英语八年级上册Unit 5 单元测试

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英语八年级上册Unit 5 单元测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The students should _ when the teachers give the lessons.Atake notesBtake outCtake turns2 . I love art lessons because theyre really_.ArelaxingBdifficultCboringDsad3 . I think middle school students should not get their hair _.AcolorBcolorsCcoloredDcoloring4 . We can find clean bowls and plates in the kitchen_.AsofaBcomputerCcupboardDfridge5 . Why not join an English club to practice _?AspeakingBto speakCspeakerDspeak6 . _ he practices,_ he does.AMuch; betterBThe much; the betterCThe more; the better7 . Wild animals have _ living areas. As a result, their numbers are getting _.Aless and less;larger and largerBfewer and fewer;more and moreCless and less;smaller and smallerDfewer and fewer;smaller and smaller8 . Ten people were killed in this accident, he was the only one _.AlivelyBaliveClive9 . Shen Hui _ us his talent in the talent _.Ashow;showBshowed;showCshows;showsDshowed;showed10 . My sister works _ a restaurant _ a waiter.Ain, asBat, ofCin, ofDas, in11 . What do you think of math and English? English is math.Amuch important asBas important asCmore important asDas more important as12 . We should use our time and energy_, then we can be a man full of_.Awisely, wiseBwised, wisdomCwisely, wisdomDwisely,wisdom13 . I was just going to_you and here you are.Alook atBlook afterClook for14 . I cant get to sleep the night before a big exam.Maybe you could go to Dr. Li. He has a lot of_ dealing with teenagers.AexperienceBimportanceCinfluence15 . -Suzhou is so beautiful. Its like a big garden.-Yes. Many trees and flowers _in our city every year.Aare plantingBare plantedCwere plantedDplanted二、补全对话7选5A:Hey, Bruce! You seem unhappy.16 . B:Yes. Ive just come back from the zoo. A: Have you seen your favorite tigers?B:Yes.17 . A:Why not?B:Because they had to stay in cages(笼子) and they were dirty.A:18 . I think they should go back to forests or mountains. B:Even worse, a few children threw something at them.A:Thats too bad.19 . B: Of course. I also told them it was our duty to protect animals. A:20 . Protecting them is protecting ourselves.AIm sorry to hear that.BDid you stop them?CBut they didnt look well.DWhen did you go to the zoo?EDidnt you go to the zoo?FHow do you like tigers?GYou did quite right.三、补全短文5选4Death Valley is a huge place. It is more than 225 kilometers across the southern part of the state of California, and across the border (边界) with the state of Nevada.21 . It can be dangerously cold during the winter months. The air temperature during the summer can be as high as 57. The heat of Death Valley has killed people in the past. It will continue to kill those who do not honor the climate. Death Valley does not forgive (原谅) those who are not careful.Death Valley was named by a woman in 1849.22 . Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled to the gold mining (开采) areas in California. They were in a hurry to get there before other people did.Many people were not careful. They made bad choices or wrong decisions. One group of people had reached Death Valley by December. They avoided the terrible heat of summer, but there was not enough water. There were few plants for their work animals to eat. The people could not find a pass through the tall mountains to the west of the valley.23 . They had to kill their work animals for food and began to walk out of the valley.As they left, one woman looked back and said, “Good-bye, death valley.”24 . ASlowly, they ran out of food. BDeath Valley has a long history.CThe name has never been changed.DDeath Valley is a beautiful but dangerous place.E. That was the year after gold was discovered in California.四、完型填空Do you know pigeons(鸽子)? They are a _ bird. They are _ and gray. Some people say they are not _, but they are cute and _. Many people keep them as pets. _ do people say pigeons are smart? Because pigeons can _ letters from _ place to another(另一个). And they know how to _ home. We often _ the pictures of pigeons with olive branch(橄榄枝)in _ mouths. We give the namepeace pigeons(和平鸽) to them. They are the symbol of peace.25 . Akind ofBkindsCkindDkinds of26 . AgreenBredCwhiteDyellow27 . AuglyBniceClazyDinteresting28 . AsmallBfunCsmartDbig29 . AWhyBWhatCWhereDWhen30 . AgiveBhaveClookDtake31 . AsomeBtwoConeDno32 . Ago toBgetCarrive atDget to33 . AlookBreadCwatchDsee34 . AtheirBthemCtheyDtheirs五、阅读单选Hi! My name is Hunt.Here is a picture of my class.Joan is short and is wearing a yellow dress.She ia good at(擅长) maths. David is tall and has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is on the school team. Mike is big. He has small eyes. He is funny. He can play football. Lily has long hair, she can speak Japanese.Helen is a black girl. She has short hair. She likes swimming. She is on the swimming team.I like music. Can you find me? Im the boy with glasses. Becky is new here. She comes from Hong Kong. She has black hair and black eyes. She speaks English well. And she is very good at computer.35 . The colour of Joans dress is _.A. blue B. black C. red D. yellow36 . _ has long hair.A. Joan B. Lily C. Helen D. Becky37 . Which is right?A. David is short.B. Mike has long hair.C. Helen is a white girl.D. Becky is good at computer.38 . Hunt likes _.A. basketball B. footballC. music D. computer39 . Helen is on the _teamA. music B. footballC. basketball D. swimmingHeroes come in all shapes and sizes. Some heroes, like Lucca, are not even human. Lucca is a 12-year-old US Marine Crops (海军陆战队) dog. On April 5, Lucca received an award for her brave military service, during which she lost one of her front legs. Lucca is now retired and lives in California.Lucca was in London, England, to receive the Dickin Medal from the British charity Peoples Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). The organization provides free medical care to the sick and injured pets of people in need. The PDSA calls the Dickin Medal “the highest award any animal in the world can achieve while serving in military conflict (军事冲突)”.Lucca is the first US Marine Crops dog to receive the medal. She and her owner, Gunnery Willingham, traveled to London, England, for the award ceremony. “Lucca is very intelligent and had an amazing drive for work.” Willingham said.Lucca was trained to find hidden weapons and explosive devices. She lost one of her legs in an explosion while on patrol (巡逻) in Afghanistan in 2012.During her six years of active military service in Iraq and Afghanistan, Lucca completed more than 400 missions. She was trained to find hidden weapons and explosive devices. She was so effective on duty that no human troops were killed during any of her patrols.But Lucca did not escape injury. On March 23, 2012, she was on patrol in Afghanistans Helmand province. An explosive device was set off under her. Lucca lost her front left leg right away. She also suffered serious burns on her body.Lucca is the 66th animals to receive the Dickin Medal since it was introduced in 1943. The award has been given to 30 dogs (including Lucca), 32 World War II messenger pigeons, three horses and one cat.40 . We can infer that Lucca _.Acan see nothing with her eyesBhas some difficulty in walkingCwas trained in LondonDis still serving in the US Marine corps41 . We can learn that Lucca used to be _.Asearch dogBguide dogChunting dogDpet dog42 . Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Lucca?ABrave.BSmart.Cfaithful.DCreative.43 . The Dickin Medal is designed for _.Abrave soldiers who protect animalsBMarine Crops dogs working at warCanimals serving in military conflictsDanimals wounded by US Marine Crops六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给词的正确形式填空。they four policeman city swim44 . Shanghai and Beijing are big _ in China.45 . Linglings father and uncle are _.46 . Twenty and twenty is _.47 . _ names are Betty and Linda.48 . Children like _ in hot days.七、语法填空用所给动词的正确形式填空。Every year animals all around the world take part in some wonderful journeys.Here 49 . (be) the stories of two amazing animal travelers Humpback whales prefer a Slowjourney. The humpbacks, which travel over10,000 kilometers on their journey from Alaska to Hawaii, swim at a 50 . (relax) speed of about 1.6 kilometers an hour. Although they51 . (not swim) fast, humpback Whales travel farther than any other kinds of whale.Every August a fantastic sight can52 . (see) in the skies above Ontario and Montreal-millions of amazing Monarch butterflies beginning their 4,000-kilometer journey from Canada to Central Mexico. In fact, the journey, which53 . (take) about 3 months, is longer than the average life of the butterfly. Finally many of the butterflies reaching their final place are the great grandchildren or even the great great grandchildren of the butterflies who54 . (begin) the journey in Mexico the year before.八、话题作文55 . 为配合“动物保护月”活动, 学校“英语天地”将举办How to protect animals in danger的征文比赛活动, 请你自选一种濒危动物, 提出如何保护这种濒危动物的建议吧。内容提示: 1. Whats the animals situation? 2. How to protect it?要求: (1)中心突出, 语义连贯. 层次清晰, 书写规范; (2)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名; (3) 70词左右。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文5选41、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、语法填空1、八、话题作文1、

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