英语九年级第一学期Unit 5 The human brain单元检测卷

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英语九年级第一学期Unit 5 The human brain单元检测卷_第1页
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英语九年级第一学期Unit 5 The human brain单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . No one knows Mr. Browns address _ his daughter.AexceptBbesidesCexpectDbeside2 . My fathers dream is _ a big book store.Ato ownBownsCto owningDown3 . Why were you late for the speech?I when my friend dropped by.AleftBwas about to leaveChave leftDhad left4 . I wonder if it _ tomorrow. If it _, we wont go for picnic.Awill rainrainsBrains rainsCrainswill rainDwill rainwill rain5 . What shall we do _ it rains tomorrow?AifBwhileCsinceDand6 . People should eat all kinds of foods to have a _ dietAbalanceBbalancingCbalancesDbalanced7 . Their wish is _ a car of their own.AhaveBto haveChadDto having8 . The volleyball match will be put off if it _ tomorrow.Awill rainBrainsCrainedDis raining9 . Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice. She sings very _.Afor; beautifullyBwith; wellCas; beautifulDin; good10 . I was born _ April 6, 1980.AonBfromCatDin11 . There are so many kinds of MP4 players in the shop. I cant decide _.Awhat to buyBwhich to buyCwhen to buy12 . To catch the bus, the man ran as _ as he could.AquickBquicklyCquickerDmore quickly13 . David was angry _ himself for having broken the vase.AforBonCwithDto14 . What pity that he has made only _ friends here!AlittleBa littleCfewDa few15 . I know the number to open the _.AsaveBsafeCsafelyDsafety16 . All of them went out for a walk John, because John didnt finish his task.AbesidesBexceptCbeside17 . Which of the following underlined parts in different in pronunciation from others?AceremonyBessentialCmethodDmemory18 . Work harder, _ youll make greater progress.AbutBorCsoDand二、完型填空Sam is a bus driver in a big town. All day he_a bus through (穿过) busy streets. Driving a big bus is a very hard job. It makes some drivers unhappy. But not Sam! Sam is _ happy. And the people in his bus seem to be happy, too. This story shows why. Early one morning, when Sam_ his big green and yellow bus, he usually sang, “oh, what a beautiful morning! What a fine day!”At the first _, a man got on the bus. “Good morning, Mr. James,” said Sam with a big smile (微笑). “How are you?” “Fine, thank you, Sam,” said Mr. James. He smiled. He took a seat.At the next stop a man came running up. “I have to catch (赶) a train at seven,” he said. “Can you get me to the_?”“Now just sit down and rest,” said Sam. “Ill drive a little faster (更快). We will be there on time. Then you wont have to_again.”“Thank you,” said the man. “You are the best bus drivers in the town!”As he drove on, Sam started talking again. By this time, _people were on the bus. They were all going to work. But Sam made the _ with great fun. “It is now ten minutes after seven,” Sam called out. “The sky is blue. It will not rain today. We all like sunshine, dont we?” He started to_, “I love you, Mr. Sunshine. I love you, Mr. Sun. In the world I love you best. You are the only one.”“What is that song, Sam?” a girl asked. “Its my song,” he said. “I made it up. I like to sing. It makes _ people want to sing, too.” Sam was right! Two men behind him started to sing!19 . AdrivesBtakesCsaw20 . AonlyBstillCalways21 . AcleanedBstartedCgot22 . AstreetBstopCcrossing23 . AofficeBtownCstation24 . ApayBrunCleave25 . AmanyBnewCyoung26 . ArideBtripCday27 . AshoutBsingCanswer28 . AanotherBanyCother三、阅读单选A famous foreign company in China wanted a clerk for its public relation department(公关部).A beautiful girl with a masters degree(硕士学位)went through a lot of challenges and her name was on the list. In the final stage she faced an interview together with another girl. Both of them were outstanding, not only in looks but also in education.The girl was successful in the interview. It seemed that she would get the chance. At last the examiner asked her, Can you come to the office next Monday? Shocked by the unexpected question, the beautiful girl couldnt make a decision at the moment, so she said, I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer. The examiner felt surprised but said calmly, If so, lets wait till you are ready.The next day, the girl came to tell the examiner that her parents had agreed to let her begin work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully, Sorry, another suitable candidate(候选人)has got the job. You had better try another place. The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation(解释) and was told, What is needed here is a person who knows her own mind.That was how a good opportunity right under the nose of a beautiful girl ran away.29 . The beautiful girl wanted to ask her parents for advice because.Ashe didnt like the jobBshe didnt expect the examiner would ask such a questionCshe didnt want to answer the questionDher parents would be angry if she didnt ask them30 . The examiner regarded as the most important.Aa persons confidenceBa persons knowledgeCa persons ageDa person s beautiful looks31 . The underlined phrase right under the nose of probably means .A就在鼻子下B想要得到的C没有把握的D就在眼前的32 . The best title for the passage above might be_.AMake Decisions With Your ParentsBA Successful InterviewCUse Your Own MindDAnswer the Examiners Question Quickly四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。每空格限填一词,注意句首大写)33 . Tina gave me some good advice on road trips.(改为一般疑问句)_ Tina _ you any good advice on road trips?34 . The children develop a sense of responsibility by helping out with chores.(对划线部分提问)_ the children develop a sense of responsibility?35 . Well solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone.(保持句意不变)Well _ the case ourselves and surprise everyone.36 . The windows were so high that we couldnt reach them from the outside.(保持句意不变)The windows were _ high for us _ reach from the outside.37 . The forest fire destroyed the whole village.(改为被动语态)The whole village _ by the forest fire.38 . “Have you visited the Modern Art Exhibition?” asked Kevin.(改为宾语从句)Kevin asked me _ I _ visited the Modern Art Exhibition.39 . else, the adventure camp, does, offer, what(连词成句)_五、完成句子Choose the right word to complete the sentence(选择合适的词,完成句子)40 . Would you like to stay _(with, at)us during the Christmas?41 . We want to take the visitors to some places of _(interesting, interest).42 . Tourists can see swans _(swim, swimming)on the lake now.43 . Excuse me, may I talk _(to, about)you for a moment?44 . Go along this road and youll find a huge _(open, opening)area.45 . The Great Wall is _(on, in)the north of Beijing.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. expected B. types C. expensive D. ordinary E. humorThe most popular TV program in the UK last year was a show called The Great British Bake Off. Each week, 46 . people take part in the competition. They are trying to make the best cakes and bread within a time limit. There are two judges, and each week they choose a “Star Baker” ( the best baker). They also choose one person to leave the competition. At the end of ten weeks there is one winner.The program started in 2010, and nobody 47 . it to be so popular. People really enjoyed watching the baking and the good atmosphere on the show. The people in the show were very friendly to each other. This was very different from other TV show. Some people think the show is rather British, with a good sense of 48 . and friendly people. Audiences also enjoyed learning how to make different 49 . of cakes , biscuits and bread.This year there were some changes in the show and even some new judges, but the show is as popular as before.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号。(每词限用一次)make use hear bring soundDo you know the sitcom Home With Kids? You may near many people laugh happily when something funny happens .But every time ,the laughter(笑声)50 . the same.US sound engineer Charley Douglass 51 . the laughter in the 1950s.It was popular during that time.When people watched TV and heard the laughter, they laughed with the actors ,But about 10 years later,some people though the laughter sounded unreal.They expected 52 . the real laughter.Some famous sitcoms ,such as Friends and at The Big Bang Theory, 53 . the real laughter now.For example ,the Big Bang Theory sells tickets to people around the world.It become more and more popular become all the laughter is from the real audience(观众).And it 54 . more happiness to people in the next season.七、单词填空C.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):People normally think of dogs as mans best friend,but to Brian Wilson,his two pet parrots are his best friends.It all began in 1995,when Brian was still a fire fighter.A car accident caused s55 . damage to his brain.After several months of treatment,Brians doctors said that he would never talk again and would have to spend the r56 . of his life in a nursing home.However,according to Brian,his two pet parrots didnt give him up eye e57 . They kept talking to him day and night,until one day,he said one word,then a58 . ,and all of a sudden was talking like a normal person again!Brian was so thankful that he decided to set up a home for birds which are not wanted by their owners.Now 15 years later,his house is home to about 80 birds,which included many kinds of birds.The birds fly around from room to room,some cackling(发出咯略声),others talking like humans.T59 . , they all have big cages,Brian lets them fly freely inside the house.Over the years,Brian has developed a special relationship with birds.The birds who bite other humans,seem to like him and can get along with him well.He is now c60 . a bird whisperer(鸟语者).Brian pays for most of the costs of looking after the birds from his own money, but has recently set up a foundation(基金)to accept donations(捐助). He and his birds also earn money by p61 . at birthday parties, weddings and other social events.八、回答问题A man walked in the desert for two days without any water. While he was feeling hopeless, he suddenly found a small house. He pulled his tired body inside. This was a small airless house and in the corner he discovered a water pump (抽水机).Excited, he went forward to draw (抽取) water, but no water came out no matter how hard he tried. Too tired to do anything more, he fell to the ground. Then he saw a small bottle. On the bottle was a note, which read, “You must pour the water from the bottle into the pump before you draw water! Dont forget, before you leave, refill the bottle with water!” He opened the bottle and found it was filled with water!At that moment he thought, “It might be a little selfish, but as long as I drink the water in the bottle, I can be sure to leave this room alive! However, if I do as the note says and pour the only water into the pump and no water comes out, I will die of thirst. Should I take the risk or not?” It was five minutes later that he chose to pour the only water into the pump and began to draw water. After a minute, water started to come out!After he had drunk enough water, he refilled the bottle. He added the following words after the note: Before you get something, you should first learn to pay.根据短文内容回答问题。62 . Where did the man find the water pump in the desert?_63 . Was the small bottle full or empty when he found it?_64 . What did he have to do before he drew water?_65 . How long did it take him to make a choice?_66 . What lesson does the story tell us?_九、话题作文67 . Writing(作文)Write at least 60 words about the topic “I like reading English _”.(以“我喜欢阅读英语_”为题,写一篇不少于60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)英语课外读物是我们学习英语的好帮手(helper) 。我们经常阅读各种英语读物,如英文报刊、杂志、小说和故事等。请介绍你最喜欢的一种英语读物,并谈谈你在英语课外阅读的收获和感受。(注意:1、在答题纸上将题目补充完整。2、短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following is for reference only. (以下内容仅供参考)be interested in read various books do good to learn .from第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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