schools?AIn AugustBIn JulyCOn Sep.11.DOn Sep.12.47 . Shanghai had to close all the schools that day because of _.Abad trafficBheavy rainCTyphoon KhanunDTyphoon Talim48 . What did Shanghai Aiguo School do with Shen Sheng and some other students when they still came to school that day?AThey were kept safe inside and played sports like table tennis.BThey were asked to go back home as quickly as possible.CThey were sent back home by their teachers at once.DThey still had classed in the classroom as usual.49 . What does the word “damage” in Paragraph 6 mean?A建造B损毁C伤害D装饰50 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AIf a typhoon hits, many students shouldnt go to school or go out.BMore than one million people were killed in Zhejiang that day.CEvery year, 15 typhoons hit different places around the world.DTyphoons do a lot of harm to farmers fields and human beings.Have you felt annoyed when a cell phone rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students cant even bring cell phones to school. Is it a good thing or not?Anxious parents say that cell phones are an important tool in holding New York Citys families together.“I worry about it,” said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid. “Its necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine, we have running water, and we have cell phones.”Many American parents think cell phones connect them to their children on buses, getting out from subways, walking through unknown places.“I have her call me when she gets out of school.” said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirls mother.“No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cell phone.”What about the cell phone owners, the students? Most of the students said cell phones were essential and the cell phone was like an extra (额外的) hand or foot for them.“I feel so empty.” said May Chom, “There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip.”51 . You will get when you hear a cell phone ring in class.AsadBupsetCexcitedDhappy52 . You can use a cell phone .Ato enjoy listening to musicBto work as running waterCto work as a washing machineDto play games53 . Which of the following statements is TRUE?AMany American parents dont think cell phones are necessary for the students.BCell phones only bring troubles to the school life.CCell phones connect children with their families when they are outside.DFew American parents think cell phones are necessary for the students.54 . The underlined word “essential” means “” in Chinese.A时髦的B必要的C昂贵的D便宜的55 . This article is about the in carrying out the rule not to use a cell phone in school.AhappinessBinterestCproblemDwayI was born on July 17th, 1995 in Atlanta, Georgia. My story started before that, in May of that year. My mother had a car accident and some people took her to the hospital at once. There the doctors told my mom that I was hurt and there was bleeding in my brain(大脑)They said I would have strokes(中风). As my mother was still young, the doctors suggested that she should give me up. But my mother didnt want to do so. When I was finally born, the doctors found out that one side of my brain was weak and that there was water in the brain. I also suffered visual(视力的) problems.After I was born, my parents looked after me day and night. Finally, I got much better. Now I can even see without wearing glasses.School days passed normally for me and I never really had trouble with anything. I now have many great friends whom I love very much. This fall I will be attending Young Harris College to study English. I love writing. I have written one book already and now I am writing another. I did all that because of my parents love and support. No life, I think, would be complete without the love and support of the family.56 . What did the doctors tell the writers mother in the hospital?AShe was bleeding inside.BHer unborn baby was saved.CShe had hurt her brain.DHer unborn baby was hurt.57 . What did the writers mother do when facing the doctors suggestion?AShe shouted at the doctors.BShe chose not to follow it.CShe thought about it carefully.DShe left the hospital quietly.58 . After the writer was born, his parents _Atook good care of himBdecided to give him upCfelt very sad and disappointed(失望的)Dspent little time in the hospital with him59 . The end of the writers story is most probably _AboringBworryingCsadDhappy60 . What does the writer think of life?ALife is full of damage and problems.BLife is in great need of parents care and love.CLife is perfect with the familys help and love.DLife is lovely and meaningful after a lot of sufferings.五、阅读判断The teacher is giving his students a written examination. He wants them to write a composition. The title is “My dog”. No less than 150 words.Little Tom thinks for a moment, then he begins to write, “ I have a dog. I call him Bobby. I like my dog. He is all black, and only the nose is white” Tom stops writing, and counts the words: “Every day I take Bobby out for a bath. He likes having a bath, and I like giving him We both like it.” He counts the words again:67. Tom scratches(挠) his head again, looks out of the window, looks at the blackboard, but finds nothing there. He has to continue, “Bobby likes sugar, so I often give him some sugar. But sometimes we do not have any sugar in the house, and then I do not give him any.” He stops for a long time. Suddenly a thought strikes Tom. He smiles happily and writes quickly, “When I want Bobby to come, I call Bobby! Bobby!” Tom counts the words: 149. He adds one more “Bobby” and writes his name at the bottom of the paper and hands it in to the teacher.根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T)误(F)61 . Now Tom is at school.62 . Tom is studying new words.63 . Tom doesnt think hard when he writes the composition.64 . There is a dog in Toms home.65 . At last, Tom adds a word ”Bobby” in his composition.六、完成句子请根据汉语句子及后面括号中的提示,将下列句子译成英语,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 51-55 的相应横线上。66 . 礼仪在我们的日常生活中很重要。(daily lives)_67 . 让座是一种礼貌行为。(good manners)_68 . 在陌生的地方记得要入乡随俗。(remember to)_69 . 在别人前面插队是粗鲁的。(its )_70 . 父母应当从孩子小时候起教他们好的礼仪。(at a young age)_七、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. listed B. history C. activities D. widely E. popularKunqu Opera,also known as Kun Opera,is a kind of Chinese musical drama(戏剧). But it is more than just drama. It is actually a kind of very special art including literature(文学),71 . , music,dancing and others. It is72 . believed that Kunqu Opera is the origin of all the other forms of Chinese opera. With a long history of over 600 years,Kunqu Opera started in the city of Kunshan at the end the Yuan Dynasty. It became quite 73 . in the Ming and Qing dynasties. In 2001,Kunqu Opera was74 . as one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity(人类口述和非物质遗产代表作).Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only beused once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。A. rings B.safety C. smaller D.earliest E. latesLocks help protect our homes and the things inside them from thieves. Keys that open those locks are really important to home 75 . !Some of the 76 . keys, dating back to 700BC were large and made of wood. They opened palace gates and looked like giant toothbrushes.Hundreds of years later, the Romans made 77 . metal keys. In fact, rich Romans wore some of them as 78 . . They locked boxes that contained valuables with these keys.AexistBdropCdesignDtraditionalEelectronicKey styles became more artistic in the 14th century. Some European locksmiths became famous for making beautiful keys. Kings invited them to79 . their castle keys. As European cities grew in the 18th century, so did the number of thieves. The locks and keys became better at preventing thieves from breaking in.Today, office workers and hotel guests open doors using 80 . keycards, cards that are used as keys. There are even smartphone apps for gaining entry to ones home without a key. Though81 . metal keys may one day disappear, the need for security will 82 . .Do you take keys with you every day?八、填写适当的句子补全对话在空白处填上一个适当的句子补全对话。(Maryfoundabagontheplayground. Whenshepickeditup, shesawJanecomingtoher. )Mary: Excuse me, 83 . ?Jane: No, it isnt. Mine is in the classroom. Mary: 84 . ?Jane: Can it be Kates? She is looking for her bag. Mary: 85 . . Hers is red, but this one is blue. Jane: Lets see whats in the bag. Oh, a hairband. Mary: 86 . . Anna has long hair, and she always forgets things. Jane: Theres also a table tennis ball in the bag. Mary: Then it must be hers. Anna is on the school table tennis team. Jane: Ill give it to her.)87 . ?Mary: She is in the teachers office now. Jane: OK. Thank you.九、单词填空Can everyone help him if an old man falls ill on the road? The answer is yes. Wang Ping is a 24-year-old bus 88 . . At about 10:00 a.m. yesterday, he saw a man89 . on the ground. A woman next to him was shouting for help. Wang Ping stopped the bus90 . thinking. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the old man fell down and fainted(昏倒)and we should take91 . to a hospital at once. Mr. Wang hoped all of the persons could get off and wait for(等候)the next bus. But to his surprise, all people would like to stay for help. Some of them92 . Mr. Wang move the old man on the bus. He drove the bus to the93 . hospital as soon as possible.The doctors saved the old man successfully. All people praised(赞扬)Mr. Wang for what he did. A person says, Some people dont want to help others94 . they dont want to get into trouble(麻烦).But Wang Ping thought95 . about himself. He only thought about saving a life.十、填空阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成表格,每空不多于两词。Did ancient Chinese people have express delivery(快递)?In ancient China,people used “youyi(邮驿)” to send news and letters.Only officials(官员)could use youyi.Postmen would deliver things by horse or boat.Sometimes they would even go on foot.Besides news and letters,the postmen also sent fruit.You may have heard the story of Yang Yuhuan and her lychees.Yang was a Tang emperors(皇帝)favorite beauty.She liked eating lychees.To make her happy,the emperor asked postmen to send her fresh lychees from southern China to Changan(todays Xian)Postmen would put the fresh lychees in a bamboo container(竹筒)They then rode their horses as fast as they could.The fruit would usually reach Changan in about three days.It was real express delivery!96 . in ancient ChinaWhat was it called?Youyi.What did people send?News and letters as well as 97 . .Who could use Youyi?Only officials.How did postmen deliver things?By horse,by boat or even 98 . .The story of Yang Yuhuan

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