英语八年级上册Unit 2 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)

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英语八年级上册Unit 2 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)_第1页
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英语八年级上册Unit 2 Section A(1a-2d)课时练习(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Bill wants me _ him to play the piano.AteachBteachesCteachingDto teach2 . What sports do you play after school, Jim? _.AI play sports three times a weekBI usually play sports on TuesdayCI think playing sports is interestingDI play basketball and volleyball3 . _? She usually shops.AWhat does Lisa do on weekendsBWhat does Lisa want to do todayCWhen does Lisa usually shopDWhy does Lisa want to shop4 . -_a year do the member of the Birdwatching Society study the birds? -Once a year.AHow oftenBHow many timesCHow longDWhen5 . We should do some _ to find out how body language developed.AresearchBbusinessCexercises6 . Excuse me, _ will the next train arrive? In ten minutes. Please wait for a while.AHow oftenBHow longCHow soonDHow much7 . _do you have dinner with your family at restaurants? Hardly ever.AHow longBHow oftenCHow manyDHow much8 . Our teacher is very creative and he always has different ways to make his class _ and interesting.AlivelyBmodestCsuitableDpatient9 . Dont believe him. His words dont _Atake a senseBtake senseCmake a senseDmake sense10 . Mr.Green usually goes to Qingdao_.Aon his bikeBby bikesCby a bikeDby the bike二、补全短文6选5下面短文有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Get exercise B. Shut off your brain C. Stop and get awayD. Walk or rideE. Have enough sleep F. Eat and drink rightAre you a stressed-out student?You can beat it with our FIVE-POINT ACTION PLAN!11 . Some people are OK with three or four hours of sleep a night, but most people arent. You should try to sleep eight hours a night. If you cant, then take a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping too long isnt good, either. Dont stay in bed all day.12 . Students often put on weight because they eat a lot of junk food and eat late at night. Bad idea! You should try to eat your evening meal early and have healthy snacks, like fruit. You should also try to drink at least eight cups of water a day. Finally, dont skip breakfast. Its the most important meal of the day!You dont have to eat a big breakfast, but you should eat something.13 . Sometimes you have to stop what youre doing. Take a break. Turn off the TV or computer, walk around the room, and breathe deeply. You should do this several times a day. And once a week, take a walk in a park or in the woods. Look at the trees and smell the flowers.14 . Walk as much as you can. Walking is the best way to stay in shape. Or get a bicycle, but remember that riding a bike can be dangerous. You should always wear a helmet and bright clothes. Never ride without them!15 . Do you have a gym nearby? You should use it. You dont have to exercise every day, but you should do some aerobic activity three to five times a week. Thirty minutes a day is enough. Remember: you can review for a test and jog on a treadmill at the same time.三、完型填空How you speak on the telephone is very important. If you use good telephone _, the caller will be happy. If not, they may not want to _ you or your company again.First, make sure you answer the call formally (正式地), giving your name and the name of your _. This will let the caller know that you are professional.You should also remember to smile as you speak, and use a _ tone (语调). If you sound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite. Whats more, your choice of _ can make a big difference, too. For example, if you have not _what a caller said, it is much more polite to say “Im sorry. Could you say that again, please?” than to _ say “What?”Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, youd better not just say “yes” or “no”. If the person is _, say that you will put the caller through to them. If they are unavailable, explain where they are, and then take a _.In either situation, you will also need to get some information about the caller, such as their name or company. Make sure you get all that you _ the most importantly, ask for it politely.16 . AskillsBhobbiesCexercisesDhabits17 . Adepend onBdeal withClook forDwork out18 . AteacherBfriendCschoolDcompany19 . AseriousBfriendlyCfunnyDdirect20 . AshowsBbooksCwordsDteams21 . AheardBseenCnoticedDdrew22 . AactuallyBgraduallyChardlyDsimply23 . AnoisyBhealthyCavailableDdifferent24 . AmessageBphotoCsuggestionDnote25 . AorderBgiveCthinkDneed四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文或所给词的适当形式填写单词。26 . Parents have the duty to provide the right_(环境) for their children to grow and learn in.27 . We should encourage the_(工厂) not to dump waste again. Lets write a letter to them.28 . The moment I saw her, I_(意识到) something was wrong.29 . Speech is the fastest method of_(交流) between people.30 . Confidence is an important_(条件) if you want to achieve success.31 . Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. There is no need. He_(wake) up.32 . An American father made pretty dresses for his daughter out of his_(wife) old shirts.33 . Go straight on, and you will find the theatre in the_(south) part of town.34 . How many times_you_(catch) a fever over a month? Once.35 . My grandfather has got used to_(get) up at five thirty in the morning.五、完成句子根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)36 . 今天天气晴朗,我们一起放风筝吧。Its sunny today. Lets _ together.37 . 观看NBA篮球赛总是令人兴奋。_ always exciting _ the basketball matches of NBA38 . 杰克喜欢在冬天和他的朋友们堆雪人。Jack enjoys _ with his friends in winter.39 . 我总是在周六和我爸爸去游泳。I always _ with my father on Saturdays.40 . 如果我有足够的时间,我将和我的父母去法国旅行。If I have enough time, I will _ to France with my parents.41 . 汤姆总是花费很多的时间打电脑游戏。Tom always _ much time _ computer games.42 . 这个男孩多么高呀!_ the boy _!六、用单词的正确形式完成句子. 根据句意,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空would like; something; at least; library; are made of; under; stay up late; come true43 . You look so sleepy. Did you _ last night?44 . These dresses _ silk. They are expensive.45 . A group of people are having a rest _ the tree.46 . Students in our school often borrow books from the _.47 . Everyone has a dream. I hope all our dreams will _ one day.48 . I _ to invite you to the party if you have time this evening.49 . There was _ wrong with my radio, so I had it repaired yesterday.50 . The task is hard and it will take them _ 5 days to complete it.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、

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