英语九年级上册Module 6 Unit 2 同步测试卷

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英语九年级上册Module 6 Unit 2 同步测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . If you _ there tomorrow,I will go with youAgoBwill goCare goingDhave gone2 . We will achieve our China Dream _we work hard and never give up.AandBsoCifDbut3 . Hurry, Mike! Youll be late for school,you catch a taxi.AalthoughBunlessCso thatDas soon as4 . Dad, I need you _ a basketball for me.AbuyBbuyingCto buyDto buying5 . Difficulties are nothing if we _ not afraid of them.AwillBshallCareDdo6 . Do you know why the teacher is angry _ Mike?Oh,he was late againAtoBatCwithDabout7 . Smoking is bad _ health. You must give _.Ato, it inBto, it upCfor, it inDfor, it up8 . Could you please _ the car alarm? Its too noisy.Aturn onBshut offCwork out9 . The TV show Home With Kids is so wonderful. You shouldnt miss it.If I _ time, I _ it.Awill have; will seeBhave; will seeCwill have; seeDhave; see10 . My cousin isheavy because he often eatsfast foodAtoo much;too manyBtoo many;too muchCmuch too;too muchDtoo much;much too二、补全对话7选5从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。AMaybe youre right.BIs there anything wrong?CIll try to understand her.DShe nags me about almost everything.EThats a good idea.FBut she doesnt like it at all.GCould I use your telephone,please?A: Hi,Wang Lingling!B: Hi,Daming!A: You look a little unhappy. 11 . .B: Yes,its just my mum. She always nags(唠叨)at me.A: Really?What does your mother nag you about?B:12 . “Get up now.Everything must be in place.Dont forget your piano lesson.”A: Well,all the mothers like saying these things to their children.B: Also,I like music. 13 . We dont have the same interest in many things.A:14 . But I should say she nags at you because she cares about you. Youre lucky to have such a good mother.B: I agree with you. 15 . A: Thats right. Understanding(理解)is important. If your mum knows that everything is fine,she will never nag.三、阅读单选Jenny:Hi,Bob!Isthisyourphoto?Bob:Yes.Jenny:Whosthegirlinyellow?Bob:ShesmysisterAlice.Andnexttoherismy cousinAlan.Jenny:Howoldarethey?Bob:Shes 8. AndAlanis10.Jenny:Aretheseyourparents?Bob:No,theyaremyauntHelenandmyuncle. Ben.Myparentsarehere.Jenny:Isthatyou?Bob: Yes.Ilikewhite. Look!Myhat(帽子)and jacketarewhite.16 . Whoisinyellow?ABobBAlanCAliceDJenny17 . HowoldisAlan?A7B8.C9.D1018 . WhoisHelen?ABobssister.BBobscousinCBobsauntDBobsmother19 . WhatcolorisBobshat?ABlackBWhiteCBrownDYellow20 . WhatdoweknowaboutBob(关于Bob我们了解什么)?AHeis8yearsold.BHehasawhitejacket.CHeandAlanarebrothers.DHisparentsarenotinthephoto.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母提示填写单词21 . What a _(极好的) movie! I want to see it again.22 . I told you to clean the room,you didnt clean it, _ (可是).23 . His sister didnt do well in the singing _ (比赛).24 . The little boy is very smart but not _ (工作努力的).25 . Grace is three years old and she can speak _ (清楚地).26 . He seldom(很少)laughs. He is a s_ man.27 . Some k_ are playing soccer in the park.28 . People usually shake h_ when they meet for the first time in China.29 . The mother holds her child in her a_.30 . It took us two hours to r_ the museum.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空31 . Theyre _(expect)to greet each other.32 . He is making an effort _(improve)his spoken English.33 . If anyone invites you _(meet)him or her at noon,youre supposed to be there at noon.34 . Its bad _(manner)to take others things away without permission.35 . Different people have different _(custom).36 . Were supposed _(knock)at the door when we enter the room.37 . I feel _(relax)listening to soft music.38 . They made a plan _(go)to the mountains.用所给词的适当形式填空(if用法专练)39 . If you give me time,I _(find)the answer.40 . If I _(play)games on it,it _(go)wrong.41 . If you dont _(call)him back,he _(be)angry with you.42 . If you _(offer)to do some jobs,he _(realise)that youre truly sorry.43 . If it _(be)rainy tomorrow,I wont go shopping.六、完成句子完成句子44 . 除了牛奶和黄油外,我们还需要蔬菜_milkandbutter,weneedsomevegetables45 . 他躺在沙发上很快就睡着了Helaydownonthesofaandsoon_46 . 我的弟弟在数学方面有一些困难Mybrotherhas_maths47 . 每天我们应该对我们的学习做一个回顾Everydayweshould _forourstudy48 . 你的作业今天必须完成Yourhomework_today49 . 到了去跟老师说再见的时候了_saygoodbyetoourteacher50 . 他们通过发送电子邮件保持联系They _witheachotherbysendingemails51 . 忘记所有朋友将是不容易的_toforgetallmyfriends52 . 我想知道明天的天气会怎么样I _theweatherwillbeliketomorrow七、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容, 选择适当的单词填空, 使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次, 有两项剩余。请务必将27-36小趣的答案写在答题卡的相应位置。or when although before sometimes avoid common worse by beginning leave thanIn 1954, an American named Kalervo Oberg invented the term Culture Shock. He wanted to describe the common feelings of a visitor to a new country. Oberg said that there were four53 . stages(阶段). Many people experience these stages 54 . they arrive in a new country.Stage One: touristThis happens at the 55 . of your trip. You feel nervous but happy about the new culture. Maybe you think the food is better, the people are nicer and the customs are more interesting56 . at home.Stage Two: shockIn this stage, you begin to feel strange. You feel lonely and are sadder than before. You feel like a foreigner, and are 57 . angry about the new culture. Things are more expensive 58 . more dangerous than at home.Stage Three: adjustment(调整)Culture shock doesnt last forever. Things get better, little 59 . little. You are happier. You are learning to live in a different way.Stage Four: acceptanceYou are now livingthe new culture and you arent angry, or lonely or sad Things arent better or 60 . , only different.Some advice to 61 . culture shock:Read about the country and culture 62 . you go.Remember you are a guest and try not to offend (冒犯) local people.Be open to the new culture.八、信息归纳任务型阅读There are many times we need to give gifts . Keep these tips in mind as youre thinking about what gift youll give.Gift giving dosLeave the price label in the bag if it is an expensive gift so that others can see how much they need to give back. Remember to hold the gift in both hands to give gifts.Gift giving dontsDont worry about what card to take with the gift. Cards are seldom used in China, so a Chinese wouldnt expect a card along with a gift. Choosing the right gift*Gifts for familyWhen youre meeting your partners family, a gift is expected, food or fruit baskets are good if you have no idea what to give. If your hometown is known for a special food, buy some to take as gifts.*Gifts for friendsYou can spend less money on friends than you do on family. Books, wallets, key rings and special foods like chocolate or coffee are good enough.*Gifts for business partnersWhen youre starting a business relationship, a tasteful gift will be better. Pens from your company or with the receivers name is a practical gift. Local snacks from your area is a great gift too. Gifts to avoid(避免)You should remember not choose anything because of the cultural symbolism(文化象征) or the word shares a similar pronunciation to some bad things. Clocks, in Chinese, to give a clock has the same pronunciation as the phrase “songzhong”. Umbrellas and shoes are not good gifts in China. In all, a thoughtful gift is great when you want to thank a friend, say goodbye to someone or meet families.63 . for giving a giftGift giving dos and donts* Leave the price label in the bag if the gift isnt 64 . .* Give the presents in both hands.* Dont 65 . about what card to take with the gift.66 . to choose the right gift* When meeting your partners family, its good to 67 . food or fruit baskets or a special food from your hometown.* Spend 68 . money on family than you do on friends.* To 69 . the a business relationship, pens from your company or with the receivers name is practical.* Dont choose gifts 70 . a clock or an umbrella because of the word shares a similar pronunciation to71 . bad.A thoughtful gift is great when you want to do something like 72 . a friend, saying goodbye to someone and so on.九、回答问题One year. a British expedition(探险队)got lost in the sandy ocean of the Sahara Desert. The sun was burning hot. Everyone quickly ran out of water. If they made a wrong decision, then they could all soon die.At this time, the leader took out a water kettle and said, “I found a kettle of water in my bag .But before we pass through the desert ,nobody is allowed to drink it” The kettle of water became the faith for everyone to cross the desert. It was passed on among the members of the team, It felt heavy.Finally, the expedition made it out of the desert and escaped the hand of Death. With tears of joy, they opened it a kettle with trembling(颤抖的)hands-but out poured sand!Was it a kettle of sand that really saved them in the desert? The answer is no. Their deep faith in the hope of survival(生存),like a seed, had taken root and grown in their hearts. That is what led them out of the terrible situation in the end.In fact, life has never been a real dead end of anyone. Whatever hard time you face, as long as there is a seed of faith in your hearts, you will overcome it. Then someday your life will bloom and grow much fruit.73 . Where did the British expedition get lost?They got lost _74 . Where could they drink the water in the water kettle?Nobody was allowed to drink it until they _the dessert75 . What was the kettle of water for everyone when they were crossing the dessert?It became_for everyone to cross the desert.76 . What was in the kettle in fact?It was just a kettle of _77 . How will a person overcome his hard time?As long as there is _you will overcome whatever hard time he will face.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、信息归纳1、九、回答问题1、

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