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西宁市八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Our PE teacher always makes us relaxed, he is _ teacher Ive ever met.Amost humorousBthe more humorousCthe most humorousDa humorous2 . Talk on the mobile phone in a low voice, _ you will disturb others.AbutBorCsoDand3 . Leonardo Dicaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting _ an Oscar and finally he made it.Ato winBwinningCnot to winDnot winning4 . I dont know if my uncle . If he, Ill call you right now.Acomes; comeBwill come; will comeCcomes; will comeDwill come; comes5 . We should keep the hair _. Its one of the school _.Ashorts, rulesBshort, ruleCshorter, ruleDshort, rules6 . -Have you seen _ film coming home , directed by Zhang Yimou ?- Of course, I have never seen such _ moving one .Athe; anB/; aCthe; aD/; an7 . (题文) - Do you know how to spell umbrella?-Sorry, I only know it begins with _ “u” and ends with _ “a”.Aan, aBa, aCa, anDan, an8 . _ you are a fan of Marvel (漫威), youll love these paper-cut figures!AIfBBeforeCAlthoughDWhile9 . I like _ of these clothes because they are all out of fashion and dont look beautiful.AneitherBbothCallDnone10 . He spent an hour _ his homework.Ato doBdoCdoingDdid11 . Eric has got two aunts,_ he hasnt got any unclesAandBbutCorDso12 . Would you please _ the children _ with snake?Ato ask, not to playBask, not to playCto ask, not playDask, dont play13 . Mr. Cool often does exercise in the park _ Saturday morning.AinBatConDto14 . I _ think there _ more pollution.A/, wont beBdont, will beC/, wont haveDdont, have15 . Have you decided when to go to Europe for vacation?Not yet. We_ go in July if my father is free.AmustBshouldCmay二、完型填空I devote myself to music because of my grandmother. My mom and I lived with my grandparents from the time I was two _I was eight. And even then, I was at their house before and after school every day while my mother was_.Grandma loved music. It was she that first _me to Elvis Presley (猫王) as a very young child, and once I heard his music, I was truly in love with it. Most five-year-olds ask for _for birthdays, but I wanted Elvis albums. I would play them non-stop and_to the music in my grandmas family room though my movements didnt look good.Grandma played the piano and _ me to sing “America the Beautiful” and “Somewhere over the Rainbow”. I eventually(最后) started playing music on the piano, and soon Grandma was paying for me to _piano lessons from a lady living in the_. I would come home from_and walk three houses down for my lesson. I _took about nine months of lessons, but it was enough to give me a foundation (基础) and_me to continue to teach myself.Last month when I came home to visit Grandma in the hospital, I_ my guitar with me. She was in a lot of pain, but the music seemed to comfort her soul. She had me sing some songs and when I started to sing “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, her weakened voice joined in with mine for a few lines. That experience was one of the most touching of my lifetime and one I will certainly cherish forever. I told her of my music career and she was very_and said, “Thats wonderful!” I_to play for her throughout the week I was home.My grandma passed away two days ago. In my opinion, part of her will live on through every _I write or sing in my life.16 . AunlessBuntilCafterDwhen17 . Aat workBin troubleCon boardDin danger18 . AsentBleftCrememberedDintroduced19 . AmusicBspaceCgiftsDtoys20 . AwaveBsleepCdanceDplay21 . AforcedBpreparedCenabledDtaught22 . AjoinBmakeCtakeDenjoy23 . AhotelBcityCneighbourhoodDcountryside24 . AschoolBhospitalCstreetDoffice25 . AexactlyBonlyCcompletelyDseldom26 . AaskBmakeCletDallow27 . Agave upBgave awayCbrought alongDbrought up28 . AsadBcalmCboredDpleased29 . ArefusedBexpectedCcontinuedDpretended (假装)30 . AprojectBarticleCbookDsong三、阅读单选SCENE IOne dollar a weekThe doorway of the house where Chandler has a room. He is dressed in his best clothes, ready for his evening out. He is going out as his friend, Jeff White, comes in.WHITE What are you doing this evening, Towers?CHANDLER (Smiling) Tonight Im going to live like a man with a million dollars!WHITE What are you talking about? You havent got a million dollars!CHANDLER How much money are you and I paid each week, Jeff?WHITE Eighteen dollars. Why?CHANDLER And how much of that eighteen dollars do you spend each week?WHITE All of it, of course.CHANDLER Well, I dont. Each week I save one dollar out of my eighteen. Then, every ten weeks, I can buy myself an evening to remember.WHITE What do you do?CHANDLER I put on my finest clothes, go to one of the best restaurants in New York, eat the most expensive food on the menu, drink the best wine, and then take a taxi home!WHITE ( A) Why?CHANDLERWhy? Because it makes me feel wonderful to sit with some of the richest people in America, and to make them think that Im rich, too.WHITE Youre crazy!CHANDLER (Laughing) Perhaps I am!Mrs Black comes in.MRS BLACK Ah, Mr Chandler. I wanted to see you.CHANDLER Good evening, Mrs Black. What a lovely evening!MRS BLACK Lovely evening perhaps, but you havent paid me for your room this month. When am I going to get the money?CHANDLER Soon, Mrs Black. Very soon.Mrs Black looks at Chandler s clothes.MRS BLACK You can spend money on expensive clothes, but you cant pay for your room. Is that right?CHANDLER (Hurrying away) Good night, Mrs Black!31 . This is most probably part of .Aa playBa novelCa poemDa speech32 . Which of the following is the most suitable for ( A)?AExcitedBBored.CSurprised.DScared33 . What can we learn about Chandler?AHe is a man of great wealth.BHe is a man of great wisdom.CHe is not very practical.DHe is not very confident.Here is an examination notice(考试通知). Mrs. Dickson gave it to her students last week.To the students of Class 3 Examinations start on January 22 and end on June 23. The time for each of the subject is:English June 22 9:30 A.M.- 10:30 A.M.Math June 22 11:00 A.M.- 12:00 A.M.History June 22 2:30 P.M.-3:30 P.M.PE June 23 8:00 A.M.-10:00 A.M.Music June 23 1:00 P.M.-3:00 P.M. For the PE test? go to the playground. For the music test, go to the Piano Room. All else are written(书面)tests. They will be held in Classroom 3. No student can get into the examination room more than 15 minutes after the exam starts. No food or drink during ANY test. No dictionaries during the English exam. Wear pants and sports shoes for the PE exam. If you have questions, go to the Teachers Office before the tests.34 . Who could not take the English exam?ANancy. She wore her sports shoes on June 22.BRichard. He did not have breakfast before the exam.CWendy. She forgot to take an English dictionary with her.DTony. He went to school at 9:50 0n the morning of June 22.35 . Where were the students of Class 3 at 8:30 A.M., June 23? AIn the playground.BIn their classroomCIn the Piano Room.DAt the Teachers Office.36 . When were the written test held ?AOnly on the morning of June 22.BOnly on the morning of June 23.COn the morning and afternoon of June 22.DOn the morning and afternoon of June 23.37 . On the morning of June 23, what should Helen, a student of Class 3 get ready for?AFood and drinks. Because there is no food and drinks during any test.BDictionary. Because she isnt good at English.CPants and sports shoes. Because there will be a PE exam.DNothing. Because all the exams are over.38 . Tom still has some questions about the exams, he can _.Aask his teacher any timeBfind his teacher in the playground.Cask his teacher on June 22 or June 23.Dgo to the Teachers office on June 21Autistic (患自闭症的) children may learn better from robots than from human beings, according to a study at a school in Birmingham.Two robots like humans, Max and Ben, have been helping teach autistic children at Sutcliffe Primary School since March last year. The school is the first in the UK to try the new way.Ian Lowe, the head teacher, said, “The robots have no feelings, so autistic children find that they are less terrible than their teachers.”He added, “They are really cute-looking. Autistic children are hard to communicate with adults and other children, but for some reasons they like these robots.“Some children are not able to communicate with others. But they come into school and start to communicate through the robots.”The robots are knee-high and move like children. The school is using them to teach phonics (声学) and play cards or memory and imitation (模仿) games with children from five to ten.Dr Guldberg said, “We do many different activities with the robots acting as a model (模特) for the childrens behavior. It is amazing to see how interested and concentrated the children can be when they are working with the robots. It can be very difficult to get autistic children to concentrate.”He added, “If you can meet the needs of autistic children, you can meet the needs of all children. And you know, when people feel safe and interested, they learn much better.”39 . According to Ian Lowe, teachers arein autistic childrens eyes.AkindBseriousCterribleDstrict40 . Which is TRUE about Max and Ben?AThey are robots with feelings.BThe can move like teachers.CThey are interested in autistic children.DThey can make autistic children concentrate.41 . The school uses the two robots to teach the following things EXCEPT_.AphonicsBplaying cardsCimitation gamesDsports games42 . The best title for the passage is_.ARobots help autistic children learnBTwo cute-looking robotsCHow to help autistic children learnDAutistic children can learnChristmas is very important to everyone in the West. People are very happy to celebrate this festival. On Christmas Eve(前夜)-24th,December, people should get a tree from the farm. We call it Christmas Tree. People put up many lights on the tree, and put a star at the top of the tree. On the night of Christmas Eve, children also put their stockings(长筒袜) at the end of the beds, because Father Christmas will give them presents that night.On Christmas Day people get up very early. They often their presents and then ask all family members to have a nice breakfast. They also say “Merry Christmas” to each other.43 . Where do people get a tree.AFrom the shop.BFrom the farmCFrom the hill.DFrom the neighbour (邻居)44 . What should people put on the tree.AFruitsBLightsCLights and a star.DStockings45 . What do you think of Father Christmas?AAn old man.BAn old woman.CA beautiful girl.DA handsome (潇洒的) boy46 . Why do children put the stockings at the end of the beds.ABecause they like to do that.BBecause the stockings are beautiful.CBecause the stocking are not theirsDBecause Father Christmas will put presents into the stockings.47 . When is Christmas Day?A23rd, December.B24th, DecemberC25th, December.D25th, November四、句型转换句型转换。48 . There will be more roads in the village. The man said. (合为一句)The man said _ more roads in the village.49 . They are watching a soccer game on TV. Jane told me. (合为一句)Jane told me _ a soccer game on TV.50 . We need another two hours to finish the work. (改为同义句)We need _ to finish the work.51 . Would you like to go with me? (改为同义句)_ to go with me?52 . The fashion show will start at 7:00 p.m. in the hall. (对划线提问)_ will the fashion show start?五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示补完单词。53 . The sunshine goes t_ the window and lightens the dark room.54 . Knowing how to use the computer is very important in our m_ life.55 . Take the m_ three times the day and you will feel better.56 . F_,he won the first place in the dancing test。57 . Kate likes science very much and she was to be a s_ in the future.58 . Jim had a t_ and went to see a dentist.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子选用方框内的单词或词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的stick alive any more luckily direction at all59 . The boy fell off his bike, but _, he wasnt hurt.60 . Please cut out a picture and _ it on the wall.61 . I didnt know when the meeting would start _.62 . He was quite lucky to stay _ after the earthquake.63 . A good driver usually has a good sense of _.用am, is或are填空64 . Hello! I _ Gina.65 . Her name _ Jane.66 . _ he Frank?67 . (经典题)_ you Eric?68 . (易错题)Linda and I _ fine, thanks.七、单词填空hope,reduce,pollute,away,instead,shop,kill,repeat,that,littleWhen you see people throw tons of rubbish away each year,are you worried about our world? I believe you are.Terrible things happen every day.If the rivers are69 . ,farmers cant use the water for their crops.Pollution from factories may even70 . people in some places.Pollution has become one of our greatest enemies.So is the world really71 . ? I dont think so.If we can take steps to72 . pollution from now on,the beautiful world will come back.We can divide our waste into plastic,glass,paper and rubber because its good for recycling.When73 . ,we should take a shopping basket with us instead of asking for plastic bags.Try not to throw74 . bottles if they can be reused.Use china cups and cloth bags75 . of plastic things if it is possible.People should use76 . oil or choose to walk to work.And the government needs to make policies to reduce pollution from factories.Remember:always use less,use again and recycle everything77 . can be recycled.We cant hope for rapid change,but if we78 . the good habits,we are sure to save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow.八、回答问题请认真阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题,将答案写在横线上。Mother Teresa once said, Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person However, a recent survey showed that 25% of Chinese never smiled or smiled less than five times a day. It also found that 26 of Chinese were willing to smile at strangers.To make a change, forty students from Shanghai Normal University started a team of Smiling Volunteers. Their first smiling task was-to smile at all the visitors in the Shanghai Film Art Centre and ask if they needed their help. Not all students found it easy to smile all the time. When volunteers help other people, smiling is the best way to make them understand that volunteers are ready and sincere(诚挚的),”one team leader said.A teacher in charge of(负责)the team thought the teams work was not all fun and games. Most of our students will be teachers after they leave university. Smiling is necessary for good teachers. We hope they can learn how to smile at each other, she said. Everyone smiles in the same language. So its not important whether you are a teacher or not. After all, sincere smiling and helping hearts are the most important. If today you dont start a day with a smile, it wont be too late to start practising for tomorrow. Remember The world always looks brighter from behind a smile.79 . How many Chinese never smiled or smiled less than five times a day?80 . What will most of the students be after they leave Shanghai Normal University?81 . Do you think smiling is necessary in your life? Why or why not?九、材料作文82 . 今天是学校开放日,你打算向你的父母介绍来自Sunshine Middle School的交换生Millie以及她的校园生活。外貌个头小、短发.爱好爱好广泛.校园生活1. 学科情况.2. 课外活动.3. 人际交往.梦想她有一个梦想.,希望.要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确;2、内容作适当增补,但必须包括表格中所有要点;3、100字左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。This is Millie. Now Id like to introduce her to you._第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、

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