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贵阳市2019-2020年度八年级上学期期中英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -WhatdoyouthinkoftheTVprogramImasinger?-Great! Iveneverwatcheda_oneAworseBbetterCbadDgood2 . He likes vegetables _ carrots, cabbages and tomatoes.Afor exampleBasCsuch asDsuch like3 . I felt _ yesterday evening, and then I fell _ quickly.Asleepy; asleepBasleep; asleepCsleepy; sleepyDasleep; sleepy4 . Mr. Johnson spends a lot of time going on trips every year.Thats true. He is a man with many travel _AexperiencesBrolesClights5 . How _ Li Ming writes! Yes, he is _ than any other student.Acarefully; more carefulBcareful; more carefulCcarefully; more carefullyDcareful; more carefully6 . 一My sister and I are going to Tibet this summer vacation.一_.AId Iove to.BThat sounds exciting.CIm sorry to hear that.DThank you very much.7 . (题文)On the weekend,the _ is a great place to exercise.Youre right.AparkBlibraryCkitchenDshop8 . Manuel,have you finished your work? Sorry,Im going to _ it now.Awork inBwork onCwork atDwork over9 . Miss Li lost her purse at my home. Please _.Agive it to herBgive her itCgive it her10 . There are lots of fruits on the table. What fruit do you like best?I like _ best.AbeefBapplesCvegetablesDbread11 . Which dress do you prefer. Madam?I like the silk dress better. It _ very comfortable.AsoundsBfeelsCtastesDsmells12 . Theycarefully, butnothing.Alistened; hearBlistened to; heardClistened; heardDlisten; heard13 . (2014四川乐至期末) Your skirt is very nice._.AYou are rightBThats rightCYou are welcomeDThank you14 . Why does your teacherplay basketball? Because he does not have much free time to play it.AoftenBalwaysCusuallyDseldom15 . The story book is very _, Im very _ in it.Ainteresting, interestedBinterested, interestingCinterest, interestedDinteresting, interest二、完型填空“Maggie, come here please.” called Grandpa. “I went to the town and had a _ for you.”Grandpa was standing next to a big_. “Grandpa,” Maggie called. “Is that my surprise? What is it?” she asked _.“open it up and find it by yourself” Grandpa saidMaggie opened the box. “Its a puppy,” Maggie said. She picked up a small, brown _ With big ears“Oh, Grandpa. I _ him. He should have a _. Let me think! Spot? Rover? No, they are not cute.” Maggie said.The puppy _ to dig (挖) a hole in the ground.“Grandpa, Im going to _ him Digger. He likes to dig,” Maggie smiled“Thats _. But make sure that he doesnt dig my flowers up,” Grandpa said and went back to the house.That night Maggie fell asleep with _ lying next to her. What a wonderful surprise to get a little dog!16 . AguideBdiaryCsurpriseDfair17 . AhouseBboxCbookDcat18 . AhappilyBeasilyCsadlyDfriendly19 . AsnakeBrabbitCbirdDdog20 . AloveBhateCbelieveDmiss21 . AhomeBmotherCnameDcoat22 . AstartedBrefusedCfinishedDcaught23 . ApaintBcallCwantDhelp24 . AniceBterribleCdangerousDugly25 . ASpotBRoverCDiggerDGrandpa三、阅读单选Last week grandpa called me.He asked me to spend my vacation with him. He lives in a village (村庄).Its small but its very cool there in summer. Its very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here.I was very happy and thanked him. I said,“Im going to visit you when our summer vacation begins.”It was July 5th,last Tuesday.My parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food.They told me to take it to grandpa.The next morning daddy took me to the train station (火车站).It was the first time for me to have a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. Im fourteen and I learned a lot in geography class. The train left at six thirty.I looked out of the windows in the train.I found the scenery (风景)was beautiful. I wasnt tired at all.At four in the afternoon my train arrived at a station. I saw my grandpa standing outside. I got off the train and ran to him. He was happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong.His village is about three kilometers from the station.We walked there.I looked around.The mountains are high and green.I thought I could have a good time there.26 . , so the old man asked the boy to go there.AHe hoped to live with his grandsonBIt was cool in the village in summerCHe had a lot of delicious food at homeDHe had nothing to do27 . The boy feels bored in the city during his summer vacation because.Ahe can play with nobodyBhe has a lot of exercises to doCits very hot thereDhis parents are very strict with him28 . The boy spenton the trip by train.Aseven hours and thirty minutesBnine hours and thirty minutesCeight hours and thirty minutesDten hours and thirty minutes29 . The boy went to see his grandpa.Awith some delicious foodBwith some booksCwith a guitarDwith his parents30 . Which of the following is true?AThe old mans village is near the station.BThe old man and his grandson went to the village in a car.CThe mountains are high and there is nothing on them.DThe boy was very happy when he saw his grandpa.Why is music an important subject that every child should study?First of all, music helps us when we are unhappy, and gives us pleasure when we are happy. There are many different types of music: slow and fast, serious and relaxing. We can choose the music to match our feelings. And second, music is fun. Everyone enjoys playing a drum and using their energy!Scientists say that music helps children with language learning. Singing simple songs is good for young children. -Music improves the ear-and we know that children who have studied music can learn foreign languages more easily and pronounce them far better. Students who have learnt to play music are also better at mathematics (Maths). This is not surprising, as music is mathematical, with notes (音符) in order. Playing music with other people also teaches children to work together. People who can play musical instruments always have something they can do at a party. Older children who play in school bands and orchestras enjoy school more and do not drop out of school early.You need a lot of practice to play an instrument, and it can be difficult to persuade your child to spend hours at the piano or playing the guitar. So music practice should be a daily habitfor example, every day after school, but do not make the practice too long.Parents should listen to their child playing and tell him or her that they enjoy it. Practice should also be fun. It is also a good idea to finish the practice with a piece of music the child likes, and so learning music will be a pleasant part of the day.31 . Which of the following is NOT for the children to learn music?AMusic can help children to work with others.BMusic is fun and it can make children happy.CMusic can help children learn languages more easily.DMusic can help children put notes in order more easily.32 . Parents should _ to help them learn to play musical instruments.Atell children to love musicBpractise with their childrenClisten to their children playingDmake their children practise long33 . What is the best title of the passage?AMusic helps learningBMusic gives pleasureCMusic develops a habitDMusic helps the youngTeresa, Madrid, SpainMy twenty-first birthday was in April. I was really happy to go out with some friends. They pulled my ears 21 times, once for each year. Its an old custom(习俗).Francisco,Paris, FranceIm going tobe 30 next Friday. In France, when you celebrate a birthday, you often invite people out. I know that in some countries its the opposite people take you out.Lin Xiaohan, Taipei, ChinaYesterday was my 16thbirthday. It was a special birthday, so we had a family dinner together. I was happy to get some money from my parents. My mother cooked noodles for me, because noodles are for a long life.34 . Whats the o ld custom on peoples birthday in Spain?、APulling ones ears.BGiving a birthday party.CHaving a big dinner.35 . When you have a birthday in, you often invite people out.ASpainBFranceCTaipei36 . Lin Xiaohan had noodles on his 16th birthday because.Anoodles are easy to cookBnoodles are deliciousCnoodles are for a long life.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空选用括号内所给单词或根据首字母提示填词37 . What a fine day it is today. The sun is high in the _(red/indigo)sky.38 . When the sun shines through a light rain,it makes a _(rainbow/thunder).39 . I like the colour of _(yellow/violet),or purple. It presents wisdom(智慧),peace and strength(力量).40 . Which is your f_ colour?I like blue best.41 . Whats the colour of an orange?Its o_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空42 . We _(visit)the Great Wall next week.43 . A funny thing _(happen) in the office yesterday.44 . These kids had an enjoyable and_(education) day.45 . Just now Jim and I had a _(discuss) about how to make model planes.46 . I didnt expect him _(stay) so long.47 . They tried their best and _ (win) the game at last.48 . They _(not have) any classes next week.49 . Amy didnt say or do anything. She sat there _ (quiet).50 . If you dont have time,I_(ask)my brother to help me.51 . They would like to_(旅行)to Australia.52 . Please give me a cup of water with _(蜂蜜)53 . Im going to write _(文章)and give them to magazines.54 . Greg is very funny.He likes to tell_(笑话).55 . I took part in the English_(竞赛)last week.56 . Dont eat too much _(巧克力).Its bad for your teeth.六、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子57 . 我感觉和她交谈很难。I feel _ very hard _ with her.58 . 吉姆吃得太多,结果变得很胖。Jim ate too much _, he became very fat.59 . 不要什么事情都一起做,要一次做一点。Dont try to do everything at once,take it a bit _.60 . 做练习之前,首先浏览一下文章。Please _ the article first before doing the exercises.61 . 你能把你的手机借给我吗?Can you _ your mobile phone me _?七、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确。polite choose culture places of interest a foreign languageA: Betty, how do you like your school?B: Great. I have many Chinese friends now. They are all kind and 62 . . A: Are you learning Chinese?B: Yes. Learning63 . is fun.A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: There are many64 . in Nanjing. Im interested in all of them. I will65 . one to visit.A: What about Laomendong? You can learn a lot about local66 . and enjoy a 3-D light show at night.B: That sounds good. Thanks for your advice.八、单词填空The summer vacation is over. Its true that time always67 . (飞) fast. In the vacation, the weather was 68 . (热的). I could not do 69 . (许多) work, but I lived happily. I 70 . (通常地) got up at 6:30. Then I took a walk in the park for 71 . (半) an hour. After breakfast, I started reading English and Chinese and worked on some maths 72 . (难题). Those took me73 . (三) hours or more. I worked quite 74 . (努力).In the afternoon, I went to swim and it was funny. Sometimes some of my friends came to see me and we75 . (花费) some hours playing basketball, or76 . to music.In this way, I learnt well and now I am also in good health.九、信息归纳请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡,把答案写在答题卡制定的位置上。Jia Meng used to keep a diary in Chinese. But one year ago, the 14-year-old girl from Heilongjiang began to write her diaries in English, because Jia found her mother was reading her diary secretly. She changed the language because her mother cant read English. “Its like killing two birds with one stone,” said Jia. “My privacy(隐私) becomes safe and my English improves a lot.”Jias mother is not the only mom who reads her childs diary. Recently, Renmin University of China had a national survey among over 2,300 parents. The results show that about 40% of parents read their childrens secrets.Thats why many teenagers try to find ways to protect their privacy.Wu Lei, 15, from Shanxi, keeps a diary, too. But he doesnt write it on paper. He writes online, which he thinks is perfectly safe because his parents “know nothing about the Internet”.Lu Huan, 13, from Guangdong, said her parents always secretly listened to the talk between her friends and her on the telephone in their room. To solve this problem, Lu asked her parents to buy her a cell phone.“Parents want to know what is going on in their childrens lives,” said Shao Xiaozhen, a teenage expert in Beijing. “But sometimes they go about it the wrong way.” Shao suggested the teenagers that instead of hiding their secrets, talking with parents is a better solution. “If your parents know that you are safe, theyll let you keep your secrets.”Information CardThe age of Jia Meng77 . The person who read Jia Mengs diary78 . The number of parents who read their childrens diaries according to the survey79 . The place that Wu Lei writes his diary80 . The way to let parents know your are safe81 . 十、材料作文82 . 书面表达假如你是贾斯汀(Justin),刚和父母搬到了南京,在29中就读,这是你第一次向班上的同学介绍自己,请根据以下要点,写一篇不少于70词的自我介绍(可适当补充),开头结尾不计入总词数。(注意:要点中的省略号部分需自己补充)1. 今年13岁,和爸爸妈妈住在学校附近的公寓中,我.上学(交通工具)。2. 我喜欢., 并擅长于., 在空闲的时候,我通常.。3. 我们的学校., 老师和同学们.。Hello everyone:This is me, a kind and friendly boy. I hope to make friends with you soon.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、选用适当的单词补全对话1、八、单词填空1、九、信息归纳1、十、材料作文1、

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