西安市2020版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.单元测试卷C卷

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西安市2020版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Dont eat in class.单元测试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He says he knows everything about DIY_, I know much more than he does.AThereforeBotherwiseCMoreoverDIn fact2 . We are all happy with the result. What about you?Of course I am. We have tried our best.Asatisfied withBsurprised atCworried about3 . Why do you look worried?Im looking for my pet dog but I cant find it _.AsomewhereBanywhereCeverywhere4 . The teacher asks the boy not to listen to music _.Aon the classBon classCin the classDin class5 . I find many different _ Chinese food in China Town in Los Angeles.AkindBkindsCkind ofDkinds of6 . -Do you like going camping? -Yes. And I often do that _ a warm day.AinBonCatDfor7 . Can Imy CD player to the classroom?Sorry,you cant.You can just use it at home.AputBleaveCgiveDbring8 . Tim plays_ violin after school and plays _ soccer on weekends.Athe; theBthe; /C/; /D/; the9 . - Dont play with fire. - _.ANever mind.BYoure welcome.CThats all right.DAll right.10 . You can work in small or large groups: it _ your personal choice.Aputs onBcomes onCdepends onDhangs on11 . Confucius was a great_. His_ are spread all over the world.Athink; thoughtBthoughts; thinkerCthinker; thinkDthinker; thoughts12 . The teacher told us _ make any noise while watching the birds.Ato try not toBto try to notCnot try toDto try dont13 . Are these her hats? No, _.Athese arentBthey are notCthey arentDit isnt14 . Please _ your homework to school tomorrow, Tom.- OK, Mr. Li.AtakeBbringCcarryDhave15 . _ late for school again, Tom!Sorry, I promise I _.ADont, willBDont be, wontCDont be, dontDDont, wont二、补全对话7选5A: Hi, my name is Jane.B: Hi,Jane.Im Connie. Nice to meet you. Are you a new student here?A: Yeah.26.16 . B: Sure. Dont shout or run in the hallways.A: Aha, I dont think Ill do that. Can we eat food in class?B: No, we cant.A:OK.27.17 . What else?B:28.18 . If you dont, the teachers on duty at the gate wont let you in.A:I see.29.19 . B:When you go to the library you should take it.A:30.20 . B:Try to work hard at all your subjects(科目).If you fail(不及格) any of them, the teachers will call your parents.A: Thank you, Connie. I think if I work really hard, I wont fail any subjects.AWhat can I do for you?BIll remember that.CThe teacher will punish(惩罚) you if you do that.DCould you tell me some of the school rules?EWhen do we have to use our student ID cards?FIs there anything you think the most important at this school?GRemember to wear your school uniform every day.三、完型填空Hi,boys and girls.Welcome to our _ club.We have some rules.Now please _ to me.Reading is a good habit.You must read five books every term.If you cant,Im _ that you have to leave.We have activities on Fridays.Everyone must come _ time.Dont be late.If you _ come,you must tell us before Fridays.Its _ to keep our club clean and tidy.You cant _ in our club,so dont bring your food here.The last _,be careful with the books.You can take the books back home and read.But _ not to make them dirty,broken or lost.Thats all.Have a good _ in our club.Thank you.21 . AreadingBswimmingCwritingDdancing22 . AtalkBlistenCwatchDspeak23 . AstrictBhappyCsorryDfat24 . AonBwithCatDfor25 . AmustBmustntCcanDcant26 . AterribleBfunnyCimportantDboring27 . AplayBeatCrunDtalk28 . AbookBclassCruleDtime29 . AhelpBfinishCpracticeDremember30 . AtimeBlessonCjobDdream四、阅读单选Susan is a girl. She likes talking online(网上). One day she is walking home. She feels someone is behind her. She doesnt think too much.In the evening she doesnt tell her parents. But she tells her online friend, Jack. Jack is also a child. They talk online every Monday.The next day, Susan is in her room when her father calls her. Father is in the living room and he is unhappy. She doesnt know why. There is a man on the sofa. She doesnt know him.“Do you know me, Susan?” the man asks.“No,” Susan answers.“Im your online friend, Jack. My real name is David.”Susan says, “Its not true! Jack is a boy my age! Hes 14 and he lives far away!”The man says, “I know I tell you all that, but it is not true. I come here to tell you its dangerous(危险的) to give too much information(信息) to people online. You tell me a lot to make it easy for me to find you. Im a father, too. Dont do it again.”“I wont,” Susan says, “I will tell my friends, too.”31 . Susan likes _Atalking to her online friendsBcalling her friendsCtalking everything over with her parentsDreading32 . Which is TRUE about Jack?AHe is a boy.BHe is a father.CHe tells real information to Susan.DHe is not a good man.33 . How does David find Susans address(住址)?AHe gets it from Susans talk online.BHe asks Susans teacher.CJack tells him.DSusans father tells him.34 . Where does David meet Susans father?AOn the computer.BIn the school.CAt Susans home.DAt the TV station.35 . From the story, we can know _ASusan knows Jack wellBSusan will not talk onlineCSusan goes to school by bus every dayDits not right to tell too much personal(个人的) information online五、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断句子正误。对的写T,错误的写F,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上。Many students in the USA always take the school bus to school every day. Parents think taking the school bus is very safe(安全的). But sometimes it is also dangerous. Some students died(死亡) because they broke the school bus rules. Here are some school bus rules:Arrive at the bus station early.Wait for the bus at the bus station.Dont play around the bus.Dont run everywhere at the bus station.Dont walk or fight on the bus when it is going.Dont try to get off the bus if doesnt stop.These rules are good for students. Remember them and dont break them. So you can keep yourself safe.36 . Taking the school bus to school is always safe.37 . Students can run everywhere at the bus station.38 . Students have to sit on their seats when the bus is going.39 . Students cant get to the bus station late.40 . It can be dangerous if students break the school bus rules.六、完成句子根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词41 . 昨天晚上我妈妈很快就睡着了。My mother _ soon last night.42 . 你给我打电话时,我正站在图书馆的前面。When you _, I _ in front of the library.43 . 一开始,我对那部小说并不感兴趣。_, I didnt become interested in the novel.44 . 我确信你能通过驾照考试。I _ that you can pass the drivers test.45 . 你的卧室太凌乱了,你最好把它打扫干净。Your bedroom is _. Youd better clean it up.46 . 但是之后,风力会逐渐减弱。But the wind will _ later on.七、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。strict, but, cant, you, a, keep, homework, run, practice, eitherMy name is Alice. Im47 . ten-year-old girl. My parents are48 . . There are too many rules at my home. I have to49 . for 15 minutes every morning, because my parents think running is good for health, 50 . I dont like running. My things 51 . be everywhere. I must 52 . my room tidy. After school, I cant play with my friends, 53 . . I have to go home to do my 54 . . I often ask my mother, “Mom, can I watch TV?” She always says, “Do you finish your homework? If you do, its time for 55 . to play the violin.” I have to 1056 . the violin for an hour every evening. I dont like the rules at my home. Are there any rules at your home?八、话题作文57 . 书面表达。你身边有许多规则:家规、校规等。请就其中一个主题,谈论一下规则的内容及你的观点,并对其中你认为可以改善的规则提出建议。(不少于60词)_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、话题作文1、

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