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贵阳市2019年中考三模英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I really like Beijing _ /dk /. Its delicious.AduckBdeskCdrinkDdance2 . - Didnt your father use to be a famous singer?- Yes. But he _ singing after his son was born.Agave inBgave offCgave upDgave away3 . We _ them by three to two yesterday.AbeatBwonCwill beatDwill win4 . Smoking does harm to hel. Wed better give it up.AhealthBheartChealthyDheight5 . The old couple _happily at their home when I walked past yesterday afternoon.Aheard singingBheard to singCwere heard singingDwas heard to sing6 . Dont miss the_/ta:ns/, maybe it will never come again.AchangeBchoiceCchooseDchance7 . As teenagers, we should develop a habit of learning for a lifetime.I totally agree. Because the most beautiful thing about learning is that _ can take it away from you.AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDeverybody8 . What do you think of _ film Furious 7 ? Wonderful! It is one of _most exciting films that I have ever seen.Aa; theBthe; theCa; aDthe; a9 . Is she Kate ?_AYes , she isntBNo , she is .CYes , she is .DNo , she arent .10 . _I have a taste, Mom?Im afraid you cant. Its too hot.AMustBCanCNeedDShould11 . Our teacher told us that we would have a _holiday after the examAtwo weeksBtwoweekCtwo weekDtwo weeks12 . -Can you tell me the differences between these two girls?-Oh, no. They look quite_, nearly the same.AdifferentBstrangeCactiveDsimilar13 . We shall have _ time to talk about it.AmanyBlot ofCa fewDplenty of14 . She gets upsevenSaturday morning.Ain; atBat; inCat; onDon; on15 . May I ask _? Maybe I can help you find it.Awhat are you looking forBwhat are you lookingCwhat you are looking forDwhat you are looking16 . Bill is in a difficult and doesnt know what to do.AcompetitionBeducationCsituationDdiscussion17 . I like _ but I dont want to be fat. I dont eat _.Aice-creams; theyBice-cream; himCice-cream; it18 . -Helen, whats your?-To be a famous basketball player.AnameBhobbyCdreamDreason19 . The old man _three months agoThats is to say,he _ for three monthsAdied, diedBdie, has been deadCdied, is deadDdied, has been dead20 . - Maria, you wore a fancy dress to an outdoor party last night?- Yes, and you cant imagine _ at that time.Ahow I was embarrassedBhow embarrassed I wasChow embarrassed was IDI was how embarrassed21 . 一I passed my driving test yesterday.一Did you? AForget it!BCongratulations!CThanks.DDont worry.22 . Which of the following words has two syllables(音节)?ApieceBdarkChamburgerDlady23 . AniceBalwaysCcapsDtakes24 . -Your trainers _ colorful. (2014宿迁市)-Yes. And they are popular among young people.AfeelBsmellCtasteDlook25 . The journey to Qingdao is _ than that to Yantai.ArelaxingBmore relaxingCmost relaxingDthe most relaxing二、补全对话单选补全对话从每题 ABCD 四个选项中, 选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项W: Hello! Tom. I havent seen you for a long time. Where have you been?M:_, Mrs. Green. I went to Brazil last month. I just came back yesterday.W: Wow, that sounds great._M: Ten boys in my class.W: What did you go there for?_W: In which city did you live when you were there?M: In Rio de Janeiro. Its a big city and its active, too._M: Its not too cold in winter but its very hot in summer.W: Do you like the weather there?M:_. But I like the city very much.W: Are you going there again?M: Yes. We have booked tickets to a soccer game. I am excited about that.26 . AHelloBGood morningCIm fineDSee you27 . AHow did you get there?BWho did you go there with?CWhen did you go there?DWhich city did you visit?28 . AWe went there by air.BMy parents paid more than $5,000 for the flight.CWe had fun during the flight there.DWe went on a summer camp there.29 . AWhat do you think of the people there?BDoes it often rain in summer?CHow do you like the buildings there?DWhats the weather like in Rio de Janeiro?30 . AYes, I do.BI love it very much.CNot really.DI dont know.三、补全短文7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When was the last time you gave or received a hug? Do your parents hug you before you go to school? In Western countries, 31 . .You might hug your teammates after winning a basketball game. If one of your friends is having a bad day, 32 . . Friends who havent seen each other for a long time will usually hug each other when meeting.Of course, 33 . . After coming to China, Ive noticed that people are generally more reluctant (不情愿的) to hug than they are in my home country, the US.My Chinese friends told me that hugging is considered to be very intimate (亲密的) in their culture, 34 . , like couples. Chinese people dont usually hug in public, either.But peoples attitudes toward hugging can also change.I remember watching a video story about a “hugging party” that was held in Shanghai. A local artist held the party, inviting strangers and asking them to hug each other.The Chinese participants clearly looked uncomfortable, 35 . . They decided that hugging doesnt have to be awkward (尴尬的) and can actually be quite nice. So next time you see your mom or dad, give them a hugsee how it makes you feel.Ayou can hug him to cheer him upBit usually only happens between people who are really close to each otherCit is quite common to greet close friends or relatives with a hugDpeople sometimes give advice or just try to solve the other persons problems directlyEpeople in different countries have different opinions when it comes to huggingFhugging is not the only way to comfort othersGhowever, after the party, several of them changed their minds四、完型填空“ Wanted: Guitar. Cant pay much. Call 87094321 ”That ad in the newspaper made me remember my childhood(儿童时代).I, too, wanted a guitar many years ago, but we didnt have_, Even though times were hard, I couldnt _any longer to ask, “Daddy, may I have a guitar of my own?” Daddys face looked_.But a few weeks later , Daddy went home with a case in his hand and said, “Mary, I found this second-hand guitar for seven dollars.”The day when I carried my guitar to school for my first lesson, no one could know how_was. I practiced, joined the school orchestra(管弦乐队),gave performances . Several years _to run more quickly and I found myself in the first guitar chair. More years passed, and my_made every move with me, until one day, I _put it away.Now here for this wanted ad, I discovered the case deep_ my closet(贮藏室).I put it on the table. Then I picked up the newspaper, walked to the_and called by the number. Later that day, a man of about 30_ the door, “ Ive been hoping someone would _ my advertisement. My son wants very much to get a guitar.” He said, examining my guitar. “_are you asking for?” I said, “Seven dollars.” Are you sure?” He asked, as if he didnt believe his_. “Seven dollars,” I said_and then added, “I hope your little boy will enjoy it as _did.”I smiled, but I found my tears falling down my face.36 . AadBmoneyCclothesDfood37 . AwaitBplayCbuyDget38 . AangryBsadChappyDfunny39 . AworriedBexcitedCinterestedDbored40 . AlookedBbecameCsoundedDseemed41 . AlessonBfatherCschoolDguitar42 . AeasilyBcarefullyCheavilyDquickly43 . AbyBinCaboutDon44 . AcaseBadCnewspaperDtelephone45 . Ashut offBknocked atCopened upDwent to46 . AgetBreceiveCanswerDfind47 . Ahow manyBhow muchChow longDhow often48 . AeyesBmouthCearsDnose49 . AagainBbackCanotherDmore50 . AyourBsheCheDI五、阅读单选Brad lives in New York and he has a daughter. She studies hard in London. He doesnt see his daughter for a few years, so he misses her very much. One day, he decides to see her. He arrives at the airport in London, and then he takes a taxi to the college(大学) where his daughter studies. His daughter meets him at the gate of the college. She feels very happy to see him. The taxi driver asks for twenty dollars. He thinks it is right and gives him the money. But his daughter takes the money back and is very angry(生气的) with the driver. She only gives half(一半) the money to the driver and tells him not to come back. The taxi leaves at once. His daughter gives the rest of the money to Brad and asks, “How is your trip, Dad?” “Only fine if you can get my bag back in the taxi.”51 . Where does Brads daughter study?AIn New York.BIn Beijing.CIn London.DIn Tokyo.52 . How does Brad go to his daughters college from the airport?ABy bus.BBy plane.CBy taxi.DBy subway.53 . How much money does Brads daughter give the driver?AForty dollars.BThirty dollars.CTwenty dollars.DTen dollars.54 . What can we infer(推断) from the last sentence?ABrad is happy for the taxi driver.BBrads bag is still in the taxi.CBrad should give the bag to the driver.DBrad is fine because he gets his bag back.Do you know2022 World Cup will be held in Qatar(卡塔尔)?And FIFA(国际足联)has made a big decision. The 2022 Qatar World Cup will be held in November and December. It is the first time FIFA has moved the event from its traditional summer to winter.According to the decision,the 2022 World Cup will start on November 21.The final will take place on December 18, one week ahead of Christmas. It will last 28 days in total.FIFA said,This is an important step for us. December 18,2022 is a Sunday,and its National Day in Qatar,so it fits perfectly.”Many people disagree that Qatar has the chance to hold the 2022 World Cup, because summer temperature is very high-sometimes,the temperature may he about 50C. So the country has an idea to move it to winter. At last FIFA gave the chance to Qatar.Although the change is good for the player. There is still much opposition. The biggest opposition comes from the major European leagues(欧洲联赛),because the new time will be just Europes club season. FIFA said they will try their best do make things go well.55 . Traditional Word Cup is usually held in _.AspringBsummerCautumnDwinter56 . How long will the 2022 World Cup last?AThirty days .BTwenty-eight daysCThirty-one daysDTwenty-five days57 . Qatars National Day is on _ANovember 21BNovember 18CDecember 21DDecember 1858 . Why did Qatar want to hold the 2022 World Cup in winter?ABecause FIFAs director asked it to do so.BBecause the countrys National Day is in winter.CBecause its summer temperature is too highDBecause winter is good for ski racing.59 . What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word opposition?A反对B鼓励C疑惑D支持One day an old man is selling(出售) a horse. A young man comes to the horse and begins to look at it slowly.Then the old man goes up to him and says in his ears, “Dont say anything about the horse before I sell it, then I will give you some meat.”“All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the horse, he gives the young man some meat and says, “Now, can you tell me how you see the bad ears of the horse?”“I didnt find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why do you look at the horse?” asks the old man.The young man answers, “Because I never saw a horse before, and I want to know what it looks like.”60 . What is the old man doing?AHe is giving some meat to the young man.BHe is selling a horse.CHe is looking at a horseDHe is finding the bad ears of the horse61 . The young man looks at the horse slowly because _.Ahe never saw a horse beforeBHe wants some meatChe wants to help the old manDhe wants to find the bad ears62 . Which of the following is Not true according to the passage?AThe old man sells the horse.BThe young man doesnt say anything about the horse before the old man sells it.CThe old man doesnt give the young man any meat.DThe young man doesnt know there is something wrong with the horse.63 . The old man promised to give some _ to the young man.ApresentsBmoneyCfoodDmeat64 . How does the young man look at the horse?AQuickly.BCarefully.CFast.DHappy六、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required.65 . The headmaster noticed the teaching staff play with mobile phones at the meeting.(改为被动语态)The teaching staff _ noticed _ play with mobile phones at the meeting.66 . The man of few words over there used to be our boss.(反义疑问句)The man of few words over there used to be our boss, _?67 . Will they go to the orphanage or the old peoples home? They havent decided.(两句并一句)They havent decided _ they _ go to the orphanage or the old peoples home.68 . Come back early this evening, or you wont be able to watch your favourite live show on TV.(保持原句意思)_ you _ early this evening, you wont be able to watch your favourite live show on TV.69 . Mrs. Church said to me, “Im surprised that you progressed so rapidly.”(保持原句意思)Mrs. Church didnt _ me _ progress so rapidly.70 . Its much fun to go cycling with some of my best friends at weekends.(改为感叹句)_ it is to go cycling with some of my best friends at weekends!71 . well, the manager, as, provide, and, to, delicious food, excellent service, promised(连词成句)_七、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每个空格填一个单词。72 . 你的未来由你自己决定。Thats _ _ you to decide what your future will be like.73 . 在圣诞节那天, 汤姆的爸爸装扮成圣诞老人派送礼物。On Christmas Day, Toms father _ _ as Santa Claus and gave away gifts.74 . 不要害怕犯错误, 你能从中学到很多。Dont be afraid to _ _ .You will learn a lot from them.75 . 那天弗兰克建议我在大城市找一份工作。That day Frank _ me _ look for a job in the big city.76 . 安迪不但学识丰富, 在参加社会实践方面也很有经验。Andy not only studies well, but also has much _ _ in social八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Aorganized Bimagine Cbasic Dtraditional EreduceHave you noticed your life becoming much easier?Now,when you go to a certain shopping mall,you can enjoy its free WiFi thereWhen you want to take a taxi,you can book one with your phoneIn fact,all these can be seen as the77 . parts of a smart cityIn 2009,Dubuque became the first smart city in the USThe city used smart water meters to take the place of 78 . onesThey can detect(探测)water waste and leakage(泄漏)and send data to let the house owner knowThe same system is used for other city resources like electricity and natural gasThis way,people know how they use their resources and are glad to help 79 . wasteSantander in Spain also gives us a look at the futureIf people point a phone toward a nearby bus stop,the phone immediately shows all bus lines that serve the stop as well as their arrival timesThe government 80 . a research team and provided an App(应用程序)that collects data on almost everything:light,temperature,and the movements of cars and peopleOpening the App near a supermarket provides immediate information on special offers短文填空look,many,hundred,again,possibly,smart,talk,look like,problem,movePeople began to make robots about a few 81 . years ago.In the past,some of the early ones 82 . like animals or humans.However,they couldnt 83 . and were pretty dumb.They worked like clocks and did the same things 84 . Now modern robots dont always 85 . people.Some are like big machines;others are nothing but long arms attached to boxy bodies.However,modern robots are smart.Some can solve86 . on their own.Their brains are computers and their eyes are sensors(传感器)Motors(发动机) help them 87 . In the future,robots will learn from their mistakes more than they do now.They will be 88 . Its 89 . that we will have robot shop assistant,robot household workers,and robot factory workers.Robots will help people to do 90 . things.九、材料作文91 . 提高学生的学习成绩对于每个毕业班的学生来说都是非常关键的。虽然很多同学都很努力,但是成绩提高得慢。请根据表格内容,结合自身实际,写一篇关于“如何提高学生学习效率”的短文。提高方法1.认真听老师讲课2.纠正错误3.及时复习4.记笔记.其它方面1.合理利用时间2.寻求他人帮助.要求:短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明,词数80-100。开头结尾已给出,不计入总字数。How to improve our study effectivelyHow can we improve our study?Here are some suggestions.If you follow the advice,you will make progress.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、二、补全对话单选1、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、句型转换1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、九、材料作文1、

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