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西安市2020年(春秋版)九年级上学期9月月考英语试题(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jerry won first prize in the speech competition. His parents are proud of his_.AaccidentBsuccessCwise2 . Do you think the question too hard? I dont think so. He can answer it easily.Aof Jim to answerBof Jim to answer itCfor Jim to answerDfor Jim to answer it3 . Must I park my car behind the building?No, you _. You _ park it there.Amustnt; mayBmay not; mustCdont have to; mayDshouldnt; must4 . Do you think Tina is a very _ girl?Yes.And shes popular with everyone in our class.AseriousBstrangeClivelyDstrict5 . I was excited _ coming to Australia and my friend goes _ her way to cook Chinese food for me.Awith; outBabout; outCwith; out ofDabout; out of6 . My brothers birthday is coming. I want to make a birthday card _him.AforBofCwithDto7 . There are many old houses in Beijing, arent there?_ Only a few remain now.AYes, they are.BNo, they arent.CNo, there arent.DYes, there are.8 . Im sorry. I lost your ruler. I have another one at home.AOf courseBThe same to youCGood newsDDont worry about it9 . Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?AteamBpleasantCrepeatDmeaning10 . It shouldnt take us long to finish the work if we all volunteer _ this weekend.AworkBto workCtrainDto train11 . An old man in a wooden house. Nobody knew when he .Awas found dead; diedBhas died; diedCwas found dead; deathDhas been dead; die12 . What shall we do now? _ its raining hard, lets stay at home.ASoBSinceCThoughDOtherwise13 . He said that the subway ranthan the bus.AgetBquickerCquicklyDmore quickly14 . Hold on to your dreamone day they may just come true.AandBbutCsoDor15 . - Excuse me. May I use your eraser, please?- Sure. _AWatch out!BWell done!CGo ahead.16 . We usually finish our classes _ 5: 30 in the afternoon.AatBinConDfrom17 . _ is the woman?She is my aunt.AWhatBWhoCWhereDHow18 . The students_to an interesting lecture this time yesterday.AlistenedBwere listeningClistenDhave listened19 . What is that in English? Its _ eraser.AaBanC/20 . The air pollution is so terrible.-It will be worsewe do something to protect the environment.AifBunlessCafterDwhen二、完型填空完形填空Would you mind looking after your sick mum and brother at home every day? Somebody may say yes. But to me, it is hard but full of pleasure. My name is Charlie and Im 15 years old. At school, I _like most other people of my age. At home, things are a bit _.My mum is badly ill. She cant go out. I was nine _my mum got ill. I just thought she was different to everyone elses mum. She didnt ever go out or take _to the park. I didnt talk to her or anyone else about it.I take care of my mum every day after _. I go into town and pay her bills. It s hard to deal with the pressure(压力)sometimes. I try to go for a _when Im stressed(紧张的)or write poems.Also, Im _a second mummy. My brother is 11 years old and he has a special illness, too. So I have to look after him besides my mum.The hardest thing is that I dont really spend _with anyone outside of school. Im more grown up than other people of my _. I stay at home and look after my mum and my brother.Im _on going to college after school to study childcare, and I really want to be a photographer. Although its hard, I do get pleasure from knowing how much Im helping my mum and my brother.21 . AworkBstudyCplayDlook22 . AeasyBgoodCdifferentDdifficult23 . AwhenBwhereCifDhow24 . AherBhimCyouDme25 . AworkBmealsCschoolDgames26 . ArestBwalkCplayDvisit27 . AinBwithCaboutDlike28 . AtimeBmoneyClifeDfood29 . AhomeBfamilyCageDday30 . AworkingBstudyingCtryingDplanning三、阅读单选A young man worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a rest. At last, he became ill-he couldnt go to sleep . Every night, when night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tired to sleep. But he always stayed awake and couldnt fall asleep.After some days, he decided to see a doctor, “I just cant go to sleep at night. What should I do ? Could you please help me?”“I have a suggestion(建议),”said the doctor. “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, youll be asleep. Im sure of it.”The next day the man returned to the doctors office. “Well,”said the doctor, “How are you today? Did you try my suggestion?”The man still looked tired . “Yes,” he said , “I tired counting one, two, three- up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some tea so that I could go on counting up to one thousand . But then I still couldnt fall asleep.”31 . The young man couldnt go to sleep because_.Ahe was worried about his work.Bhe worked too hard and became ill.Che didnt finish doing his lessons.DThere was a lot of noise and he couldnt have a rest.32 . The doctor asked the young man_.Ato put all numbers from 1 to 1,000 togetherBto take some medicine and go to bed earlier.Cto count numbers while he was lying in bed.Dto count numbers before he went to bed.33 . The young man_.Acounted from 569 to 1,000Bcounted from 1 to 1,000 and fell asleepCcounted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some teaDCounted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)34 . Id like to be a singer in the future.(改为否定句)I _ to be a singer in the future.35 . His brother has already been to Beijing.(改为一般疑问句)_ his brother been to Beijing _ ?36 . There is little milk in the cup.(改为反义疑问句)There is little milk in the cup, _ ?37 . Linda liked the pink dress better than the yellow one.(保持句意不变)Linda _ the pink dress _ the yellow one.38 . didnt, any longer, he, pocket money, his, all, spend, (.)(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):39 . The Grade Eight students went to the countryside to celebrate their _ birthday. It was unforgettable. (fourteen)40 . _ is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. (France)41 . I did a good job in the test and my parents were _ with me. (please)42 . Our teacher is the _, she will show us where to go. (lead)43 . Jack is a(n) _ boy. He never tells lies and everyone in our class likes him.(dishonest)44 . It is clear that your schoolbag is heavier than _. (I)45 . Take the _ three times a day, you will be better. (medical)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文have, be, visit, help, on, do, watch, little, play, goTom wasnt happy because he 46 . a busy weekend. 47 . Sunday morning, he 48 . his mother do some cleaning. Then they 49 . shopping. In the afternoon, he 50 . his uncle with his brother. In the evening, he 51 . his homework. But it 52 . a53 . difficult for him. he had no time to 54 . computer games and 55 . TV.“What is the weather like today, mum? ”Mum answers, “Its sunny but there 56 . (Awill beBwill have)light rain in the afternoon.” I ask, “What about going to the park 57 . (AbetweenBby)the supermarket and the book store in the morning? ”“Wed better stay at home. ”says mum.七、单词填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and s58 . with their friends. Some people think the worst thing is to do nothing. Mary Smith, a schoolgirl in Washington, a59 . . “Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Mary. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. If we dont talk to someone, well certainly feel worse.”Mary once l60 . her purse, and worried for days. She was a61 . to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day b62 . she didnt have any money. She just kept thinking. “If I tell my parents, theyll b63 . very angry!” But in the end, she talked to her parents. Her dad said he also made careless mistakes h64 . sometimes. They got her a new purse and asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my p65 . in the future!” Mary says.We often forget that our parents have more e66 . than us and they are always there to help us. As an English saying goes, sharing a problem is like c67 . it in half. We may get help from others if we talk to them about our problems. So it is best not to avoid our problems, but always try to solve them with the help of others!八、多任务混合问题Hello! Im Lily. Im an English girl. _1_This is my sister, Lucy. She likes playing basketball, too. We play basketball after(在后) school every day. 我们每天吃许多健康的食物。We like eggs and apples for breakfast. For lunch, I like hamburgers, but Lucy doesnt like _2_She likes broccoli and French fries. For dinner, we like chicken and ice cream. Sometimes I eat Chinese food. Its great.根据材料内容,完成下列问题。68 . 请写出Lily和Lucy都喜欢的食物:_69 . 请将处画线句子翻译成汉语:_70 . 请将处画线句子翻译成英语:_71 . 请根据前后语境写出处所缺的单词:_72 . What sports do Lily and Lucy like?_九、材料作文73 . 学校生活有时是快乐的,有时是忙碌的,有时是假设你是李华,收到英国笔友 Jack的邮件。他想了解一下你的学校生活。请你根据以下图示,用英语给他回复。词数 80 左右。注意事项: 1. 必须包含所提示的信息,可适当发挥,格式、开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范; 3. 请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及地名。Dear Jack,Im glad to hear from you. Let me tell you something about my school life.My school life is colorful. What about yours? Write to me soon.Yours, Li Hua第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、多任务混合问题1、九、材料作文1、

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