英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 37课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 37课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He _ all the runners and _ the race.Abeat; beatBbeat; wonCwon; beatDwon; won2 . Did Cathy have problems _ maths?Yes. I found her _ on a math problem for nearly half an hour.Aon, to workBwith, workingCon, workingDwith, to work3 . (题文)The teacher made the boy_the sentence five times after school.Ato writeBwriteCwroteDwritten4 . Look! All the roofs and trees are coveredsnow and its so beautiful.AonBunderCinDwith5 . - The life will be quite different in100 years .- I agree. Because the world is _all the time.AcarryingBcollectingCchangingDcomparing6 . You cant imagine _ chatting online is!Ahow a great funBhow great funCwhat a great funDwhat great fun7 . His father and mother often argued _ what TV programmes _.Awith, to watchBabout, to watchCabout, watchingDwith, watching8 . Could you drive me to the railway station? Sorry! My car_.Ais repairedBhas repairedCis being repaired9 . I have many words _.AsayBsayingCsaidDto say10 . Please. The boy is studying.Anot noisyBdont noisyCnot to be noisyDdont be noisy11 . -John likes tomatoes.-.ASo I doBSo am ICSo do IDSo I am12 . Drink-driving has _ many traffic accidents , so the government made new laws to forbid it .AconnectedBcausedCreceivedDprovided13 . Whichdo you like best? History.AfoodBsubjectCAnimal14 . How will you feel when _?Ayou happen bad somethingByou will happen something badCbad something will to youDsomething bad happen to you15 . Alice _ her husband in 1987.They live a happy life now.Amarried withBwas marriedCgot married toDgot married二、补全对话7选5从方框内选择能填入空白处的句子,使对话完整 (有两项是多余的)。A:Peter, you look angry. Whats wrong?B:16 . A:Oh, my god! What for?B:I was waiting for the bus at the station.17 . A:Actually, he is an impolite man. But you shouldnt fight with him because of this.B:18 . I was angry at that time.A:You should tell him that seat was yours.B:I had said that. 19 . A:How rude he is! Anyone would be angry with him. 20 . B:Sorry, Mom. I wont do that again.ABut fighting is still your fault.BWhat should I do?CThe guy (小伙子) behind me pushed me and took the seat that should be mine.DWhat do I have to do?EThe man in front of me asked me to pay attention to my steps.FBut he didnt listen to me.GI had a fight half an hour ago.三、阅读单选A. My name is Danny. Im from England. I am eleven. Im in Grade Seven. Im tall with black hair. I have two big eyes. My fax number is 010-74862635. B. Hello! I am Jane. Im from the USA. I have a round face and two big eyes. Im short and thin. Im twelve. Im in Grade Seven in Beijing Yucai High School. My parents work in Beijing. C. Look at the photo. Whos the girl in it? Its me, an English girl. My name is Amy. Im in Grade Seven. Im twelve. My home phone number is 022-43765986. I have a round face and long, black hair. I like Chinese very much, and Im very good at it. D. Do you know me? Im from Japan. My name is Yukio. Im thirteen. Now Im in Beijing. Im short, and Im very heavy with broad shoulders. I have two short legs.21 . _ are from England .ADanny and AmyBJane and AmyCYukio and DannyDJane and Danny22 . Danny and Amy have _ hair.AlongBshortCyellowDblack23 . _ are short.AAmy and DannyBJane and YukioCAmy and JaneDYukio and Danny24 . Danny has _.Aa telephoneBtwo small eyesCtwo short legsDa fax25 . Yukio is _.Atall and thinBnot tall or shortCshort and fatDtall but fat四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词26 . 格林一家打算乘船去大连度假。The Greens are going to_ to Dalian on holiday.27 . 这个周末,我打算和父母待在一起。I am going to spend the weekend _my parents.28 . 在学校里,西蒙与同学们相处得很好,所以他能与他们做朋友。In the school, Simon is _ his classmates, so he can _ them.29 . 他们经常在周末去乡下观光。They often _ in the country _.30 . 今天晚上我打算在家复习功课。Im going to_ at home this evening.B)短语填空。请阅读下面各小题,根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词。31 . Little kids cant _ their life.(掌管)32 . John is a brave boy and he likes _.(冒险)33 . Peter is very sad. Lets _.(使他振奋起来)34 . He is trying to _ a plan for coaching the tennis team.(想出)35 . _ pass the exam, he studies hard every day.(为了)36 . You shouldnt _ your parents completely.(依赖)37 . I dont want to do chores and _.(他也不想)38 . Lucys mother asks her _ herself after she gets up in the morning.(整理床铺)39 . My mother often _ for us.(叠衣服)40 . Could you please _ my parents while Im away?(照料)五、将所给单词连成句子41 . and, vegetables, rich, fruits, and, be, in, vitamins, _42 . the, thats, science, method, called_43 . decide, about, what, I, write, havent, to_44 . call, he, in, will, as, arrive, he, Beijing, me, soon, as_45 . better, pay, you, have, to, more, these, attention, questions_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、四、完成句子1、2、五、将所给单词连成句子1、

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