英语九年级上册Module 12 综合提升测评卷

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英语九年级上册Module 12 综合提升测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Some people waste too much water. They dont believe that it can _ some day.Akeep outBrun outCbe run outDhand out2 . Jerry,_ are you going to do with the old newspapers?Im going to take them to the recycling centre.AhowBwhatCwhichDwhere3 . Hainan _ its blue sky and fresh air.So it is. Thats why more and more visitors spend their holidays here.Ais weak inBis famous forCis used to4 . She is asking Ben some questions _ the weather _ New York.Afor, inBabout, in Cabout, for5 . It takes me two hours _ the homework.AdoBdoingCto do6 . Beijing is in _China and China is a(n) _country.ANorth/WesternBNorthern/ EasternCSouth/ EasternDEast/West7 . The MSF ran out _ money, can you give _ some to it?A/; upBof; outCup; awayDof; away8 . Tom has alreadythe book for ten days. He must return itthe library today.Aread; back toBbought; toCborrowed; back toDkept; to9 . The _ boy is my brother.AsleepingBasleepCsleepsDslept10 . -Whats this _ English?-Its a telephone. You can call me _ 0713-4567890.Ain;ofBon; atCof; onDin;at二、完型填空完型填空。从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。How many plastic bags do you use every day? _ there any chance for us to live without them? What can we do to have _plastic pollution? A performance in Hangzhou makes people _more about the overuse of plastic bags in our livesIn front of a supermarket in Hang Zhou,five volunteers(自愿者) wore white plastic bags and walked around and through the crowdThe performance_people to use more cloth bags _ plastic onesSome of the plastic bags were from customers in two food markets and _ were from shopping mallsOn that day,when leaving the food markets,volunteers asked customers to handover unnecessary plastic shopping bagsThere were_unnecessary plastic bags in two hours“If we do_ about it,the earth will be eaten up by white pollutionAnd human beings will become plastic men.” said one of the performers“How can you breathe in _plastic bags?”A 40一yearold woman asked one performer“How can the earth breathe_ there are too many plastic bags?”the performer answeredStarting from June in 2008,supermarketsshopping malls or food markets cant provide plastic bags for free all over the country11 . AAreBWereCIsDWas12 . AfewBmuchCfewerD1ess13 . AthinkBthinksCto thinkDthinking14 . Acalled backBcalledCcalled onDcheered on15 . AinsteadBtake the place ofCinstead ofDtake place16 . AotherBthe otherCanotherDthe others17 . AhundredBhundreds ofChundred ofDhundreds18 . AnothingBanythingCsomethingDeverything19 . Aso muchBtoo muchCsuch manyDso many20 . AuntilBbecauseCifDunless三、阅读单选(题文)American schools are quite different from those in China. In America, at the beginning of the term, students mustselecttheir subjects and teachers firstSelecting is very important for your grades in America. So at the first term, dont select too many subjects,.or youll feel very nervous and it may influence your study. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information about subjects, timetables, marks and textbooks. At the same time, you must choose the teachers. Different teachers have different teaching methods. If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give up choosing him. Because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.There is another thing after you select the subjects and the teacher. How to buy textbooks makes each student feel hard. The textbooks in America are very expensive. Each one is about $30-50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library. In class, discussing is very important. The teacher encourages you to ask questions or show your own opinions. They dont usually ask you to sit well. Instead they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like.Choose the right answer according to the passage.21 . (小题1)What does underlined word select mean?AChoose.BLike.CTreat.DTake.22 . (小题2)According to the text, American students _.Adont have to ask for teaching plansBdont have to choose teachersCwould like to choose strict teachersDusually buy some used textbooks in order to save money23 . (小题3)Which of the following is NOT TRUE?AStudents wont choose the teacher who leaves too much homework.BStudents wont choose the teacher who leaves too many exams.CStudents will choose the teacher who is called killer.DStudents wont choose the teacher who gives too low marks.24 . (小题4)What is important in American class?AReading.BWriting.CDiscussing.DListening.25 . (小题5)The passage is mainly about _.Athe differences between American and Chinese schools.BAmerican schools.Cthe differences between American and Chinese students.DAmerican school subjects.Andrew Holleman, a 12-year-old boy, loved playing in the open land near his home. The land was wet and forested, and made a home for the birds, other animals and many different plants.It made the perfect place for him to study and get to know the nature. He had seen some red-tailed hawks, red foxes, wood turtles and other animals. He also found special native flowers.Suddenly it was announced that the “empty” land would be improved by a lot of houses on it. The plants would be removed, the animals would run away and most would probably die. Then the wet soil would be covered with extra grounds.When he heard about the news, he was not happy. He was very worried that the land and water would be polluted.Andrew wrote down clearly all the research he had done about the area, and the houses would affect the local environment. He sent letters to members of local government and television reporters. He also called on his neighbors to oppose the building of the housesAlthough he was only 12 years old, he had the courage and wisdom of a person much older. Andrews teachers described him as gentle, shy and active. His classmates also admired how much he knew about local animals and plants, and the environment. Each day after school, Andrew went door-to-door, to ask the people to sign, who did not want the houses to be built. In only one month, he got the signatures of 250 people.In the end, the land remained a safe place for birds, animals and plants that belonged there.Andrew won many prizes for his brave and great work to stop the houses being built, and thus help save the environment.26 . The passage is mainly about .A250 people who signed to help AndrewBa brave boy who cared for the environmentCthe open land that suited animals and plantsDthe research of improving the environment27 . Andrew was worried because .Athe animals would be killedBnew houses would be built on the open landCnot all the neighbors were going to signDthe local government made a right decision28 . The underlined word “oppose” in the passage probably means .AsupportBdislikeCdisagreeDprefer29 . We can infer that .Athe land would remain as it used to beBthe open land would be built into a parkCthe neighbors would have to move awayDAndrew would soon work for the government四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子30 . 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。The sweater she bought was beautiful _ cheap.31 . 婚礼什么时候举行?When will the wedding _?32 . 你朋友吉姆怎么了?_ your friend Jim?33 . 我们已经弄清了真相。We _ the truth.34 . 警察发现他是个贼。The police _ that he was a thief.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于2个单词)。Once there35 . two wolves. They had a son 36 . they were old. The baby wolf was very clever 37 . they loved him. The baby wolf was too young 38 . (look) for food. His parents 39 . (worry) about this a lot. They tried40 . (they) best to teach him to look for food and eat meat.One day the baby wolf saw a rabbit 41 . eat) a carrot. He jumped onto the rabbit very 42 . (quick) and caught it. His parents were really happy to see this. Then they heard their son saying to43 . rabbit, “I44 . (not) want to eat you. I only want your carrot. Give me the carrot now.”六、英汉互译:整句翻译语篇阅读下面的短文,将文中的画线部分译成汉语或英语。Dear Miss Zhao,Thank you for introducing the summer camp program to me. This program is organized by Yueyang Education and Sports Bureau (岳阳市教体局). It has brought over 500 middle school students to the countryside to experience the life here.We have been in this small village for six days. Every morning we get up early, breathe the fresh air and hear the birds sing in the woods. 1. 我们一走出房子,就可以看到花、草、树木和动物。 We go for walks through the countryside and watch the villagers do their daily activities.Li Guoqing, a sixty-year-old villager says, “Thanks to the government, 2. great changes have taken place in the countryside. People mustnt cut down trees or build houses on the farmland (农田). Anyone is not allowed to make our rivers or lakes dirty. 3. All villagers are supposed to put rubbish in the bin.”We really enjoy the trip and come to realize the importance of protecting the environment. 4. 每个人都应该参与保护环境。If the environment is taken good care of, well have a cleaner and greener world. 5. The clean water and green mountains are our treasures.Yours truly,He Wei45 . _46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _七、话题作文50 . 动物是人类的朋友,而许多动物却濒临灭绝。你想拯救哪种动物?为什么?为此我们该做些什么?请以“What We Can Do to Protect Animals”为题写一篇70词左右的短文。What We Can Do to Protect Animals_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、完成句子1、五、语法填空1、六、英汉互译:整句1、七、话题作文1、

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