英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 40课时练习

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英语九年级全册Unit 7 Lesson 40课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Jimmy is too lazy. Its not easy for him to find _.Aa good workBgood worksCgood jobDa good job2 . The autumn _ Beijing is very beautiful.AonBinCatDto3 . They feel stressed because they have _ homework to do both at school and at home.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch tooDmany too4 . Please call Mr. Wu _238-8977 And askfor help.Aat, heBon, himCat, him5 . Ann, do you know what happened to Mike?He fell down when he _ the school bus this morning.Awent offBturned offCtook offDgot off6 . Hello, Cindy! Did you arrive at the interview on time yesterday?_ , neither too late nor too early.AFinallyBHardlyCExactlyDUsually7 . Dontso often. Its bad for your healthAget upBshow upClook upDstay up8 . - _ do you tell your mother about your English result ?- By using my mobile phone. AWhatBHowCWhyDWhere9 . My grandma looks _ because she doesnt feel well.AsadBsadlyChappyDhappily10 . Hehasnochoicebut_thedifficultyAfaceBfacingCtofaceDfaced11 . Teenagers_to smoke in public.AallowBdont allowCarent allowedDallowed12 . He tried to make his ideas _ us, but he _.Ainterested, failedBinterested, missedCinterest, failedDinterest, missed13 . -Do you think the pink clothes_ me?-I dont think so.AchooseBsupportCsuitDshape14 . They go out _ their way to make me _ at home.Afor;feelBof;to feelCto;feelsDof;feel15 . You are good at playing the piano, arent you?Yes, I am. Besides it, I also do well in playing the violin.AIn addition toBBecause ofCAhead of二、补全短文7选5Not everything goes the way you want it to. You may go to a restaurant and order a nice meal. But your order is wrong or not cooked properly. You may buy a product that breaks the next day. 16 . However, if you speak angrily to people, they will become defensive(自卫的). Then they are less likely to help you. A more effective(有效的) way to get what you want is to stay calm.Use polite language and a friendly tone of voice. Start with phrases such as, “Im sorry to bother you, but .” or “Excuse me, but could you .?” For example, “Im sorry to bother you, but I ordered potato soup, not vegetable.” Phrasing your complaint as a question also helps. 17 . “Could you help me? I just bought this phone case yesterday, but its cracked.” 18 . There is no faster way to make someone defensive than by blaming them. Use the phrase, “I know this isnt your fault, but .” or “There has been a misunderstanding.” 19 . Blaming people isnt as important as getting a problem fixed!There are honest mistakes, but at times someone may try to take advantage of you. In that case, dont say “Hey! Youre trying to cheat me!” Instead, use the phrase, “I understood that .” For example, “I understood that the service charge was included in the price,” Then give the person a chance to answer.If you dont get what you want with polite conversation, ask to speak to a manager. 20 . APeople like to be asked rather than told.BSometimes, you should learn to study from others.CThese kinds of experiences make you want to complain.DThese phrases let people know you are only angry at the situation.EBut usually, youll find that polite words and a smile will resolve a situation.FFind someone you trust and tell him what you have been thinking recently.GWhen trying to correct a problem, dont blame(责备) the person youre talking to.三、句型转换请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词。21 . Everything will be all right in a few days(对画线部分提问)_will everything be all right?22 . He cant finish the work in time if nobody helps him(保持句意基本不变)He cant finish the work in time _.23 . Telling the truth is a very honest act(改为感叹句)_honest act telling the truth is!24 . I dont like going on a picnic. Peter doesnt, either(合并为一句)_Peter_I like going on a picnic.25 . Does your PE teacher teach you Chinese Kung fu?(改为被动语态)_you_Chinese Kung fu by your PE teacher?四、完成句子四、根据中文提示完成句子26 . -你愿意来吗?-是的,我想来。- _ to come?-Yes,Id _.27 . 在你离开之前把所有的灯关掉。_ before you leave.28 . 直着走,在第二个十字路口右转。Walk _ and _ right _ the second _.29 . -在红绿灯处我该走哪一条路呢?-穿过马路。- _way _ I go at the _-_?-_ the road.30 . 我想知道怎样到西蒙的家。I want to know _ home.翻译句子31 . 听到这个笑话时,他忍不住地笑了。He _ when he heard the joke.32 . 自从上个月我就没看到你。I _ last month.33 . 一些科目,例如数学,英语很难学。Some subjects, _Maths . English are difficult to learn.34 . 那是一天中最好的部分。That was _the day.35 . 我听说他去香港了。他以前去过香港吗?I heard that he _Hong Kong.Has he _Hong Kong before?36 . 昨天我们在动物园度过一整天。We _in the zoo yesterday.37 . 我们在长城拍了一些照片。We _at the Great Wall.38 . 你最后观看了烟火吗?Did you _?39 . 在街角高速转弯是很危险的。Its very dangerous to go around corners _ .40 . 在电影的最后,两个主角结婚了。The two main characters got married _ .五、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中所给的词中选出恰当的词语,用其适当形式填空,每个词限用一次。hear accept how successfully place hurt before them natural life Losing friends is about as easy as making friends if you dont know how to deal with anger and conflict(冲突)Conflict is part of everyones 41 . .It will show up at school, at work and at home. Its OK to feel angry, annoyed or sad. These feelings are 42 . , but different people deal with 43 . in different ways. Some people shout, or even hit the person who has 44 . them. Others do their best to keep away from disagreements but very few deal with conflict 45 . .Dealing with conflict is a stepbystep process (过程). 46 . you start discussing the problem, calm down, count to 10 and imagine a relaxing 47 . .Then, say what is really bothering you, but watch how you express yourself. Dont complain (抱怨)Share 48 . you feel by using “I”. You want people to 49 . your opinion so make sure you practice what you want to say. Listen carefully to the other person and 50 . that he or she might see the problem in a different way. Be openminded and willing to say sorry.六、语法填空语法填空The earth is 51 . (we) home. We must take care of it. Life today is easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it 52 . (bring) some new problems. One of the biggest problems53 . (be) pollution. We can see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.Man has polluted the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up(用光) or the river was not clean in a place, man went to another place. Now man is 54 . (slow) polluting the whole world.Air pollution is still the most serious. Its bad for 55 . (live) things in the world.Many56 . (country) dont let people burn(燃烧) anything bad for air in houses, and factories in the city. Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. Its caused by(由引起) heavy traffic. People say its best 57 . (ride) bikes. When you are riding, there is no pollution. But even in developed countries, most people dont go to work58 . (介词) bike. Its not because bikes are expensive or people are tired if they ride to work. Its because the number of cars on the roads becomes larger. So more people put away their bikes and go to work by car, then things are getting worse59 . (连词) worse. We should have special roads only for bikes and make it so60 . (difficult) and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bikes.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文7选51、三、句型转换1、四、完成句子1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、语法填空1、

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