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郑州市2020年七年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We only planned the play for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.AwatchBwatchesCto watchDwatched2 . When my friend Tom is in trouble, I always do him _ favour.AaBanCtheD/3 . Has Jane done the washing yet? You cannother to do such a thing.AwantBhopeCexpectDwish4 . Sandy _ long black _.Ahas ; hairBhave ; hairsChas; hairsDhave ; hair5 . Learning to do some team work with _ is important in our daily life.AotherBthe otherCothersDanother6 . Would you like me to buy the ticket for you? _ I can book it by phone.AYes, please.BYes, Id love to.CNo, thanks.DNo, you wouldnt.7 . The Wandering Earth is a very meaningful movie _it gives me something to think about.AandBbutCorDso8 . -Its very important _ us to make plans before a new term.-Yes. You must try to make it carefully.AofBforCtoDin9 . How should I teach my dog to do any tricks?Well, you should be_ first, or(否则) he will run away.ArudeBgentleCshyDsad10 . This shop sells beautiful _/sk:vz/.AscarfBscarvesCsilksDknives二、补全对话7选5A: Hey, Mike.11 . B: Yes, what? A:12 . B: Er, its Chinese. A:13 . B: Because its interesting. A: 14 . B: Im afraid not. I like her a little. A:15 . B: Mr. White, I think.AIs your Chinese teacher your favorite teacher?BCan I help you?CCan I ask you some questions?DWho is your favorite teacher?EWhats your favorite subject at school?FDo you like it very much?GWhy do you like it best?三、完型填空Peter is a Chinese boy. But now he _ in the UK. He lives and _ with Mr and Mr Green in London. They are very nice to him. But they like different _. For breakfast, Mr and Mrs Green would like milk, eggs and some vegetables. Sometimes they have fruit. Peter would like milk and eggs, but he wouldnt like vegetables _ the breakfast time. Lunch is at one_. Mr and Mrs Green usually have large hamburgers. Peter doesnt like_. He thinks theyre_. He would like some rice. After that,_like some fruit._Mr and Mrs Green usually have afternoon tea. For dinner, Mr and Mrs Green have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit. Peter wouldnt like_beef, hed like some noodles.16 . AliveBisCamDliving17 . AeatBhaveCeatsDeating18 . AdrinksBfruitsCfoodsDsoups19 . AinBofCatDon20 . AclockBtimeCoclockDplace21 . AthemBtheyCitDone22 . AgoodBbadChealthyDwell23 . AshesBshedChedDhes24 . AOrBSoCButDAnd25 . AanyBsomeCmanyDa little四、阅读单选Christina is an American girl. She is a good student. Every morning she gets up at 6:00. She has her breakfast at home. Then she wears her uniform and goes to school. She studies hard every day. She eats in the dining room when she is in school. After school, she does her homework first, then she cleans the room and helps her mother with the dinner. Before she goes to bed, she usually reads some books. Then at 10:00 p. m. she goes to bed. She thinks she is happy every day. What do you think of her?26 . Christina is a (an) _ girl.AEnglishBChineseCAmericanDJapanese27 . When she is in school, she eats _.Ain the hallwaysBin the dining roomCin hotelDin the classroom28 . Does she wear her uniform in school?AYes, she does.BNo, she doesnt.CI dont know.DOK!29 . After school, what does she do first?AShe watches TV.BShe does her homework.CShe eats.DShe helps her mother.30 . What does she do before she goes to bed?AShe watches TV.BShe reads some books.CShe goes for a walk.DShe sings a sonDo you know that in some parts of the world, people build temporary(暂时的)hotels made of snow and blocks(大块)of ice? These are known as ice hotels.Unlike usual hotels, all the rooms in the ice hotels are made of ice. In some ice hotels, even the glasses for drinks are made of ice blocks. So they only serve cold drinks. Also, hot food is not served in the ice hotels, but guests can eat hot food at places nearby.To keep warm, guests sleep in comfortable sleeping bags on ice blocks that are covered by mattresses(床垫)and reindeer skins(驯鹿皮).There are some places in the ice hotels that are heated, such as the bathrooms. This is because, even though it is not as cold in the ice hotels as it is outdoors(在户外), indoor temperatures are still very low.Perhaps the most interesting thing about the ice hotels is that they are rebuilt every year. They can be used only during the winter months. The ice hotels melt(融化)away when spring arrives. The ice blocks used to build these hotels are from nearby rivers. So, when the ice hotels melt away, they melt back into the rivers.31 . According to the passage, ice hotels _.Aare found everywhereBdo business in summerCare made of glassDare made of snow and ice32 . Which of the following about the ice hotels is true?AThey are just like usual hotels.BThe glasses are made of wood.CThey serve cold drinks.DThe rooms are made of bamboo.33 . You cant see _ in the ice hotels.Ahot foodBreindeer skinsCsleeping bagDmattresses34 . Why are bathrooms heated in the ice hotels?AGuests want to eat in them.BIndoor temperature are very low.CGuests ask the hotels to do that.DIt is as cold indoors as it is outdoors.35 . What happens to the ice hotels in spring?AThey melt away.BThey are rebuilt.CThey are repaired.DThey need more ice.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写36 . The film is based on a r_ story in life. Its very moving.37 . He likes telling lies. I cant be sure he is telling the t_ now.38 . They s_ all the problems on the way and won at last.39 . These soldiers are b_ enough to protect our motherland.40 . Please be careful! Youre always making m_ these days.41 . Jim was praised by the teacher today, because he gave all the c_ answers in the test.六、多任务混合问题Dear Helen,Thank you for your e-mail. From your e-mail I know something about your family. You have a small family, and there are only three people in your family. Your parents are teachers. Your family like western (西方的) food, like bread, hamburgers and chicken. 汉堡是你最喜欢的食物。Now let me tell you something about my family. My family is big. There are my grandparents, my parents, my uncle and me. We live in Hainan, China. My father is a doctor and my mother is a high school teacher. My uncle, my fathers brother, is a young student of Peking University (北京大学). My grandpa is 68 years old, but he is healthy(健康的). He often goes to the park in the morning. I love my family very much.Yours,Gao Le根据信件内容完成下列任务。42 . This e-mail is from _ to _.43 . 将文中画线的句子译成英语。_44 . 从文中找出两对反义词:_, _;_, _45 . What does Helens father do?_46 . How old is Gao Les grandpa?_七、将所给单词连成句子连词成句将所给单词连成句子。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。47 . is, his, Tony, name_?48 . are, her, those, keys_.49 . father, how, your, is _?50 . like, we, dont, for, eggs, lunch_.51 . sports, TV, only, I, watch, on_.八、材料作文52 . 书面表达61.假设你是Zhang Lei,请根据下列表格中的信息,用英语写一封电子邮件,向你的笔友Peter介绍你自己的情况,并表示愿意成为他的笔友。要求:(1)文章必须包含表格中所提供的信息,内容可适当增加;(2)文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数80左右。短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。Basic information(基本信息)Name:Zhang LeiSex: boyAge:13City: ShanghaiFamily membersfather(policeman),mother(teacher),brother(student)Favourite sporttable tennisFavourite foodhealthy food(fruit, vegetables.)Character(性格)helpful(乐于助人的), many friendsDear Peter,I am happy to be your pen friend. Let me tell you something about myself. My name is Zhang Lei._ _Thats all. I want to know something about you. Please write to me soon. Yours,Zhang Lei第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、将所给单词连成句子1、八、材料作文1、

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