英语九年级上学期Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers单元检测卷

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英语九年级上学期Unit 7 Escaping from kidnappers单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The girl put on her new red dress and couldnt wait to see _ in the mirror.AherselfBhersCherDshe2 . Its _ to know the customs of the country before you go there.AawfulBharmfulCcarefulDhelpful3 . I like to have someone _ to on the long journey.AtalkedBto talkCtalkingDtalk4 . We are happy that the 2008 Olympic Games_ in Beijing.Awill be heldBwill holdCare holdingDhold5 . Dont let that dog come here. I am _ of it.AfreeBfunnyCafraidDhappy6 . He isin Poland and it is a good chance to watch the World Cup.Ain a holidayBfor holidayCto holidayDon holiday7 . There are many _in Suzhou, I am _ in them and want to go there again.Aplace of interests, interestedBplace of interests, interestingCplaces of interest, interestedDplaces of interest, interesting8 . We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up and walked home.Aat the beginningBin the endCat firstDat the end of9 . Your manager is absent. Who will take _ place of him?AaBanCtheD/10 . Itis_ _ofyoutohelpsomany peopleanditisimportantustobekindto others.Aright; ofBkind; forCclever; forDhard; of11 . The population of China is _ larger than that of Australia.AsoBveryCtooDmuch12 . The young boy is brave. He has nothing _.Aafraid ofBto be afraidCto be afraid of13 . There is a bank _ the second floor.AatBonCinDwith14 . Hes sent some little toys to his sister, _?Ais heBisnt heChas heDhasnt he15 . I want to_ my friends home this afternoon. Would you mind my_ back a little late?Not at all. Just go ahead.Adrop by; comeBdropped in; comingCdrop by; comingDdropped at; come16 . The Korean girl can speak Chinese without difficulty because she _ in China for years.AstayBwill stayChas stayedDhad stayed17 . A lot of trees and flowers are on _ of the river and the number of them is growing _.Aboth side, greaterBeach sides, moreCboth sides, largerDeach side, more18 . Who do you think this black bag_?Abelongs toBis belong toCis belonged toDbelonged to19 . The company canyou lunch if you work there.AfeedBprovideClendDoffer二、完型填空One day, when Carolyn and her husband were driving through heavy rain on heir way home, they were _ to see a police officer standing in the middle of the road. They were even more surprised to see the officer smiling, even though she was all wet. As they got _, they realized that the officer was watching over a sea turtle (海龟) sitting on the road.“I couldnt believe that she was _ that sea turtle in all that rain,” Carolyn later told reporters, “Not many people _ do that.”According to Carolyn. a local man had called the animal control _ he was worried about the sea turtles safety on the busy road. With all the bad weather, the sea turtle would be hit by a car.Sea turtles are dangerous to deal with _ proper tools, so when the officer got to the position before the animal control, she stood there and watched over the animal until help _.Instead of leaving the officer to her job, Carolyns husband held a(n) _ over her head while his wife went home to get some tools. The couple then used the tools to get the sea turtle to the other side of the _ where it was safe.“The officer thanked us and we thanked her and we all went on our way,” Carolyn said. “She was smiling the whole time and she _ seemed to care that she was all wet. She was delightful (令人愉快的), kind, inspirational, all the things that you think a police officer should be.”20 . AafraidBangryCsurprisedDhappy21 . AcloserBfartherCcolderDwarmer22 . AmovingBfeedingCguardingDcatching23 . AshouldBwouldCmustDneed24 . AalthoughBunlessCuntilDbecause25 . AtoBasCaboutDwithout26 . AarrivedBstoppedCcontinuedDchanged27 . AsignBticketCstoneDumbrella28 . AriverBseaCroadDwall29 . AalwaysBneverCusuallyDsometimes三、阅读单选Dates: 30thJuly 8thAugustMon. Fri. 10.00 am, 7.00 pm.Sat. Sun. 10.00 am, 2.00 pm, 7.00 pm.Place: Esplanade TheatreTime period: 90 minutesTicket prices: $25 per child or adult (day shows)$35 per child or adult (evening shows)Family packages:$60 for 3 tickets (10.00 am, 2.00 pm shows)$84 for 3 tickets (7.00 pm shows)Attentions:Please arrive early. People who are late for the show will not be allowed to enter until a proper break in the shows.Children below 3 will not be allowed in.$Tickets Information30 . How many days will the show be on?AFor 10 days.BFor 12 days.CFor 9 days.DFor 15 days.31 . Lucy is 7 years old and she wants to see the show with her parents in the evening. They should pay _ dollars for the tickets.A25B35C60D8432 . Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?AThe name of the show.BThe name of the director.CThe telephone number.DThe name of the theatre.四、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子)33 . I get pocket money from my parents once a week.(对划线部分提问)_ do you get pocket money from your parents?34 . He was very nervous. He couldnt go on with the job interview.(合并为一句)He was _ nervous _ go on with the job interview.35 . Most of the sportsmen on the team are tall and fat.(对划线部分提问)_ do most of the sportsmen _ like?36 . Mum asks me to prepare breakfast after I get up.(改为被动语态)I am asked _ breakfast after I get up.37 . You mustnt take photos in the museum.(保持句意不变)You _ to take photos in the museum.38 . The governments set up a new modern hospital for the farmers.(改为反意疑问句)The governments set up a new modern hospital for the farmers, _ ?39 . left, the lights, he, in a hurry, and, the office, turned off(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。40 . It takes Millie about one hour _ (do) sports every day.41 . We will report these _ (hero). They are the pride of our country.42 . I left my dictionary at home. Can I borrow_ (you)?43 . The boy is so _ (careful) that he fell off his bike.44 . The _of Al will enable us to learn more about our brains.( develop)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。about worried him become jobsMike is a 17-year-old boy. He doesnt do well in school. His parents are45 . about him. They think Mike should 46 . an engineer in the future, but he isnt sure 47 . that. For teenagers, not everyone can tell what their dream48 . are.In fact, he loves painting very much. His teacher advises49 . to take art lessons. Now Mike has made a resolution to be an artist. His parents also support him very much and hope he will have a bright future.七、单词填空Many people do not like to stay at home o50 . holidays. They want to go out to see something different, So people from the country come to the c51 . and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays trains, buses, planes are all very b52 . . It is very hard to buy train tickets o53 . plane tickets. Many people take cars or buses for t54 . . Last May Day my family went to the country b55 . car for our holiday. There was too much t56 . on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It t57 . us nearly an hour to get out of the town. A58 . some time we came to a hill. It was green and beautiful. We thought this was a good p59 . for a picnic, so we stopped and took the f60 . , fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down and b61 . to eat. Suddenly a strong wind b62 . and soon it started to rain. We had to r63 . back to our car and have our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a b64 . trip!八、回答问题Pompeii(庞培)In AD 79, Pompeii was a large city by the sea about 150 kilometres south of Rome. Ten kilometres to the north of Pompeii there was the beautiful and peaceful mountain, Mount Vesuvius(维苏威火山)。24 August was a holiday . At noon, happy crowds filled the streets. Markets and restaurants are full. Suddenly, there are a huge explosion. Fire was coming out of Mount Vesuvius. The peaceful green mountain had become a terrible volcano. A huge cloud of ash, small stones,rocks and thick smoke rose high into the sky. A strong wind blew the night. People towards Pompei. Day became night. People were very scare. Not many of them could escape. Thousands of people were killed as they could not breathe because of all the smoke and ash. The eruption continued for days. The whole town was buried in ash over 17metres deep.It was not until the eighteenth century that people began to dig down and discover what was left of this once great city. Because the explosion was so sudden, we can still see a lot of the old town of Pompeii. We have a very good picture of daily life was like in a Roman city nearly two thousand years ago. We can now see houses and streets, Public bath house and outside theatres just the way they were. We can also examine in museums many everyday objects-shoes, jewellery, bowls, and even food-kept safe in the hard ash. On the walls of many houses we can not only see beautiful paintings, but also read many personal messages written by ordinary people. One message says, Publius(普布利乌斯)gives us good bread. A schoolboy complains about fighting at school. A girl says the man who wants to marry her is too ugly. One humorous writer says,Everyone writes on walls, except me. A poet, speaking of human life,wrote, nothing lasts forever. Though the Sun shines gold, it must sink into the sea. These sad words seem to talk about the sudden end-of Pompeii. But stone and ash have protected the city from people and from the weather. The city is alive again for everyone to see.Question:65 . Mount Vesuvius was an active volcano to the north of Pompeii before the eruption, wasnt it?_66 . What was Pompeii?_67 . Was Pompeii always a place dangerous place or a safe and peaceful city to live in?_68 . What really caused thousands of peoples death before they were buried in ash?_69 . What can we find on the walls of many houses in the once great city-Pompeii?_70 . Do you agree with the last sentence “The city is alive again for everyone to see”? Why or why not?(Explain your idea in 2 sentences.)_九、话题作文71 . 书面表达我们的每一次变化都见证着我们的成长。请以 “The biggest personal change Ive ever made” 为题,并根据要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。1. 要点:1)变化是什么;2)变化是如何发生的;3)变化后有何感受;2. 要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数80左右。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、

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