英语九年级全册Unit 12 达标检测卷(青岛专版)

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英语九年级全册Unit 12 达标检测卷(青岛专版)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What do you think of the job as a teacher? Pretty good. Im glad that the students are really _ for knowledge.AnaturalBseriousCthirstyDnormal2 . You can ask your father _ the computer.AofBforCtoDat3 . When the baby the light music, he stopped .Aheard; to cryBheard; cryingClistened; cryingDlistened; to cry4 . Afterthe kids clothes on the bed, Mrs Whitedown on the sofa for a rest.Alying, layBlying; liedClaying; liedDlaying; lay5 . Dont put your school uniformthe bag; please put it.Ain; inBon; inCunder; inDin; on6 . The advertisement says there will be a great celebration this SundayForget itIts a_AfoolBhoaxCpleasureDrisk7 . When I hurried to the airport yesterday afternoon, the plane _.Atook offBhad taken offChas taken offDwill take off8 . Hi, John. How was your school trip? _. I saw many interesting things in the countryside.ANot badBTerribleCGreatDBoring9 . (题文)She is going to get married_John on New Years DayThey are_their twentiesAto;inBwith;inCto;atDwith;at10 . We have several importantmattersto deal with at the next meeting.AthingsBquestionsCplans二、补全短文7选5越早锻炼越好Most of us know that physical (身体的) activity leads to better health. 11 . But for the first time in recent 10 years, the United States government has changed its guidance (指导) on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start.The new guidance says that children as young as 3-year-old need to exercise. 12 . Dr. Giror says that the most important time for children to begin exercising is between 3 and 5. He notes that boys and girls in this age group need at least three hours of activity every day.13 . They add that from birth to age 5, a childs brain develops more than at any other time in life. These developments have a lasting effect on a childs ability to learn and to succeed in study and life. As for children between 6 and 17, at least one hour a day.For adults, the suggested time for exercise remains the same 150 minutes per week. However, those people who are over age 65 should include activities that help their balance. 14 . Many people are excited and satisfied with this guidance. But some find that it has changed nothing about the danger of sitting too much. 15 . It is harmful and can even undo (破坏) the benefits of exercise you may have gotten. Because of this, lets sit less and start exercising. You will get a better health.AThat is nothing new.BYou know it is bad in some ways.CEarlier guidance used to begin at the age of 6.DDoctors say it is important to begin at a younger age.EBetter balance means fewer falls and fewer chances of injury.FBecause there are still lots of people who sit too much every day.GWhy do so many people still love to spend lots of time doing that?三、完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Once upon a time there was a little orphan(孤儿) who always wished that he could fly like a bird.It was very _ for him to understand why he could not fly.There was another little boy who was crippled(瘸子). One day the orphan came to a park, where he saw the little crippled boy_ in the sand alone.He ran over to the little crippled boy and asked him if he had ever wanted to fly like a bird.“No,” he said. “_ Ive been thinking about what it would be like to walk and run like _.”“That is very sad,” said the litle orphan. “Do you think we could be friends?”“Sure,” said the little crippled boy.The two little boys played for hours._ of them felt as lonely as they have been before. Then the little crippled _ father came with a wheelchair to _ his son. The little orphan ran over to him and said something into his ear.“That would be Okay,” said the man. The little orphan ran back to his friend and said, “You are my only friend and I _I could do something to make you walk and run like others. _, I cant. But there is something that I can do for you.”The little orphan boy turned _ and told his friend to slide onto his back.Then he began to run across the grass. He ran faster and faster, _ the little crippled boy on his back.The father began to cry with tears as his son shouted at the top of his _, “I am FLYING! Daddy, I am FLYING!”Thats the little orphan who helped the crippled boy _ the dream to fly in his life and moved the father. _he didnt know the reason why he could not fly, he helped another boy fly and harvested happiness from it. Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping _.16 . AeasyBdifficultCnecessaryDimportant17 . AjumpingBthrowingCrunningDplaying18 . AAndBSinceCButDBecause19 . AotherBothersCthe otherDthe others20 . ABothBAllCEitherDNeither21 . AboyBgirlCboysDgirls22 . Aput upBpick upCcarry upDsend up23 . AhopeBexpectCwishDwonder24 . AHelpfulBLuckilyCCarefullyDUnluckily25 . AupBbyCoverDaround26 . AcarryingBholdingCcatchingDfetching27 . AsoundBnoiseCvoiceDtalk28 . AgetBachieveCrealizeDunderstand29 . ASoBAndCHoweverDThough30 . AyourselfBmyselfCthemselvesDourselves四、阅读单选阅读短文,作出选择。Read the passages and make your choice.“Everything happens for the best.” My mother said whenever things werent going my way.“Dont worry. One day your luck will change.”I found mom was right after I finished my college education. I had decided to try for a job in a radio station. I wanted to host a sports program one day. I went to Chicago and knocked at the door of every station. But I got turned down every time.In one station, a kind lady said my problem was that I hadnt got enough experience. “Get some work with a small station and work your way up,” she said.I went back home. I couldnt get a job there, either. Then my dad said a businessman had opened a store and needed someone to help him. But again, I didnt get the job.I felt really down. “Your luck will change,” Mom said to me. I tried another radio station in Iowa. But the owner told me he had already had someone. As I left his office, I asked, “How can someone be a sports announcer if he cant get a job in a radio station?”I was waiting for the lift when I heard the man called, “What did you mean? Do you know anything about football?” He put me in front of a microphone and asked me to try to imagine that I was giving my opinion on a football game. I succeeded.On my way home, moms words came back to me.“ One day your luck will change, son. And when it happens, youll feel doubly good because of all the hard work youve had.” At the moment I knew just what she meant.31 . What job was the writer most interested in?AA sportsmanBA shop assistantCA sports announcerDA businessman32 . Why didnt the writer get the job in Chicago?ABecause he was too young.BBecause he didnt get college education.CBecause he was not a good-looking person.DBecause he hadnt got enough experience.33 . Where did the writer find a job?AIn his hometownBIn Chicago.CIowa.DIts not mentioned.34 . The sentence “But I got turned down every time” means .ABut I was refused every timeBBut I was successful every timeCBut I lost my way every timeDBut the door of each station was always closed35 . Whats the best title for the passage?AI was lucky to find a jobBEverything happens for the bestCNo one is always luckyDTo work in a radio station is difficultB篇CCTV-1 Channel 218:00 Classroom Computer18:30 China Music TV19:00 News19:30 Weather Report19:40 Todays Focus (焦点)20:50 40- Part Serial (连续剧)The Gate of Reign(大宅门)21:25 Stories on the Map22:30 China Sports Report23:00 On the Screen Next WeekCCTV-2 Channel 817:30 Foreign Light Music18:10 Childrens Program: Cartoon City19:05 World Famous Cities: Toronto20:55 The Story of Earth21:30 Economy 30 Minutes22:00 News in English22:30 Special SportsFootball Match (China - Indonesia)00:20 On the Screen Next Week根据表格的内容, 选择最佳的答案。36 . If an Englishman wants to know about whats happening in China, but he doesnt know any Chinese, he may watch TV at _.A19:00 on CCTV-1 Channel 2B20:05 on CCTV-1 Channel 2C22:00 on CCTV-2 Channel 8D21:30 on CCTV-2 Channel 837 . If you are interested in football games, which of the following program will you choose (选择)first?AChina Sports ReportBTodays FocusCSpecial SportsDChina Music TV38 . If you like to know the TV program on both channels next week, please watch TV at _.A23:00 CCTV-1 Channel 2B00:20 CCTV-2 Channel 8C21:30 CCTV-2 Channel 8Dboth A and B39 . If you are going to Guangzhou by plane from Beijing Airport, youd better pay attention to the program _.AWeather ReportBWorld Famous CitiesCEconomy 30 MinutesDThe Story of Earth40 . Which of the following is TRUE?AA TV Classroom is a room full of TVs.BMost of the children love the program Cartoon City.CThe program Todays Focus is about todays traffic accidents.DThe program on CCTV-2 Channel 8 will stop at 23:00五、阅读判断Potato chips are very popular in the world. Do you know how they were invented (发明)? In 1853, a native (本土的) American named George Crum made the first potato chips. Crum was a chef (厨师) in an expensive restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day, a customer (顾客) did not like the French fries. He said they were cut too thick. That day Crum was in a bad mood, so he cut the potatoes really, really thin and he cooked them for a long time until they were very crispy (酥脆的). He wanted to make the customer dislike them. But the customer loved them very much and asked for more.Other people wanted Crums potato chips. Now, there was a new food on the menuSaratoga chips. Soon Crum opened his own restaurant and made his special chips. It took a long time to make potato chips. People peeled the potatoes by hand. Then in 1920, the automatic (自动的) potato peeler changed everything. Now it was faster and easier to make potato chips. Now potato chips were not a specialty. They were a popular snack food, but only in the north. A salesman named Herman Lay wanted to sell potato chips in the south. He sold potato chips in bags. His business grew. Today, Americans eat a lot of potato chips every day.阅读短文, 判断正(T)误(F)。41 . At first the French fries were very thin.42 . George Crum didnt open his own restaurant.43 . Before 1920, it was not easy to make potato chips.44 . George Crum invented (发明) a kind of machine which could peel potatoes.45 . It was George Crum who brought the potato chips to the south.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空Read and write(根据中文或者首字母的提示,填上符合句子意思的单词)46 . We dont go to school on _(星期日).47 . The little girl is _(画画)in the classroom.48 . Lets work _(安静)when were in the library.49 . To keep healthy, children need to do morning e_ every day.50 . Jim is 52 kilograms and John is 45 kilograms, so Jim is h_ than John.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅用一次, 每空一词。she true pride twelve between51 . December is the _month of the year.52 . She wants me to meet an old friend of _.53 . Im _sorry that things had to end like this.54 . He takes great _in his childrens success.55 . The competition is open to kids _six and ten years of age.八、信息归纳阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。 English is the first language of several countries. However, it has many differences. British, American, and South African English are all spoken differently. In many English language courses, the British and American differences are taught. One is not more correct than the other, but there are important differences between the two.Probably the biggest difference between American and British English is the vocabulary. Different words and expressions are used to talk about the same thing. For example, in the United States, people throw their garbage into the trash can. In England, people throw their rubbish into the dustbin. In Britain, people take a lift to the fifth floor. In America, people take an elevator.American and British grammar can be also different. For example, speakers of British English will ask “What did you do at the weekend?”, but Americans usually say “On the weekend.” In the United States people usually say “Ive gotten a new car.”, but in the UK they will say “Ive just got a new car.”The pronunciation in American and British English is also different, even when the spelling is the same. The word “tomato”pronounced “tomahto” in British Englishis a classic example of this. Vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation are three ways English is different in different parts of the world. Learning all these is not easy, so English learners should just know that they are always there.DifferencesBritish EnglishAmerican EnglishVocabularythrow the rubbish into the dustbintake a 42.56 . to the fifth floorthrow the garbage into the trash 41.57 . take the elevatorGrammarat the weekendIve just 44.58 . a new car43.59 . the weekendIve gotten a new car45.60 . tomatopronounced “tomahto”九、回答问题Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)Ive always wanted to try rock climbing, but never had time or money for it. But Ive discovered a way to experience the thrill(兴奋,紧张) of climbing rock. Indoor climbing is an easy and exciting way to get a taste of rock climbing. And it is also much cheaper and safer! Indoor climbers dont climb on real rock, but on a plastic wall. You can probably find a climbing wall near you. Many gyms, schools and camps have one.You can climb in doors at any time of the year, no matter how the whether is. It is usually not expensive. Most gyms provide the equipment you need. The convenience of indoor climbing is one reason why it has become so popular. But the main reason people climb is for rush(刺激感) they get. When I stand at the roof of the wall and look up, Im always scared, but once I start climbing, fear changes to determination. With my_1_(心剧烈跳动), I reach the top and look down. I cant stop grinning. I did it! Indoor climbing is a great workout(锻炼). Climbing uses muscles(肌肉)that are hard to exercise, especially those in the shoulders, arms, chest and back. Many people say climbing makes exercise fun. Most gyms have several climbing walls with various degrees of difficulty. The easier ones are like climbing a ladder. The difficult ones_2_(凸出)in places so that climbers must sometimes climb parallel(平行的)with the floor.Although gym climbing is easier and safer than real rock climbing, you should still be careful. Always climb with a partner. As you climb, your partner pulls you climbing rope through something called a_3_(绳索控制器). The belay catches you if you slip. But make sure your partner knows how to use this equipment. And if you are a first-time climber, get some instruction before you begin.61 . Is indoor climbing cheaper and safer than real rock climbing?62 . On what do indoor climbers climb?63 . What are the reasons that make the indoor climbing so popular?64 . Who should always be with you when you climb?65 . What does your partner do as you climb?66 . Which do you think sounds more fun, rock climbing or indoor climbing? Why?十、话题作文67 . 家乡是每个人心里最温柔的回忆,家乡是每个人都熟悉和热爱的地方。某英文报社向同学们征稿,请你根据下面的提示,以“My Hometown”为题写一篇英语文章,介绍自己的家乡,内容包括:简要介绍你的家乡,家乡近年来的变化以及你对家乡的感情。提示:1.短文必须包括图表中的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯;2.文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3.词数不少于80,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。My HometownMy hometown is a small town called South Hill Town. It_Welcome to my hometown. Im sure youll have a lot of fun if you come here!第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、信息归纳1、九、回答问题1、十、话题作文1、

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