英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A(3a-3c)课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to Section A(3a-3c)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . It s getting dark,please the light.Aturn upBturn offCturn onDturn down2 . There are some birds_ happily in the trees.AsingBare singingCsinging3 . I cant find my mobile phone. Its _!AmissingBmissedCmissDlose4 . Attention, please. The plane has to be _ because of the foggy weather. Oh, bad luck! We have to wait now.Aput onBput offCput upDput away5 . What _ your bike yesterday? It didnt work.Awas happened inBhappened inCwas happened toDhappened to6 . Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they_ the Forbidden City.Awill be shown upBwill be shown aroundCwill show aroundDwill show to7 . Books of this kind _ well in the store while science fictions _ out already.Adoesnt sell; have been soldBdont sell; have been soldCarent sold; have soldDisnt sold; have been sold8 . There is no paper. We _ it yesterday.Aran out ofBrun out ofCrun outDran out9 . Space travel will make people.Afeel happyBfeeling happyCto feel happyDfeeling happily10 . Last Saturday morning, my sister _ a gift from one of her friends, but she didnt _ it.Areceived; acceptBreceived; receiveCaccepted; receiveDaccepted; accept11 . Only those _ have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever get the skill to do difficult things easily.AwhoBwhomCwhichDwhat12 . You must keep your jacket_AcleanBcleansCto cleanDcleaning13 . I like to read the book was written by Han Han.AwhoBwhereCwhatDwhich14 . Will you please help me to repair the computer now?Sorry. Im too busy and I havent a minute to _.AspareBshareCspendDsave15 . His father is always strict _ him. We dont think he should be hard on him.AinBwithCforDof二、阅读单选Ceilidh DanceWelcome to Edinburgh Ceilidh Club! Here you can find information about whats happening at Edinburghs best regular ceilidhs.The Edinburgh Ceilidh Club is held every Tuesday night at Summerhall, Newington, Edinburgh. We have the best of Scottish ceilidh bands each week. The bands have a caller who will teach the dances, so the event is great for everyone, from complete beginners to experienced ceilidh dancers. Come and experience Scottish dance the way its meant to be!Tickets: 6 (online)7 (at the door if there are any left)Time: 8 pm - 11 pmFree Wi-Fi and snacks are provided. No drinks are included in the tickets.For information about tickets for Ceilidh Club call at 0131 560 1580 or email boxoffice( summerhall. Co.UK.16 . Ceilidh nights are usually held on_ .AMondayBThursdayCWednesdayDTuesday17 . Beginners can also enjoy Ceilidh nights because_ .Athe caller will teach the dancesBCeilidh dances are easy to learnCthere are many experienced dancersDthe club has the best Ceilidh bands18 . Catherine bought 2 tickets online and 3 tickets at the door. she must pay _A30B32C33D3519 . What is included in the tickets?AFree Wi-Fi.BDinnerCDrinks.DWine.20 . You can get more information about tickets byAvisiting the website www.Ceilidh Club.comBbecoming a member of Ceilidh ClubCcalling Ceilidh Club at 0131 560 1580Dwriting emails to boxoffice summerhall. co. US三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词21 . We call the persons who are between 13 and 19 t_.22 . He is poor at spelling.He made lots of m_ in his writing.23 . This wont solve the problem but its a _(步骤)in the right direction.24 . Why was your mother a_ with you?Because I broke her glasses this morning.25 . He lost his w_ on his way home.26 . It is _(正常的)to feel tired after such a long trip.27 . Be c_ of the dog.It sometimes bites(咬)people.28 . The boss was very _(体谅人的),so he was popular with his workers.29 . Do you have anything _(其他的)to say about your show?30 . He is nice and always keeps his promise.You can _(信任)him.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given verbs in proper forms.31 . He _ (jog) along Park Avenue when the car accident happened at 3:30 yesterday afternoon.32 . As a dancer, Kitty practices _ (dance) day and night, and she never gives up.33 . If you _ (be) late for the football game again, your coach might _ (get) mad at you.34 . My daughter _ (drop) her pencil case while she _ (run) to the teachers office this morning.35 . Dogs are used to _ (guard) our homes, and we should promise _ (take) good care of them.36 . Harolds teacher told him how to get to his neighborhood and let him _ (follow) the directions.37 . Why not _ (visit) our grandchildren in Florida this weekend?38 . Were running out of soy sauce.Yes. I think Dad needs _ (buy) some at the supermarket.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子39 . 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。The sweater she bought was beautiful _ cheap.40 . 婚礼什么时候举行?When will the wedding _?41 . 你朋友吉姆怎么了?_ your friend Jim?42 . 我们已经弄清了真相。We _ the truth.43 . 警察发现他是个贼。The police _ that he was a thief.六、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空divide into; changeinto; do with; ask for; take steps44 . When something is wrong with my computer, I dont know what to _it.45 . At the age of nineteen, I _parttime jobs in some small radio stations.46 . We are_ four groups to do the experiment.47 . Will you please help me_ some dollars _RMB?48 . We should_ to protect our environment.七、单词填空C. Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Can you remember where you were and what you were doing on Saturday, July 24, 2010? Probably not. However, at least 80,000 people around the world remember c49 . . They all shot videos about their lives on that particular day and uploaded (上传) them on the Internet. They hoped that their videos could be a p50 . of a film.After people had uploaded the videos, two famous directors, Ridley Scott and Kevin Macdonald, chose some videos and remade them into a complete film. It took them more than one year. The r51 . is Life in a Day, a 90-minute documentary (纪录片) about lives of ordinary people. The film starts with people waking up, brushing their teeth and preparing breakfast. Then it shows what people around the world do d52 . the day. To make the videos, people were given several basic questions: What do you love most? What do you fear most? Or simply, whats in your pocket? People could also choose to shoot anything about their d53 . life. Most of the stories were exciting and interesting.One brief scene shows a Japanese boy who lives with his father in an apartment. When the boy says good morning to a picture of his mother on a table, we r54 . his mother has died. The film also introduces us to many other memorable characters: an American soldier, an Afghan news photographer, a shoeshine boyThe producers also sent about 400 cameras to people in the developing world who might not have heard of the project or were not connected to the Internet.The film has m55 . a lot of people, because everything shown in the film is so real and simple. It is about family, children, love, not being alone, not wanting to live through a war, feeling frightened of illness and death. Thats what life is.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、阅读单选1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、单词填空1、

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