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郑州市2020年(春秋版)中考一模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mary got an _ from Lisa the day before yesterday. Lisa _ her to go to her birthday party.Ainvitation, invitesBinvite, invitationCinvitation, invited2 . - _ you ever _ of Taylor Swift?- Yes, I am her fans!ADid; heardBDid; hearCHave; heardDHave; hear3 . -Youre looking very smart in a new suit today.-Thanks. But to tell you the truth, I _it for quite a few years.AboughtBhave boughtChadDhave had4 . The key isnt . It belongs to .Aher; TomsBhers; TomCher; TomDhers; Toms5 . It takesten minuteshis homework.Ahim ; toBhim ; to doChis ; to do6 . The boy _ home by the police last Sunday.Ais takenBwas takenChas takenDwill take7 . Mr. Li _ to Mary carefully when I entered the classroom this morning.He is very patient _ he is young.Atalking; butBwas talking; thoughCtalks; thoughDtalked; however8 . I dont understand _ that everythings fine when its not.Ahow can he sayBcan he say howChe can say howDhow he can say9 . the students in this school is about four thousand,of them are boysAA number of, three fifthBThe number of, three fifthsCA number of, three fifthsDThe number of, three fifth10 . teenagers eyesight,Henan Province asks teachers not to set homework on mobile appsAProtectBProtectedCProtectingDTo protect二、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how _ you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would _ not to take the test.Many students jumped up to _the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the _ students and said, “Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last _.” Two more students decided to go.Seven students remained(留下,余下). The teacher then handed out the _. There were only three sentences typed on the paper: Congratulations! You have just _ an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.I never had a teacher like that, but I think it is a test _ any teacher could and should give. Students who are not _ in what they have learned are B students at best(充其量).The same is _ in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have _ both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, either from normal education _ from events in their lives, and have become _ people.Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about ourselves has already been formed. You are a big kid now, and you _ that you have some limits (限制). However, there is _ you cant do or learn or be. Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest said, “Its not the mountain we conquer(克服) but ourselves.11 . AluckilyBterriblyCquietlyDhard12 . AdislikeBhelpCpreferDstart13 . AthankBpraiseCfightDcriticize14 . AfollowingBrelaxingCworryingDremaining15 . AchanceBtroubleCtestDidea16 . AresultsBpresentsCpapersDessays17 . AgivenBsentCdiscoveredDreceived18 . AwhereBthatCwhatDwhen19 . AconfidentBnecessaryCmysteriousDconvenient20 . AunusualBimpossibleCtrueDspecial21 . Abroken offBdreamed ofClearned fromDcared about22 . AandBorCbutDso23 . AruderBcuterCworseDbetter24 . AdecideBforgetCrealizeDimagine25 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing三、阅读单选The 2014 FIFA World Cup, the twentieth World Cup football match, was held in Brazil from June 12th, 2014 to July 13th, 2014. Thirty-two teams from different countries brought us sixty-four wonderful games during the World Cup. This is the second time the World Cup is held in this country and the fifth in South America. Thousands of football fans watched the games.A Bite of China(舌尖上的中国), a mouth-watering documentary TV program featuring delicious Chinese food, has interested a large number of people. The program has become very popular since it was shown on TV. The documentary provides not only Chinese delicious food but also the relationships between people and food. “We made this documentary with our respect and love for food. I hope it will help people learn more about Chinese food as well as Chinese culture.” said the director Mr. Chen.Lu Jialei, a school girl from Hangzhou, China, won the championship of the first Chinese Character Dictation Contest, which made her become famous overnight. Lu is a hard-working girl and always comes top at school. “I like reading and Im crazy about learning Chinese characters. I enjoy the contest and hope more and more people become interested in learning Chinese characters.” said Lu Jialei after winning the contest.26 . How long did the 2014 FIFA World Cup last?AAbout a week.BAbout two weeks.CAbout a month.DAbout two months.27 . Which is NOT true according to the articles?ALu Jialei always gets good grades at school.BThe World Cup has been held in South America twice.CMany people like watching the TV program A Bite of China.DLu Jialei hopes more people can take much interest in Chinese characters.28 . Where may the articles probably come from?AA story book.BA science report.CA sports magazine.DThe Internet.Have you ever heard of tandem? The word itself means a bicycle built with saddles for two riders sitting one behind the other. However, when we learn a foreign language, we can find a native speakerwho wishes to learn our languages. So we both get a chance to practice. This is the tandem exchange.For example, Im a native English speaker but I want to learn Spanish. So I go to a tandem meeting. There I can find a native Spanish speaker who wants to improve his or her English. Then we become “tandem” partners. I speak English with my Spanish tandem partner for about an hour and help him or her with some English problems. After that, we speak Spanish for an hour, too. The idea of this language exchange is great because we can learn something about a language that we may not learn in class. This is the main reason why we can choose the tandem exchange as a way to learn a new language.In the tandem exchange, we can also read passages with our partner. This way we can not only practice our pronunciation but also understand the meaning of difficult words in other languages. We can then have conversations about the passages in order to practice our speaking and listening.So I advise you to_the tandem exchange. If theres no foreigner around you, online tandem exchange is also a good choice. Join in the tandem exchange and enjoy the opportunity of learning new languages and understanding the cultures of other countries!29 . Which of the following is a tandem bicycle?ABCD30 . What is the main reason for choosing the tandem exchange?AWe can make more friends.BWe can learn something about a language that we may not learn in class.CWe can improve our pronunciation.DWe can learn Spanish in the tandem exchange.31 . Which language skill is NOT practiced in the tandem exchange according to the passage?ASpeaking.BWriting.CReading.DListening.32 . The underlined phrase “participate in” means “”.Atake inBmake upCtake part inDgive up33 . World Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai. It will last from May 1st to October 31st, 2010. The Expo site covers a total area of 5.28 km2.It spans(横跨) both sides of the HuangpuRiver, with 3.93 km2 in Pudong and 135 km2 in Puxi. There are five functional zones markedA B C D andE. Each of them has different functions.Zone A will host the national pavilions(国家馆) of Asian countries except southeast Asian ones.Zone B will be home to the China Pavilion(中国馆) and Oceanian(大洋洲的) countries, Pavilions for International Organizations, Theme Pavilions(主题馆), Expo Centre,and Performance Centre etc.Zone C will host the national pavilions of European, American and African countries. A large public amusement park will be built at the entrance of this zone.Zone D is home to Corporate Pavilions(企业馆), the land is one of the original places of modern Chinas national industry. So some of the old industrial buildings will be kept and renovated(修复) into Expo pavilions.Zone E will host standalone(独立的) Corporate Pavilions, Urban Civilization Pavilion (城市文明馆), and Urban Best Practices Area.【小题1】How long will World Expo 2010 last?AAbout four months.BAbout five monthsCAbout half a yearDAbout a year【小题2】Which of the following isnot trueaccording to the passage?AThe Expo site covers the area of 5.28 km2.BThe Expo site spans both sides of HuangpuRiver.CThere are five functionalzones marked A, B, C, D, andDEAll of the five zones have the Same functions.【小题3】Which zone will be home to the China Pavilion?A. Zone A.AZone BC. Zone C. D. Zone D.【小题4】They will buildat the entrance of Zone C. Aa large museumBa large public amusement parkC. a theme pavilions Ca large garden【小题5】If you visit Zone D,.Ayou can visit Urban Best Practices AreaByou can know some information of American national industryCyou can find some Corporate PavilionsDyou can have the chance to get to know some Oceanian countries.When I was a boy, most people didnt go to other countries for their holidays. Some rich people went to other countries, but most people stayed in Britain.They didnt travel by plane and a lot of people didnt have a car. They travelled by train or bus.We only had one holiday a year. My parents worked in a factory. In August, the factory always closed for two weeks and all the workers took their holiday then.We always went to Brighton for our holidays. We didnt stay in a hotel. We stayed with my aunt and uncle. They lived in Brighton.We didnt have a lot of money, but we had a good time. We played on the beach with our cousins and swam in the sea. We didnt have a lot of things, but we enjoyed ourselves.JohnWe usually have two holidays a yeara long holiday in the summer and a short one in the winter. We have fun on holidays.We take our long holiday in July or August when we arent at school. We go away for two weeks and we always go to a different place. We go to somewhere in Europeusually France or Italy, but last year we went to Greece.We also take a holiday in winter for a week or ten days. We usually go to warm places, like the Canary Islands or the Caribbean, but last winter we went skiing in Slovenia. It was great fun.We always travel by plane when we go to other countries and we stay in hotels. However, a lot of my friends go camping.Sarah34 . Where is John from?ABritain.BGreece.CFrance.DItaly.35 . How long did John usually take a holiday when he was young?AA week.BTen days.CTwo weeks.DTwo months.36 . Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passages?AIn the past, a rich people went to other countries.BNow, people like taking planes to travel on holiday.CIn the past, people spent a lot of money on travel.DNow, people usually take a holiday in July for a week.37 . What do John and Sarah have in common(共同点)?AThey both have two holidays a year.BThey both stay in hotels when travelingCThey both go to the same place for holiday.DThey both have a great time on holiday.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、

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