英语九年级上册Unit4 Grammar课时测评卷

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英语九年级上册Unit4 Grammar课时测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The supermarket is about two kilometers _.AfarBawayCfromDalong2 . I used to _ my dream. But now I get used to _ doing everything. Im successful at last.Agiving up; keepingBgive up; keepCgive up; keepingDgiving up; keep3 . No hurry! We still have time.Aa lotBfewCplenty ofDmany4 . _you do, I will support you.AHoweverBWheneverCWhereverDWhatever5 . Why was Jim so happy yesterday?Because he the school basketball team.Atried onBtried out forCtried out ofDtried up二、完型填空完型填空,通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。_years and years people have been saying that railways are dead. “We can do_railways,” people say,_cars and planes have made railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow,_money and are dying. But this is far from the_In these days of expensive_, railways have become highly competitive(竞争的)with cars and planes. If you want to carry people or things from place to place, theyre_than planes. And they have much in_with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and_does a railway. What is more, a railway takes you from the heart of a city center. It doesnt stop as a car does on crowded roads. And no plane or car can ever carry as many goods(货物) as one train_Far from being dead, railways are much_Modern railway lines give you a comfortable journey. Where else can you eat well, sleep comfortably, feel safe and enjoy the scene while you are traveling_? And we are only the beginning, for we have just_the age of super-fast trains, which can travel almost 200_an hour or more. Soon we will be wondering_we spent so much on highways and planes we cant fly in because we dont have enough money to buy the oil.6 . AForBSinceCInDOf7 . Ainstead ofBout ofCwithDwithout8 . Aas ifBeven ifCeven thoughDsuch as9 . AwinBmakeCloseDshut10 . AbackgroundBtruthCsecretDbusiness11 . AelectricityBwaterCoilDtime12 . AcheaperBmore expensiveCfasterDslower13 . AsameBsimilarCtotalDcommon14 . AsoBasCthisDalso15 . AcarryBdoCdoesDdid16 . AspareBpainfulCsadDalive17 . Afrom time to timeBat the same timeCOnce upon a timeDall the time18 . AenteredBgoneCleftDgot19 . AmetersBkilogramsCmilesDpounds20 . AthatBwhetherChowDwhy三、阅读单选Highspeed trains, Alipay(支付宝), shared bikes and online payment are seen as the new Four Great Achievements of China by young foreigners, according to a video survey by the Silk Road Research Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University. In the video, young people from 20 countries along The Belt and Road (一带一路)were asked to name great inventions that had influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young people of them. 21 . What does Justin think of the highspeed railways in China according to his words?A. Fast and tidy.B. Convenient and wonderful.C. Cheap and amazing.22 . What do “A” and “B” refer to(指)in Yalas words?A. Two bikes.B. Two riders.C. Two places.23 . What does the underlined phrase “be in a tough spot” mean?A. Get into trouble.B. Lose your way.C. Stay in silence.24 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the above information?A. The bicyclesharing system provides bikes for free.B. Therere no highspeed railways in Romania now.C. ZhiFuBao is the only way of paying for things.25 . What conclusion (结论) can we draw about the new four great achievements?A. They were created by young foreign people.B. They are the signs that China is improving rapidly.C. They were brought to the countries along The Belt and Road.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词26 . Jenny is _ (享受)the picture now.27 . They want to have lunch in the _ (餐馆)today.28 . Stay here for a _ (片刻)Ill be back soon.29 . Mr Wang is tired,but he is _ (仍然)working there.30 . Who is _ (开车送)these children to the hotel?31 . I shall go and see him _ (无论如何)32 . Can I get some information about the _ (旅游)to London?Of course.33 . The clothes are all on _ (出售)34 . They are _ (等)for the bus over there.35 . Look! Daming is _ (跑)after the bus.五、完成句子36 . 自从他去了美国,我就没有收到他的来信。_ since he went to America.37 . 当她二十多岁的时候,她请人出版了她的第一本小说。She _ when she was _.38 . 你能告诉我在你的一生中谁对你的影响最大吗?Could you tell me _?39 . 我衷心祝愿你们能够成功地通过这次物理考试。I sincerely hope you can _.40 . 通过艰苦的工作,我相信你会成功的。_, Im sure _.41 . 在飞机事故中,138人失去了他们的生命。During the plane accident, _.42 . 令我吃惊的是,所有的学生都认为作业太多。_, all the students think _.43 . 尽管我们生活在和平中,但是一些孩子仍然生活在为生命安全的担忧中。_, some children still _.44 . 为了使他改变主意,我想尽一切办法。_, I tried everything.六、信息归纳In order to learn how the students in our school spend money, we made a survey(调查) by asking them some questions. First, we asked them how much money they spent last month. And then we asked how much money they spent on junk food, books, movies, computer games, phones, transportation(交通) and other things last month. Our math teacher helped us make a graph(图表) of their answers as follows. Total (one month): about 100 yuan per studentJunk food22%Books6%Movies18%Computer games18%Phones10%Transportation14%Others12%阅读以上内容,并完成下面的调查报告,每空不超过两词。In our school, each student spent about 45 . yuan on average(平均) last month. According to the graph made by our 46 . teacher, we know how much money the students spent on different things in our school. As the graph shows, they spent most on 47 . , covering 22% of all. It was followed by computer games and movies. Each of them was 48 . . But to our surprise, the students spent 49 . on books, only 6%.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。50 . 原来他和那个案子无关。51 . 这个欧洲人匆匆忙忙地去赶火车。52 . 她表演地如此好以至于人们误以为她是天使。53 . 这个教授成功地推动了信息技术的运用。54 . 它里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珍宝,非常值得一游。第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、

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